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I am English! That's cleared that up! Some years ago we had a motoring program on TV called "Top Gear" hosted by 3 individuals the chief of which was a chap called Jeremy Clarkson. He often showed where a car was built using a world map, one of his images was the world map had a blank space normally occupied by N. America - he always made jokes about Americans. I suspect sinineou might find his other one liner also unacceptable, faced with a disagreement in opinion from a live audience he responded by saying simply "I'm right, you're wrong!" and turning away from the audience member would simply change the subject. Having the camera and mic on him effectively won the argument.


I made a few friends in the American military in the UK in the form of airmen who were smashing guys, but we were of course separated by a common language. With cars for example how do Americans get to call a boot a "trunk", a bonnet a "hood", a spanner a "wrench", an adjustable spanner a "monkey wrench"?  It gets worse, offered a bag of chips at an Officer's Wive's Club do they gave me a bag of crisps. 


And they call us "Limeys" (amongst other things!). 


So clearly the correct response to downvotes or disapproving emoji's is to pretend they are Jeremy Clarkson's America, re-draw the map, take the mic and camera and move elsewhere thus cutting them off.


With apologies to sinineou - I actually loved my American friends, even if chips were not "french fries" in their misguided judgement! I even forgave them for the appalling lack of good sense in wasting our national drink - tea - in Boston harbour years ago. Clearly poor judgement is a long-standing fault lol. Address hidden for personal safety - I'll get my hat and coat now!  




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22 hours ago, sirineou said:

I  know a bunch of wise ass guys will post  a bunch of confused emojis to this OP

They’re confused because the brain is wired incorrectly, hence the goofy confused fatazz laugh cry baby emoji response thing 

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10 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

what you are saying is that there is no creator, that the universe was made from an explosion , and that all matter what made out of nothing?

There is a theory that the ' big bang ' was nothing but the sudden liberation of matter accumulated and incredibly compressed in a black hole ...


11 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

some scientists believe in God? That one poll of scientists said there was a 67% possibility God existed.

It all depends on the definition of " God " .

If you believe that there is a god that actually listens to your prayers , it's wrong . There is none .

If you believe that God created all the universe , that's possible , depends on the definition you give to the word " god " .

But one question persists : What is it all good for ? What is the purpose of existence ?

There must be one , without it , it would be senseless , just a waste of matter and time ...

But it is not ... !

May be there are ( is ) at least one or more ( spiritual ? ) dimensions that our kind is incapable to see or measure . ( dark matter , dark energy , that holds the Universe together despite it's eternal expansion ...? )



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6 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

There is a theory that the ' big bang ' was nothing but the sudden liberation of matter accumulated and incredibly compressed in a black hole ...


It all depends on the definition of " God " .

If you believe that there is a god that actually listens to your prayers , it's wrong . There is none .

If you believe that God created all the universe , that's possible , depends on the definition you give to the word " god " .

But one question persists : What is it all good for ? What is the purpose of existence ?

There must be one , without it , it would be senseless , just a waste of matter and time ...

But it is not ... !

May be there are ( is ) at least one or more ( spiritual ? ) dimensions that our kind is incapable to see or measure . ( dark matter , dark energy , that holds the Universe together despite it's eternal expansion ...? )



That's why we as believers know there is something better after this life. If not, yes, it would be meaningless, besides the good times we have while alive. Some never have good times, and we believe that they will have peace and no pain when they enter heaven. We believe God knows all, that he listens to all prayers, and sometimes doesn't answer them right away, or not if he believes they will hurt us. Believe me, I get mad at God for many reasons. Things I think he should fix or change, but he knows the big picture. We don't see it as we only look out for what we can get while we're here. As far as a big bang, if it happened, my thinking is God made it happen. I do think there are other life forms in the universe. Why did we need Jesus and they not? Who knows. Are they way more advanced than we are, so aren't making the stupid mistakes we do? That means they aren't humans, because humans are given free will, and with that comes bad choices and destruction from greed, jealousy and racism.

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6 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

That's why we as believers know there is something better after this life. If not, yes, it would be meaningless, besides the good times we have while alive. Some never have good times, and we believe that they will have peace and no pain when they enter heaven. We believe God knows all, that he listens to all prayers, and sometimes doesn't answer them right away, or not if he believes they will hurt us. Believe me, I get mad at God for many reasons. Things I think he should fix or change, but he knows the big picture. We don't see it as we only look out for what we can get while we're here. As far as a big bang, if it happened, my thinking is God made it happen. I do think there are other life forms in the universe. Why did we need Jesus and they not? Who knows. Are they way more advanced than we are, so aren't making the stupid mistakes we do? That means they aren't humans, because humans are given free will, and with that comes bad choices and destruction from greed, jealousy and racism.



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Now not joking, to fredwiggy and Walker88 and others who wish to bring the contentious issue of religion into the post, can I offer a few bible verses that might shed light?


The mysteries of God and His works are not for us to know in entirety, Higgs Boson not withstanding. In the Bible Isaiah 42:8 puts it succinctly - "I will not share my glory with another". Or perhaps Deuteronomy 29:29 - "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever,..........". Not everything is capable of being revealed to science, much is in the realm of faith alone and if you expect to expose the nature of God without that vital ingredient you are barking up the wrong tree entirely because as Hebrews 11:6 puts it "........without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him".


So one must conclude that God will not reveal His power to an unbeliever in general although that is not exclusive, and scientists will never prove God except by observing what is plain to see for everyone, quarks and Higg's bosons being part of a marvellous whole. Psalm 139:14 expressed that almost 3000 years ago and in all that time not one scientist can declare David wrong. The very abundance of diversity of life and the inanimate and the microscopic complexity in all living creatures, the varieties of human looks and traits as supposedly dictated by DNA are too vast to be the result of a "big bang". Any so-called "intellectual" who thinks that big bangs created life in all it's complexities and variances is clearly lacking in cognisant abilities.

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3 minutes ago, cliveshep said:

Now not joking, to fredwiggy and Walker88 and others who wish to bring the contentious issue of religion into the post, can I offer a few bible verses that might shed light?


The mysteries of God and His works are not for us to know in entirety, Higgs Boson not withstanding. In the Bible Isaiah 42:8 puts it succinctly - "I will not share my glory with another". Or perhaps Deuteronomy 29:29 - "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever,..........". Not everything is capable of being revealed to science, much is in the realm of faith alone and if you expect to expose the nature of God without that vital ingredient you are barking up the wrong tree entirely because as Hebrews 11:6 puts it "........without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him".


So one must conclude that God will not reveal His power to an unbeliever in general although that is not exclusive, and scientists will never prove God except by observing what is plain to see for everyone, quarks and Higg's bosons being part of a marvellous whole. Psalm 139:14 expressed that almost 3000 years ago and in all that time not one scientist can declare David wrong. The very abundance of diversity of life and the inanimate and the microscopic complexity in all living creatures, the varieties of human looks and traits as supposedly dictated by DNA are too vast to be the result of a "big bang". Any so-called "intellectual" who thinks that big bangs created life in all it's complexities and variances is clearly lacking in cognisant abilities.

Like I mentioned. Common sense

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5 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Amazing how ignorant you are, again assuming, which is a huge sign of ignorance if you didn't already know. Gravity is a theory and a law, for your sake to maybe learn instead of posting your opinions. You again, are going by what some scientists have said, which is gullible. Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this? You can choose to not to believe in God, although we as believers have faith. His proof is in what we see daily. If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species, how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist, the human brain and body and the bodies of animals, and how they work, regarding food, air and water, and somehow think this all happened by itself, that's a lack of common sense. There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans. You, and the rest of the non believers, that have maybe been hurt by someone in their childhoods, who pushed religion on you in an abusive way, or maybe lost a friend or family member and said no way a God would allow this, will all find out when you pass, and then it might be too late to understand where you went wrong. And by the way it's spelled illiterate. And laughing to yourself doesn't help your cause.

zealot... a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them

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16 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

zealot... a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them

Actually, a zealot is the opposite of what I am. I'm neither uncompromising or fanatical. I believe in the truth, not opinions. I'm not trying to make anyone do anything. I could care less what they think, especially if they're wrong. It's my duty as a Christian to spread the word.  People have their opinions, and they've shown them here. Some have been right in what they've said, and he was wrong, simple as that. Him assuming he knows anything about me or how much I know is ignorance.  I haven't been making opinions but statements which make sense to others who believe in God. Choosing not to will get you into a place you won't like. Back to why. I stated that it doesn't make sense, not just to me but to all other believers, that the universe just happened by itself. That it had to have a creator, which makes sense. If I'm wrong, I'd like to see proof otherwise. If they're right, I'd like to see proof also. In this case, no one can prove the other wrong, so it'll just take time to see the outcome.

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6 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Amazing how ignorant you are, again assuming, which is a huge sign of ignorance if you didn't already know. Gravity is a theory and a law, for your sake to maybe learn instead of posting your opinions. You again, are going by what some scientists have said, which is gullible. Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this? You can choose to not to believe in God, although we as believers have faith. His proof is in what we see daily. If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species, how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist, the human brain and body and the bodies of animals, and how they work, regarding food, air and water, and somehow think this all happened by itself, that's a lack of common sense. There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans. You, and the rest of the non believers, that have maybe been hurt by someone in their childhoods, who pushed religion on you in an abusive way, or maybe lost a friend or family member and said no way a God would allow this, will all find out when you pass, and then it might be too late to understand where you went wrong. And by the way it's spelled illiterate. And laughing to yourself doesn't help your cause.

Hahaha, you just keep on giving ???? Natural "laws" arent' prescriptive, but descriptive. They were created by humans to describe phenomena we witness in the world and provide the most plausible reasons for why they happen.


"Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this?"


Yes, I absolutely knew it. You didn't, which is why you incorrectly claimed that "they don't even know if they have atmospheres". But congratulations on looking it up and actually learning something factual about the world.


"how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist"


Look at a pothole filled with rain water. How amazing is it that the pothole has exactly the shape and volume to perfectly fit that specific puddle? Truly a miracle and proof that someone created that pothole intelligently for just that puddle. It's the only explanation, right?


"There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans."


Says the person following a 2000-year-old book of fairytales (written by humans), with laughably incorrect descriptions of how the world works.


"Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. [...] His proof is in what we see daily."


Step aside scientist with verifiable and testable evidence, fred is here with actual proof ????


"If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species"


Don't forget cancer slowly torturing children to death every single day, people being raped and horrendously mutilated and killed, bacteria eating away at someone's flesh – all the while, your almighty "god" could stop it at any second with the flick of a finger, but chooses not to. Truly a being of immense love and warmth. Imagine worshipping such a twisted and evil creature.


Keep at it, mate. I feel for you and all other religious people who have been brainwashed since birth. It's not actually your fault, but you should realize that there's a way out.

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4 hours ago, cliveshep said:

I am English! That's cleared that up! Some years ago we had a motoring program on TV called "Top Gear" hosted by 3 individuals the chief of which was a chap called Jeremy Clarkson. He often showed where a car was built using a world map, one of his images was the world map had a blank space normally occupied by N. America - he always made jokes about Americans. I suspect sinineou might find his other one liner also unacceptable, faced with a disagreement in opinion from a live audience he responded by saying simply "I'm right, you're wrong!" and turning away from the audience member would simply change the subject. Having the camera and mic on him effectively won the argument.


I made a few friends in the American military in the UK in the form of airmen who were smashing guys, but we were of course separated by a common language. With cars for example how do Americans get to call a boot a "trunk", a bonnet a "hood", a spanner a "wrench", an adjustable spanner a "monkey wrench"?  It gets worse, offered a bag of chips at an Officer's Wive's Club do they gave me a bag of crisps. 


And they call us "Limeys" (amongst other things!). 


So clearly the correct response to downvotes or disapproving emoji's is to pretend they are Jeremy Clarkson's America, re-draw the map, take the mic and camera and move elsewhere thus cutting them off.


With apologies to sinineou - I actually loved my American friends, even if chips were not "french fries" in their misguided judgement! I even forgave them for the appalling lack of good sense in wasting our national drink - tea - in Boston harbour years ago. Clearly poor judgement is a long-standing fault lol. Address hidden for personal safety - I'll get my hat and coat now!  




Why do you expect people to read all of that?

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4 minutes ago, Myran said:

Hahaha, you just keep on giving ???? Natural "laws" arent' prescriptive, but descriptive. They were created by humans to describe phenomena we witness in the world and provide the most plausible reasons for why they happen.


"Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this?"


Yes, I absolutely knew it. You didn't, which is why you incorrectly claimed that "they don't even know if they have atmospheres". But congratulations on looking it up and actually learning something factual about the world.


"how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist"


Look at a pothole filled with rain water. How amazing is it that the pothole has exactly the shape and volume to perfectly fit that specific puddle? Truly a miracle and proof that someone created that pothole intelligently for just that puddle. It's the only explanation, right?


"There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans."


Says the person following a 2000-year-old book of fairytales (written by humans), with laughably incorrect descriptions of how the world works.


"Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. [...] His proof is in what we see daily."


Step aside scientist with verifiable and testable evidence, fred is here with actual proof ????


"If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species"


Don't forget cancer slowly torturing children to death every single day, people being raped and horrendously mutilated and killed, bacteria eating away at someone's flesh – all the while, your almighty "god" could stop it at any second with the flick of a finger, but chooses not to. Truly a being of immense love and warmth. Imagine worshipping such a twisted and evil creature.


Keep at it, mate. I feel for you and all other religious people who have been brainwashed since birth. It's not actually your fault, but you should realize that there's a way out.

Lots of scientists believe in god.

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On 7/6/2023 at 11:51 AM, amexpat said:

When I mark a post "confused" I usually meafn the poster seems confused. 

Agreed. OR: the poster is so far from being correct that I want to believe he's simply confused.

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On 7/6/2023 at 10:13 AM, sirineou said:

I often get the confused emoji at some of my posts. I don't get it! If you are confused about something wouldn't the  most prudent course be to as a question?

or If you think I am wrong about something point it out, and if indeed I am wrong I would say fair enough, or stand corrected (Just dind yesterday) ,

Who among us have never been wrong? and if indeed you have been wrong in the past , as all of us have, why is it not possible that we are wrong now? 

If I still think I was right , state why I think so ,and provide quotes and links 

Are we here to have a conversation or are we here to arbitrarily judge?

I  know a bunch of wise ass guys will post  a bunch of confused emojis to this OP , I know I would if this was someone else post, ????

Unfortunately you are not allowed to post reactions to your own post???? 

I never use saddo emo's as although they are a negative reply most times,  they can also be a positive reply depending on how you look at it, my negative is always a confused emo as that can never be a positive reply.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

You don't understand that you are burying yourself deeper with every assumption. If you think I didn't know that a gaseous atmosphere is unlivable, you're a dolt. That the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun wasn't good luck, it was planned, sorry you can't understand such a simple concept. How do you know if I follow the Bible? I myself disagree with some of what's in it, because it was written by man, who can be mistaken in what they heard or seen. Prophecies are coming true, if you haven't noticed, and like I said, time will tell. Your statement beginning with "Don't forget cancer........I know and have known for 66 years what goes on here and everywhere on earth, and yes, I question why God doesn't intervene against evil. he gave us free will, and I'm guessing you know what that means? He gave us his laws, which all make sense, to protect us and others from harm. We choose to disobey because of that free will, and <deleted> happens. Children dying of cancer at two years old pisses me off of course, but those children will be in heaven when they die, especially before the age of reason. People who have been taught the difference between good and bad have a chance to choose what they do, and suffer the consequences eventually. God's thinking is so far above ours that we can only have faith, that an entity that can make such a beautiful place as earth and the universe, and all the good things it offers before some of man has destroyed it, can also ensure us a peaceful place after we die, because we stuck by him while our world fell down. That's called faith, something you lost along the way. Like I said, what made you stop believing yourself? Was it taught by a parent that hated God for his own reasons, did you lose a friend or family member you loved and questioned why they died young or from some <deleted> disease, or some other reason? God has his reasons and I can't fully understand why things happen as they do. I just go by faith that no matter how bad anyone has it, if they believe, the pain will end in time. People can be evil, as most of the worlds leaders have proven, and the rich raping the worlds resources for profit isn't God's way. Don't assume when you don't know for certain. I don't have to google things I already know about, and I do when I want to learn more. I've been reading daily since high school, and never against learning new things, as I have an open mind. Fairytales to me is thinking all of this happened by chance. That's not possible. And I haven't been brainwashed. I'm a free thinker, and only believe what I choose to believe because it makes sense to me. Read clivesheps post. He understands.

You constantly come up with these walls of text that has absolutely zero substance. You're typing hundreds of words where the only take-away is: "Nuh-uh! I already knew that! And God did it, only a fool couldn't see that!". With absolutely nothing to back it up.


Faith has zero value in this context. Faith is believing something despite there being no reason to, besides the fuzzy, warm feeling it gives you inside. I have never had any faith and have not "stopped believing".


What made you not believe in the other 4999 gods that are claimed to exist, and why is your fairytale more believable than the thousands of others that also claim to be true? You would be claiming that Hinduism has the right answers equally as vehemently, had you been brought up Hindu. It has zero to do with any evidence or proof you've seen in the world.


As to justifying your god murdering and torturing children with the diseases he has created, I won't even comment. It's so wicked and absolutely disgusting.

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8 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

To the contrary, I understand science very well, and always aced on it in school, and am always open to learning new things about space and our planet, but that doesn't mean I'll ever accept a concept that the universe just happened and there wasn't a creator. You, like a couple of others here, are assuming you know what others know by just a few typed words and opinions. You don't. And there are many extremely intelligent "ordinary" people on this earth, and all scientists aren't geniuses., and always right. An hypothesis is a educated guess, an assumption, just like other assumptions, some of which aren't educated.

Your hypothesis is there is a God - an entity one cannot touch, feel, see, or hear. A belief at war with itself, millions have died in the wars between Islam, Christianity and Judaism.  I don't count Buddhism, which to me is more a philosophy of life. What kind of God lets that kind of nonsense go on? Explain to me how thousands of vulnerable children have been abused with no divine intervention.


Religion is about money. The reason for the high levels of sexual abuse within religious orders is enforced celibacy, which was instituted to minimize inheritance claims back in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. Any psychologist will tell you when the normal sexual urges of humans are denied, it is statistically inevitable a percentage of those humans will develop some form of perversion.


Humans are uncomfortable with the thought this is the only life we have, and it has no discernible meaning. It's an easy path to start believing in something for comfort. To extrapolate that to a system where it is OK to kill unbelievers is an obscenity, and an indicator of the mental illness all religion germinates. Read the Koran. Or read the Christian Apocrypha, merciless and bloody. Expunged from the Old Testament as too confronting.


I am an agnostic. IMO most scientists are either agnostics or atheists, because they work with facts, data and evidence. The only evidence for religion is what has been handed down, and is now treated as holy with no means of verification.

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19 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Your hypothesis is there is a God - an entity one cannot touch, feel, see, or hear. A belief at war with itself, millions have died in the wars between Islam, Christianity and Judaism.  I don't count Buddhism, which to me is more a philosophy of life. What kind of God lets that kind of nonsense go on? Explain to me how thousands of vulnerable children have been abused with no divine intervention.


Religion is about money. The reason for the high levels of sexual abuse within religious orders is enforced celibacy, which was instituted to minimize inheritance claims back in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. Any psychologist will tell you when the normal sexual urges of humans are denied, it is statistically inevitable a percentage of those humans will develop some form of perversion.


Humans are uncomfortable with the thought this is the only life we have, and it has no discernible meaning. It's an easy path to start believing in something for comfort. To extrapolate that to a system where it is OK to kill unbelievers is an obscenity, and an indicator of the mental illness all religion germinates. Read the Koran. Or read the Christian Apocrypha, merciless and bloody. Expunged from the Old Testament as too confronting.


I am an agnostic. IMO most scientists are either agnostics or atheists, because they work with facts, data and evidence. The only evidence for religion is what has been handed down, and is now treated as holy with no means of verification.

Excellent piece of writing. The first paragraph is so true. Seen a lot of it first hand over my many years of travel to over 70 countries.

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On 7/6/2023 at 1:30 PM, jerrymahoney said:

It was more fun when you knew who was leaving the sad and confused emojis.

Yes, these days you don't know who's liking, disliking your posts, which is unfortunate, sort of a dark web now on ASEANNOW which makes me want to contribute lessor.

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22 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yes, these days you don't know who's liking, disliking your posts, which is unfortunate, sort of a dark web now on ASEANNOW which makes me want to contribute lessor.

It is good for less revenge and chasing combats and bikkering posts. 


I do not care who give me confused emotions, and it is most likely someone who do not understand my limited language, my humor, irony or out of some reasons do not like my swag ????


Drunk, wasted, or intoxicated somehow, with mental issues, and either by propaganda leftist or right wing, I do not care. Everyone have their limited experiences to see anything else in a different light or from a different angle. We are living in small boxes, and expect everyone to think like us. 


Edit note, what is it with these sad icons on posts that is not sad of any reasons? Even more annoying 

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6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yes, these days you don't know who's liking, disliking your posts, which is unfortunate, sort of a dark web now on ASEANNOW which makes me want to contribute lessor.


Now you know ????

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