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Your personal opinion guns

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

 Some guns aren't necessary but getting rid of them won't solve the problem.

Really. After Australia banned semi-automatic weapons, there have been only 3 gun massacres since 2000. It's a bit difficult to make progress when one only has a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock accounted for 60 dead and over 300 wounded.


Australian has a lot of the problems America has, look over there is a two-edged sword.


Depressingly, you are right. Americans are addicted to a gun culture. They will keep killing innocents and children,until someone comes along who is strong enough to take their guns away.


While I don't like John Howard, IMO it is his best legacy.


Tell me, as a gun owner, when there is a gun massacre, do you join in offering your thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims?



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36 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

I have no objection to shooting rabbits if you eat them, my mum used to make a delicious rabbit stew. But to kill anything for fun is sad. 

People are funny about this.

Me too.

Is it the Sanctity of Life, is it a higher morality?


Kill bunnies or baby seals I am outraged.

Kill rats or snakes, not so much.


I think it is the Sanctity of Cute Cuddly Lifeforms.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Really. After Australia banned semi-automatic weapons, there have been only 3 gun massacres since 2000. It's a bit difficult to make progress when one only has a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock accounted for 60 dead and over 300 wounded.


Australian has a lot of the problems America has, look over there is a two-edged sword.


Depressingly, you are right. Americans are addicted to a gun culture. They will keep killing innocents and children,until someone comes along who is strong enough to take their guns away.


While I don't like John Howard, IMO it is his best legacy.


Tell me, as a gun owner, when there is a gun massacre, do you join in offering your thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims?



Former Prime Minister John Howard didn't do much in his time as PM 


There is a shooting weekly in Sydney, shooting deaths every month  ,last week again involving criminal gangs ,so they get the guns .

it's obvious that crime gangs can access guns 

Edited by georgegeorgia
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On 3/2/2024 at 11:59 AM, georgegeorgia said:

I will need to retire when I can carry 


Do you mean all of that gym work and boxing won't help you, hmmm, you must be a midget then.

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On 3/2/2024 at 10:40 AM, georgegeorgia said:

Intelligent post Vinnie

I think Vinnie,  you son have been smoking too much the wacky tobacky darl.😳

I have sent you a link to the book "psychometrics of the impact of brain cells when weed smoking " by Ronald Dossat 

Yes indeed mate - me thinks a lot of single Expats are enjoying too much of the wacky tobaccy and have no idea the brain damage they are causing themselves.


Getting back to the topic - IMO in the USA it would be foolish not to live with a gun in the house, or not have one when you go out into the 'sticks'.  The reason is because there are so many guns in the hands of criminals in USA - who will never give them up voluntarily.  IMO in other civilised countries (not Mexico etc.) there is no need to have or carry a gun for personal safety, but if you like to shoot for sport (I used to) then by all means go right ahead. As far as I am aware not one member of the NRA or an official shooting club in USA has ever committed a gun massacre in USA.  IMO all legal owners of a gun in USA should be a member of a shooters club (safety re-certified every 12 months minimum) and that means undertaking the NRA safety course and training (and voluntary memberhsip).

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1 minute ago, georgegeorgia said:

Probably the same height as an old Thai boiler.....

 tho... 'Age does not weary them'! Unlike u sunshine they,ve had a go, not just dreamt about it.

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19 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

Probably the same height as an old Thai boiler....ah keep trying to insult me old man  ..your a man with a jealous chip on his shoulder ..


No insult GG, just stating the facts, you mentioned that you go to the gym, and you also box, and you have mentioned you saw some guys in a 7/11 store harassing someone in Pattaya if memory serves me, but a gun, now now GG, man up, duck and weave. 


Me jealous, oh come on m8, you can do better that that.


Knock You Out GIFs | Tenor


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41 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

Former Prime Minister John Howard didn't do much in his time as PM 


There is a shooting weekly in Sydney, shooting deaths every month  ,last week again involving criminal gangs ,so they get the guns .

it's obvious that crime gangs can access guns 

Yes, and when they get caught, it's 2-10 years in jail just for possessing a firearm.

If you think the solution is more guns, you're as dumb as the Americans.


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On 3/2/2024 at 8:10 AM, KhunLA said:

Yes & Yes, with legal permit to carry concealed.


Never really needed, even living in some crap neighborhoods, or putting myself in situations, most would not.


I have had many guns.

I sold all my guns when I realized that guns were useless, at age 18.


I had a Weatherby Magnum 460.


One bullet for this gun costs:  





10 USD per shot.


Better to buy a computer with this money, and then help save the Chinese, is my thinking.


Gun ownership is pretty stupid.


Stupid is as stupid does.....


I am not a Trump man.....


I am not dumb, and so I do not live in Texas.



A Weatherby rifle is not your average Midnight Special.

First, you gotta pay a lot of money, maybe about USD5000

And then, after you order one, you gotta WAIT a loooong time before you can expect delivery.....



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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2 hours ago, Patong2 said:

Not the issue.

The issue was that despite extremely tight laws and penalties, random vehicle searches etc, gun crime in Northern Ireland was higher than any where we could find reliable figures for.

As a matter of interest NZ changed its gun laws after an Australian terrorist who did not meet criteria for legal ownership tragically killed 51 people in Christchurch.

Since the laws were changed there has been a huge increase in gun crime despite legal owners like myself surrendering, in my case valuable target rifles, as our govt told us it would reduce gun crime.


What a load of rubbish and tragically police and civilians have died and been injured as more and more criminals carry guns in NZ and use them.

There has been a 12% increase in crime, type unspecified. According to Google, New Zealand is quite low on the crime list, generally regarded as one of the safest countries.

Please post a link to support your claim there has been a huge increase in gun crime in New Zealand.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

It's a bit difficult to make progress when one only has a bolt action rifle.


I think that all guns sold to the public should be muzzle loaders.

I have had several muzzle loaders.

Some with percussion caps...

Some without.


Guns are OK with me....IF....they are all long rifles and muzzle loaders.

Hard to stick up a bank with a muzzle loader.


I mean....

Where would one keep his ramrod?



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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Really. After Australia banned semi-automatic weapons, there have been only 3 gun massacres since 2000. It's a bit difficult to make progress when one only has a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock accounted for 60 dead and over 300 wounded.


Australian has a lot of the problems America has, look over there is a two-edged sword.


Depressingly, you are right. Americans are addicted to a gun culture. They will keep killing innocents and children,until someone comes along who is strong enough to take their guns away.


While I don't like John Howard, IMO it is his best legacy.


Tell me, as a gun owner, when there is a gun massacre, do you join in offering your thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims?


The only problem with trying to take guns away from Americans is we won't give them up. No politician will ever be able to make a law doing this, and if they tried, they would be removed . It makes me sick seeing innocents killed by loonies, especially young children. I can't imagine how they feel, having never lost a child, and parents to cancer isn't the same thing. In Texas awhile back, many were killed in Uvalde, near where I used to hunt. The police there were too cowardly to go in and that hesitation lost many lives. The only way it will be slowed down is psychologicals before gun sales, along with the compulsory background check, and a minimum age of 21. Gun magazines kept to the minimum size for semi autos is a given. Protecting schools? The only way is metal detectors and armed guards, as there will always be these kids that might have been bullied and take out their revenge on more than just the one who bullied them. Like I mentioned, one shooter armed with 2 semi handguns and a few magazines can shoot many people before they are stopped. Trying this with a bolt action rifle won't work too well of course. A 10 round shotgun, as many are, will do a lot of damage also, and these are hunting guns in the wrong hands. Locking up weapons, mandatory, will help. I don't know any other way because mentally ill people will always be around, and will find ways to hurt others even if guns didn't exist. Some don't care about punishment, seeing they kill themselves also, and some, being teenagers, don't think into the future, seeing themselves in prison for life being someones b*tch.


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39 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


I have had many guns.

I sold all my guns when I realized that guns were useless, at age 18.


I had a Weatherby Magnum 460.


One bullet for this gun costs:  





10 USD per shot.


Better to buy a computer with this money, and then help save the Chinese, is my thinking.


Gun ownership is pretty stupid.


Stupid is as stupid does.....


I am not a Trump man.....


I am not dumb, and so I do not live in Texas.



A Weatherby rifle is not your average Midnight Special.

First, you gotta pay a lot of money, maybe about USD5000

And then, after you order one, you gotta WAIT a loooong time before you can expect delivery.....



Calling Texans dumb shows you've never been there, and have no idea of the people who live there. I'm not a native Texan, moved there in 1985 from New Jersey but lived there 32 years before coming here. Calling yourself a genius shows you aren't, s a genius doesn't brag about it, seeing they're smart enough to know intelligence will show anyway. Gun ownership, meaning legitimate for hunting, targets and protection, isn't stupid in any meaning of the word. These are legitimate pastimes that have been around for centuries. God put animals here, meaning game, for us to eat. Yes, we could use bows and crossbows like I do now, but guns are also used. This has nothing to do with Trump, as he's just another disturbed individual some believe in. Just like Hitler, Putin, Stalin, Mao, Kim and all the others. And you can buy a Weatherby for under $2500

Edited by fredwiggy
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I agree!


Everyone should have the right to bear these arms:



1790s, when the 2nd Amendment was ratified.


I have used these long rifles, and they work like a charm, against targets.


Such a beauty!




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6 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Calling Texans dumb shows you've never been there


I was there, several times.

Mary Kay used to be one of my biggest customers....!


I travelled to Texas, several times, with my Chinese wife, from HK.


The Texans looked askance at her, at the time.  They probably thought she was rather exotic back in 1974.


Texans are jerks; meaning they talk funny.

Everyone in Boston once knew this.



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When I was young, I had a Rock Chucker:




When I was young....


I had the time to reload

0.45 ACP




And, I used to reload a lot for my Browning BAR Semi-automatic rifle, which was a true beauty of a gun.




Still, by age 20, I had outgrown childish things.


Also, having lived in Taiwan for many years, I now know that gun ownership is, basically, for young fools with too much time on their hands.





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10 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


I was there, several times.

Mary Kay used to be one of my biggest customers....!


I travelled to Texas, several times, with my Chinese wife, from HK.


The Texans looked askance at her, at the time.  They probably thought she was rather exotic back in 1974.


Texans are jerks; meaning they talk funny.

Everyone in Boston once knew this.



You really are showing with every post a lack of not only intelligence but restraint. So you traveled to Texas, meeting how many Texans? I was there 32 years, and knew thousands. Just like everywhere else I've been, some were jerks and most were fine people. You're saying you met a few of the 30 million whop live there and are judging them as jerks from this? They talk funny? A southern accent, shared by many millions across the south, and brought about over time, just like those in every other country. Do they all talk funny? Your Chinese wife was rather exotic when the Chinese have been there for centuries? That's kinda like the ones here who have seen foreigners for a hundred years and still point at us and say farang. Ignorance comes in many disguises. 4 of my children, all above average IQ, were all born in Texas, making them native Texans even though I'm from New Jersey. Hardly dumb kids.

noun: restraint; plural noun: restraints
  1. 1.
    a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits.
    "decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget"
    • the action of keeping someone or something under control.
      "a policy of restraint in public spending"
    • deprivation or restriction of personal liberty or freedom of movement.
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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

I was there 32 years, and knew thousands.


If you knew thousands, then....you must have been....

A politician.


I have never known thousands of people, anywhere.



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4 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


If you knew thousands, then....you must have been....

A politician.


I have never known thousands of people, anywhere.


Seeing the average person interacts with up to and beyond 80,000 in their lifetimes, you must not get out much.


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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:



How do you remember them, the 80,000 people you have met?


Do you have some sort of HUGE Rolodex, or something?



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3 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


How do you remember them, the 80,000 people you have met?


Do you have some sort of HUGE Rolodex, or something?


They're all friends on Facebook


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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:


I think that all guns sold to the public should be muzzle loaders.

I have had several muzzle loaders.

Some with percussion caps...

Some without.


Guns are OK with me....IF....they are all long rifles and muzzle loaders.

Hard to stick up a bank with a muzzle loader.


I mean....

Where would one keep his ramrod?



IIRC there was a technical flaw in the finale of "The Last of the Mohicans" when the hero reloaded his rifle, with nary a ramrod to be seen.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:


Noted you declined to respond to my question.


What is especially sickening is the politicians who take NRA donations to support their campaigns, then offer their "thoughts and prayers" to the bereaved. <deleted> hypocrites.

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19 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Bergen County



We had a house in Cape May Point, sort of a summer house, with a bit of land attached.

That was before that area was destroyed by overdevelopment.


Back in the day, I could fire off my muzzleloader on our property at Cape May Point, and nobody would raise an eyebrow.


I just thought that you might be from The Pine Barrens, is all....just ....judging...

By your posts.







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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Noted you declined to respond to my question.


What is especially sickening is the politicians who take NRA donations to support their campaigns, then offer their "thoughts and prayers" to the bereaved. <deleted> hypocrites.

I mentioned it sickens me when this happens. I talk to God all the time, asking for all madness to stop, especially against children, the poor and elderly.

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