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Western Liberals: How Do You Justify Your Stay in Thailand?

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7 minutes ago, susanlea said:

I've never watch the show. Only seen shorts of it online. I don't care what washed up actors think about anything.

Never watches it but has mentioned it 4 or 5 times already. 


5 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

I want to envision a world where I endlessly cling to what some old lady said what about this that or the other thing in Australia. 


But since Olivia Newton John faded, my American interest in your dying drought of a country has waned.


While you still have your fetid nose pressed against the glass of American-anything.

You're on a roll !

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2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Scanning the responses here, it seems that average Thai is much smarter and much more perceptive than the average right winger in the West.


The far right in Thailand is the absolute elite, the monied-.1% who will support military coups because they keep the status quo where the elite still control the vast majority of the wealth. The average Thai knows the elite is purely out for themselves and couldn't care less about the common Thai.


In the West, the far right at the highest levels is equally self-serving, but the goobers are not smart enough to know they are just pawns. Tax cuts and other measures are aimed squarely at the Donor Class. Guys like the felon have a club few of his cult could afford to join, and he likes it that way, because he has nothing but contempt for the "losers" who are struggling financially. He just wants their vote. As he famously said, "I love the poorly educated". Yes, he loves them because he knows they are so gullible they will buy whatever false promise he tosses at them. He even got some of the dumbest of them to try to block certification of his election loss, and many are now in jail because they were so stupid. He also has an inherent understanding of their inferiority complex and lifelong mediocrity, so he gives them the "own the libs" meme, which for those losers is good enough (so long as he also tosses in a false promise like, "In two weeks we'll be releasing our unbelievable plan to...blah blah blah. Two weeks never comes).


Election demographics illustrate this in ways no thinking person can deny. The felon's supporters are largely as he wants them: poorly educated and on the lower end of the socio-economic ladder. The GDP statistics are so heavily skewed toward Blue areas that it verges on unbelievable (In 2016 Counties HRC carried produce per capita GDP at 9.25 times the level of Counties carried by the felon.) Thegoobers buy his lies because it allows them to believe the people who are better educated and more successful (i.e., the liberal left) are finally getting it at his hand. Of course they are not.


Since Biden took over, the US economy is booming, experiencing its strongest growth since the late 1990s under Clinton, and saw 27 straight months of unemployment below 4%, the first time that has happened since the 1960s. In order to participate and benefit, however, one must have skills and talents the marketplace wants and needs. The felon's cult is beefing and moaning, and claiming things are bad, not because the overall economy is bad---it is strong---but because they lack the marketable skills needed in the modern world.


The far right crazies now control the House in the US, that part of Congress where Bills should originate. Instead of legislating and doing what Congress is supposed to do, the (R) House members spend all them time either doing Performance Art (MTG, Gaetz, Comer, Jordan et al)or trying to find something/anything to get back at Biden. No legislation that could benefit the people is even considered. They purposely block a border Bill because they need migration as an issue. They even tried to stand in the way of the Infrastructure Bill that is rebuilding the US" bridges, roads, commo, airports, etc. (though the far right tries to take credit when they see benefits to their area).


Stay dumb, gullible and pliant, just as the elite far right wants. The cult can't even see who their own worst enemy is. The average Thai knows who is keeping him or her down. The average far right goober in the US isn't clever enough to see they are being used.




some well made points in your comment. they are however overshadowed by the incessant childish name calling. 



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11 minutes ago, stoner said:


some well made points in your comment. they are however overshadowed by the incessant childish name calling. 



You actually read it?

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4 minutes ago, susanlea said:

Robert speaks very poorly. All he does is use personal attacks. He isn't even a good actor. He is known for hiring many prostitutes himself and abusing his staff. He is a dirtbag really.

He may not be perfect - and didn't say he was - but he's not running for office. Think he's gob smacked that after all that's happened people think Trump is the answer to their woes.

If Trump thought a centre left message would have worked I reckon he would have gone there - he used to be that way politically in many ways of course -but he knows the centre and normal left won't buy what he's selling. 


I think it's fair to be held to account as to whether your life in Thailand is in some ways based on taking advantage of a poorer country. Thailand is economically very right wing in terms of rich and poor of course though there are exceptions such as pretty good broad access to health care. As long as you acknowledge that and don't abuse your place in society - your spending can be helping rich and poor - then it's not bad but definitely not without potential contradictions to consider. 

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1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Hey...have a go at Sparky but leave Australia out of it.. 

Fair enough. I love Australians here in Chiang Mai.


My question to you (Sparky won't answer): Have you ever been Mel-low?

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1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

He may not be perfect - and didn't say he was - but he's not running for office. Think he's gob smacked that after all that's happened people think Trump is the answer to their woes.

If Trump thought a centre left message would have worked I reckon he would have gone there - he used to be that way politically in many ways of course -but he knows the centre and normal left won't buy what he's selling. 


I think it's fair to be held to account as to whether your life in Thailand is in some ways based on taking advantage of a poorer country. Thailand is economically very right wing in terms of rich and poor of course though there are exceptions such as pretty good broad access to health care. As long as you acknowledge that and don't abuse your place in society - your spending can be helping rich and poor - then it's not bad but definitely not without potential contradictions to consider. 

Thailand seems to function ok despite a lot of problems. Life goes on. It is amazing to see so many condos and hotels being built. 

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Saw this very late - it has already degenerated into a Trump-Biden argument.


IMO the answer is - The radical liberals have no problem with living in Thailand, because most of what the radical liberals think is 'conflicted'.

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10 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Saw this very late - it has already degenerated into a Trump-Biden argument.


IMO the answer is - The radical liberals have no problem with living in Thailand, because most of what the radical liberals think is 'conflicted'.

Radical American liberals left America because the country has gone downhill. Yet the Democrats have been in power for 75% of the time since 2008. Just look at who they blame though. Not the brightest people.

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4 minutes ago, susanlea said:

Radical American liberals 

More he-man, wet-dream fantasy.


I lived in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for decades. I met maybe a couple of dozen far-left types. 


You fear something that doesn't really exist. Just like you know your Thai girlfriend isn't really that into you. 


Your whole existence is just a disinformed tangle of misapprehensions.

Edited by Prubangboy
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3 hours ago, susanlea said:

You must be a fanboy of the most overrated actor ever.

I am a fan, and am proud to admit it. He is an astonishing actor. If you call the star of the godfather, raging bull, the deer hunter, once upon a time in america, brazil, taxi driver, goodfellas, casino, cape fear, a bronx tale, ronin, heat, the intern, hands of stone, and killers of the flower moon an over rated actor, the fault is with your perception and appreciation. Or your blindness due to Trump worship. End of story.

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1 minute ago, Prubangboy said:

More he-man, wet-dream fantasy.

I lived in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for decades. I met maybe a couple of dozen far-left types. 

You fear something that doesn't really exist. Just like you know your Thai girlfriend isn't really that into you. 

Your whole existence is just a disinformed tangle of misapprehensions.

Typical liberal personal attacks and hypocrisy. You want to know the essential difference between right wing and left wing people?  I will give you just two things (there are so many more). 


1. At the Funerals of both Reagan and Thatcher left wing people threw abuse and stuff at their parades. Right wing people do not do that because although they might disagree with someone politically, they dont get so personally abusive as to feel it is OK to attack their funeral and upset their families and friends.


2. If there was genuinely a insurrection by right wing people on Jan 6, they would have taken guns into the building and killed all the Democrats and their supporters, and done the job correctly.  It was a protest - a stupid protest - but no worse than when Democrats invaded the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin many years ago, or the Hamas/Palestinian protests taking place on Uni Campuses recently.  The big difference was that the Democrat politicians supported that invasion by their supporters years ago, and the others in the past they did - as detailed in the Washington Post article below.  The vast majority of Republican politicians criticised the protest on Jan 6 - and even Trump denounced them a day later.  


Democrats Were for Occupying Capitols Before They Were Against It | American Enterprise Institute - AEI  




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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I am a fan, and am proud to admit it. He is an astonishing actor. If you call the star of the godfather, raging bull, the deer hunter, once upon a time in america, brazil, taxi driver, goodfellas, casino, cape fear, a bronx tale, ronin, heat, the intern, hands of stone, and killers of the flower moon an over rated actor, the fault is with your perception and appreciation. Or your blindness due to Trump worship. End of story.

You sound like a 14yo fanboy. End of story.

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16 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

More he-man, wet-dream fantasy.


I lived in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for decades. I met maybe a couple of dozen far-left types. 


You fear something that doesn't really exist. Just like you know your Thai girlfriend isn't really that into you. 


Your whole existence is just a disinformed tangle of misapprehensions.

Pseudo intellectual. Not sure what's worse, a PI or a drunk. 

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I liked De Niro's line as someone who also lived in NY city in the mid-1970's:


"We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot, a two-bit playboy lying his way into the tabloids," he said. "A clown...No one took him seriously. They take him seriously now."





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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I am a fan, and am proud to admit it. He is an astonishing actor. If you call the star of the godfather, raging bull, the deer hunter, once upon a time in america, brazil, taxi driver, goodfellas, casino, cape fear, a bronx tale, ronin, heat, the intern, hands of stone, and killers of the flower moon an over rated actor, the fault is with your perception and appreciation. Or your blindness due to Trump worship. End of story.

You are blind if you fail to see that since the early 2000s, Ronin De Niro has done very little great acting like in his past - The Irishman being the only exception. Sure a few very well selected smaller parts here and there, but no really great performances as the lead actor.  Your blindness to that is because he hates Trump and speaks publicly about that.  You probably think Kathy Griffin is a great entertainer too.  End of Story. 

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4 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

You are blind if you fail to see that since the early 2000s, Ronin De Niro has done very little great acting like in his past - The Irishman being the only exception. Sure a few very well selected smaller parts here and there, but no really great performances as the lead actor.  Your blindness to that is because he hates Trump and speaks publicly about that.  You probably think Kathy Griffin is a great entertainer too.  End of Story. 

What's so great about actors? They dress up in different clothes and play a role of make believe. What value does that add to society? Just mild entertainment. They don't build condos, they don't cure diseases, they don't produce food. Actors are the biggest masturbators on the planet.

Edited by susanlea
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2 minutes ago, susanlea said:

What's so great about actors? They dress up in different clothes and play a role of make believe. What value does that add to society? Just mild entertainment. They don't build condos, they don't cure diseases, they don't produce food. Actors are the biggest masturbators on the planet.

It always amazes me how the ignorant will automatically believe what Actors, Sportspeople and Reporters say.  In the west most right wing people have learned that they all have their own beliefs and their own personal interests at heart. Left wing people believe everything they say - as long as it is the 'woke narrative' and see anyone else expressing another view as far-right and other insults.   They all lie - Trump lies, Biden lies, all Politicians lie - but Democrats lie a lot more than Republicans on average. The only POTUS I know of that never lied was Reagan - he got it wrong many times, but he never knowingly lied AFAIK.  Yes he did the BS to USSR about things like their missile defences, and other countries about certain things - but that was his job - and he 'lied' very well (spoke his lines like a very skilled experienced actor). 


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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump derangement syndrome. You have it. Trump deceives his followers systematically and daily.


I'm not even American so cannot have TDS.


I REALISE that none of those old fools make any difference at all - just world stage actors and that

the US is a plutocracy run via lobbyists & Israel.


In making EVERYTHING about Trumpus you are falling for the MSM WWF Clown Show.


Grow up!


There's still time!

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4 hours ago, Celsius said:


I am not from EU


4 hours ago, Celsius said:


I am not from EU

oh sorry guess it must be one of the former British colonies then.  Normally it is folks that seem jealous of the US - where the vast majority are immigrants from every country around the world.


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17 hours ago, vangrop said:

what heroic act would he perform, please enlighten me

Tell it as he sees it and thus risking violent backlash from the nutjobs addicted to the diarrhea dribbling from the orange man's mouth.

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4 hours ago, susanlea said:

Pseudo intellectual. Not sure what's worse, a PI or a drunk. 

No point in arguing with @susanlea. The nonsensical, highly subjective arguments go on and on, and there is never any real content. Best to ignore those who do not put thought into their replies. 

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5 hours ago, susanlea said:

Radical American liberals left America because the country has gone downhill. Yet the Democrats have been in power for 75% of the time since 2008. Just look at who they blame though. Not the brightest people.

Yes, all the smart people are conservative. No doubt. That is why they believe in Huge Don. He only speaks truth and he would never mislead or betray his devotees. 

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14 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes, all the smart people are conservative. No doubt. That is why they believe in Huge Don. He only speaks truth and he would never mislead or betray his devotees. 

The truly smart worship movie stars. Those guys who dress up and play characters are the ones we should all listen to. Will Smith for example, what a well behaved well rounded intelligent guy or DeNiro, an old super intelligent genius who played mafia bosses in movies. Our true leaders and heroes.

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