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I have enjoyed my time in Thailand, but...

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On 3/27/2024 at 7:40 AM, bob smith said:

if I had my time again I don't think I would have chosen here.

There are many better places to live and make money,

places where you arent treated with suspicion and/or a potential criminal because you are a foreigner.


There are easier places to get PR or become a citizen,

Thailand makes this extraordinarily difficult for the average farang, and they know it!

it's like them dangling a sweet carrot in front of our noses and they enjoy watching us suffer..

this whole 90 day reporting I find completely ridiculous,

it's like they want to exert an almost sadistic control over us to make sure we are behaving as they want us to.

It's very authoritarian when you actually look at it from an objective standpoint.

when you are in it you kinda get used to it, but from an outsider looking in it does seem rather onerous.


but on the whole I go with the old 70/30 rule.

it was 70% good and 30% bad.

sadly the 30% was quite pronounced and Thailand has given me scars that may never heal.

I only hope that I don't take that resentment with me to my next destination.

and if there is a Thai sitting next to me on the plane, well, he/she is going to have a very memorable journey!



Say hi to Cambodia for me (just kidding).

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On 3/29/2024 at 3:39 PM, Highlandman said:

America is far more dangerous than Thailand.


Walking the streets of most parts of Thailand at 3am is perfectly safe (though I'd stay away from areas where lots of shifty/strange foreigners stay, such as Bangla street in Phuket, Nana Soi 3 and surrounds in Bangkok and Soi 6 in Pattaya), though even these places are generally safer than downtown LA/Chicago's west side/Washington DC during the day. 

Thailand's crime rate is as high in some respects as most anywhere. You just won't hear about it on daily news here. I've walked the streets of NYC many, many times and never saw any hint of crime. This along with living near NYC for 30 years and San Antonio the next 32, both major cities. There are gangs here just like in the US. Human trafficking rivals any place on earth. You see daily here teenagers ganging up on another 5 against 1 all the time. You don't see this sort of thing in America. People use knives, machetes and sticks here to beat others, and this is another thing you don't see as much back home. Crime here has gone up and will continue to rise because enforcement is very lacking, and corruption is much higher here. I felt much safer back home than I do here, and I'm in the country here.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Thailand's crime rate is as high in some respects as most anywhere. You just won't hear about it on daily news here. I've walked the streets of NYC many, many times and never saw any hint of crime. This along with living near NYC for 30 years and San Antonio the next 32, both major cities. There are gangs here just like in the US. Human trafficking rivals any place on earth. You see daily here teenagers ganging up on another 5 against 1 all the time. You don't see this sort of thing in America. People use knives, machetes and sticks here to beat others, and this is another thing you don't see as much back home. Crime here has gone up and will continue to rise because enforcement is very lacking, and corruption is much higher here. I felt much safer back home than I do here, and I'm in the country here.


Oh, but you do. Teenage gangs roam high schools in bad neighborhoods in many US cities. Bullying is a huge problem in schools and it could be due to something as minor as being white in a majority "minority" school. 


I remember the time I was stared at and nearly attacked for being a white dude (my Thai wife, then girlfriend) was with me as well by several angry looking Hispanic males just behind Thaitown in Los Angeles.


There is a ton of crime in New York, most of it isn't going to make the news. 


Yes, there is a bit of Thai on Thai crime here and there (much of which DOES make the Thai news or at least social media). 

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4 minutes ago, Highlandman said:


Oh, but you do. Teenage gangs roam high schools in bad neighborhoods in many US cities. Bullying is a huge problem in schools and it could be due to something as minor as being white in a majority "minority" school. 


I remember the time I was stared at and nearly attacked for being a white dude (my Thai wife, then girlfriend) was with me as well by several angry looking Hispanic males just behind Thaitown in Los Angeles.


There is a ton of crime in New York, most of it isn't going to make the news. 


Yes, there is a bit of Thai on Thai crime here and there (much of which DOES make the Thai news or at least social media). 

There's a lot more than just a bit. It's daily. Rapes, murders, beatings, gang crime, human trafficking, theft, property damage etc all day long. News doesn't travel here like it does back home. I lived in the US for 62 years, and rarely saw any crime, and I lived near major cities and rural all of that time.


Bullying happens in every school, but bullies aren't getting away with it like when we were kids. Other kids are sticking up for the victims more, although bullying everywhere is a major cause of teen suicides.


I lived next to San Antonio for 32 years before I moved here, and was around Hispanics daily, and in their areas, and they never gave me any trouble. I had many Hispanic friends. It's mostly gangs against gangs. Every major city worldwide has it's share of crime, New York as well as Bangkok, and it's usually the same things. gangs, "mafia", corrupt officials getting paid to look the other way in human trafficking, drug dealing and theft.


I have friends and relatives in many states, cities and the country back home, and they say the same thing. They see it on TV but not in person. I actually worked in NYC for a year, along with going there to eat every month, and never saw anything besides rats as big as cats roaming the streets. Doesn't mean it's going without crime. There just is a lot more crime here than you and others think. You can google it anytime, and look up on Wikipedia what's happened here through the years.

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On 3/27/2024 at 8:40 AM, bob smith said:

great post mate!


I really appreciate your input.


Many here think I am a troll. That couldn't be further from the truth. I am just a very disgruntled expat that has been in Thailand way too long and is ready for a new challenge. I am not going home, I am moving on to (hopefully) greener pastures. Only time will tell if that is the case, but one thing is for sure - I have given Thailand my best shot and now it is someone else's turn...


I am cashing in my chips, taking my money and running off into the sunset.




And you wouldn't be the only one who thinks leaving Thailand, many will leave and arrive, is part of life as an expat.

Many here criticize you because they know that they no longer have any choice which is to stay because otherwise they don't know where to go to take refuge because they have burned all ties and they envy you.😉


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On 3/27/2024 at 2:49 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Do they have any competent politicians over there?

And just in case they have them, do they have people who vote for competent people?




Women look sexy with guns

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40 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

There's a lot more than just a bit. It's daily. Rapes, murders, beatings, gang crime, human trafficking, theft, property damage etc all day long. News doesn't travel here like it does back home. I lived in the US for 62 years, and rarely saw any crime, and I lived near major cities and rural all of that time.


Bullying happens in every school, but bullies aren't getting away with it like when we were kids. Other kids are sticking up for the victims more, although bullying everywhere is a major cause of teen suicides.


I lived next to San Antonio for 32 years before I moved here, and was around Hispanics daily, and in their areas, and they never gave me any trouble. I had many Hispanic friends. It's mostly gangs against gangs. Every major city worldwide has it's share of crime, New York as well as Bangkok, and it's usually the same things. gangs, "mafia", corrupt officials getting paid to look the other way in human trafficking, drug dealing and theft.


I have friends and relatives in many states, cities and the country back home, and they say the same thing. They see it on TV but not in person. I actually worked in NYC for a year, along with going there to eat every month, and never saw anything besides rats as big as cats roaming the streets. Doesn't mean it's going without crime. There just is a lot more crime here than you and others think. You can google it anytime, and look up on Wikipedia what's happened here through the years.


If you didn't see any crime in the States it means you had blinkers on. There's far more crime than you could ever imagine and it occurs daily.

I wouldn't even dare to step into a majority black or Hispanic lower socio-economic neighborhood for fear of being attacked or robbed. At the very least I can expect to be called a "cracker" and racially abused by blacks 'from the hood'.


Don't know why Thailand makes you feel so unsafe. I'm pretty sure it's a case of you watching too much news. 


To be fair, it's not completely safe, but it's rather safe, especially if you mind your own business and avoid the nightlife scene, which I do. Similarly, I'd avoid slums, especially at night, but relative to many other countries, Thai slums are quite safe (though no reason to be there, especially as a relatively wealthy westerner). 

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On 3/27/2024 at 10:59 PM, noobexpat said:
On 3/27/2024 at 10:59 PM, noobexpat said:


Young, not retired, elite visa. 

In the condo a fair bit.


What are these changes you talk about?

I'm enjoying thailand a lot. I will stay forever.



Yes I said same 12 years ago, but not now.

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Hope everything works out Bob, but posting on this forum cant be good for your general well being.


This is my 1st time encountering you and your posts and im not sure if you are like this in real life too, or you are just bored pulling the tails of the forum members?

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35 minutes ago, Highlandman said:


If you didn't see any crime in the States it means you had blinkers on. There's far more crime than you could ever imagine and it occurs daily.

I wouldn't even dare to step into a majority black or Hispanic lower socio-economic neighborhood for fear of being attacked or robbed. At the very least I can expect to be called a "cracker" and racially abused by blacks 'from the hood'.


Don't know why Thailand makes you feel so unsafe. I'm pretty sure it's a case of you watching too much news. 


To be fair, it's not completely safe, but it's rather safe, especially if you mind your own business and avoid the nightlife scene, which I do. Similarly, I'd avoid slums, especially at night, but relative to many other countries, Thai slums are quite safe (though no reason to be there, especially as a relatively wealthy westerner). 

Again, I lived right near NYC, worked there, visited in a few times a month, and lived ,worked, and drove in all surrounding boroughs for 30 years. Then I moved next to San Antonio, another major city. I sold guns for many years, and knew a lot of policemen from those sales. I knew what was going on because I watch and listen, to the news and police stories, as well as all the people I knew in those two states. I didn't have any blinders on. I know what goes on , both here and still there by the news I get daily from both places.


People watch the news and get paranoid, thinking there's going to be a shooting near them. I never saw one. Never heard any gunfire besides from myself hunting and at ranges. Of course it doesn't mean crime wasn't happening. Same as here, but these aren't normal situations here. This country leads the world in children raised by grandparents. Over 35% and rising. This means no dads usually, with moms elsewhere working. This kind of situation brings major trouble, with kids looking to their peers for what to do, instead of having a father teaching them restraint and respect for life. This is why I'm saying crime here rivals the US in many ways. Of course the population is much higher and there aren't near as many mass shooting here as the US, but that will rise also.


You obviously didn't live there but just visited the US? I was there, daily, in Hispanic and black neighborhoods, and looking around, was the only white man around. I never had any trouble. Yes, I have been working out for 50 years, and that does bring some respect, but to a person who's mentally ill with a gun, that means nothing. Point is, they usually go after each other, meaning the gangs.


Yes, people are robbed daily, here, there and everywhere,but you try not to look like a victim. Sometimes it doesn't matter, but it did never happen to me. I felt totally safe there, because I knew there weren't going to be a group of teens attacking me. It doesn't happen there, but happens here daily. I would not walk at night in any city here, especially any of the bigger ones, as teen cowards armed with weapons haven't the mental capacity to know what happens if someone fights back, and even fighting back can get you killed when it's 5 against 1, especially if they have guns.

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6 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Again, I lived right near NYC, worked there, visited in a few times a month, and lived ,worked, and drove in all surrounding boroughs for 30 years. Then I moved next to San Antonio, another major city. I sold guns for many years, and knew a lot of policemen from those sales. I knew what was going on because I watch and listen, to the news and police stories, as well as all the people I knew in those two states. I didn't have any blinders on. I know what goes on , both here and still there by the news I get daily from both places.


People watch the news and get paranoid, thinking there's going to be a shooting near them. I never saw one. Never heard any gunfire besides from myself hunting and at ranges. Of course it doesn't mean crime wasn't happening. Same as here, but these aren't normal situations here. This country leads the world in children raised by grandparents. Over 35% and rising. This means no dads usually, with moms elsewhere working. This kind of situation brings major trouble, with kids looking to their peers for what to do, instead of having a father teaching them restraint and respect for life. This is why I'm saying crime here rivals the US in many ways. Of course the population is much higher and there aren't near as many mass shooting here as the US, but that will rise also.


You obviously didn't live there but just visited the US? I was there, daily, in Hispanic and black neighborhoods, and looking around, was the only white man around. I never had any trouble. Yes, I have been working out for 50 years, and that does bring some respect, but to a person who's mentally ill with a gun, that means nothing. Point is, they usually go after each other, meaning the gangs.


Yes, people are robbed daily, here, there and everywhere,but you try not to look like a victim. Sometimes it doesn't matter, but it did never happen to me. I felt totally safe there, because I knew there weren't going to be a group of teens attacking me. It doesn't happen there, but happens here daily. I would not walk at night in any city here, especially any of the bigger ones, as teen cowards armed with weapons haven't the mental capacity to know what happens if someone fights back, and even fighting back can get you killed when it's 5 against 1, especially if they have guns.

I have walked at night and drunk in pretty much every city in Thailand and hardly had any trouble at all. You cant say that for most major cities in the world and tbh wouldnt even entertain in most cities, regardless if i look like i have been working out lol.

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16 minutes ago, ed strong said:

I have walked at night and drunk in pretty much every city in Thailand and hardly had any trouble at all. You cant say that for most major cities in the world and tbh wouldnt even entertain in most cities, regardless if i look like i have been working out lol.

A person who works out a lot looks like they can defend themselves, and can certainly do it much better than a person who doesn't. A coward that preys on people looks for someone they can get over on.  Cowards, and they are cowards when they gang up 5 against 1, look for weakness. Like I mentioned, I spent 62 years in and around major cities in the US, and never had any trouble. I did get some looks that I felt might be someone looking at me as a person to rob, but it never happened. A smart person doesn't walk alone at night in any major city, period. That's asking for trouble. Even if you do it a  hundred times, the next one can be the one.

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On 3/31/2024 at 4:51 PM, fredwiggy said:

Again, I lived right near NYC, worked there, visited in a few times a month, and lived ,worked, and drove in all surrounding boroughs for 30 years. Then I moved next to San Antonio, another major city. I sold guns for many years, and knew a lot of policemen from those sales. I knew what was going on because I watch and listen, to the news and police stories, as well as all the people I knew in those two states. I didn't have any blinders on. I know what goes on , both here and still there by the news I get daily from both places.


People watch the news and get paranoid, thinking there's going to be a shooting near them. I never saw one. Never heard any gunfire besides from myself hunting and at ranges. Of course it doesn't mean crime wasn't happening. Same as here, but these aren't normal situations here. This country leads the world in children raised by grandparents. Over 35% and rising. This means no dads usually, with moms elsewhere working. This kind of situation brings major trouble, with kids looking to their peers for what to do, instead of having a father teaching them restraint and respect for life. This is why I'm saying crime here rivals the US in many ways. Of course the population is much higher and there aren't near as many mass shooting here as the US, but that will rise also.


You obviously didn't live there but just visited the US? I was there, daily, in Hispanic and black neighborhoods, and looking around, was the only white man around. I never had any trouble. Yes, I have been working out for 50 years, and that does bring some respect, but to a person who's mentally ill with a gun, that means nothing. Point is, they usually go after each other, meaning the gangs.


Yes, people are robbed daily, here, there and everywhere,but you try not to look like a victim. Sometimes it doesn't matter, but it did never happen to me. I felt totally safe there, because I knew there weren't going to be a group of teens attacking me. It doesn't happen there, but happens here daily. I would not walk at night in any city here, especially any of the bigger ones, as teen cowards armed with weapons haven't the mental capacity to know what happens if someone fights back, and even fighting back can get you killed when it's 5 against 1, especially if they have guns.


I've lived in the USA


Being white in a black neighborhood is asking to be beaten up. 


Same with Thailand then. I've never seen a shooting or any major crime unfold here; only happens on the news. I maintain the FACT Thailand is safer. You're safer in terms of NOT getting robbed. You're safer in terms of not getting randomly beaten up. 


Crime is far more common in the USA. Period. 

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44 minutes ago, Highlandman said:


I've lived in the USA


Being white in a black neighborhood is asking to be beaten up. 


Same with Thailand then. I've never seen a shooting or any major crime unfold here; only happens on the news. I maintain the FACT Thailand is safer. You're safer in terms of NOT getting robbed. You're safer in terms of not getting randomly beaten up. 


Crime is far more common in the USA. Period. 

Yes, crime is more common in the US, but Thailand is still up there as far as many crimes are concerned. Intentional homicides here is higher than the US.The murder rate is higher. Most of the gun crime in the US involves gangs and suicides. The mass shootings in the US are a big reason the crime rate is higher. Thailand hasn't caught up with the US as far as that's concerned, but it's rising.


Again, I was a white man going into black neighborhoods many times, and no trouble. As far as safer of not getting randomly beat up, Thailand is way ahead on that. Cowardice is huge here, with many boys without fathers getting in groups that are consistently ganging up 5 against 1, many times kicking while down, using sticks and knives. This does not happen back home besides the gangs against gangs crime. People break into others homes here all the time, just like in the US. Here because of poverty, there because of greed. People treat animals badly here, which is a precursor to treating people the same. In the US, people really love animals and see them as family. Here it's obviously not the case, and it's been said many times, you can judge a country on how it treats it's animals.


I am in no way downplaying the crime in the US. I'm simply pointing out that's it's very high here, and will much less enforcement and more corruption going on, it will only increase. Locals seem to have a very short fuse before exploding in violence, as can be seen in another post, where someone came back to a shop after being told not to smoke in the front, and cut the owners arm off with a machete. I will always feel safer back home than here. This is also a major reason I will bring my daughter to the US to live. Girls and women here are secondary at best, and that's not what I want for my daughter. Just a little on stats..........https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Thailand

Edited by fredwiggy
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