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When Our Money Dies

Old Curmudgeon

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On 10/27/2024 at 2:20 PM, Old Curmudgeon said:

When Our Money Dies


Our money is dying: Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Loonies, Shekels, Rand; all of it.

Here's a health chart:





Health chart is US Dollars, but similar decline for all Western currencies.


I'm not worried about me dying.

What worries me is my money dies before I do.

Bank account will still have some numbers.

Pension will transfer in every month.

But won't buy much of anything here.

Or anywhere.


Among my fellow Americans, a "last ditch" job for oldsters is working as a "greeter" at Walmart.

Big-C doesn't have greeters.

Retired expats can't work anywhere here.

Not even poke-poke sohm-dtam at a little market stall.

So, as our fiat money dies, buying less and less of life's little necessities -- like food -- what will expats do?


Comments and critique welcome.



sure you heard loads of BS here.. but you are correct.. fiat is fiat.. if you want to be a bit safer get ur retirement monies (not sure what doc it is in the US but think 401k or so) directly converted into physical gold or/and BTC.


many do not take serious what is happening and those will laugh now but come to your door for help saying "i could have not known it and i need help" but the truths is that it is pretty much in your face if one dares to look

thanks for your post as it is one of the most important shifts we all go trough.. it will be horrible for so many 

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8 hours ago, Walker88 said:

The end is nigh....and always will be.


Fiat money is always about to evaporate, any second now, even though they are currently more than 180 versions of it in every day use around the world. We all know fiat has no inherent value, but we collectively agree it's good enough. We pretend, so that we need not kill someone just to get a piece of meat.


Neither does gold have any inherent value. Rarity or finiteness alone does not create value; it still requires that at least one side to any transaction believes something has value.


Gold might have some value in a financial crisis, but it has absolutely no value in a financial calamity.  Pensioners are going to stroll into a 7-11 with a diamond file, shave off a few grains of Au, and in return get their cheese toast? No.


Necessities alone have actual value, and one man's necessity might be another man's excess. A man dying of thirst would do anything for a glass of water, but I guy with a hundred million gallons of potable water wouldn't give anyone a single baht for a glass of water.


Talk of the so-called BRICS creating some alternative means of exchange are a fantasy. Weak economies banding together become a band of weak economies. Plus, none of the BRICS has any sort of reliable rule of law, so none is an attractive parking place for wealth. A massive set of capital markets with ease of entry and exit, such as the US has, is attractive. Besides, the future is technology in general and AI in particular. It's likely AI is going to provide a solution to virtually limitless energy, so the current 'gas station with nukes' (Russia) is likely to become a Blockbuster Video: loaded up with things nobody wants.


If someday everyone collectively decided fiat was worthless, society would make Mad Max look like summer camp. Isolated arable land would have value. Guns and ammo would have value. Not being a fat old man trying to hide a few bars of gold would have value relative to the fat old gold bug.


Thinking one can plan for a fat tail event is a fool's game. If fiat goes, civilization goes. There would be no refuge. It might make sense to plan for a financial crisis, as crises are temporary. A financial calamity is Armageddon, and survival might not even be worth the effort.


Have a nice day.



sooo.. nah wont spend time on a proper reply..will be too long as almost all of your points are completely wrong..anyway wish you good luck with "your way" 

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41 minutes ago, Zapitapi said:

many do not take serious what is happening and those will laugh now but come to your door for help saying "i could have not known it and i need help" but the truths is that it is pretty much in your face if one dares to look


@Zapitapi's thinking lines up with reality as far as I can tell.


And he's correct about the "BS" ... we have a lot of that on this topic.

Which suggests that the BS-ers here are unwilling, unable, or just plain afraid to consider this topic carefully.


Thank you @Zapitapi for taking your time to write and post on this thread.

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27 minutes ago, Zapitapi said:

sooo.. nah wont spend time on a proper reply.


Exactly the correct reply, in my opinion.


So often on uncomfortable topics, there's nothing one can say to correct another person's outlook ... or lack of it.


What that shows, is this topic is highly uncomfortable for many of our fellow expats. 

At least those who come to this forum.


And that is a good warning to not rely on much help or even any understanding from a large majority of other expats, when the you-know-what hits the fan.


Thanks again, @Zapitapi for your clear comments here.


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