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Thailand is 'shocked' by Kyiv hospital attack

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3 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Ignored by those who don't want to hear the truth


You would not know the truth even if it slapped you in the face. One thing I almost never see within these 'discussions' is any detail.

Only soundbites of what they may have picked up from the partisan media of their choice. Press them on the detail and they start floundering...as you would if I asked you anything specific.

Edited by NowNow
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I'm never surprised when I'm reading these threads like this one regarding the absolute inbred hatred the vast amount of Westerners have for non-Western nations and the non-Western citizens who inhabit those nations.  I'd estimate that 60% to 70% of the Western expats who are AN members consider all non-Western nations to be little more than backwater, tinpot dictatorships or "evil commies"  and that only "The Garden of Western Liberalism" produces civilized human beings whom are guided by Manifest Destiny to "lead the rest of the uncivilized world" with either a carrot, or if need be, by the stick.  And leading with "the stick" is tremendously more profitable for The Chosen, Golden Few whom God himself (or Satan for that matter) has chosen and anointed to lead and govern the dirty, unwashed masses of useless eaters who must be kept around to do the grunt work for their exceptional, God-like Western leaders and the useful idiots under their command who do their bidding.

I'm thinking a full-scale, humanity-ending nuclear war on this planet would be a blessing for the rest of the universe.  Maybe in a million or so years the evolved cockroaches can do a better job as stewards of this planet.

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8 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

No they could have just rolled over and let Russia do a Bucha to all Ukraine..........:saai:

And "the West" could of had "peace in our time" ... again!


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12 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Boris Johnson along with the USA made sure there was no peace deal

Oft quoted misinformation. Where's the evidence? And why in heaven's name would Boris Johnson have any say in it?

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11 hours ago, connda said:

I'm never surprised when I'm reading these threads like this one regarding the absolute inbred hatred the vast amount of Westerners have for non-Western nations and the non-Western citizens who inhabit those nations.  I'd estimate that 60% to 70% of the Western expats who are AN members consider all non-Western nations to be little more than backwater, tinpot dictatorships or "evil commies"  and that only "The Garden of Western Liberalism" produces civilized human beings whom are guided by Manifest Destiny to "lead the rest of the uncivilized world" with either a carrot, or if need be, by the stick.  And leading with "the stick" is tremendously more profitable for The Chosen, Golden Few whom God himself (or Satan for that matter) has chosen and anointed to lead and govern the dirty, unwashed masses of useless eaters who must be kept around to do the grunt work for their exceptional, God-like Western leaders and the useful idiots under their command who do their bidding.

I'm thinking a full-scale, humanity-ending nuclear war on this planet would be a blessing for the rest of the universe.  Maybe in a million or so years the evolved cockroaches can do a better job as stewards of this planet.

What drivel.

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18 hours ago, connda said:

A NASAMS air defense missile hit the hospital just like Russian air defense hit the ATACMS missile full of cluster munitions over a Crimean beach. Collateral Damage: War is Hell. But Ukraine should have signed the Istanbul Accord in April of 2022 and this would have been over.  Why isn't it over?  Peace is not profitable for the West.  The US and Western weapons manufacturers want "Forever War" as it's a Trillion Dollar a year industry - and right at the moment all NATO needs to do is to feed Slavic people into the meat-grinder and extract profits.  Trust me - The West doesn't give a **** about Slavs (speaking as an ethnic Slav). 

In other news, the Main-Stream Media use of the term "Shocked" is a tagline used to jerk an emotive response out of readers.  It's a propaganda term.  The phrase, "Thailand is Shocked,"  is utter nonsense.  I could ask my wife about Ukraine and she's say, "What's Ukraine?"  That's pretty much most of the Thai public who could care less about what happens outside of Thailand.  Now "Thailand is Shocked" will definitely be the case when the government raises electricity rates between 18% to 44% - then "Thailand" will be "Shocked."  The Ukraine conflict?  "What's Ukraine?"  That about sums it up.

The Istanbul Accord was a nonstarter.



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18 hours ago, BobBKK said:

It could have been a similar scenario as the beach - a falling rocket. It's terrible news either way. Let's hope they give as much attention to hospitals being hit on the other side. We need peace - there is no glory in war, and innocents suffer - on both sides.

those missiles are guided, that is why so many hospitals have been hit, along with power providers, water plants, all kinds of infrastructure and especially civilian targets including markets and apartment bldgs.  What hospitals in Russia have been targetted?  But, yes war is horrible to say the least - been there done that, just survive is the key word and protect your fellow soldiers land homeland.

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Don't know much about that area, but didn't Russia annex part of Ukraine a few years ago with out much trouble. So they got confident and decided to take the whole country. Everything I have heard is it was predicted and they will not stop with Ukraine. So, the West and Europe had no choice but to try to stop them in Ukraine.  If Russia gets Ukraine then Poland is next and that is  NATO. A direct confrontation with NATO will start a nuclear war. That whole part of the country will be a radioactive wasteland.

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52 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Oft quoted misinformation. Where's the evidence? And why in heaven's name would Boris Johnson have any say in it?

Doing what big brother USA wanted... even Tony Blair showed up..

USA had put a spanner in the works inside Ukraine long before this war started, which led to Zelensky being given the top job.

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Who is 'Thailand'? Clearly not this bogus government since they are in bed with that little shyster and the other beaut' in China. This bs happens daily but is brushed off. Putin is nowt more than a vile child murderer with a Napoleon complex. Put your kids on the front line why don't you, then let's have a one on one and see how your judo holds up!

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19 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Ignored by those who don't want to hear the truth

What truth is that?


Your truth?

Russian truth?

Ukrainian truth?

Western truth?

Propaganda truth?

MSM truth?

Social media truth?

Idle chatter on AN truth?


There is plenty of truth out there, but it all depends on the truth that you personally want to believe.

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