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Police Prepare For Nationwide Protests, Parliament Heavily Guarded


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Nationwide is only Bangkok??? If the protestors indeed go nationwide with their protests, the police can't do much.. If tenthousands in thes treet in Chiang Mai, Korat, Bangkok, Phuket, Nakon Sawan...and so on... what can they do??? block the parliament house with containers  but in the other cities?? The harbour will be empty

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Hi mates , 


as much as one feels simpathetic with thai people quest for democracy and fairness one aims to spend some  months in bkk and surroundings from mid august onwards ,... shall be mainly hopping around chatushak and kaset areas ...



So from my egoistic point of view one wonders if  protest get on the way of falang travellers .. is one likely to get involved even if not aiming for it ? 


Read above about airports ... Can one get stuck somehow.. im sure there si always land border crossing . What about other major cities... like chiang mai or had yai .. equally amidts turmoil?


Thx in advance .

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2 hours ago, oustaristocrats said:

And not by standing in front of the building with inflated plastic ducks, singing songs like they did in the recent past, this is not going to work. Thai should look back at short but powerfull revolutions in 80-90ties, Romania, East-Germany, a.o.

I suspect their eyes are more likely to have been on Myanmar.

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Looks like the concerns of demonstrations are not just being taken seriously by the Thai police and the government but have made the rounds to the foreign Governments as well.


Just received this notice from the ACS US State Department


Location: Throughout Thailand
Event:  The U.S. Mission in Thailand is monitoring reports of possible demonstrations nationwide.  Although violence is not expected, even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence.  Avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations.
Actions to Take:
•    Monitor local media and our Embassy website for updates, and check your email for further alerts;
•    Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings;
•    Review personal security plans;
•    Remain aware of surroundings;
•    Follow the instructions of local authorities.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

prime minister-designate Pita Limjaroenrat failing to get enough votes to take the helm

Then Prayut is still the "prime minister-designate" and not Pita Limjaroenrat.  You don't get the title - Prime Minister - without the votes.  And Prayut, like it or not, remains in the Prime Minister slot until after a valid election has ratified a new PM. 

Edited by connda
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4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which breaches this rule.

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10 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Just received this notice from the ACS US State Department

The USSD has less of their finger on the pulse of this country than the average US expat who lives here. 
I've lived here 15 years.  We've seen this before, we'll see it again. 
I came here in 2007 at a time when I believe there were USSD warning about not traveling in BKK. 
Me?  I went right down to Democracy Circle to see what was shaking. 

I remember a Thai guy coming up to me, presumable because I was a pasty white farang, to complain that Thailand didn't have a Democracy.  I laughed and told him, "Neither does the US or most of the West."  We're told we have democracies, but what we really have are Corporatocracies or Kleptocracies or Plutocracies which are closer to reality in the West.  Perhaps except for Switzerland which has Direct Democracy. 

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Before everyone gets their knickers in a twist, this was just the first vote and Pita was not far off.

I am sure some back room discussions and in particular, resolving one particular concern might see him through in the next round.


Time to panic is if the 2nd vote fails, as I think he would have no choice but to step aside for another candidate.

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Why not do what other countries are famous for ( especially France who brought everything to a halt this year) a strike by all who voted Pita and co. Do they know what strikes are in Thailand ? Apart from’the red shirts blocking airports. Peaceful sits in at the same time.

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Well, well, what do you know! 

Peaceful election, clear results, chairs being moved around and the police has to prepare for protests? 

Do not tell me, that something went wrong to the extent, that some voters are seriously cross now? Because that would be absolutely undemocratic ???? 


Edited by Sydebolle
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36 minutes ago, realfunster said:

Before everyone gets their knickers in a twist, this was just the first vote and Pita was not far off.

I am sure some back room discussions and in particular, resolving one particular concern might see him through in the next round.


Time to panic is if the 2nd vote fails, as I think he would have no choice but to step aside for another candidate.

If the 2nd vote fails, and the parliamentary rules are being followed in this Parliamentary Democracy, then its not "his time" as he is not the top seeded candidate for the PM position.  Accept it and move on.  His time will no doubt come.  Just not now.

Personally I don't have a lot of sympathy for those who claim they live in a Democracy, and yet?  They don't like the style of the Democracy that they live in.  Like I stated above, in reality our collective so-called democracies are in actuality Corporatocracies or Kleptocracies or Plutocracies or systems of government which are ruled by those who control the wealth and power.  For example, if you are a corporation with virtually total control over the media 'airwaves,' you can allow propaganda for a price from other interests who wish to sway public opinion. And they do.  And it is highly effective!

Honestly - I see most people to be dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to politics and Geo-politics.  Most people are like Ravens.  If something is polished and shiny, they'll grasp it.  Shine up a political position with enough money, and you can sway the majority of commoners. 

"But that's not true!"

Yeah - it is.  So there is a lot of "Shining" going on in the background. Some the that "Shining" is shining positions of social violence.  That's not good.

That's unacceptable and yet?  ????  F*** it.  I've lived too long and have seen too much both in private life and in the military, active duty and as a sub-contractor.  I'm sorry.  The plebs get p***ed on in-perpetuity. 

"No they don't!"

Yes they do. 
It's been this way since man figured out they can control their peers with violence or coercion.  Study history.

I wish this country the best of luck and I hope they can get their collective **** together without resorting to violence.
Because if they resort to violence?  I have a pretty good idea how it ends.  Violence is not a solution and never will be.

Edited by connda
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4 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

On the contrary, who would be stupid enough to knowingly retain shares in a media company, especially when your predecesor was banned for the same reason and announce inflamitory policies on changing the lesse majeste laws. That is just plain stupid and shows a lack of polical awareness.

Thank  you. To his defence, we have to recognize that he probably has very little time left every day after posting and blogging and selfieing, to do practical things like getting rid of poisonous shares.

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1 hour ago, SEAHOPPER said:

Hi mates , 


as much as one feels simpathetic with thai people quest for democracy and fairness one aims to spend some  months in bkk and surroundings from mid august onwards ,... shall be mainly hopping around chatushak and kaset areas ...



So from my egoistic point of view one wonders if  protest get on the way of falang travellers .. is one likely to get involved even if not aiming for it ? 


Read above about airports ... Can one get stuck somehow.. im sure there si always land border crossing . What about other major cities... like chiang mai or had yai .. equally amidts turmoil?


Thx in advance .

Entirely unpredictable at this stage. Could be confined to BKK: action elsewhere won't affect the senators & the authoritarians much.


Any protest activity could turn violent but it will be ineffective if not well-planned. Needs action with military precision and including bringing the lower ranks of the army onside, in & around BKK ... Needs to choose targets carefully - airports, individuals & their homes & other known assets ...


Probably beyond Thai capabilities to organize, but who knows?

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4 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

On the contrary, who would be stupid enough to knowingly retain shares in a media company, especially when your predecesor was banned for the same reason and announce inflamitory policies on changing the lesse majeste laws. That is just plain stupid and shows a lack of polical awareness.


Bunk.  I personally know exactly what securities and assets I hold.  Are you really going to carry water for Pita and claim he was ignorant of his financial holdings?

Again - bunk, and double bunk.  Anyone who doesn't know their financial holdings would be a total fool - and you don't want a total fool running your country.  Just imagine when you control the financial holdings of An Entire Country

If a guy (or gal or <enter your gender here>) can't manage their own assets and financial holdings?  I would sure as hell not want them running the country. 

Really.  Do you really think George Soros or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates are ignorant of their personal financial Holdings?  Get real.


19 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

Thank  you. To his defence, we have to recognize that he probably has very little time left every day after posting and blogging and selfieing, to do practical things like getting rid of poisonous shares.

Ok.  But yes - I have no doubt he understands his financial holdings.  And if he doesn't?  He shouldn't be PM. 
Imagine not having a clue as to the monetary and financial status of Thailand?  Do you want someone who can't handle their personal finances running the country?

"He didn't know he had those shares!"

I'll say it again - bunk, twaddle, bravo-sierra, malarkey, and utter nonsense.
Yes he did. 

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The utterly ridiculous clowns running the EC, the army and the foul, super corrupt army appointed senators just don't get it. The people have spoken, yet you goons still try to steal the election. 


Do it at your own peril. Hopefully, they and their entire families will pay a heavy price for their attempted power grab. 

What your failing to understand is they dont care what the people want or need, they only care about keeping power.


Why do you keep bringing up hope that their families are abused.

Do you believe a child should suffer due to the actions of his father?

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4 hours ago, JackGats said:

We have no dog in this fight.

I have a daughter, she turns 18 on Sunday. She is idealistic, hates corruption, and wants to live in a modern, pluralist and progressive country. So do her friends. There are millions like her. They predominantly voted for MFP.


I want my daughter to realise her dreams. I don't have a vote, but I certainly have a dog in this fight!

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2 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:



Fixing an unjust law that has been abused time and time again to oppress and intimidate people.


There is a reason why MF won the election.

Your post shows a distinct lack of awareness

I doubt it. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 

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1 hour ago, connda said:


Bunk.  I personally know exactly what securities and assets I hold.  Are you really going to carry water for Pita and claim he was ignorant of his financial holdings?

Again - bunk, and double bunk.  Anyone who doesn't know their financial holdings would be a total fool - and you don't want a total fool running your country.  Just imagine when you control the financial holdings of An Entire Country

If a guy (or gal or <enter your gender here>) can't manage their own assets and financial holdings?  I would sure as hell not want them running the country. 

Really.  Do you really think George Soros or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates are ignorant of their personal financial Holdings?  Get real.


Ok.  But yes - I have no doubt he understands his financial holdings.  And if he doesn't?  He shouldn't be PM. 
Imagine not having a clue as to the monetary and financial status of Thailand?  Do you want someone who can't handle their personal finances running the country?

"He didn't know he had those shares!"

I'll say it again - bunk, twaddle, bravo-sierra, malarkey, and utter nonsense.
Yes he did. 

Read what i said.

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