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Good News About Fish Oil


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If you are not using fish oil yet, you definitely should. The evidence that it helps with fat loss, preventing heart disease and building muscle is getting better and better.

In a 2 month study published in Dec. 2007, 2 groups of women with type-2 diabetes were given either fish oil capsules (1.8 grams of omega 3), or a placebo. Researchers checked on bodyweight, fat mass and trunk fat. In the placebo group, no significant changes occurred. In the fish oil group, body weight decreased by 1 kilo on average, which was not significant. However, fat percentage dropped 2% on average, and the largest part of the fat was lost on the belly! On average these women lost 2 kilos of FAT while building 1 kilo of muscle!

Another interesting finding the researchers found was the concentration of a certain protein called PAI-1. This protein is an indicator of the likelihood of suffering from a heart attack. In the placebo group the concentration increased from 16.9 to 19.2 IE per milliliter of blood, while in the fish oil group the concentration of this ‘heart attack protein’ decreased by 50% from 18.9 to 9.5 IE per milliliter.

Now, you might think, what does this have to do with me? I don’t have type-2 diabetes! Well, maybe you don’t, but a lot of people have carbohydrate intolerances that could be classified as the early stage of diabetes, but without the symptoms yet (apart from being prone to fat gain).

Then again, you might not be interested in preventing heart attacks or losing belly fat. If you are interested (which is probably the case if you’re reading this), make sure you supplement your diet with fish oil or eat a lot of fish.

Other benefits include:

1. Less Pain and Inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response. Through several mechanisms, they regulate your body's inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and anything else ending in "itis."

2. Cardiovascular Health. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been proven to work wonders for your heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. They help to lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol. This adds years to your life expectancy.

3. Protection from Stroke and Heart Attack. When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it causes what's known as a thrombosis, which is a fancy way of saying clot. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Research shows omega 3 fatty acids break up clots before they can cause any damage.

4. Better Brain Function and Higher Intelligence. Pregnant and nursing mothers can have a great impact on the intelligence and happiness of their babies by supplementing with fish oil. For adults, omega 3 improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You'll swear you're getting younger and smarter.

5. Less Depression and Psychosis. Making you smarter is not all omega 3 does for your brain. Psychiatry department researchers at the University of Sheffield, along with many other research studies, found that omega 3 fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis (Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55).

6. Lower Incidence of Childhood Disorders. Just to show how fish oil fatty acids leave nobody out, studies show that children (and adults) with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have gotten a new lease on life thanks to omega 3 oils.

7. Reduction of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer. And finally, omega 3 fish oil has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer – breast, colon and prostate. Science tells us that omega 3s accomplish this in three ways. They stop the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and causing apoptosis, or cellular death, of cancer cells.


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Many fish oil supplements also contain gender bending and cancer causing contaminants.

Could you explain further? Not trying to be crude but your statement is a bit generic and inconclusive. Providing info on subjects of this manner is great but give some reasoning behind your remarks so they have some substance.

Unfortunately at this point your statement can be said will almost all products found in any modern grocery!

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My research says most of the fish oil supplements available commercially are not very good products. There is something in the US sold called pharmaceutical grade fish oil that is very good but I think you might need a prescription for it. Eating the right kind of fish may be a better way of getting the oils. I think even canned tuna packed in water is a reasonably good source. I think three times a week minimum.

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I have been taking fish oil supplements for 15 years with positive results.

Cholesterol changed a fair bit after taking fish oil supplements for a few months.

It is also good skin conditoins like psoraisis along with many other benefits listed above.

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I am sold on the benefits of fish oil but I'm not sure the best supplement to take to get it. I realize eating fish may be best but that's not always available to me. Any suggestions for here in Thailand?

Canned tuna fish is not available to you?

Enjoying Tuna or Salmon Just Twice Weekly May Help Raise Omega-3 Levels at Least as Effectively as Daily Fish Oil Supplementation

A small group of healthy women, all pre-menopausal in age, consumed a daily average of 485 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), either by eating salmon and/or albacore tuna, fish rich in omega-3 fats, twice a week or by taking 1-2 capsules of fish oil daily.

After 16 weeks, levels of omega-3s in their red blood cells were measured. In those eating fish, EPA+DHA levels increased from an average of 4.0 to 6.2 of total fatty acids. In those taking capsules, EPA+DHA levels rose a virtually identical amount, from 4.3 to 6.2% of total fatty acids. EPA in red blood cells increased significantly more rapidly in the fish group than in the capsule group during the first 4 weeks, but rates did not differ significantly between groups thereafter.(Harris WS, Pottala JV, et al., Am J Clin Nutr.)

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Any chance of over-exposure to mercury with fish oil? Some Hollywood actor had to go the hospital sometime recently because he ate sushi twice a day for 10 years and got too much mercury in his system and subsequently became very sick.

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For those of us in Thailand, what brand of fish oil supplement is available and is best and where can we get it?

I know I should eat more fish, but frankly I hate fish. I try to it, but if I can get some down once every two weeks that's it. And, I have to absolutely and completely startved before I'll eat fish. So supplements for me.

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My research says most of the fish oil supplements available commercially are not very good products. There is something in the US sold called pharmaceutical grade fish oil that is very good but I think you might need a prescription for it. Eating the right kind of fish may be a better way of getting the oils. I think even canned tuna packed in water is a reasonably good source. I think three times a week minimum.

Since having an MI (heart attack) in 2001, my Cardiologist prescribed a supplement derived from fish oil called OMACOR on prescription, 1000mg daily.

I am also Type 2 diabetic and my Cholestoral level has been below 4 now for over 6 years.

I tend to eat most anything I want but watch out for saturated fat intake.

Don't know if you can get them in LOS but bet they are on Internet. :o

Edited by khundon
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Many fish oil supplements also contain gender bending and cancer causing contaminants.

Could you explain further? Not trying to be crude but your statement is a bit generic and inconclusive. Providing info on subjects of this manner is great but give some reasoning behind your remarks so they have some substance.

Unfortunately at this point your statement can be said will almost all products found in any modern grocery!


Pollutants found in fish oil capsules

Enormous variations in the level of potentially cancer-causing pollutants have been found in fish oil capsules.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) examined a range of the capsules for the presence of dioxins.

The study was carried out in advance of new EU safety limits for dioxins in foodstuffs that come into force in July.

It found that the dioxin level in 10 brands of fish oil and fish liver oil capsules exceeded the new European maximum limits.

In one case the dioxin level was five times the maximum limit.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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"So far, the only reports of potential health consequences of contaminated fish oil supplements indicate that they may increase the risk of breast cancer, but this link isn't well established.

We all need the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil for long-term health and to reduce our risks of heart disease, cancer, decrease inflammation and enhance mood. If you're healthy, you're better off getting omega-3s not by a fish oil supplement but by eating at least three servings per week of oily fish (wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring). Avoid carnivorous fish such as swordfish and marlin, which spend a lot of time in coastal waters where pollution levels are highest; bluefish, which tend to concentrate mercury; and albacore tuna, which may harbor the same pollutants as swordfish and marlin."


I feel the benefits far outway the risks, however using the advice above, still nothing compares to eating 3 servings of oily fish per week.

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What you "feel" isn't really that relevant, I hope you don't mind me saying. There is a lot of evidence that many fish oil supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs that exceed EU regulations. Who regulates the safety of fish oil supplements in Thailand? Even if the danger of fish oil supplements hasn't been conclusively proven, their safety hasn't either. Are you prepared to take the risk? I'd rather just eat some sardine sandwiches.

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What you "feel" isn't really that relevant, I hope you don't mind me saying. There is a lot of evidence that many fish oil supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs that exceed EU regulations. Who regulates the safety of fish oil supplements in Thailand? Even if the danger of fish oil supplements hasn't been conclusively proven, their safety hasn't either. Are you prepared to take the risk? I'd rather just eat some sardine sandwiches.

Couple things:

1. "Feel" obviously does matter, because you seem to "feel" that studies are unbiased and well always conclusive, which they are not by any means. On the contrary most studies are biased towards the money being offered to fund it. Most studies are funded by food companies to prove a product true or even to prove another product untrue, the harsh reality of our world and scientific studies. So "feel" must play a part as science is not always what we hope it would be and what it should be.

2. Who regulates fresh meet, fruit, sardines, vegetables, canned tuna, your last dinner, the water you drink, and everything other thing you put in your mouth or expose to your body. Lets be realistic, any in depth look of the Food Companies across the world and the companies and governments that supposedly "regulates" them as you say, are letting millions of damaging things slide through loop hole laws with a little pocket cash, this evidence is there as well. Look at the highly debated food labeling war in the US, lies lies lies.

3. Over all it is a complicated issue mate, your evidence is still lacking, and no BBC.com is not a well sourced place for scientific info, not a good place to start a healthy debate. I lean toward fitcorpasia and well the others that have obviously seen life saving results from adding healthy fish oils (both pill and fish form) to their diet. SOME may not like sardines or fish, some may need to find alternative ways to take in omega-3s.

Last and to conclude with what I started. Scientific evidence is not the end all to a discussion. What we "feel" sometimes does matter and make a difference whether that makes you uncomfortable or not. Most scientific evidence is nothing more then what someone felt they needed to prove, ending in you being played for a dummy, by an article that quoted a source that seemed supposedly legit, spite the unknown whereabout of the funding, purpose, or actually cases of the study (again called a study or research not conclusive evidence).

Come on edwardsandtubs, im willing to listen but you need to give me something to really listen too! Not just what you "feel" about the matter.

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What you "feel" isn't really that relevant, I hope you don't mind me saying. There is a lot of evidence that many fish oil supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs that exceed EU regulations. Who regulates the safety of fish oil supplements in Thailand? Even if the danger of fish oil supplements hasn't been conclusively proven, their safety hasn't either. Are you prepared to take the risk? I'd rather just eat some sardine sandwiches.

Up to you what you want to believe but if everyone took your attitude we wouldn't eat anything.

You wouldn't eat any red meat considering what that has in it neither would you eat any fruit or vegetables unless they were certified organic and even then you would be sceptical as who is to say what is organic and what isnt.

One study has come out and said that some fish oil supplements have potentially carconogenic properties yet there are many brands of fish oil and the preceived benefits seem to greatly outweogh any risks IMHO.

Additionally you could eat tuna or salmon but you also risk contaminants from eating the fish themselves as they may well have high levels of dioxins, mercury etc

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What you "feel" isn't really that relevant, I hope you don't mind me saying. There is a lot of evidence that many fish oil supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs that exceed EU regulations. Who regulates the safety of fish oil supplements in Thailand? Even if the danger of fish oil supplements hasn't been conclusively proven, their safety hasn't either. Are you prepared to take the risk? I'd rather just eat some sardine sandwiches.

Up to you what you want to believe but if everyone took your attitude we wouldn't eat anything.

You wouldn't eat any red meat considering what that has in it neither would you eat any fruit or vegetables unless they were certified organic and even then you would be sceptical as who is to say what is organic and what isnt.

One study has come out and said that some fish oil supplements have potentially carconogenic properties yet there are many brands of fish oil and the preceived benefits seem to greatly outweogh any risks IMHO.

Additionally you could eat tuna or salmon but you also risk contaminants from eating the fish themselves as they may well have high levels of dioxins, mercury etc

There's a difference between eating food and taking supplements. We eat food for survival and enjoyment but fish oil supplements achieve neither. The only reason to take them is their unproven health benefits but if there's as much evidence that they're harmful as that they're beneficial, why take the risk?

There is a lot of information about the levels of mercury and other contaminants in fish and generally speaking the higher up the food chain, the more contaminants. Sardines have very low levels of any contaminants so are a very cheap, healthy and tasty option.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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What you "feel" isn't really that relevant, I hope you don't mind me saying. There is a lot of evidence that many fish oil supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs that exceed EU regulations. Who regulates the safety of fish oil supplements in Thailand? Even if the danger of fish oil supplements hasn't been conclusively proven, their safety hasn't either. Are you prepared to take the risk? I'd rather just eat some sardine sandwiches.

Up to you what you want to believe but if everyone took your attitude we wouldn't eat anything.

You wouldn't eat any red meat considering what that has in it neither would you eat any fruit or vegetables unless they were certified organic and even then you would be sceptical as who is to say what is organic and what isnt.

One study has come out and said that some fish oil supplements have potentially carconogenic properties yet there are many brands of fish oil and the preceived benefits seem to greatly outweogh any risks IMHO.

Additionally you could eat tuna or salmon but you also risk contaminants from eating the fish themselves as they may well have high levels of dioxins, mercury etc

There's a difference between eating food and taking supplements. We eat food for survival and enjoyment but fish oil supplements achieve neither. The only reason to take them is their unproven health benefits but if there's as much evidence that they're harmful as that they're beneficial, why take the risk?

There is a lot of information about the levels of mercury and other contaminants in fish and generally speaking the higher up the food chain, the more contaminants. Sardines have very low levels of any contaminants so are a very cheap, healthy and tasty option.

I believe that comunities that eat lots of oily fish have a longer clotting time. That may be good news for the heart but bad news for others or those on warfarin already. Also I seem to remember a study which showed that women who ate a lot of oily fish have a greatly increased risk of osteoporosis. The best advice is from the sponsor...eat it three times a week as part of a normal balanced diet and make sure you know the source and the quality.

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1) Capsules - e.g 'Mega' brand from Boots.

2) Mackerel (Plaa Saba) is best ratio of concentration of Omega 3 to price. Tuna can have very low levels depending on how treated.

3) Flax seeds - Bt150 from Villa Market. Grind them to break open seed case otherwise not absorbed. 4g of Omega 3 per 3 tablespoonsfuls - so presumably equivelent to 4 100mg Omega 3 capsules

4) Walnuts

5) Omega 3 enriched eggs. 4 eggs are equivelent to one serving of oily fish.

I have found the more I take the better I feel. satrted out with 2x1000mg capsules, upped it to 4, then added walnust flax eggs and fish. Note that not all is coming from fish so reduced mercury risk.

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What you "feel" isn't really that relevant, I hope you don't mind me saying. There is a lot of evidence that many fish oil supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs that exceed EU regulations. Who regulates the safety of fish oil supplements in Thailand? Even if the danger of fish oil supplements hasn't been conclusively proven, their safety hasn't either. Are you prepared to take the risk? I'd rather just eat some sardine sandwiches.

Up to you what you want to believe but if everyone took your attitude we wouldn't eat anything.

You wouldn't eat any red meat considering what that has in it neither would you eat any fruit or vegetables unless they were certified organic and even then you would be sceptical as who is to say what is organic and what isnt.

One study has come out and said that some fish oil supplements have potentially carconogenic properties yet there are many brands of fish oil and the preceived benefits seem to greatly outweogh any risks IMHO.

Additionally you could eat tuna or salmon but you also risk contaminants from eating the fish themselves as they may well have high levels of dioxins, mercury etc

There's a difference between eating food and taking supplements. We eat food for survival and enjoyment but fish oil supplements achieve neither. The only reason to take them is their unproven health benefits but if there's as much evidence that they're harmful as that they're beneficial, why take the risk?

There is a lot of information about the levels of mercury and other contaminants in fish and generally speaking the higher up the food chain, the more contaminants. Sardines have very low levels of any contaminants so are a very cheap, healthy and tasty option.

The benefits are not unproven as there has been quite a lot of studies on fish oil supplementation and their benefits.

Personally my triclyeride levels dropped significantly after taking fish oil supplements.

I have been taking a risk for over 15 years according to you but i have suffered no ill effects and have benefited greatly,so that is my experience.

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Fish oil apparently also is a blood thinner. If you're taking baby aspirin & Vit A and other things that have that effect. as well as fish oil, you might cause bleeding. It's not the fish oil alone that causes this, but there may be a cumulative effect if you are taking other supplements.

I realize that doesn't apply to everyone, but I recently had increased subretinal bleeding and was told to lay off supplements of this sort.

A friend had observed blood in his urine and, after exhaustive, unproductive testing to find the cause, he was told the same thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you can sit in the sun for about 20 minutes a day the body would generate enough Vitamin D.Not necessary to take fish oil.I think Vitamin D is the most important ingrediant in fish oil.

Different. Essential fatty acids can't be produced by the body.

A few minutes a day of sun for Vitamin D is still a good idea.

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There's a difference between eating food and taking supplements. We eat food for survival and enjoyment but fish oil supplements achieve neither. The only reason to take them is their unproven health benefits but if there's as much evidence that they're harmful as that they're beneficial, why take the risk?

There is a lot of information about the levels of mercury and other contaminants in fish and generally speaking the higher up the food chain, the more contaminants. Sardines have very low levels of any contaminants so are a very cheap, healthy and tasty option.

Quick search for hits on Pubmed -

"Essential fatty acids" 38660

"Fish Oil" 14805

"Omega-3" 12052

Sorry to tell you, one of the most studied subjects of the past 20 years.

You think eating the whole fish is safer than eating just fish oil? Really?

Some companies get essential fatty acids from lab grown microalge so no contaminants. Happy?

Not to speak for Fitcorp but he said "feel" because he can't point to a specific study or research. It is his opinion based on his knowledge of the subject which I bet is more than yours of a single hysterical fear mongering news report. That's how I took it and everyone else seems to have taken it except you.

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I think you need more than fish oil to control your blood pressure. :o

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.—Bertrand Russell

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