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Should A Woman Be Allowed to hold the office of President of the USA?


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2 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Both those women inherited their wealth from men. 
Show me one billionaire female who started with nothing and had no help from a male partner.

Thousands of men have done it.

Which goes back to the OP.


You sound like one of those Aussie feminist males. You are completely brainwashed into the feminist cause down there. I have never met a bunch of men more pro feminist than Australian “men”.

Really pathetic and setting a terrible standard for the rest of the western world.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

Here you go. A nice list of successful women. Where  did you rank in this list?



List of female billionaires - Wikipedia


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Trump is the biggest liar who has ever been chosen as a POTUS. His charcter is far, far below of any bad or ugly animal. He isn't afraid of being hold responsible for his daily tornados of lies. In a normal democracy he would already stay in a prison because of all his personal attacks. This creature is  perverse, similar to a devil.


What annoys me so much is the fact, that such a big nummer of US-Americans support this idiot. Every country has and had  some political idiots. But in modern time of information it is unexcusable, that such a big number support such a tomful.


Alone because of his awful charcter weakness every animal would be better than Trump. And Kamala is just the opposite. Open in her mind, intelligent - the (positive list goes o and on) -. Therefore it's not important for me, if the new POTUs should be male or female. Intelligence and good character ore more important !


If I had to chose between an ugly dangerous bug and a wonderful animal I would prefer the last one!

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44 minutes ago, bubblegum said:

Link please ! Not the Bible (and certainly not Trump's) because that is written by us humans.


Trump's all-American, God Bless the USA Bible: written by humans in the Middle East and printed in China.



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3 hours ago, G_Money said:

I beg to disagree.  You won’t see it on liberal MSM.


Fox has the highest viewership and ratings in the country.


The truth does hurt at times.


By all means.  Post your proof from a reputable source claiming it’s not true.

I agree the truth hurts sometimes....


Why does Fox have the highest viewership? Because it is specifically geared toward those who sit left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve.


You might still be able to find the original Business Plan of Roger Ailes on the web. His argument was that most MSM was too intellectual for those with lower IQs, but a network aimed at the dumbos could attract a sizeable audience. He also argued that while such people tend to be less successful and have less discretionary income, they represent an attractive demographic in their totality.


So boasting Fox has such high viewership just reminds people that many folks sit left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve.

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13 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Here you go. A nice list of successful women. Where  did you rank in this list?



List of female billionaires - Wikipedia


As I said, no self made from scratch.

Look at the list, all Daddy’s money or husbands money. 

I am a male, so obviously do not qualify for that list.


It is what it is. 
Harris may win. But it will only be because Trump is so bad and people are voting against Trump, not FOR Harris.

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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:



Fox has the highest viewership and ratings in the country.



Accepting that as a fact, is your comment  a complaint or a concern....to be sure it is a very sad reflection on the US population.




“By all means.  Post your proof from a reputable source claiming it’s not true.“


Thanks for proving my point 

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21 hours ago, Will B Good said:

You mean like these dizzy bints as opposed to the likes of Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Pinochet, Johnson, Netanyahu, Putin, Trump..........et al


While some of the female leaders mentioned faced significant challenges or controversies, others are also recognized for notable achievements during their time in power. Let’s look at some who, despite criticism or difficulties, are often considered to have had successful tenures in certain respects:


1. Indira Gandhi (India, 1966–1977, 1980–1984)


• Successes: Indira Gandhi is regarded as one of India’s most powerful leaders. Under her leadership:

• She oversaw India’s victory in the 1971 war with Pakistan, which led to the creation of Bangladesh.

• She initiated the Green Revolution, which significantly increased India’s agricultural productivity and made the country more self-sufficient in food production.

• Her efforts in maintaining India’s non-aligned movement during the Cold War are often seen as a significant diplomatic achievement.

• Challenges: Her declaration of Emergency (1975-1977) remains one of the most criticized decisions of her career, but her political comeback in 1980 showed her resilience.

• Legacy: Indira Gandhi is often remembered as a strong and influential leader despite her controversial policies.


2. Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan, 1988–1990, 1993–1996)


• Successes: Benazir Bhutto, the first woman to lead a Muslim-majority country, brought hope for a more modern, democratic Pakistan. Her significant accomplishments include:

• Expanding healthcare and women’s rights: Bhutto worked to improve access to healthcare, particularly maternal and child healthcare, and promoted women’s education and participation in politics.

• Standing against military dictatorship: Bhutto’s return to Pakistan after her father was executed by a military regime symbolized a restoration of civilian government and democracy.

• Challenges: Her administration was plagued by allegations of corruption and political instability, leading to her removal from office twice.

• Legacy: Though her legacy is mixed, Bhutto remains a powerful symbol of resistance against authoritarianism, and her advocacy for democracy is seen as a success by many.


3. Aung San Suu Kyi (Myanmar, 2016–2021)


• Successes: Aung San Suu Kyi’s leadership was initially hailed as a democratic breakthrough for Myanmar after decades of military rule.

• She played a pivotal role in Myanmar’s transition from military dictatorship to a quasi-democratic government.

• Her work as a pro-democracy activist, which earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, and her leadership in the National League for Democracy (NLD) won her widespread support at home and abroad.

• Challenges: Her failure to address or condemn the military’s persecution of the Rohingya minority seriously damaged her international reputation, leading to widespread criticism.

• Legacy: While Suu Kyi’s human rights record is now viewed critically, her role in promoting democracy in Myanmar and standing up to military dictatorship remains a significant achievement in the country’s history.


4. Dilma Rousseff (Brazil, 2011–2016)


• Successes: Despite the controversy surrounding her impeachment, Rousseff’s tenure saw some important successes:

• She continued and expanded social welfare programs, such as Bolsa Família, which helped lift millions out of poverty.

• Rousseff also promoted gender equality and was a strong advocate for environmental protections and renewable energy.

• Challenges: The economic downturn during her second term and her involvement in the broader political corruption scandals (though she was not directly implicated in personal corruption) severely damaged her standing.

• Legacy: While her impeachment overshadows much of her presidency, she remains an important figure in Brazil’s progressive movement, and some of her social programs have had a lasting impact.


5. Theresa May (United Kingdom, 2016–2019)


• Successes: Despite the difficulties surrounding her tenure, especially related to Brexit, May achieved some important milestones:

• She oversaw a significant decrease in the national deficit.

• May also focused on tackling domestic violence and passed the landmark Domestic Abuse Bill to better protect victims of abuse.

• She worked to address the social divide by advocating for policies aimed at reducing the gender pay gap.

• Challenges: Her inability to deliver a Brexit deal that satisfied both pro-Brexit and pro-EU factions severely undermined her government.

• Legacy: While May is remembered for the difficulties surrounding Brexit, her domestic achievements in social welfare and gender equality are viewed as positive contributions.


6. Angela Merkel (Germany, 2005–2021)


• Successes: Merkel is widely regarded as one of the most successful and influential female leaders in modern history. Her tenure as Germany’s chancellor is often praised for:

• Steadying the Eurozone during the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent European debt crisis.

• Championing humanitarian values by opening Germany’s doors to over a million refugees during the migrant crisis of 2015, despite facing backlash.

• Leading Germany through multiple economic successes, making it Europe’s largest economy.

• Being a key leader in the European Union, Merkel was often seen as the de facto leader of the EU, promoting stability and cooperation.

• Challenges: Merkel faced criticism for her refugee policy, which some felt led to social and political unrest, but her overall legacy remains largely positive.

• Legacy: Merkel is frequently hailed as a global leader of stability, pragmatism, and moderation, earning her a place among the most successful female leaders in history.


While each of these leaders had their challenges, many of them are remembered for significant achievements that shaped their nations and even the world. Leaders like Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, and Aung San Suu Kyi made major strides toward democracy and social progress in their countries, even if their legacies are complicated by later controversies.

Slightly over-stating your case to bracket Johnson, Netanyahu and Trump with Mao, Hitler and Stalin. Hyperbole, the curse of today's world.

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2 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

I agree the truth hurts sometimes....


Why does Fox have the highest viewership? Because it is specifically geared toward those who sit left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve.


You might still be able to find the original Business Plan of Roger Ailes on the web. His argument was that most MSM was too intellectual for those with lower IQs, but a network aimed at the dumbos could attract a sizeable audience. He also argued that while such people tend to be less successful and have less discretionary income, they represent an attractive demographic in their totality.


So boasting Fox has such high viewership just reminds people that many folks sit left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve.

No need to cry to me!   I’m only reporting the facts.


Whoopy or Jimmy will lend their sympathetic ear.

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7 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

As I said, no self made from scratch.

Look at the list, all Daddy’s money or husbands money. 

I am a male, so obviously do not qualify for that list.


It is what it is. 
Harris may win. But it will only be because Trump is so bad and people are voting against Trump, not FOR Harris.

you apparently didnt read the site, they have their own money and if adding in family money the wealth is considerably more. Im happy to provide you another if its easier as there are lots of them. Where did you rank in life compared to them?  Dont deflect just because your a man, I clearly said compared with them. 


America’s Richest Self-Made Women 2021 (forbes.com)


United States: richest self-made women 2024 | Statista

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12 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Harris may win. But it will only be because Trump is so bad and people are voting against Trump, not FOR Harris.


God forbid! and yes, 'mericans like to gamble "what if" - Fro Bro then and now Rasta Masala. Sure they know how to have fun!

No wonder english teacher with brain cancer didn't have a chance >>> too boring. 

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52 minutes ago, puck2 said:

Trump is the biggest liar who has ever been chosen as a POTUS. His charcter is far, far below of any bad or ugly animal. He isn't afraid of being hold responsible for his daily tornados of lies. In a normal democracy he would already stay in a prison because of all his personal attacks. This creature is  perverse, similar to a devil.


What annoys me so much is the fact, that such a big nummer of US-Americans support this idiot. Every country has and had  some political idiots. But in modern time of information it is unexcusable, that such a big number support such a tomful.


Alone because of his awful charcter weakness every animal would be better than Trump. And Kamala is just the opposite. Open in her mind, intelligent - the (positive list goes o and on) -. Therefore it's not important for me, if the new POTUs should be male or female. Intelligence and good character ore more important !


If I had to chose between an ugly dangerous bug and a wonderful animal I would prefer the last one!

The main reason so many follow him is due to his continuous spewing venomous and toxic attacks on anyone and everyone that does not agree with him. It gives people with similar A type character and lack of moral compass the green light to act in similar fashion. Just look at this forum for his following. No fact checking or credibility of sources. Anyone that agrees with them is fair to use to support their delusion. You cant explain anything to them as they believe their own lies, sheep to the slaughter.

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Absolutely, a woman should and will be allowed to hold the office of President of the USA. BUT; they should be qualified and VP Harris has shown absolutely zero qualifications (unless brown nosing with Willy Brown was the qualification).


Qualified women who come to mind are:

Nikki Haley - Governor (executive) & UN ambassador (foreign policy)

LT. COL. Tulsi Gabbard - military service (executive), US representative (laws and legislator), brains (just look at her achievements in the military promotion system) & (again) military sercie (foreign policy)

Condoleezza "Condi" Rice - Provost at Stanford (executive), Secretary of State (foreign policy) & brains (just look at her history)

Senator Tammy Duckworth - military service (executive & leader), US representative (laws and legislator), Senator  (domestic issues), Senator (foreign policy, especially SE Asia)


There are others, but you get the drift...


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5 hours ago, placeholder said:

Whereas Trump is? Really?

Trump is even worse that KH as at least someone will have a leash on almost everything she does of any importance whereas Trump just plans on destorying democracy of the US, wiping out the constitution, getting revenge on all those who have told the truth about him. According to stats, his four years tint drove the debt 7 trillion further and he plans on doing even worse this time around, promising more tax breaks for the richest group and their companies.  He is corrupt, a poor negotiator, lies about everything he doesn't like or understand and blames everyone else for any mistakes (not that he admits to of course) that he makes.  This is my opinion based on all the stories I have heard about him since VN days.

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4 minutes ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Absolutely, a woman should and will be allowed to hold the office of President of the USA. BUT; they should be qualified and VP Harris has shown absolutely zero qualifications (unless brown nosing with Willy Brown was the qualification).


Qualified women who come to mind are:

Nikki Haley - Governor (executive) & UN ambassador (foreign policy)

LT. COL. Tulsi Gabbard - military service (executive), US representative (laws and legislator), brains (just look at her achievements in the military promotion system) & (again) military sercie (foreign policy)

Condoleezza "Condi" Rice - Provost at Stanford (executive), Secretary of State (foreign policy) & brains (just look at her history)

Senator Tammy Duckworth - military service (executive & leader), US representative (laws and legislator), Senator  (domestic issues), Senator (foreign policy, especially SE Asia)


There are others, but you get the drift...


Duckworth and Rice but not Gabbard and Nikki Haley. 

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22 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

This is a question that the entire world is afraid to ask in this day and age of women's rights and gender equality; but in my estimation, it is the "elephant in the room" so far as this upcoming election is concerned. I am a Christian, and in the Christian ethos a woman would not be allowed to hold that office. The Holy Scriptures make it perfectly clear that there is a line of authority in God's Kingdom, and a woman is not to have spiritual authority over a man. The Head of the woman is the man, and the Head of man is Jesus Christ. This goes for marriage and the household and even in the church where women are not to hold the position of Deacon or Pastor and having spiritual authority over the men. I simply cannot imagine that God would bless a woman and her nation when the population goes against the Laws of God and elects a woman as President. HE will only work within His own framework of authority. We all know intuitively that having a woman as Commander in Chief is just not natural, and I firmly believe that a nation will never be blessed when a woman is in charge.


If you follow politics at all, you will see that our House and Senate are filled with women who are at odds with everything that is good and Godly for our country. They simply don't have the wisdom that is required to fulfill the calling to these higher offices. Even King Soloman, the richest and wisest man in his time, said that in all his dealings he never met a wise woman. The only thing that could be worse than having a woman as the leader of any nation would be to have a boy king, and historically that has been proven time and time again. I am deeply concerned for the direction that our country is headed, and I am totally convinced that if a woman is elected as President of the USA, then we will have done a grave injustice to ourselves.


I am certain that I will receive tremendous pushback on this which only goes to show how we have been deceived by the rise of feminism over the past decades. There was a time in history when the Christian churches even preached on this topic from the pulpits of America, and it would have been unheard of to elect a woman as President. Sadly, in this age even the churches have been intimidated by the secular culture and are deathly afraid of being called out and cancelled for standing firm on this topic. Preachers are all but silent on the matter.....being afraid of losing their positions and having their church's non-profit status removed by the government and even being closed down for going against the culture and propagating so-called hate speech and intolerance. God's Word is the same yesterday, today and forever more, and HE is unchanging. For me, this is not a matter of opinion, but it's a question of obedience to God. As for me and my house, we will always serve the Lord and put Him and HIS WORD first in all of our decisions. 


In support of my position, I offer for your consumption an article that will explain my point further and offer Scripture references to support my claim. 


Women should only be used for breeding purposes and that should all be done artificially.  Men should only live with men, eat with men, sleep with men and have sex with men.


PS - Don't tell that to my wife.

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4 minutes ago, G_Money said:

Take your pick.

Liberals should book their appointments with their shrink NOW!


November through February will be impossible to get an appointment.










you cant even post facts. I gave you the media rankings and it clearly shows fox down on the list. learn to read, your posts are for 1 platform only, cable only so dont cherry pick info and try to pass it off as facts

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1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:



women are better at some things than men such as, ah, er, I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but I am sure there is something. 


Scientific fact - women are more tolerant of extremes of heat and cold than men. They have a layer of subcutaneous fat which men don't have, which insulates them.


They are physically superior to men in terms of flexibility, endurance, and balance.


They can endure pain.  If men had to give birth, homo sapiens would die out.


They have stronger immune systems.


They are far better at networking than most men.


It's amusing to watch you display your utter ignorance on ASEAN, You really belong back in the Middle Ages.


Take a look at this video, then tell me of any man who is capable of doing what Shenea Booth does. 3 minutes 30 seconds.



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22 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

I am a Christian, and in the Christian ethos a woman would not be allowed to hold that office. The Holy Scriptures make it perfectly clear that there is a line of authority in God's Kingdom, and a woman is not to have spiritual authority over a man.


You and your Christianity can take it right up the pooper.

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19 minutes ago, Dan O said:

The main reason so many follow him is due to his continuous spewing venomous and toxic attacks on anyone and everyone that does not agree with him. It gives people with similar A type character and lack of moral compass the green light to act in similar fashion. Just look at this forum for his following. No fact checking or credibility of sources. Anyone that agrees with them is fair to use to support their delusion. You cant explain anything to them as they believe their own lies, sheep to the slaughter.

He tells it like it is.......



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We maintain a strict policy of accepting links or content only from mainstream and recognized media sources to ensure that information posted by members is both verifiable and trustworthy. We strive to remain impartial, prioritizing content that meets these standards and removing content that, in our opinion, does not.


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1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:

I presented my opinion.

which has been statistically proven over the years.

Do you mean that YOUR opinion has been statistically proven, or what are you on about?

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20 minutes ago, Mark Nothing said:

You hit the nail on the head with your analysis.   Women should not be allowed to enter politics.


By nature, women are intellectual inferiors who are intended to raise and interact with children.  They are susceptible to emotional irrationality in decision making leading to catastrophic consequences.


One example in the Bible was Queen Athilia who usurped the throne and to maintainpower attempted to kill all her family.

I can think of half a dozen women in Australia alone who would wipe the floor with you. One is my oncologist.


IMO men who claim women are "intellectual inferiors" are betraying their own insecurity.

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22 hours ago, Will B Good said:




Should a man who is a proven liar, rapist, wife cheater and draft dodger (no names) be allowed to hold office?......OF COURSE HE SHOULD....he's a man for God's sake.

He wasn't convicted of rape. You watch too much CNN/ABC/MSDNC. They convicted him in their studios.

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30 minutes ago, jgm005 said:

I didn't read War and Peace and I sure didn't read this "word salad". 


But based on the title? Yes a woman should be allowed to be President.

Keeping my response short and simple. 


Yes a woman should be allowed to be POTUS - but not Harris - or Clinton.  Trump was a better alternative last time, and he is a far better alternative this time round too and that is one of the many reasons he will win. 


Bush (2), Carter and Biden should never have been POTUS - but were. And Gore, Kerry, Romney and McCain should not have been - and were not.  


The answer is Yes, but it has to be the right woman.  Perhaps Rice, Whitmer, Stefanik, Noem, Haley, Lincoln, Ernst, or Norton.

Time will tell - but hopefully it will be someone like them and not Harris - not because she is a Dem - but because she is a dingbat.  IMO there was only one reason Harris was VP - because they did not really think Biden would win - being the Dem nominee was supposed to be his 'reward' as a long time Dem politician (and to keep Sanders from being nominated). 

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1 minute ago, renaissanc said:

He wasn't convicted of rape. You watch too much CNN/ABC/MSDNC. They convicted him in their studios.

He was called a rapist by the presiding judge. He owes $83 million for defamation. I guess deflection is your stock in trade.

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