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If Trump is re-elected what does it say about the I.Q of the average American?

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16 hours ago, advancebooking said:

My answer to my question: Low I.Q. 


Your answer: Leave it below....

The better question would be is... If Trump wins what does that say about the current state of affairs in the USA and the dems choice of candidate?

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At least 30 percent of the Americans has an IQ below 83. For someone sane and "up and going", they will of course see the dumb lying irresponsible clown that Trump is and NOT vote for him! I hope at least this time, they will close their eyes and hold their breath and not vote for Trump. This time it is much more than just between the Dems and the GOP, It is about some sanity in the WH. I want to mention that I am NOT actually a fan of the Dems. 

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46 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It's so easy to try to dumb down this equation and blame Trump supporters for not being smart enough, but there's so many reasons why one may vote for Trump over Harris. I say that as a centrist democrat. I have a lot of friends and family that are conservative, they're going to be building for Trump, many of them don't like him nor do they respect him, but they like his policies and they relate to the issues. And many of them are very smart and very successful. So trying to blame one party or the other for being dumb, extremist, liberal, Marxist, communist, and all the other  juvenile names that are being bandied around, is just not smart, nor conducive to intelligent discourse. 

Please let the forum know who you will be voting for. thanks

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17 hours ago, advancebooking said:

I dont understand why the bible bashers vote for him. Why is that sub group so supportive of the orange man? Its quite bizzare. 

Totally get your point, but Christianity is bizarre...as are all superstitions. Full of hypocrisy, liars, cons, thieves and exploiters. "Trumpism" is a cult. All religions (superstitions) are cults. :coffee1:

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

It's so easy to try to dumb down this equation and blame Trump supporters for not being smart enough, but there's so many reasons why one may vote for Trump over Harris. I say that as a centrist democrat. I have a lot of friends and family that are conservative, they're going to be building for Trump, many of them don't like him nor do they respect him, but they like his policies and they relate to the issues. And many of them are very smart and very successful. So trying to blame one party or the other for being dumb, extremist, liberal, Marxist, communist, and all the other  juvenile names that are being bandied around, is just not smart, nor conducive to intelligent discourse. 

It's rare when I disagree with your posts Mike, but on this one I sure do...nearly every word.


Most of Trump's base is...


Ignorant...and willfully so for those whom actually possess some intelligence.

Extremely hypocritical Christians and Christian fundy extremists.

Science deniers.

Fact & evidence deniers. 

Conspiracy fanatics.

Laughably gullible. 

Have zero sense of "right vs wrong".


All of this is just plain STOO-PID



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You have two choices.  I'm pro business so think Trump would be the better choice. He at least tries to get deals done. Don't care really, whatever happens we will have to adapt.


If any candidate allowed the people to have multiple selection vote on foreign aid, social security increases, military spending, national debt and taxes I'd be on board.  

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Put a spin on it. If Harris is elected what does it say about the I.Q of the average American?

Given her inability to talk normal without constantly repeating the same words in a single sentence. Her inability to remember the topics as to  why she went to a country to speak with other dignitaries. Her flagrant use of giggling when she becomes speechless. 


I would say that the people who vote for Harris are of very very low IQ.


Apparently this link supports my theory. 


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Basically, IMHO reading the comments about Americans from so many AN users, it just confirms their opinion of the a "LOW_IQ" populace.  As an American I just have to agree that Americans have been IO lowered by a poor educational system that has just gotten weaker as they continue to throw more money at it, just like the health care system - the most money spent per person and worse health care nowadays.  COLA for Americans this coming year is 2.5% and the health care systems increased by an average of 13% or so.  Americans number among the unhealthiest in the world!  

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

It's so easy to try to dumb down this equation and blame Trump supporters for not being smart enough, but there's so many reasons why one may vote for Trump over Harris. I say that as a centrist democrat. I have a lot of friends and family that are conservative, they're going to be building for Trump, many of them don't like him nor do they respect him, but they like his policies and they relate to the issues. And many of them are very smart and very successful. So trying to blame one party or the other for being dumb, extremist, liberal, Marxist, communist, and all the other  juvenile names that are being bandied around, is just not smart, nor conducive to intelligent discourse. 

Well said.

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30 minutes ago, Chosenfew said:

Maybe it’s Trump’s policies that will make their lives better:image.thumb.jpeg.de28cba79622d830ea540d668e1720ab.jpeg

The fantasy land of a cult....will mexico be sending even more checks for the wall?  if i recall trump was potus for 4 years...why wait til 2024 when he had four years to repeal obama care, which he now says he saved...defend rights..u mean like abortion?  why not deport all the illegals while he was potus?  .....more BS from the king of grifters...buy a bible  put on your golden sneakers and pray on it.

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I believe the question should be


“if Harris is elected what would that say about the IQ of Americans”. 

As a Brit whose own government is a laughing stock I would say how could anybody with an ounce of intelligence vote for that incompetent woman. 

love or hate Trump his 4 years in office were in the main pretty good with no new wars, low inflation, strong economy (until Covid hit) and the southern boarder wasn’t being overrun with illegal immigrates.


Harris and the democrats have had their term in office and what have they achieved? The country is in a mess and if you vote for her again its only going to get worse so my answer to this question would be this 


any American voting for Harris would have to be either completely brainwashed or incredibly stupid and you can’t fix stupid 


I’m confident though that there’s enough  intelligent people in American to know this so I’m pretty confident Trump will be elected president again. 

god help us all if he’s isn’t 

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17 hours ago, mogandave said:

I support Trump, and I am university educated. 


I want the border closed. 

...Trump killed the best bill we had for that.


I originalists on the court.

...The courts are screwed up beyond belief right now, thanks to the GOP.  Just take a look at hte corruption problems coming out regarding Clarence Tomas and other supreme court justices.


I support the rule of law.

...then why on earth you would support a 34 time convicted felon?


I support the electoral college.

...It doesn't work anymore and it's not needed anymore.  Best option is to...ya know... have the person that gets the most votes be the winer,,right?


I don’t want higher taxes

...well unless your super rich, you will with Trump, you won't with Harris.  You also will get 200% tariffs with Trump.  Trump gave the largest ever tax break to the rich, and took the money from the dwindling middle class.  Research this.


I don’t want more welfare 

...ummm don't want more welfare, or don't want the NEED for more wlfare?  A 78 year old billionare who has never thought of anyone but himself and scams his followers selling gold sneekers, bitcoins, bibles (if that isn't funny), .. has bankrupted everything he's ever touched INCLUDING a casino (a business that is literally rigged for the house to win), Tump Wines, Trump Steaks, Trump Magazine, Trump Airlines..etc etc etc.  You honsely think THIS guy gives a crap about you?  He does not.


I support meritocracy 

...Trump appointed cabinet members that were this most unqualifed bozo's of all time, often with the intent of destorying the department that were in charge of.  For example, appointing a secretary of education that didn't believe  in public education.  Long list here.  Then there is appointing people like his son-in-law jared kushner who had zero qualifications and was most likely paid off by the Saudi's with a couple billion bucks.  Nepotism at its finest. 


I am against DEI programs 

...sure - why would we ever want to address discrimination?  Or have a culture of inclusion and respect when you can  have marginalization and biases? 


I believe in peace through strength 

...Riiiiight.  Trump is an idiot who likes anyone that says nice things about him and worships strongmen dictators. He'd let Putin gobble up territory and not do squat about it.


I don’t want men in girls bathrooms

...a made up problem.


I don’t want men in women’s sports

...a made up problem.


I don’t want boys/girls taught that they can be girls/boys

...a made up problem.


Why do you support Harris? I assume you want/believe the opposite of everything I want/ believe, yes?

...because she's not a lying, , 34 time convicted felon who tried a coup of our government and doesn't pay off porn star hookers while newborn baby is at home with spouce?  And she actually has a clue as to how government works? 




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If the Democrats wanted to win the Presidency again all they had to do was nominate a semi decent candidate. They started with Joe Biden who was senile 4 years ago and that didn't work. Now they are going with Kamala Harris. Just sad and the only reason Trump has a chance to be President again. Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro would have crushed Trump. Senator Joe Manchin would have crushed Trump too but the Democrats essentially kicked him out of the party. Tulsi Gabbard would have destroyed Trump but they forced her out of the party too. Gavin Newsom would have beaten Trump too.


This ridiculous post talks about low IQ Republicans but low IQ Democrats are the reason Trump even has a chance to be President again. The average American voter has no clue how our government even works, has no clue what is actually going on politically, has no clue what is going on around the world and is just, in general, completely clueless about anything but their favorite sports team. 


Democrats and Republicans, equally dumb and this includes the phony Independents who only vote for one party and call themselves Independents.

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Just because someone supports Trump doesn't mean they have a low I.Q. or are even stupid.  Uninformed and/or misinformed perhaps.

Calling people who support him stupid does not help bring country together or cause these people to come to the other side -- it's counterproductive.   There are people who are "single issue" voters.  For example - they would vote for the devil himself as long as  he was against abortion.


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6 minutes ago, TechnoHippie said:

Just because someone supports Trump doesn't mean they have a low I.Q. or are even stupid.  Uninformed and/or misinformed perhaps.

Calling people who support him stupid does not help bring country together or cause these people to come to the other side -- it's counterproductive.   There are people who are "single issue" voters.  For example - they would vote for the devil himself as long as  he was against abortion.


It's "counter productive" by DESIGN.


It's a conspiracy. They put highly controversial candidates in people's faces to cause division, fighting, strife. 


Let's see if there's riots. 



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7 minutes ago, TechnoHippie said:

Just because someone supports Trump doesn't mean they have a low I.Q. or are even stupid.  Uninformed and/or misinformed perhaps.

Calling people who support him stupid does not help bring country together or cause these people to come to the other side -- it's counterproductive.   There are people who are "single issue" voters.  For example - they would vote for the devil himself as long as  he was against abortion.


and calling people who do not bow to trump enemies of the state and threatening to deal with them via military or violence or jail is not exactly the america that i want to live in.

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17 hours ago, mogandave said:

I support Trump, and I am university educated. 


I want the border closed. 

I originalists on the court.

I support the rule of law.

I support the electoral college.

I don’t want higher taxes

I don’t want more welfare 

I support meritocracy 

I am against DEI programs 

I believe in peace through strength 

I don’t want men in girls bathrooms

I don’t want men in women’s sports

I don’t want boys/girls taught that they can be girls/boys



Why do you support Harris? I assume you want/believe the opposite of everything I want/ believe, yes?

Clearly  you were not educated in morality or ethics. There are millions of educated people who are stupid for supporting such a disgusting and despicable individual as trump. Consider yourself in that group. 

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