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How-To: How to stop Alibaba Commie-bandits from sending me spam?


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Dear Folks,


IMHO, anyone who has anything to do with the Mainland-Chinese Commie-Bandits will always RUE the DAY.


My problem is that, very suddenly, beginning just this week, I am getting Spam GALORE from those Commie-Bandits....ALIBABA.


So...the question is:


How to stop the Mainlanders from reaching out from behind their Bamboo Curtain to muck up my phone, and ruin my life.


Do we need to mount a Nuclear Offensive just to put a FINAL end to their dastardly deeds, well documented, ever since that nitwit Mao took control of a once-great country, in 1949?


Some people say that the Yellow River is China's sorrow.


But, NO.....


It's the Commie-Bandits, the GONG-FEI, that are the real sorrow of China.....


So, how can I get rid of Alibaba Spam?


Thank you.


I would LOVE to NUKE Alibaba....


But I don't want to hurt no kangaroos.....


Best regards,


Thanks for any advice, too.







Those Commie Bandits are even WORSE than the Americans....!



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3 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:



I love them.

A triple negative, or even a quadruple negative....isn't unheard of....though even more difficult to read.



You are obviously not a very un-intelligent member with your posts, but I am not going to let it not upset me. I shall not carry on un-ignoring you.

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I like products made in China.  And I've no problem at all with another country's political structure, China's included. Communist?  Fine. It's not your Mao/Marx/Lenin flavor of Communism - it's evolve into a communist/capitalist hybrid, and it works for them.  Who benefits?  Consumers.  And - let see, how many homeless drug addicts are living rough and s**ting on the streets in Chinese cities?  Ahhh - About zero.  In the West?  Lot's of commoners sleeping rough on the streets with many more in the future, and the West can't help but become the recipients of the blowback of their own sanctions. The sanction-based economic blowback in Europe is evidence of that. And when all those countries band with the CPC Chinese and Russian (and Indian, Brazil, and South African) BRICS nations - Thailand included?  7 billion people will have access to affordable goods and services while the Golden Billion behind the Western firewall with be paying though the nose for basic necessities.  Nope - I've got no problem with the Communist Chinese at all.  Unlike most Westerners who spew their own home country's foreign ministry's hatred of all non-Western countries, especially China, I realize that the Chinese border is 200 km from my front door.  Kids - you live in the Geo-political influence of China.  When in Rome Shanghai..... 

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12 minutes ago, connda said:

it's evolve into a communist/capitalist hybrid, and it works for them.


Beg to differ.


More of a Marxist-Leninist nightmare.


But, you just head on over there an enjoy yourself, before the regime is toppled.....eventually.


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Do you have an account or login credentials with Alibaba?

If so, login and then change the email address they have on that account to a throw away email.  I use yopmail.com for that kind of email address.  You will be able to verify that address if Alibaba requests it.

Edited by gamb00ler
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8 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

Do you have an account or login credentials with Alibaba?


Actually, I do not.


For some reason, Alibaba has suddenly begun sending me many SPAM emails....out of the blue.


Not sure why.


I just want it to stop.


I have already used the Gmail tools to report spam, and to block Alibaba.


However, this, so far, has had no effect.


Alibaba spam keeps on coming......relentlessly......



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On 9/30/2024 at 6:50 AM, Presnock said:

yeah I once had that problem too...on the ads there is usually a box to cancel any ads and asks for reasons - will not buy or samething like that so they stop sending the ads.  that workded for me and I never got them again.  good luck


I followed your advice.


I found the option to stop Alibaba from going to a second page after scrolling down an ad page.


Seems to have worked.




The ads and notifications of Alibaba ads on my phone was getting totally annoying.


Still, this company deserves a NUKING....just for the mental anguish already caused to me, and many others, I imagine.



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