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Dilbert creator lashes out after papers pull his strip: 'Dicey situation'


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1 minute ago, Gaccha said:

What is fascinating about his remarks (which I listened to in their entirety) is they are the textbook definition of systemic racism. And the response to them are exactly the chronic failure of Americans to understand the meaning of systemic racism.


He is pointing out that even though he possesses no ill will towards blacks, given their feelings towards whites, it logically follows that the safest and rational choice is to avoid them. 


The paradigm case of this is the liberal white woman who even expresses her anger about racism but then chooses to live in a all-white area because it will ensure the best education for her children and the safest life for them. She does not feel racist; she does use logic. It is applied rational choice theory. No different to how she would select washing powder in her local supermarket.


The point, which I hope everyone has now grasped, is that the subjective feelings of the person acting are not relevant. What matters is that the structure of society necessarily dictates these outcomes. It is systemic.


Crucially, the flaw in the response, as is always the case amongst the American media, in its passionate and vengeful desire to find a scapegoat for the dysfunctional structure of their society, is to pin the blame on an individual.


Let's be clear. Scott Adams is free of guilt. Those who are guilty are the Americans who falsely seek to blame him for their country's ills. Shame on you. 


It's not his first rodeo. He amplifies the racism which creates the rift between blacks and whites.

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I def miss the days when liberals were more along the line of Free Speech For Nazi's as a matter of principle. 


The prob: Republicans are now quietly in bed with actual, self-admitted Nazi's. Being Free Speech For Nazi's sort of morphed into being a turkey voting for Christmas.


I am no audience for old white dudes wallowing in implausible victimhood. But as an old-line Free Speech for Nazi's-liberal, I don't think this unfunny dullard should have had his career taken away for having an unpopular (though really fatuous) opinion.


I recall Elvis Costello saying considerably worse and being forgiven and let to have his career. I'd like to punch Eric Clapton in the face for this and that. People have a right to be wrong.

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Adams, who is white, repeatedly referred to people who are black as members of a "hate group" or a "racist hate group" and said he would no longer "help black Americans."


Christopher Kelly, vice president of content for NJ Advance Media, wrote that the news organisation believes in "the free and fair exchange of ideas".


"But when those ideas cross into hate speech, a line must be drawn," Mr Kelly wrote.



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I am a free speech absolutist. I don't believe that any hate speech should be illegal, or penalized.


I bought a DVD at Speakers Corner in London that had Islamic beheadings of white people in it.  If that is allowed, then this dull grandstander with his very confused point is allowed.


That said, his dragging poor old Pence and his no lunch with vagina-owners rule into it was desperation personified.

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23 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Just for a second think about the reaction if a black man said the same about whites. Hmmm......... I'd wager not the same outrage.

Me personally I don't care about an actor's political views, I go see the movie. It's entertainment, nothing more.

It has happened already in the UK the racist rants and declarations against white people by Diane Abbott of the Labour party were just ignored

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59 minutes ago, Credo said:

No, that would be you.  This is what you said, "At what point do we stop blaming whites for slavery in the US?".  

 10 hours ago, ozimoron said:

What proportion compared to black slaves? And were whites then subjected to a century of racist discrimination?


This was who I replied to and then you jump in. Move on.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

He simply should have known better. Hard to feel sympathy for someone who makes it a habit to say really ignorant things about people. How do you label an entire race a hate group? That is dumb and dumber. 


Cancel culture is overwhelming these days. I don't like it. I don't like PC either. But if one is in the public eye, there has to be an awareness that expressing ignorance has a potentially high price. 

Everyone say things they regret. It's the human condition.


Unless we know why he said it, when he did, it's a bit pointless jumping on one or an other band wagon.

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Let Melon stir the pot a little...................tweet then delete it...............


Elon Musk Calls Media 'Racist' After Outlets Remove Racist Dilbert Creator’s Cartoons

Twitter CEO Elon Musk questioned why people were complaining about racist remarks made by the cartoon creator of “Dilbert,” then deleted his tweet and instead went off on how the media is racist.

“What exactly are they complaining about?” Musk tweeted early Sunday in response to cartoonist Scott Adams highlighting The Washington Post and other papers dropping his cartoons.


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11 hours ago, LaosLover said:

The prob: Republicans are now quietly in bed with actual, self-admitted Nazi's.

It changed on the weekend of August 12, 2017, a celebration that included a torchlight night rally and some good ol' boy intentionally running his car into demonstrators, killing one.

Elvis Costello?  This one was written in 1977




As for Dilbert guy, ever seen him interviewed?  Smug, condescending little sheet.

In his superior knowledge he knew doing this would kick up a fuss, no surprises.



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The usual overreactions from the self-appointed savior/guardians....he's a middling cartoonist for Christ's sake. Who cares what this guys believes, one way or the other? That said, there is never any reason to be drawn into a debate with these people for several reasons. 


First, they believe they are your intellectual and moral superiors and they're taking time away from virtue signaling the saving of the planet, to try and correct your faulty thinking and speaking. 


Second, they don't believe you are entitled to any of your own OPINIONS, unless they agree with them.  Anything they disagree with is 'hate speech'.  Which for the savior/guardians is anything they don't like to hear.  "I hate hearing that!  It's hate speech!  In the name of free speech you must be stopped from saying that!"


Third, they're locked into the pseudo-intellectual philosophy that is presentism, along with their Mao-inspired, post-modernist take on facts.  By the way, for the savior/guardians, only their 'facts' are actual facts.  If they agree with something, then that's a fact.


Fourth, they're locked into the revenge narrative of two wrongs make a right, which literally forms the basis of all left-wing extremist governments and political organizations.  This is a natural follow-on to presentism, which is merely a 12-year old's method by which to analyze history.


The 20th century saw a great deal of terrible violence from political extremists.  There were the right-wing extremists like the Nazis who were easily responsible for 10+ million deaths from their abhorrent violence.  Many others died at the hands of right-wing extremists in other governments, Italy, Spain, Argentina and too many others.  Their SUM total pales in comparison to the left-wing extremists of which just a few include Russia, China, North Korea, Cambodia.  Just these four have murdered in excess of 50 million of their OWN CITIZENS, all in the name of the collective good.  After gaining power right-wing nuts usually turn on an outside enemy.  The left-wing nuts usually tear each other apart first while consolidating power, and then set their rage upon their stupid and unworthy fellow citizens who refuse to agree with their 'facts'.

Edited by Lorenzo Valla
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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:
 10 hours ago, ozimoron said:

What proportion compared to black slaves? And were whites then subjected to a century of racist discrimination?


This was who I replied to and then you jump in. Move on.

Well, it's a discussion form.  If you want a private conversation, they have a PM function for that, but I suspect you are now stuck from what appears to be a very trollish, racist remark, and you can't easily get out of it.    


I do think I understand what you were trying to get at, but it really didn't work well, so let me help you out a little.  There is most certainly a racist component to it.  I think it is wrong to simply blame one race.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  The racial component is evident, and it was mostly white, but it was also western -- many European slave traders -- they were listed on the London stock exchange.  They were white, but they weren't American.  America's struggle to end slavery was a little different.  A difficult one, but we also didn't have a king to make a decree.  It was a struggle and it took a war.  From there, we didn't really do the best job of working toward equality or fairness.  We could have done better.   We are starting to do better.  We need to do more.  


At it's core, slavery was an institution.  It was an institution that dates back to the earliest historical times and probably before recorded history.  A lot of variations, but they were covered by laws and regulations that go much further back than the US.   Even Hammurabi's code, the earliest record of laws, had the punishments that could be meted out to slaves.


The US is the lightening rod of the history of slavery, and it was based on race.  

I feel no responsibility for what my race has done in the past -- that's history.  I do feel a level of responsibility to do what I can to right the wrongs in as much as possible.  I feel a responsibility to learn and understand what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to right the wrongs. 


We all have the right to like whomever we wish.  It's sad when that is based on color and not character.  We don't have the right to mistreat others.  We don't have a right to discriminate in employment or education, though.    


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10 minutes ago, Credo said:

Well, it's a discussion form.  If you want a private conversation, they have a PM function for that, but I suspect you are now stuck from what appears to be a very trollish, racist remark, and you can't easily get out of it.    


I do think I understand what you were trying to get at, but it really didn't work well, so let me help you out a little.  There is most certainly a racist component to it.  I think it is wrong to simply blame one race.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  The racial component is evident, and it was mostly white, but it was also western -- many European slave traders -- they were listed on the London stock exchange.  They were white, but they weren't American.  America's struggle to end slavery was a little different.  A difficult one, but we also didn't have a king to make a decree.  It was a struggle and it took a war.  From there, we didn't really do the best job of working toward equality or fairness.  We could have done better.   We are starting to do better.  We need to do more.  


At it's core, slavery was an institution.  It was an institution that dates back to the earliest historical times and probably before recorded history.  A lot of variations, but they were covered by laws and regulations that go much further back than the US.   Even Hammurabi's code, the earliest record of laws, had the punishments that could be meted out to slaves.


The US is the lightening rod of the history of slavery, and it was based on race.  

I feel no responsibility for what my race has done in the past -- that's history.  I do feel a level of responsibility to do what I can to right the wrongs in as much as possible.  I feel a responsibility to learn and understand what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to right the wrongs. 


We all have the right to like whomever we wish.  It's sad when that is based on color and not character.  We don't have the right to mistreat others.  We don't have a right to discriminate in employment or education, though.    


Agreed yes but to accept your opinion then you would be labelled as woke and right wingers will avoid that at all cost, its similar to those who spout "it ok to be white" or "white lives matter". White people have never suffered the extreme excessive violence from policing or neo nazi groups. 

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3 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

White people have never suffered the extreme excessive violence from policing or neo nazi groups. 

I'm bookmarking this with the flat-earthers that post on here....haha!


Take a spin through the Nazi party's treatment of the Jews...did you miss that in your 'school'?

Or the intentional starvation of millions of Ukrainians during Stalin's regime?

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24 minutes ago, Credo said:

The racial component is evident, and it was mostly white, but it was also western -- many European slave traders -- they were listed on the London stock exchange.  They were white, but they weren't American. 

An incredibly uninformed attempt at history.  White European involvement in slavery was a terrible and unfortunate aspect of our history that continues to reverberate to this day.  Nearly EVERY OTHER major society and civilization in HISTORY practiced slavery, some up until the 20th century.  (Where's the woke mob to pile on these countries?) It's a terrible chapter of for all of humanity to understand under present day circumstances.

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1 minute ago, Lorenzo Valla said:

I'm bookmarking this with the flat-earthers that post on here....haha!


Take a spin through the Nazi party's treatment of the Jews...did you miss that in your 'school'?

Or the intentional starvation of millions of Ukrainians during Stalin's regime?

Your bookmark collection must be interesting, its a false equivalence to the neo nazi groups I was referring to such as the proud boys who attack blacks through violence or hate speech. Although I accept I should have probably used the term "far-right, neo-fascists"


The Nazi party your referring to was to do with white on white violence/killings as was the holodomor genocide.

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54 minutes ago, Lorenzo Valla said:

The usual overreactions from the self-appointed savior/guardians....he's a middling cartoonist for Christ's sake. Who cares what this guys believes, one way or the other? That said, there is never any reason to be drawn into a debate with these people for several reasons. 


First, they believe they are your intellectual and moral superiors and they're taking time away from virtue signaling the saving of the planet, to try and correct your faulty thinking and speaking. 


Second, they don't believe you are entitled to any of your own OPINIONS, unless they agree with them.  Anything they disagree with is 'hate speech'.  Which for the savior/guardians is anything they don't like to hear.  "I hate hearing that!  It's hate speech!  In the name of free speech you must be stopped from saying that!"


Third, they're locked into the pseudo-intellectual philosophy that is presentism, along with their Mao-inspired, post-modernist take on facts.  By the way, for the savior/guardians, only their 'facts' are actual facts.  If they agree with something, then that's a fact.


Fourth, they're locked into the revenge narrative of two wrongs make a right, which literally forms the basis of all left-wing extremist governments and political organizations.  This is a natural follow-on to presentism, which is merely a 12-year old's method by which to analyze history.


The 20th century saw a great deal of terrible violence from political extremists.  There were the right-wing extremists like the Nazis who were easily responsible for 10+ million deaths from their abhorrent violence.  Many others died at the hands of right-wing extremists in other governments, Italy, Spain, Argentina and too many others.  Their SUM total pales in comparison to the left-wing extremists of which just a few include Russia, China, North Korea, Cambodia.  Just these four have murdered in excess of 50 million of their OWN CITIZENS, all in the name of the collective good.  After gaining power right-wing nuts usually turn on an outside enemy.  The left-wing nuts usually tear each other apart first while consolidating power, and then set their rage upon their stupid and unworthy fellow citizens who refuse to agree with their 'facts'.

So many reflexively pavlovian right wing tropes on display here


Claiming that critics of Scott Adams believe they are "your intellectual and moral superiors" is just the kind of unproveable claim that the right wing consistently engages in. Are you a mind reader?


And another claim of mind reading. "Second, they don't believe you are entitled to any of your own OPINIONS, unless they agree with them.' So some class of comments shouldn't be criticized, and if they are, that means you reject the right for others to hold them? Such nonsense.


"Mao-inspired, post-modernist take on facts" Mao-inspired? Really, Because if there's one thing that the Chinese communist party and Mao himself believed is that ethical systems are just constructs with no connection to truth? How ignorant of the fanatically self-righteous Mao and Chinese communism does one have to be to make such a ridiculous claim.?


"Two wrongs make a right". First off, Rasmussen presenting the  poll as a valid survey of black Americans is false. It was a random survey (at least by Rasmussen's dubious methods) of all Americans. The problem is that while a poll of all members might have a margin of error of plus or minus 5%, a smaller subset, such as those of black Americans is far more likely to be wildly inaccurate.

There is also Rasmussen's openly right wing political stance to consider. Here's the opening paragraph of their press release about their poll

"Despite years of progressive activism, a majority of Americans still don’t buy into the “woke” narrative that white people have a monopoly on racism."



And how is it relevant to this issue that more humans died under communist extremism than under fascist extremism? If anything is proof of the Pavlovian nature of your comments, it's how you were triggered to veer into irrelevancy..


Your comments smack of lots of resentment and very little sense.



Edited by placeholder
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2 minutes ago, Lorenzo Valla said:

I'm bookmarking this with the flat-earthers that post on here....haha!


Take a spin through the Nazi party's treatment of the Jews...did you miss that in your 'school'?

Or the intentional starvation of millions of Ukrainians during Stalin's regime?

Nazis don't consider Jews white and many even most Jews don't identify as white either.

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Your bookmark collection must be interesting, its a false equivalence to the neo nazi groups I was referring to such as the proud boys who attack blacks through violence or hate speech. Although I accept I should have probably used the term "far-right, neo-fascists"


The Nazi party your referring to was to do with white on white violence/killings as was the holodomor genocide.

You sound like Whoopi Goldberg.

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