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Thai air force to battle surging fine dust pollution crisis


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26 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

We are currently in Rayong

THat's right next to the biggest industrial area in Thailand - petrochemicals aromatics etc etc the locals have had various legal actions going for years due to pollution of air, soil ands sea. THey have some of the highest cancer rates in the country.

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One needs to look at the SOURCES of pollution - of course a lot of it is big business who have a vested interest in keeping their buddies in government out of it..

however tourism traditionally makes up 20% of GDP and if Thailand gets the reputation for being dangerous to health then it could have serious knock-on effects.


Sources - forest fires are mostly man made at the end of the dry season.

Multiple rice crops lead to repeated crop burning when it used to be just one crop per annum

Sugar cane is often burned twice - once before harvest and then again after.

Industry is notoriously under regulated - 50% of industrial waste is disposed of in landfills that are not suitable prepared for the waste and factoreies discharge and burn chemicals into the atomosphere.

then in the cities traffic pollution is trapped by the topography and weather.


how planes will help I can't see.


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Just what a retiree wants in later life. Chocking to death in Thailand. 

But, snuggling up to your 30-40 year old GF negates about 1 point off the 2.5PM scale.


Hey baby I have two Hepa filters running on high in my house ... Want to party..  :)


You look hot tonight baby, lets head back home and turn on the Hepa filters.


Just not feeling it tonight baby. Did you forget to turn on the Hepa filers again? 

Edited by Gknrd
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4 hours ago, malibukid said:
  6 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I didn't read anything in the article that suggested that the aircraft to be used were in anyway unsafe. The Basler BT-67 is, of course a remodeled and much updated DC 3, (C47 to military types) a model which, in the eyes of many aviation pundits, is regarded as the most successful aircraft in aviation history.


4 hours ago, malibukid said:

no match to a converted DC-10 tanker

My vote would be the C130, but no one can deny the DC3's place in aviation history.

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"Thai air force to battle surging fine dust pollution crisis"


I am getting images of them sending up a few Helicopters ,to blow it

all away .....:whistling:


Regards Worgeordie 

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1 hour ago, mrfill said:

Do they really think that water bombing Bangkok will
a) work


b) not cause vast damage to property ?


It's hard to believe their IQ is over 80 sometimes, but in truth it is just lies and misdirection from their inability to manage and control the problem adequately.

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The burn map looks rhe same as last year.  Its obvious they must get Cambodia to agree to do something or its hopeless   

If they really got serious about farmer fires the exports amd GDP would suffer plus no votes.  

The government needs to  cancel those subs and buy new farm equipment.  And teach farmers gow ro use new farning methods, composting, siliage feed, etc 

Big penalties for  companies  buying burnt cane. 

Get nearby countries, esp Cambodia to do something.  Burma probably to busy with that genocide thing.  Cambodia farmers more poor and uneducated than Thailand. 

I think they see liver damage kills more than lung issues or lung issues are more from parasites from eating nam pla.  

Yearly Emission testing of all ICE would ne logical but  how much of the city fleet would pass.  

As far as plane safety and the oikot safety comment im sure the Air Force said our 1 c3 is 60+ years it cant handle 20 water drops a day.  We want new stuff. 

What happened to those big expensive filter units from 2 years ago they were putting around BKK? 

Hard to upgrade a country so much now.  Maybe should have thiught about this during 2018-19 when tourism was peaked. 

We get an inversion and bad here occasionally and its a terrible feeling when you shouldnt go outside to exercise or at all.   


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14 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Actually it will be a call for cloud seeding by Air Force to make rain to clear some of the dust from the air.  Nothing about prevention.


Nah they tie big nets to the back of the plane and scoop up the dust that way!!!

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16 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

handling hurricane nuke them. At lest this will move the dust particles out of Bangkok


That's it!

If we get all the Air force aircraft, jet and prop, to fly above Bangkok as fast as they can go, in a tight circle, we can, in Thai theory, create a vortex, a tornado if you will. 

We can suck the "pollution" up and away from the area. Genius, it might just work. I love science.


** if Superman can turn back time by flying around the planet super fast we may have a chance too.





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20 hours ago, bamnutsak said:




from the linked article...


In response to the pollution crisis, ACM Phanpakdee stated that the RTAF is utilising every available resource, including water-dumping aircraft, to combat the haze. The RTAF also partners with different agencies and the Second Army Region to minimise forest fires and subsequent pollution.


Basler BT-67

In the current fiscal year, the RTAF plans to deploy a Basler BT-67, a utility aircraft with significant service life, for fire prevention and water-drop operations, said ACM Phanpakdee.



This aircraft is a retro-fitted DC-3.






Fine looking plane, but reduce the PM - probably adds more than it could ever reduce.

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12 hours ago, kwilco said:

There is a common misconception that PM2.5 particles only affect those with poor health – e.g .elderly etc.

This is not true….


PM2.5 particles are so small they can enter anyone’s bloodstream directly through the lungs. They remain in the bloodstream for months and effects may not manifest for years.

They actually decrease your life expectancy.


Studies have established a strong association between PM2.5, lung disease, and cardiovascular disease.


Your brain! Studies have shown a link between PM2.5 exposure and cognitive decline, including dementia and Alzheimer's disease Recent studies have shown that PM2.5 is also strongly associated with brain damage, mainly cerebrovascular damage (stroke) and neurological damage to the brain (changes in cognitive function, dementia, psychiatric disorders, etc.).


Breathing; PM2.5  weakens the lungs' defences against respiratory infections, making people more susceptible to pneumonia and bronchitis

PM2.5 can trigger asthma attacks and worsen symptoms in people with existing asthma.

 (COPD) exposure to PM2.5 contributes to the development of COPD, this progressive lung disease makes it hard to breathe.

PM2.5 exposure is linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.

Heart disease: PM2.5 can damage the heart and blood vessels, leading to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and irregular heartbeat.

Blood pressure: PM2.5 exposure can contribute to high blood pressure, another risk factor for heart disease.

Diabetes: PM2.5 may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Birth defects: Exposure to PM2.5 during pregnancy has been linked to an increased risk of low birth weight and other birth defects.


Although the severity of these health effects depends on several factors, including the level and duration of exposure, a person's age and overall health, and whether they have any pre-existing medical conditions, people who consider themselves “healthy” are not immune to the long-term effects of exposure to these particles


Bear in mind that even relatively low levels of PM2.5 exposure can be harmful to health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that annual average PM2.5 concentrations should not exceed 5 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m³).

 However,  the “safe” level in Thailand falls far short of the WHO's recommended safe level. Overall, pollution in Thailand has risen 22.7 percent since 2000


The country's nationwide average PM2.5 concentration is significantly higher than the WHO recommended safe levels , often exceeding 10 µg/m³ and sometimes even reaching 20 µg/m³ or more. This means that the air in Thailand is generally considered unhealthy for everyone, not just sensitive individuals.


Remember that you can’t use personal visual cues to assess pollution levels – the PM2.5 levels can rise to quite high levels before you can notice the tell-tale haze. One clue you might overlook is the “glorious sunsets”, which are caused by the suns rays interacting with the particles…..


with Thailand being the worlds hub of knowledge, you can see immediately that WHO doesn't know what they are talking about  ;)

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Only the village head man can stop a bored granny from sweeping up the leafs on the road side and setting them alight.

In fact the village head man is key to stopping any activity in his area that is either unauthorised or harmful to the residents.

The village head men need to be brought into line with current Government policy on burning.


Burning sugar cane crops to facilitate harvesting cannot be justified.

On a local level trash needs to be collected by the District and not burnt on a near daily basis.


Is there a hot line telephone number for reporting smokey locations & vehicles?


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21 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Actually it will be a call for cloud seeding by Air Force to make rain to clear some of the dust from the air.  Nothing about prevention.

Not much cloud about to seed near me. 

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12 hours ago, worgeordie said:

"Thai air force to battle surging fine dust pollution crisis"


I am getting images of them sending up a few Helicopters ,to blow it

all away .....:whistling:


Regards Worgeordie 

Should not need to. Plenty of excess hot air in the corridors of power!

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5 hours ago, Artisi said:

with Thailand being the worlds hub of knowledge, you can see immediately that WHO doesn't know what they are talking about  ;)

Sorry, don't follow any of that.

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