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Was your father a louse?: Hold the Chicken!

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My father was a louse.


What about yours?


The reason I never entertained the idea of having children myself was, principally, due to the fact that My Old Man was such a lousy louse.


Here is what happens when one's father is a louse, I expect, and HOLD THE CHICKEN!


Years ago, when my father watched this film, Five Easy Pieces, he told my mother:....


The kids will hate me.


He was 100-percent CORRECT.


What an ahole!


Thank the gods I never had children, because, I would never wish to pass on the genes my father passed to me.


Some of you might be in my boat, perhaps quite a few of you.


I say...screw my dad.

What a louse.


Do you feel just as I?


What a nitwit.

Hold the Chicken!





Note:  Be very thoughtful and careful before you stick in your thing, just to mindlessly create another sentient being.....




Life is such blsht....really....



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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13 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I celebrated when my father passed ... nuff said. 


The more I raised kids, the more of an A$$, I realized he was, and unfit to be a parent.


Thank you, Sir, for sharing.


Also, in my view, the older we get, the clearer we become about such things.


My father was chock-full of anger.

He was also not insightful, although he was intelligent.


He was a product of his genes, and also of his parents.


My father was the reason, or one of the reasons, I never dared to have children.


Even, at over 70, I still cannot get over him.


FIVE EASY PIECES was not a bad film.


They just do not make films like this....








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31 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I celebrated when my father passed ... nuff said. 


The more I raised kids, the more of an A$$, I realized he was, and unfit to be a parent.



Once again.


Thank you!



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44 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Gamma, did your father also write a lot?


Not especially.


My father was not a writer.


My father attended Dartmouth College.


He told me that he hated Dartmouth, in fact.


What a nitwit he was, in my estimation.






My father was about the angriest man that I have ever known.



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So, anyway, Folks....


Almost everything that you think to be important in your lives, I believe to be not worth thinking about.


Why is this?


I know why.

But, do you?




Do you know why you are able to face the reality of your existence, and still function fairly well?


And, are you willing to face the reality of your reality?


a. You were born.

b. You will die.

c.  You will NOT recall any of what you did while you were alive.


Can you NOT see the futility of your existence?


And yet, you think that your life here is important?


You guys really crack me up!


Your denial of your predicament cracks me up!


Or, do you understand your predicament?


Anyway, as I am sure you now realize, whether or not you had ever lived is meaningless.


How are you able to accept this understanding of your utter meaningless?


Your meager STRIVINGS, in this context, are completely FUTILE....


And, in addition to this understanding, we also know that, just based on simple statistics, we will see the end of humanity, perhaps in your lifetime...of course...as you must know.



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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1 minute ago, save the frogs said:

yeah, my father was an ahole right until he died.


so we have that in common.


you only have 3 simultaneous threads going, gamma?



If you say so...



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I always remember that all of us are here in this existence simply because someone, or two someone's, was horny. It kind of puts life into perspective. More farce than mystery.


Not sure my dad was a good husband (divorced parents), but he was the classic dad growing up---throwing the football/baseball/playing basketball---never had 'the talk' with me, preferring I pick up the facts of life on the street, and told me to go after what you want in this world. That's about as good as can be expected.


He was a harsh taskmaster, however. If I scored a touchdown, his after game comment would be about a block I missed. He saw few of my games, but even the few he saw he had critiques. I appreciate that now, as self-satisfaction puts limits on one's self.


I guess he's only mildly a louse, and that was a pain inflicted on my mother, not me.


As for the meaning of life, I accept there is none and that it is finite, but in this only eternity I will ever know, I think it's damn fun. That's good enough.

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6 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

The reason I never entertained the idea of having children myself was, principally, due to the fact that My Old Man was such a lousy louse.

My old man was a louse, didn't stop me from having 5 children. 



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8 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So, anyway, Folks....


Almost everything that you think to be important in your lives, I believe to be not worth thinking about.


Why is this?


It’s mostly not, only the egoic human mind makes it so. We will either die and be nothing or ‘die’ and revert back to something else, possibly ethereal… the ‘we are spiritual beings in an irrelevant physical form, not the other way around’ thing, of which many subscribe to. You may, however, die and come out of a wicked trip surrounded by your alien buddies smoking bongs, only for them to say, “So, how was it for you?!”

If the latter and there is a creator, one is unlikely to be judged as there is no datum to base anything on, i.e. it ain’t fair. Free will and all that. The bible and the rest of it says otherwise for control of the masses by fear.


Decent dad, when available. 😉

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11 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Not especially.


My father was not a writer.


My father attended Dartmouth College.


He told me that he hated Dartmouth, in fact.


What a nitwit he was, in my estimation.






My father was about the angriest man that I have ever known.




My dad was a very balanced, pleasant & intelligent man, a good listener, treated my mum like a queen.


But my dad's father (my grandfather and dad's mother) were monsters, I saw my grandfather punch his wife and most of this 10 children several times. Punched them on the nose, into their teeth, several times knocking out teeth, on the side of their heads and more. 


On one occasion my grandfather was punching his wife on her face, several blows hit hard. My mom tried to intervene and grandfather was about to land a punch on my mom. My dad intervened quickly and punched his father knocking him out. Only time I ever saw my dad hit anybody.


As the years went on my dad and most of his brothers and sisters disowned their father. 


My grandmother wasn't much better, but her abuse was verbal and she knew many words that would create strong emotional abuse and hurt and she used them. She also was disowned by most of her kids. 


My dad and his brothers and sisters all had kids but they always ensured my grandparents had little contact with their grandchildren.


This is life.

Edited by scorecard
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I have very mixed feelings about my dad. He certainly wasn’t a louse, far from that. But then again, he failed to protect me and my siblings from our narcissistic mother, who did quite a number on most of us and caused a lot of psychological damage. Hence the mixed feelings.

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5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

If my son has half the respect for me that I have for my father, then I’ll consider myself proud of a job well done…


What does surprise me when reading such threads is how many people come from such disrupted & broken family backgrounds. 

I wonder if people should not have to pass a test before becoming parents !!



Couldn’t agree with you more. My mom and dad should never have gotten married, much less had children. But if they hadn’t gotten together, I would never have been born. So…..

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4 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Couldn’t agree with you more. My mom and dad should never have gotten married, much less had children. But if they hadn’t gotten together, I would never have been born. So…..

I’m not sure you understood my comment…


I have so much respect for my father, even if my son respects me only to half the amount - I’ll be happy.



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3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I’m not sure you understood my comment…


I have so much respect for my father, even if my son respects me only to half the amount - I’ll be happy.



Bit of a misunderstanding, I guess, since I was commenting on the last sentence in your post: “I wonder if people should not have to pass a test before becoming parents !!”

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My father was very smart in business and math, which he used to disguise what a jerk he was... 


It took me until about 30+ years of age to realize that he promises things but doesn't deliver. He was a screwed up guy, but that doesn't mean that I was not smart enough not to repeat his mistakes. 


You live, you watch and you learn, even if that is merely what not to be...

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