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My wife is getting fat.

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Depression, counselling, unhappy in the relationship. Lol to all those replies.
99% of Thais would choose to sit around and eat all day than leave the house. The less physical activity the better. It has nothing to do with any of the above in most cases and ;ack of education on nutrition is a big issue than needs addressing. 


Sugary and highly processed foods can be as addictive as any of the other vices you could partake in like sex, alcohol and recreational drugs. There is an obesity epidemic in this country and its not from depression or broken relationships its from hyper palatable foods.

Hyperpalatable food (HPF) combines high levels of fat, sugar, sodium, or carbohydrates to trigger the brain's reward system, encouraging excessive eating.


Look at any of the main foods served up today across the country.

High levels of fat - Canola, soybean, palm and peanut oils used to cook all kinds of foods are at best very unhealthy/pro inflammatory and at worst often toxic to the body. Everything is cooked and drowned in these super cheap and super unhealthy cooking oils


Sugar - literally added to everything even if they are already sweet. All the sauces and soups. I got a soda the other day on the outskirts of Buriram. I nearly spat it out when I tasted it it was so concentrated and sweet. I had to dilute it into three separate drinks to be able to tolerate the sweetness.


Carbs/Sodium - Instant noodles is loaded with sodium, Big portions of noodles/rice with every meal and little protein, MSG added in many dishes


These foods have been Developed by design to hit the brains reward systems and keep you coming back for more. Over the last 10-20 years most people can afford to eat more than they could in the past and even those in their mid 20s have that doughy look already with big amounts of excess fat all over their body. Very very unhealthy. The visceral fat would be chronic. 

Edited by Startmeup
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2 minutes ago, jvs said:

You just can't let it go right?

Have you ever walked in a mall?


The typical western male, old, fat, bald slopping around with a 20 something and a couple of rugrats!

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I skipped through the first 3 pages of sparkling wit after reading the OP, so someone might have already mentioned this.


Reading about what she eats, she should be more worried about getting diabetes than gaining weight!

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19 minutes ago, Callmeishmael said:

I skipped through the first 3 pages of sparkling wit after reading the OP, so someone might have already mentioned this.


Reading about what she eats, she should be more worried about getting diabetes than gaining weight!

You're right, somebody did already mention that. Had you read the first three pages, you wouldn't have wasted anybody's time with your redundant post. ☺️

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1 hour ago, Hokeus said:

Welcome to SE Asia. 



Bear in mind these figures from the WHO are from 2011. So presumably, more than 10 years later, things are much worse now. 

I never knew my missus came from Malaysia.

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22 hours ago, advancebooking said:

It seems she doesn't respect her body anymore and this concerns me. 

Does not sound to me like you respect her either, certainly not ideal for a good relationship.

Who would start such a thread in a public forum about their wife? the mother of his children? 

You need to Jai yen yen if you value your relationship, making a woman feel bed about herself never ends well. .

My wife does not like my cooking either. Thais have a different palet, 

And the drink you describe sounds to me like some sort of Bubble tea . a very popular drink in Asia. The balls inside it are tapioca pearls. 

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My wife of 2 years doing ok.  We both gained a bit last year.  She is diligently working iur everyday via her own  motivation.  Maybe i need to worry she's planning a runner?    She is about 45 kg now at typical 5'2" Thai female height.   Same as when we dated.   Due to stress in the K1 visa process she arrived at 43 and was to skinny for me.    Only issue she has is a soft and a bit flabby upper thigh.  Tummy tight as a drum.  I've read this is the first fat deposit spot in  many women?  

She doesn't seem to understand diet.   She cooks dual meals several times a week plus loves the som tom.  I cant do real spicy or many weird thai dishes.  I cook sometimes especially the BBQ and grilled meats.  She jas developed a taste for beef and my BBQ chicken thighs or legs she gives a 10 score.  As well as the smoked fish, pulled pork and brisket.  We catch and eat lots of trout.  We also buy shrimp quite a bit. 

She had much of life where affording enough food was not possible.  Now she can have whatever she wants.   IMHO and dietary mind she eats to large of portions of rice and or noodles.   Ive never seen such large portions served in a Thai restaurant.  It looks like it cant possibly fit in her tummy but it does. It looks like a family setving or for at least 2. She scoffs at my suggestion its to mut.   Luckily we both dont add sugar, salt, MSG.    

How do I teach her about carbohydrates?  Any link to a Thai article on this would be appreciated.    I admit physical attraction is very important to me.  She doesn't have an oz of fat above the waist.   No fat depression from a bra is so important to me it's hard to express.  Except I can say i deleted some gals for that.   A lith back is so sexy.    

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5 hours ago, khunPer said:


Some gets fatter from carbon hydrate (sugar), others from fat. That might be a good reason why some diets like pasta works for some, and not for others, while eating non-fat then works for others, but not for some.



Our bodies were initially trained to consume meat, as hunter-gatherers.. When mankind established agriculture was when obesity began, as carbohydrate became a major part of the human diet. Pasta is carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate in the stomach is hydrolysed to sugars. Put refined sugars on top of that, it's the perfect recipe for obesity.

IME fat consumption has nothing to do with body weight. I went from 93 kg to 78 kg on a diet of protein and low carb vegetables. During that time, I was eating lashings of cheese, which is 35-40% fat.

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On 3/9/2024 at 12:21 AM, proton said:

I'm divorcing mine if she goes above 47 kilo's there is a limit! 😄

Wifey just hit 47.1 Out the door.

Me, blown from 78.5 to 90. All good.🙃🙃🙃

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On 3/8/2024 at 8:44 PM, advancebooking said:

Have been married for 10 yrs. We have a daughter and so glad to have this experience in life, living the dream here etc.


When I married my wife she was slim. Her body was tight. Even after giving birth she stayed in shape. For example, she still had that gap between her upper inner thighs when standing up. 


Now 10 yrs on and she is getting rather large in the lower half of the body. 


Last night my child ran downstairs at 6pm to get mummies grab delivery. I inspected and found it was a sugary chocolate looking drink with round jelly balls floating inside. I was thinking what the hell. I go upstairs and she is drinking it and eating 2 min noodles from the original packaging that one can buy at the supermarket (full of palm oil and MSG). She wasnt eating my dinner that I cooked for us all. Grilled steak, roast potato/ pumpkin, steamed carrots and coccus. Cherry tomatoes on the side. 


Later that night I had to chat with her. No more sugar for a month etc. No more sugar drinks. 


It seems she doesnt respect her body anymore and this concerns me. 


I noticed when I purchased some strawberries at the market recently,  they include a small bag of sugar with each punnet. If one orders food from some restaurants using grab they often give a free bottle of coke with the delivery. Eat out at restaurants and the chefs add sugar to the food all the time. 


It might come to the point where Im not attracted to my wife anymore the way things are going. Ive never really been into big girls. Whats going to happen in another 10 yrs if she doesnt care about her bod. 



Yes ,I think that she will get Fatter and Heading to her Grave sooner than expected.

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11 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I'm a little disturbed by some of the attitudes here.


We all start off with physical attraction, thats how nature works. But if you truly develop affection and love that becomes secondary.


How many of us are the adonis we were when we were 20 or 30?


Beer Belly?


How many of you have lost your hair?


Trouble with living in Thailand is sometimes, 60 year old men revert to High School locker talk when talking about women without having a look in the mirror

That's because we can.

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On 3/8/2024 at 8:44 PM, advancebooking said:

She wasnt eating my dinner that I cooked for us all. Grilled steak, roast potato/ pumpkin, steamed carrots and coccus. Cherry tomatoes on the side. 


What time is dinner, I'll eat it. 😂


Sadly, tightness of skin is age related. 


If I am eating out (Thai), I have to tell the cook not to add sugar, it's crazy that they add sugar to most savory meals. 


Don't allow coke, cakes, chocolate etc. in the house, tell the kids these foods are for special occasions only, they are only allowed to eat at parties, with friends etc 


A few years ago my eldest daughter came home asking if she could buy her protein powder, she told me her friends at school were telling her that she was too skinny, underweight. 

I calculated her BMI, my daughter was perfect, she was surprised, her friends had an overweight problem,


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7 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:

That's because we can.

And you you think thats right?


Hopefully most grown men treat women with some respect.


Unfortunately many who relocate to Thailand seem to regard woman as a commodity to be bought and traded.


The sex trade in Thailand goes way beyond the transaction and insidiously affects mens attitudes to women


Edited by GinBoy2
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11 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

And you you think thats right?


Hopefully most grown men treat women with some respect.


Unfortunately many who relocate to Thailand seem to regard woman as a commodity to be bought and traded.


The sex trade in Thailand goes way beyond the transaction and insidiously affects mens attitudes to women



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She is lazy and you are enabling her. Did you guys (dudes on TV who struggle with women) not have relations with the fairer sex before you came out here?

Edited by daveAustin
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