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Wife Drove Over Neighbour's Dog

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15 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Reading a few posts here I realize how deleted people are! A dogs Suffering because of incompetent owners du to western standards, forgets so easily this is Thailand. 


It is not the dogs who doing any wrong here, and wishing the dogs to suffer is just pure deleted.


No shame at all, disgusting 

Have to appreciate many of us remember (and suffered) from dogs and their owners in our home Countries. Not too long ago nobody 'picked up' after their dogs. Our pavements were carpeted in the vile stuff. Owners kicked their dogs out during the day so they formed 'wolf packs' running into roads, causing crashes and sometimes attacking people. I personally have suffered financial loss due to a RTA caused by loose dogs. I have also, as a child, been bitten by a 'wolf pack'. Most unnerving experience. There are still owners who walk their dogs ignoring signs such as; 'School Playing Fields - No Dogs' and 'Drinking Water Reservoir - Do Not Enter Enclosure'. I have witnessed both near where I lived in UK. 

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8 minutes ago, ketilnm said:

MAN UP? Man up and driver over a innocent animal? You call that a man?

You must be realy realy stupid.


Man up would be to avoid the dog, go and confront the owner and tell them to take better care of there dogs.


The kind of logic on some of you people..????

Best way is to  adress it to the owners, threaten them to pay the damages to your car if their dog run out and hit the car before you have the incident. 


Normal practice in our village is to claim some chickens missing is the dogs is let lose and is a problem. Or they just poison them if not take better care or not pay up. 


I do not recommend poison, it is a horrible death for them

Edited by Hummin
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2 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

I would venture to suggest that no forum is for 'family entertainment'

If I recall correctly, a few months back, a moderator on this forum said that this was a 'family forum' hence why bad language isn't tolerated.

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20 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Well living in a non gated neighborhood, comes with a lot of negatives, I would rather move than live in a place where I did not thrive, and getting fantasies about killing animals and people. Simple as that

agree ... gated community is definately the way to go here .... i'm in a nice condo so a bit different, no dogs, no issues, no nothing ... it's peaceful.

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13 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

don't see how this can be characterized as 'family friendly' as a subject

well .... wouldn't that would mean we'd have nothing to read on AN,   I mean with the wife stabbings,  drug addicts killing their fathers and mother because they wouldn't give them 100 baht and many other undesireable news stories. 




Edited by steven100
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54 minutes ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

Totally agree with your comment, especially your words about personal responsibility!

Sadly in Thailand it seems that denying things, that have actually happened, is endemic and is certainly not a good trait and the fact that the OP is trying to coerce his wife to lie is even worse?

We see every day, just on, AN accidents happening and the guilty party fleeing, even cops getting caught red handed in corruption and denying it happened, instead of taking personal responsibility?

I am pretty sure if a car hit one of the OP's  kids he would want the cars owner to take responsibility and own up?

In the scenario here his wife admitted she hit or ran over the dog and knew it belonged to a neighbor. OK the dog should not have been in the road, but it was, the horn on the car doesn't work, pretty sure the dog would have moved if it been used?

She should have gone to the neighbor explained what had transpired and offered to pay for a vet!

The fact that some of the posters are saying, 'one down one to go' or similar, just shows the kind of inconsiderate folks there are?

I hope the dog is OK!

Yes it seem personal responsibility is lacking in Thailand and is rubbing off on to foreigners!

I am shocked that so many posters agree that denying the accident happened is the best course of action!


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24 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

If I recall correctly, a few months back, a moderator on this forum said that this was a 'family forum' hence why bad language isn't tolerated.

Problem is what is bad language considered to be? There are obvious words, but many are in a kind of gray area?

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On 2/25/2023 at 10:16 AM, Eff1n2ret said:

You have my total sympathy. I hate these creatures, and the people who inflict them on the rest of us. You're quite right, deny, deny, deny.

Reminds me of an incident 50 years ago, a colleague was woken up every night by a howling cat in his garden, one night he shot it with his 12 bore shot gun, the cat disintegrated. Checking what was left of it the next morning he realized it was his neighbour's cat, a little old lady, about 80 years old. He felt sorry for her and decided to break the news to her gently. He rang her door bell and when she opened he said, "Your cat has had a spot of bother." When he told me this I couldn't stop laughing.

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1 hour ago, mikeymike100 said:

Yes it seem personal responsibility is lacking in Thailand and is rubbing off on to foreigners!

I am shocked that so many posters agree that denying the accident happened is the best course of action!


Edit: I hope the dog is OK!

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On 2/25/2023 at 10:34 AM, jvs said:

Easy to get the owners to be quiet,tell them the car has been damaged

and ask them for compensation.

Odds are they will deny it was their dog.

It is not nice if someone runs willingly over a dog but your wife is not to blame here at all.

Maybe the mutt has learned to stay out of the road.


Rule of thumb, if the dog hurts you nobody owns it, if you hurt the dog every Tom, Dick and Harry will try and claim ownership.

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On 2/26/2023 at 1:46 PM, mikeymike100 said:

Yes it seem personal responsibility is lacking in Thailand and is rubbing off on to foreigners!

I am shocked that so many posters agree that denying the accident happened is the best course of action!


The point is that HERE the best advice in these circumstances IS not to own up to the event because you’ll simply be taken advantage of ( no good deed goes unpunished!) . To act as though you are in another country where different rules apply is both naive and indeed inadvisable. Don’t raise the false equivalence of a human casualty,it’s not the same. The owners likely have no investment in the welfare of the dog beyond using it as a cash cow to extort money from the wife of a farang. "When in Rome…." 

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