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Thai health officials worried about growing number of fat kids


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8 hours ago, Gknrd said:

It is getting worse for sure. If you want to see fat ugly women the come to the US where I live. I come here for a couple or three months a year and cannot wait to leave. A few years ago in the town where I live a well known celebrity made a comment that the women were so fat here. It caused a riot from the women. It is absolutely disgusting.  SE Asia is the best place to see half way decent looking average women.

I went for a holiday in San Francisco area 25 years ago, i couldn't believe how fat people were, I'd never seen before, now worse maybe?

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7 hours ago, mommysboy said:

In my experience, we go on a lot about food but not the amount we eat, and if you are active you stay in shape regardless. 

it hides many sins but you can definitely put weight on if eat too much even if exercising

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4 hours ago, ozimoron said:

True. They're fat because of sugar. Nothing else causes fat. It's a world wide problem, not just Thailand.

Wrong.  So eating too much Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC and similar food with high saturated fat doesn't make you fat, who knew

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18 hours ago, Dart12 said:

sugar would definitely be the number one cause.  The vehicle for the delivery of that is the ease of consumption of it in all the processed foods and drinks thru convenience stores now.

Of course, lethargy or lack of exercise is number two.  You can fight thru bad diet if you are a physical labor machine (see Michael Phelps diet when he was competing).  12,000 calories and a huge amount of carbs while at it.


For breakfast, this is what he ate:

  • 3 fried egg sandwiches with tomatoes, fried onions, mayo, lettuce, and cheese
  • One five egg omelet
  • One bowl of grits
  • 3 slices of French toast dusted with powdered sugar
  • 3 chocolate chip pancakes
  • 2 cups of coffee

It seems that his intention was to start the day off really well. For lunch, he took it a little easier:

  • A pound of enriched pasta
  • Two large ham-and-cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread
  • 1,000 calories of energy drinks

For dinner, he had perhaps his lightest meal of the day:

  • Another pound of pasta
  • One 8-inch pizza
  • Several energy drinks

The old rule:


"Breakfast like a kIng, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper"


Works as good as ever.



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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

Wrong.  So eating too much Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC and similar food with high saturated fat doesn't make you fat, who knew


The BLOBS are addicted to eating........they love the smell of it, the look of it, the feel and taste of it when it's in their mouths and churning around, the buzz as they force it down their distended gullets.


The more they can afford the more they will eat.


The more the better.


The more often the better.


Don't stop them doing it.........they need it.


**** the actual nutritional and energy demands of their metabolisms.


They are addicts.



Edited by Enoon
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Much of Asia has many strikes against kids because there are few proper play / green areas and it's so hot much of the year.


Play areas could be created, times set aside in the morning for national exercise. That would be a great start but ultimately the empty calories must go


In Bangkok it's pretty serious. Years back you'd have confidence the kids would sort themselves out in university. Now, everyone too sedimentary. Lots of fat university students


Sugared, high calorie drinks and snacks everywhere.


Such a shame bc Thai women so lovely when slim.

Edited by SuperSilverHaze
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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Wrong.  So eating too much Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC and similar food with high saturated fat doesn't make you fat, who knew

Fast food restaurant meals are high in:

- processed carbs

- processed sugar

- seed oils (the unhealthy fats)


All 3 of these contribute to poor health. 


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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I went for a holiday in San Francisco area 25 years ago, i couldn't believe how fat people were, I'd never seen before, now worse maybe?

While statistics show Hawaii as being the healthiest of the 50 states, I find that obesity is rising at an alarming rate along with the associated medical problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


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17 hours ago, BananaStrong said:

you are CORRECT.  You will DIE from a whole bunch of other stuff from that fat pork.   

no fat pork won't kill you.....we would be extinct if it would

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44 minutes ago, Hawaiian said:

If you refer to being glued to a cellphone or TV screen all day long, I agree.  This type of activity burns off very few calories.

Or laptop  screen.....  now you  made me feel lazy!

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17 hours ago, BananaStrong said:

low fat is not low fat if it turns into fat.


just not called FAT on the nice label but it becomes FAT.


Just run 10 km every day of your life!!!!!!  Every single day.   Problem sorted!!!!!!!  


Today I ran 89 to inspire the kids of LOS!!!!!    

Low fat is if there is no/little fat inside it.....but you get fat from carbohydrates as well (or protein if you tons of it).

You don't need to run 10km every day..some moderate exercise would already help.....and on the other hand 10km..what is it 500-1000 kcal. It would not fix every nutrition mistake...yes would help a lot but it is no green light for eating stupid things.

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14 minutes ago, Caldera said:

It's a horrible sight nowadays, especially in Bangkok. Just 15 years ago, you saw hardly any fatties.

20 years ago there were none visible on the street...

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16 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

No mention of the junk food having high fat content, that should be the focus

high fat without carbohydrates makes you slim...it is called Keto...the carbs are the main problem. To much fat is also a problem but a smaller one

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i read a report that 10 percent of Americans have diabetes.  They are unaware of it - it's late stage onset.  

Just to let you know, diabetes will make you have your limbs amputated, make you blind as a bat, need dialysis, and give you a heart attack.  Also it increases bone loss and your arteries get "crinkly".  

This is not a disease to be taken lightly and yes, you do need to get checked for it.  You don't want to go blind but clearly some either don't care or cannot afford adequate health care.

Sitting around drinking sugary drinks like they do in Thailand should be discouraged.  Sugar is one of the worst things you can put in your body. 

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10 hours ago, jvs said:

We are so blessed now that more people on this planet are dying

from being obese versus dying from famine.

A truly horrifying milestone.

The eating habits of people have changed a lot thru the years but our bodies have not changed in the way it handled food.

Our bodies are made to gain as much fat(energy) as possible.

This was really needed in times where food was scarce in the off seasons.

Same way as many animals live,try to get fat before the winter and hopefully you will survive till spring.

We now need to regulate our intake because if we do not ,well just look around you.

You can never blame the kids and most times you can not blame the parents.

Thailand is now where the West was 50 years ago,a lot of sugary drinks

and the food industry is still looking for the sweet spot.

Thailand could learn from the West but it looks like that is not happening.

The governments are to blame really because they allow the food industry to poison our bodies.

Parents have no time or the knowledge to read labels,so they give into their kids demands.

Is being obese a disease?I don't think so .

Exercise does help to keep you in shape but losing weight thru diet is much easier.

Not gaining weight thru diet is even better of course.

Fast food is also cheaper then healthy food and it can be picked up on

the way home from work.

Since governments are bought and paid for by lobbyists all over the world i do not see anything really positive happening soon.

Fact is diabetes is on the rise in most countries and being normal is the new skinny.

Food industry and the health industry are the cause of loss of life in many cases,sad but true.

Of course the parents are to blame...maybe the education system a little bit too. They feed the children and they are a bad example for them.
It is not the job of the government to replace the parents.
But you are correct globally the governments and the industry is total corrupt. (Lobbyists, donations, consulting contracts etc., is just putting corruption into some framework that makes it legal....)

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It’s all down to education. Get on a bus when school is out, the kids are carrying soft drinks and all sorts of snacks. The parents don’t/ can’t look after their kids properly. Some small ones can hardly walk they’re so fat . Grand parents , parents , kids, all missing education. Diabetic kids in Thailand in overwhelming numbers, I’ve often noticed that older people are slim , and when I look at the school photos over the years, if there’s one or two *chubbies* in a class of 30 that’s a lot. Overweight leads to all kinds of dangerous health problems. Sad. 

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5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Wrong.  So eating too much Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC and similar food with high saturated fat doesn't make you fat, who knew

It's the sugar in the patties and the buns. And the carbs in the fries. Your body metabolises the carbs into glucose which it stores as fat if you don't burn it.


The keto diet emphasises eating lots of saturated fat and yet it's designed to make you lose weight. How does that work under your theory? Your body doesn't eat fat, do nothing with it but store it. It turns glucose into fat to store it. Please do some research.

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31 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

It's the sugar in the patties and the buns. And the carbs in the fries. Your body metabolises the carbs into glucose which it stores as fat if you don't burn it.


The keto diet emphasises eating lots of saturated fat and yet it's designed to make you lose weight. How does that work under your theory? Your body doesn't eat fat, do nothing with it but store it. It turns glucose into fat to store it. Please do some research.

One should never fad diet.  They have been around since the 1930's and they have all been proven as unsustainable and not good for you.  These are the same people who sell exercise bikes, rowing machines, stair climbers, etc that just get disused and tossed in the trash eventually.

Eating properly and getting exercise is the only way to keep weight off and stay healthy.  Be it walking, running, or break dancing it doesn't matter.  

Losing weight temporarily does nothing for your health if it all comes back on.  

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22 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

It's mostly the fatty junk food. Plenty of people stay slim and healthy including sugar in their diet

It's a calorie surplus, whether from sugar, fats ,or even protein.  The quality of your diet can change the ability to process calories somewhat, but the bottom  line is that for purposes of gaining weight, it's all about calories in minus calories out.  Exercise, nutrition, etc, are all ways of modifying these two quantities.  

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2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

It's really all down to eating too much, and moving too little. Why complicate matters!?


Because too much of what matters. Other things equal, too much of broccoli and spinach ain't causing obesity. Moving is pretty useless for losing weight or necessarily even keeping it off. In fact, exercise can just make you hungrier, as you "work up an appetite."


Why oversimplify?

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19 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Yes a massive part of the problem and the fatty junk food it sells

when you keep saying "fats" please be specific
fat itself is not the problem
seed oils are though and i totally agree with the seed oils (and bliss level sugar) being in all foods today
the problem is when you have the two together which is all too common these days
along with snacking and constant spiking of blood sugar leading to insulin resistance
a lot can be fixed by changing eating pattern regardless of diet

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It's not just what people eat, it's also how they eat. Many (overweight) people eat too quickly and don't chew food long enough. The body needs time to create a feeling of satiety.

Edited by tomacht8
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1 hour ago, Blumpie said:

One should never fad diet.  They have been around since the 1930's and they have all been proven as unsustainable and not good for you.  These are the same people who sell exercise bikes, rowing machines, stair climbers, etc that just get disused and tossed in the trash eventually.

Eating properly and getting exercise is the only way to keep weight off and stay healthy.  Be it walking, running, or break dancing it doesn't matter.  

Losing weight temporarily does nothing for your health if it all comes back on.  

keto is not a fad diet
(although the comment you replied too was a bit lisleading with "designed to")
your body will go into ketosis after 12 hour fast, regardless of your diet (the food you consume)
12 hour fast is nothing as you sleep 8 hours
when your body is in ketosis it will burn the energy you have stored, your body fat

of course, people who are "on keto"
try to keep the body in ketosis as much as possible by avoiding sugar and fueling the body with fats

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