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Dutch Man Arrested at Phuket Airport for Entering and Staying in Thailand Without Proper Documents


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1 hour ago, Peterphuket said:

Is this fake news???

Yesterday this stay in a Dutch newspaper, apparently not a man.

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-03-31 om 07.46.48.png

They were arrested together but the Fooket express released separate stories for maximum clickbait ????

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1 hour ago, Peterphuket said:

Is this fake news???

Yesterday this stay in a Dutch newspaper, apparently not a man.

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-03-31 om 07.46.48.png

But there is more, today I read in the same newspaper that the immigration service had forgotten to put a stamp in the passport....

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2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

No, they say she was arrested "in a similar case" as in, she too didn't have any documents and they don't know how she entered Thailand either.

One possible explanation could be that they sold their passports to extend their stay and then tried to fly out of the country, not realizing that they'd be stopped at Immigration.

Most people claim their passport was "stolen" and get emergency travel docs from their embassy before trying to leave the country.

As for this guy, the "yakuza" tats should be a hint. Why you would go to an airport dressed like that is beyond me.

I recall travelling to Thailand one year on Japan Airlines and had to sit next to a guy that had been refused entry to the US. He'd tried to be sneaky by flying from Australia to Japan, changing airlines, flying to Canada, changing airlines again and then trying to fly into the US.

He didn't realize that there is a US Customs and Immigration checkpoint inside the Vancouver airport. As he was walking down the hall towards the (USA) departure gates, he took off his jacket and all his biker tats were visible.

It seems they took one look at him and then hauled him off to the side for questioning. Turns out he didn't have a Visa to enter the US. He tried to claim that his girlfriend in Seattle had it and was meeting him at the airport. (Lol - like they were going to believe that line of bull.)

Because he was refused entry to the US and still in the Departure area, he was held in custody until he could be flown back to his last airport of departure, which was Japan. No idea what happened to him after that. (Didn't ask, didn't care.)

I'm not sure that's possible as you can't just change airlines like that internationally. He would have never made it past the first airport just like refusal in USA

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4 hours ago, VinnieK said:


I would hazard he did a border run to British Malaya, was refused re-entry to Thailand and just walked across anyway.

Nobody is checking the flow of ppl esp. in Dannok (Sadao)

At some point he tried to leave (via air) and this is where it's at now.

My hunch anyway.

British Malaya ???

I think they gained independence in about 1956 and thereafter became Malaysia.

I have an old British ex rubber planter mate who still calls it Malaya....and Burma is "Burma".

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2 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

British Malaya ???

I think they gained independence in about 1956 and thereafter became Malaysia.

I have an old British ex rubber planter mate who still calls it Malaya....and Burma is "Burma".

I was being humorous.

It also has a nicer ring to it.

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

He was arrested at the Immigration Checkpoint in the International Departure Terminal at the Phuket International Airport.

That's bizarre, so he didn't legally enter Thailand, but tried to depart the regular way from Phuket Airport?

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13 hours ago, Old Croc said:

I'm confused.

I don't even know where British Malaya is.

Well you could find it on a paper map, but it would have to be pre 1965 1955 or even earlier.

Edited by billd766
corrected some bad spelling
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From Dutch news sources, the man and woman were traveling together. They entered overland from Malaysia. They claim the immigration officer forgot to stamp them in, imo more likely they walked through and forgot to check themselves in.

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On 3/31/2023 at 5:10 AM, jabis said:

In the actual article it was hinted that they may share a case

I think it's a new way to earn money from tourism. This Dutch woman stated in a Dutch newspaper that she and a companion entered Thailand from Malaysia. They showed their passport at the border control. They were allowed to enter, so they thought everything was fine. When leaving Thailand they were stopped because they had no entry stamp. They had to stay in jail for 5 days and were fined. With help of the Dutch embassy they could leave Thailand. So all of the sudden in the same region entry stamps are missing, people get caught and fined. Must be something wrong with the ink!

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A Dutch Thai blog mentioned, they were a couple and both were facing the same problem.

They entered by Malaysia and were not stamped in.

They were taken in prison and later on helped by Dutch embassy.

Thai immigration forgot to stamp their passport !!

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