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Should I stay or should I go?

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21 hours ago, bob smith said:

she is crying now as I type.


she really doesnt want me to leave.



If you are leaving your wife which sounds like you are, maybe that is the real issue, not the country. Good relationships are a partnership where the couple make decisions together, not impulsively by one party on a whim.

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36 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

Get the hell out of Roi Et or whatever backwater is currently killing you. Move to a whitie-enclave.


Know your limitations. And then kick back and enjoy cheapskate paradise.


I was slanging here with a guy who said he couldn't imagine 200 baht pad thai. I can't imagine living in a part of Thailand where they DON'T have 200 baht pad thai (decent restaurants, lots of whitie pleasures etc.)


You may not even want 200 baht pad thai, but you def want to be near it. I'd take a closet in Pattaya than a mansion Issan. Know thyself.

If he lives in Roi Et I will give you 100 free Pad Thais

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21 hours ago, bob smith said:

she is crying now as I type.


she really doesnt want me to leave.




Given the posting history - I'm wondering...


Is she crying becasue Bob is leaving for good and taking his financial security with him ??? 


OR... is Bob leaving for a couple of weeks for a break ??? In which case her emotional response is rather excessive. 



The nuts and bolts of this come down do - Why doesn't she want him to leave ?

a) Loss of financial security ?

b) Loss of her mutually respectful loving partner who she relies upon for emotional support ?



I know its difficult to tell which, given Bob's posting history....


Also, why can't she go with him ???




Wife and I have an agreement.... if anything comes up and we need to / have to move (career or family reasons etc).. then we do so together and give it a solid year to try... IF after a year it still doesn't work, then we can always go back to square one.

I guess the issue here is that Bob isn't at square one, as he isn't comfortable here in Thailand... 


Square one for Bob Smith is surely more about being comfortable in his own head space than anything else, no ????









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So Bob, I gotta ask the glaring question.


So if you leave are you going without Mrs Bob, if indeed you are married?


If you are just going to up sticks and leave without her, I'm making the leap that maybe she is part of the reason to leave.


When left I couldn't even leave my cat behind, she came too!


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9 minutes ago, Dolf said:

If he lives in Roi Et I will give you 100 free Pad Thais


I'm pretty sure Bob is a Pattaya monger....    hence all of his stories and not being in the best place for being surrounded by emotionally healthy and mentally stable Thai's and Foreigners....   


In fact it could be argued that places such as central Pattaya and Patong etc are not conducive for anything else other than repeating numerous repetitive negative encounters with feed the negative conformation bias.


If I were to spend a few days in central Pattaya, I'm sure I'd be exhausted from all the repetitive negative BS that comes with it... 



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When I get seriously annoyed with all the BS that Thailand throws at me, I recall all the visits back to Aust that I have done over the years - that reminds me why I left that cesspool of progressive feminazi oppression.  Then I look at my Thai wife and the beautiful friendly country I am currently staying - and that reminds me of why I stay.


During the last flight from Australia I made note of the following - and have sent it to several mates and colleages to explain what Australia is really like now - not at all like in the 70s and 80s.  This was the ABC News as shown on the flight and the topics are listed below in order longest to shortest - longest first:

All the presenters and reporters were female (except one).

Aboriginal Problems and Complaints - The Voice crap and why people should say Yes (phark all about No).

Whales on a Beach - greenies trying to save them (again and again).

Greek fires caused by Climate Change - total bull<deleted> blaming people driving petrol cars.

Women's issues regarding 'equality' of outcome (not enough CEOs) and total pay (not per hour rates), but nothing about equal opportunity. 
Condemnation of Israel (no criticism of Hamas, etc.).

Murray Basin dryness caused by Climate Change (no mention this happens every few years).
Womens World Cup - pay inequality between male and female World Cup players (totally illogical BS).
WW2 soldiers bodies found (male reporter) - good story about reamins will be returned.
Plastic bottles causing pollution (no mention that adding a tax a few years ago made no difference).

House prices higher report - it stated that 25% are migrants buying first home with cash, and most buyers were overseas buyers (but no obvious comments made about them driving up prices).
Girls junior swimming championships somewhere (phark me, who cares - not nationals or olympic trials).


That is Australia now - and the best thing males can do is ignore (never make a comment) and it is all best avoided by going to 'men's clubs' (golf courses, bars and clubs, the footy, etc). But the best approach IMO for a single/divorced guy is to move to a SEAsian country where they have values like we used to have, and where the womern are feminine and good looking, and where everything costs far less (except wine, cheese and golf). 

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I'm feeling that way as well, Bob. I live in Pattaya though, so it's a bit worse.


Got to doing my visa run for my O-A visa and started thinking that if there was a problem at the border it would not be so bad after all! Just move to Cambodia.


Even getting a bit excited about that possible immigration problem 🤣. Not a good sign. Go with your heart.


I feel like I need to use all my visa time here though for some reason before I move. In a couple months back to Chiang Mai for the next year. If it does not work out there, like it did in the past, I'm over Thailand. Will need to decide by next June if I want to stay here long term on a regular O or not.

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I know how you feel Bob sometimes it is difficult to decide -  today big argument with my gf because I complained about something (in her eyes I was angry but I was just complaining about something). I think she wants to be my mother not my girlfriend - so I am seriously thinking about leaving after 14 years with that and all that is going on (tax, Swiss etc) BUT I reccommend a cost benefit analysis before a final decision.

Edited by Negita43
finger trouble
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2 minutes ago, Negita43 said:

I know how you feel Bob sometimes it is difficult to decide -  today big argument with my gf because I complained about something (in her eyes I was angry but I was just complaining about something). I think she wants to be my mother not my girlfriend - so I am seriously thinking about leaving after 14 years with that and all that is going on (tax, Swiss etc) BUT I reccommend a cost benifet analysis before a final decision.

Haha, look at you all feeding the troll..he will be on to his next polarising topic next week after he does not go.

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3 minutes ago, Negita43 said:

I know how you feel Bob sometimes it is difficult to decide -  today big argument with my gf because I complained about something (in her eyes I was angry but I was just complaining about something). I think she wants to be my mother not my girlfriend - so I am seriously thinking about leaving after 14 years with that and all that is going on (tax, Swiss etc) BUT I reccommend a cost benifet analysis before a final decision.

i feel you mate.


thai women are a minefield of emotion at times.



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That's easy. You're not happy so she goes with you.


The pivot is, she does not know if she will be happy in the new location because she has not been there. You know you are not happy here and were happier in another location. You have the advantage on insisting on the relocation.


However, if she were unhappy in the new location, advantage is her's to move back.

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22 hours ago, bob smith said:

mrs smith doesnt want me to go.


personally i have had it up to here with this place,

ive had enough of the racism, xenophobia and silly little games the locals love to play on us.


I have a lot to lose here.

property, business, family etc.

but im not sure how much more I can take living here.

I want to live in a normal country

not in a video game.


decisions decisions. 


So Mrs Smith doesn't want you to go, will you be taking her with you or just dumping her ?


I think the problem you have here Bob, is your bored, I don't involve myself with Thai's unless it's required, never had an issue with them, only on the roads, but I expect that, so just anticipate and bit my bottom lip, i.e. go with the flow, it doesn't hurt, really. Racism is worldwide, Xenophobia boils down to education, I'm surprised you would stoop to their level, if in fact you believe that they are Xenophobes ?


As for losing property, business and family, that will be your choice, won't it, do you care about anyone else except yourself Bob ? Don't get me wrong, there are times we all blow up and just want to FO, but when there is family involved, you have to calm down, and re-set.


A normal country, m8, tell me where there is a normal country, you have it so good here that you can't see it.


The sooner you realise you live in a Matrix, the better you will be, get a hobby, or two and if your going to fly the coop, take the Mrs with you, as for the family, can't comment on that, not sure if your talking extended family or what.


Life's too short Bob open up the windows in the morning and suck in that fresh smoky air as you won't get it anywhere else.


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32 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Paradise is here and now, or it is nowhere. Where is it ?


Its not Bangladesh....     even when there... paradise was most certainly not hear and now.... in fact the anus of the earth was.


But, I get your point... Wherever we are we can make efforts to consider it paradise, especially with those we care about...


But, for some of us, its made easier in a better place... 


For others, it doesn't matter the place, or who they are with, as they'll never find 'paradise' if they lack the emotional maturity and stability not to trip over it with hyperbolic negativity...  



i.e. Such a beautiful area, oh.... someone fired a slingshot at the encroaching monkeys... Thats it, I hate Thailand, I hate all Thai's... this has completely ruined my day....     








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hi Bob_  I can understand exactly where your coming from ....  everything here is circus like and false,  you can't get any sense out of any shop staff,  online platforms are the same when buying, no english so just buy or <deleted> you ... the place really is a joke and scam......

Empathy .... respect ....  Thias wouldn't  know the meaning of the words if it bit them on the a_se.

50 millions cheats,liars and scammers  .... haha 


That's about it Bob ....   let me know if I can carry your bags




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2 hours ago, freedomnow said:

Haha, look at you all feeding the troll..he will be on to his next polarising topic next week after he does not go.

oh keep quiet will ya '  ..........

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On 3/7/2024 at 2:46 PM, bob smith said:

a country that is stable politically with democracy, rule of law, half decently educated populace and a welfare system that takes care of it’s citizens will do for me.


In fact, Switzerland sounds good! 🙂



The above mentioned criteria are (still) in effect.

But lo and behold, to live in Switzerland is expensive. Permanent residency requires a well paying job and/or a "fat wallet". (Tina Turner qualifyed).

June, July, August is fine. Otherwise the weather sucks (mostly).

"Swissies" are a benighn/friendly people, but it takes time before one is accepted as a friend. Quite the opposite to Americans, where you can gain a "friend" after having bought him 2 beers.

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5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

IIRC, 30 years ago. If the BLM movement is any guide, IMO things have not changed much.

It's easy to mistake media type for the reality on the ground. Since 2020 there have the been the same amount of interracial crime as usual but you don't hear about it like then. Why? Because there isn't an election happening now. If it's useful in the coming election they'll find a black on white incident and make it public and stir up emotions just like in 2020.

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