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How To Deal With Dirty Neighbours?


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I would guess (never having lived in a condo) that there is something in the contract about standards of cleanliness in the common areas, if this is being abused (which it appears to be) why don't a number of you get together and tell the building management they are in breach of contract and until they remedy the problem you will be withholding the maintenance fees?

That probably WOULD work... even though it might not be legal. I would go through the legal process first, and if that's not successful then hire someone like me. I have many devious ways of getting even. I DID like the Voodoo sign idea, though.

I'm sorry for the OP, but he's stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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I am now beginning to understand why the thai chinese and upper strata thais simply detest the lower life forms. I always though that Thais were very clean people but I guess I now know.My other thai neighbours simply treated them with total disgusts and will not even acknowledge them anymore and even call them names.

I am British I don't drink my GF is from Isaan, well educated up at 5am cleaning cooking everything is spotless.

If I leave a shirt on the bed or a pair of jeans hanging in the toilet I turn my back and they are in the wash bin, don't tar everyone with the same brush. I asked her to shout over the road to the man that sells water her answer it's not nice to raise your voice, while in England I gave her some chewing gum I chewed it for 30mins then threw it out of the car window (naughty I know) she kept it in her mouth for three hours?. I asked the reason why and she replied that she wouldn't like to clean it up so why should somebody else. The list of things that she does that are respectful are endless.

I feel sorry for your situation but I feel even more sorry for your narrow minded attitude.

What about the cooking - got every window open in our house open now and the smell is still overpowering :(

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Before you do something stupid perhaps you may want to consider that the "tenants" may in fact be relatives of the owner who may be very well connected and who in turn might be a tad p*ssed off at your actions and bring Horsemen of the Apocalypse bearing down upon you and your loved ones.

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I think curse note is good idea. where i used to live someone cup tearing up my plants and flowers, for some reason. I figured it was woman next door, because she seemed very unfriendly. But could not prove it. I made like a scarecrow thing in front yard with bamboo sticks, clothes and hats and candles and other crap. Then when moon came out I danced around the thing with a big knife yelling some jibberish., As i am an American indian, which people here think is strange anyway, this worked very well. I told neighbors I was Indian medicine man and I was calling up Spirit of The Forest to go after whoever was killing the plants. next day lady next door shows up with big plate of food. she has been friendly ever since and no one ever bothered plants again. however there is also a down side to this as ever since that day the Thai neighbors look at me funny and my wife is nervous that spirit really showed up and lives in the house, even though I told her it was all an act I made up and never even heard of this spirit.

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A bit more on the humouristic side is to ask the Thai wife, mum or sister if they have heard about the "couple who lived there before them" and tell them how the man murdered his wife in the condo.

They'll be out before you finish telling the story.

That'll do it! Works every time!

Very funny thread.

Nexy they'll be cooking and eating on the floor in the hall. Trust me.

Welcome to 'Land Of Smiles - Thailand (L.O.S.T.)

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No matter how much you spend and where you build in Thailand there is always the danger that a slum will appear very close by very soon, and there will be nothing you can do about it. It's one of the wonders of Thailand.

cracking sense of humour mate,keep it coming,made my day so far.

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I agree with Kuhn H at #36 above -- they may be just trying to sucker you into doing something stupid if not criminal and then bring the wrath down on you

My only constructive suggestion again is to leave them their own garbage can and empty it yourself if that's what it takes -- a variation of which I have often done myself with those who feel it is OK to just drop their garbage outside the door.

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When something like this happen the juristic person will need a leading tenant to lead a meeting of concerned parties and talk about the resolution.  I would really give them serious warning about respecting other people right in the building. 

Which they would completely disregard the very next day. This isn't Chipping Sodbury/Paris/Boston ...

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I am now beginning to understand why the thai chinese and upper strata thais simply detest the lower life forms. I always though that Thais were very clean people but I guess I now know.My other thai neighbours simply treated them with total disgusts and will not even acknowledge them anymore and even call them names.

I am British I don't drink my GF is from Isaan, well educated up at 5am cleaning cooking everything is spotless.

If I leave a shirt on the bed or a pair of jeans hanging in the toilet I turn my back and they are in the wash bin, don't tar everyone with the same brush. I asked her to shout over the road to the man that sells water her answer it's not nice to raise your voice, while in England I gave her some chewing gum I chewed it for 30mins then threw it out of the car window (naughty I know) she kept it in her mouth for three hours?. I asked the reason why and she replied that she wouldn't like to clean it up so why should somebody else. The list of things that she does that are respectful are endless.

I feel sorry for your situation but I feel even more sorry for your narrow minded attitude.

What about the cooking - got every window open in our house open now and the smell is still overpowering :(

I agree with Scully, DON'T tar all with the same brush, as some particular posters on this forum are prone to do.

As to the cooking smells, you stay in a country and the national cuisine is more pungent than the meat and two veg you're probably used to. I once rented a house in the UK and the previous tenants were Indian. Couldn't get rid of the smell of Indian curries all the time we were there. Best to stop complaining and realise where you are. And be thankful for it. Or ...

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Your contract will have a clause in that states something along the lines of...

"To behave in a manner not to disturbing other residents'....

This is usually associated with noise but I'm sure covers all anti-social behavior. The problem here is that people (the Condo Management) are unwilling to do be confrontational and do something about it unless pushed.

I have had a similar issue, in a similar ranged condo with people starting to bring pets on our floor.

I have written a formal letter of complaint, with an attached photocopy of the contract page that states no pets, and residents should behave in a manner not to disturbing other residents'.... And gone on to accuse the Condo Management of not doing their jobs properly... This has woken them up a little and action was taken and pets removed.

If you can prove (photo's etc) that the people opposite are breaking the contract - The Condo Management can be forced to deal with this immediately.

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Use the superstition angle. Late at night make ghost sounds in the hall, then the next day have a neighbor from another floor talk to the wife and mother in law when they are by the pool and tell the story of the murder that took place in that condo while it was being built. The Spirit was trapped in the walls of that unit and is looking to get out.

Good luck

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As per #45 "To behave in a manner not to disturbing other residents'.... that clause may work in jolly old London but the riff-raff might be able to equally show that it is the responsibility of the Management to keep the common areas namely hallways free of litter and debris...

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I can see where this sort of problem is harder to fix in townhouses and basic moo baans without a common authority so...

Not sure if I am missing something, but if it is as bad as you say and everybody sees the problem, would this not be discussed by the body corporate, who if agree, could suggest the the owner get rid of the tennant. Surely this nearly up market condo has rules and regulations

nearly is the key word here.

And he already says the juristic body has been informed and nothing has happened.

I would venture the Thais in the building who have purchased units are much more unhappy than you.

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I am now beginning to understand why the thai chinese and upper strata thais simply detest the lower life forms. I always though that Thais were very clean people but I guess I now know.My other thai neighbours simply treated them with total disgusts and will not even acknowledge them anymore and even call them names.

I am British I don't drink my GF is from Isaan, well educated up at 5am cleaning cooking everything is spotless.

If I leave a shirt on the bed or a pair of jeans hanging in the toilet I turn my back and they are in the wash bin, don't tar everyone with the same brush. I asked her to shout over the road to the man that sells water her answer it's not nice to raise your voice, while in England I gave her some chewing gum I chewed it for 30mins then threw it out of the car window (naughty I know) she kept it in her mouth for three hours?. I asked the reason why and she replied that she wouldn't like to clean it up so why should somebody else. The list of things that she does that are respectful are endless.

I feel sorry for your situation but I feel even more sorry for your narrow minded attitude.

I was wondering if there is a bit of snobbery about this since the OP felt the need to mention the word "Isaan " in her first post.

18-20 bottles of singha every day minimum....... Not so sure, that is one hell of a lot to get through and I can put them away myself. There could be some exaggerations and half-truths about this, let's not forget we only have one side of the story.

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Country types you say .......

Print the attachment out, wrap it around a chicken's head and a broken face mirror, tie the parcel with a dried snake skin and hang it on their door handle...... They'll be out before sunset.


A bit more on the humouristic side is to ask the Thai wife, mum or sister if they have heard about the "couple who lived there before them" and tell them how the man murdered his wife in the condo.

They'll be out before you finish telling the story.

Here's your best options, go for it and surely your neighbours would help with it.

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I first read this and found it amusing, why? Because I'm stood on the outside looking in. However I can see how this is driving you nuts. But be careful, if you set yourself up as the spokes person for the “get them out campaign” you could find yourself on the receiving end of a backlash from the “Adam family” and I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit nobody will help you. You are dealing with a family of Issan country bumpkins, they don't think like you, or have any respect for what you think is right and wrong. Don't bother talking to there pet buffalo, (the farang) he has no say in what go's on.

Time and time again you can hear of stories of poor Thais with little or no education doing pretty dumb shit.......No correlation between action and conscience, setting yourself up as the focal point of a campaign to get them out...Not smart!

I do agree with you................They gotta go! I would look at all the options posted, seriously, I particularity like the voodoo one for starters, as your dealing with a bonehead family. You need to reverse the table while staying the Gray man, start smiling at them in the lift again......

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck, and keep us posted.

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I first read this and found it amusing, why? Because I'm stood on the outside looking in. However I can see how this is driving you nuts. But be careful, if you set yourself up as the spokes person for the "get them out campaign" you could find yourself on the receiving end of a backlash from the "Adam family" and I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit nobody will help you. You are dealing with a family of Issan country bumpkins, they don't think like you, or have any respect for what you think is right and wrong. Don't bother talking to there pet buffalo, (the farang) he has no say in what go's on.

Time and time again you can hear of stories of poor Thais with little or no education doing pretty dumb shit.......No correlation between action and conscience, setting yourself up as the focal point of a campaign to get them out...Not smart!

I do agree with you................They gotta go! I would look at all the options posted, seriously, I particularity like the voodoo one for starters, as your dealing with a bonehead family. You need to reverse the table while staying the Gray man, start smiling at them in the lift again......

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck, and keep us posted.

Voodoo, plus they will not know if Thai or Farang do the business. :D Hopefully think it Thai.

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I would guess (never having lived in a condo) that there is something in the contract about standards of cleanliness in the common areas, if this is being abused (which it appears to be) why don't a number of you get together and tell the building management they are in breach of contract and until they remedy the problem you will be withholding the maintenance fees?

- How many people on the same floor, or other floors, might sign a petition and perhaps even sign to say that will all withhold their maintenance fees until the management committe (fellow co-owners) take some positive action.

Further to that point, is there a paid manager (not a co-owner) of the employeed staff in the building? Would it be worth asking for an urgent general meeting and ensure all the co-owners on your floor are remined every day about the meeting, raise it at the meeting, offer some altenatives / ask for a secret ballot on a proposal like 'co-owners will withhold mainenace funds until something is done to totally fix the problem'

With some luck (using a secret ballot' you might get some solid support.

I'll add, this is of course easier said than done.

Another possibility maybe is to demand that the paid manager (if there is one) is not fulfilling their paid duties. AGain, perhaps a secret ballot on this point.

All, of course, easier said than done.

On a different angle, many of the fellow co-owners in my condo were, a couple of years back, very dissatisfied with the audit report from an outside company (numerous and obvious mistakes / mistakes in addition of columns and more for several years in a row).

There was an outside 'management company' employed to actually run the building and they had employed the outside auditor (a friend of the owner of the management company).

It came to a head with some anger at an annual meeting with one co-owner demanding that a secret vote be held immediately on the question of instantly dismissing the auditor.

The management company insisted that co-owners were not allowed to suggest such actions and that the proposition of a vote on this specific matter being put on a future meeting agenda had to go thru the outside managemet company and they had the right had say yes or no to adding the item to the meeting agenda.

Uproar ensured with another co-owner calling a lawyer friend who was very familiar with the condo laws and asking for advice. The lawyer quickly found the appropriate clause no. which was announced to the meeting with demands that the management company representative read out that clause. And another co-owner at the meeting had a copy of the laws, and said 'either you read it or I will'.

The clause was very clear, co-owners have every right to add items for discussion and to demand for a vote to be taken in addition to the published meeting agenda.

Why am I quoting all of this? It seems to me that if problems are not resolved in the early life of a condo building then a theme will develop whereby nothing is tackled and resolved.

Hence, it may need some strong action to force the first resolution of a problem.

I say again, all easier said than done.

Good luck.

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I would guess (never having lived in a condo) that there is something in the contract about standards of cleanliness in the common areas, if this is being abused (which it appears to be) why don't a number of you get together and tell the building management they are in breach of contract and until they remedy the problem you will be withholding the maintenance fees?

When I was in a condo chickens in the stair- wells was one of the things I feared most; some people are capable of anything.

Maintenance is a good point, maintenance is shared on an equitable basis. Extra staff could be employed to clean up after these people and added it to the maintenance fee of that particular unit.

We had management commitee meetings where these things were discussed and voted on. Tenants are not invited to vote but they may attend.

I think that the owner is responsible for the maintenance fee not the tenants, and I don't think it can be devolved.

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Thanks for all ur suggestions and even some strange ones that were PM to me. Just to clear the air.......I ain't no snob and I have nothing about individuals from Isaan, etc or even about Brit Pensioners, etc. I do not care if a person is poor or rich , educated or not-educated but I do care for a certain degree of civility and general cleanliness and manners.

I just came back to my unit after work to see the same mess outside. Sights! I am planning something drastic but its not what some of u are thinking.......Yes I do wish they die! but I am not the one who will ever want to dirty my hands.

One of my Thai neighbours who also hate this family checked and found out that the Brit's chap details are not with the Juristic Office. By law, the juristic office is suppose to be having it and sending a copy to Immigration. They have asked him many times but he has never responded. The lease was taken under the name of the female thing! On the top of that, he never goes out and has a man of African origin visiting him sometimes and also my neighbour said the guards suspect that he has been taking certain narcotics by the poolside. What I am planning to to inform the authorities. But we want to do it the right way so that the whole family gets into a real serious mess not just say possession but more that that. I am willing to pay the authorities whatever. Trust me just give me a couple of days more to get rid of this trash. Thanks for all the suggestions but I do not think it will work on this lower life forms and that this might be the best action.

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Thanks for all ur suggestions and even some strange ones that were PM to me. Just to clear the air.......I ain't no snob and I have nothing about individuals from Isaan, etc or even about Brit Pensioners, etc. I do not care if a person is poor or rich , educated or not-educated but I do care for a certain degree of civility and general cleanliness and manners.

I just came back to my unit after work to see the same mess outside. Sights! I am planning something drastic but its not what some of u are thinking.......Yes I do wish they die! but I am not the one who will ever want to dirty my hands.

One of my Thai neighbours who also hate this family checked and found out that the Brit's chap details are not with the Juristic Office. By law, the juristic office is suppose to be having it and sending a copy to Immigration. They have asked him many times but he has never responded. The lease was taken under the name of the female thing! On the top of that, he never goes out and has a man of African origin visiting him sometimes and also my neighbour said the guards suspect that he has been taking certain narcotics by the poolside. What I am planning to to inform the authorities. But we want to do it the right way so that the whole family gets into a real serious mess not just say possession but more that that. I am willing to pay the authorities whatever. Trust me just give me a couple of days more to get rid of this trash. Thanks for all the suggestions but I do not think it will work on this lower life forms and that this might be the best action.

Let us know how you get on. :ph34r:

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Thanks for all ur suggestions and even some strange ones that were PM to me. Just to clear the air.......I ain't no snob and I have nothing about individuals from Isaan, etc or even about Brit Pensioners, etc. I do not care if a person is poor or rich , educated or not-educated but I do care for a certain degree of civility and general cleanliness and manners.

I just came back to my unit after work to see the same mess outside. Sights! I am planning something drastic but its not what some of u are thinking.......Yes I do wish they die! but I am not the one who will ever want to dirty my hands.

One of my Thai neighbours who also hate this family checked and found out that the Brit's chap details are not with the Juristic Office. By law, the juristic office is suppose to be having it and sending a copy to Immigration. They have asked him many times but he has never responded. The lease was taken under the name of the female thing! On the top of that, he never goes out and has a man of African origin visiting him sometimes and also my neighbour said the guards suspect that he has been taking certain narcotics by the poolside. What I am planning to to inform the authorities. But we want to do it the right way so that the whole family gets into a real serious mess not just say possession but more that that. I am willing to pay the authorities whatever. Trust me just give me a couple of days more to get rid of this trash. Thanks for all the suggestions but I do not think it will work on this lower life forms and that this might be the best action.

Normally, when I am planning a cunning and devious ploy, I also discuss it sotto voce with the audience - I learnt that from Shakespeare.

Remember to tie up your victim, and monologue the entire plot - mention also any explosive devices you may have, or secret swiss bank accounts - my experience (entirely from watching James Bond films, mind) is that he will then pull a bizarre Harry Houdini and wriggle out of the most unfeasible predicament, and bring you down, along with the so-called authorities, the government and the Berlin Wall.

But seriously, I do try to limit my boasting about my crimes to those I have already been convicted of - or at least those I have already committed, for fear of a cunning plan falling though by way of hubris, lack of secrecy, poor planning, or just giggling too much.

I shouldn't discourage you, though, as I am waiting with some anticipation to see how things turn out; I hope its more Patrick McGooghan than Charlie Chaplin...


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Reading this story, I have a picture in my mind of a distraught and frustrated OP, making the final touches to his plans which he believes should bring him a quiet and stress free life.

Then I have the other half of the picture which is a guy sitting in a condo in scruffy attire with overflowing trash cans, reading about his soon to be demise on the internet, on TV , with the rest of us!

Hope he's not smart enough for counter attack!

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Reading this story, I have a picture in my mind of a distraught and frustrated OP, making the final touches to his plans which he believes should bring him a quiet and stress free life.

Then I have the other half of the picture which is a guy sitting in a condo in scruffy attire with overflowing trash cans, reading about his soon to be demise on the internet, on TV , with the rest of us!

Hope he's not smart enough for counter attack!

"That sounds just like us, that does, except we get on with our neighbours..."


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Reading this story, I have a picture in my mind of a distraught and frustrated OP, making the final touches to his plans which he believes should bring him a quiet and stress free life.

He? Isn't the OP female? Has a Thai-Chinese boyfriend.

Or gay? Which would explain the bitchiness of the OP.

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Thanks guys...but already checked.....they do not have internet connections in their unit let alone have a laptop or computer........did this before posting the problem on the Thaivisa. I doubt he has any friends.

The thai things, I doubt are computer literate. Currently its about 9.40pm, they are having the usual loud quarrels in the unit, complete with screams, yellings and things crashing. The next time I ever buy a unit......it will not be a condo or a townhouse or a semi detached but rather a single home on a landed property with neighbours as far away as possible. (Doubt I can afford that in Bangkok though at the rate of land prices.!)

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Thanks guys...but already checked.....they do not have internet connections in their unit let alone have a laptop or computer........did this before posting the problem on the Thaivisa. I doubt he has any friends.

The thai things, I doubt are computer literate. Currently its about 9.40pm, they are having the usual loud quarrels in the unit, complete with screams, yellings and things crashing. The next time I ever buy a unit......it will not be a condo or a townhouse or a semi detached but rather a single home on a landed property with neighbours as far away as possible. (Doubt I can afford that in Bangkok though at the rate of land prices.!)

He's sat next to me in Starbucks, beer gut spilling out of his singlet, getting so batey he can scarcely hold his cudgel straight.

Oo err missus, such things to say about the love of a man's life; I scarcely know which way to turn

(sorry chaps, that came out even more Frankie Howerd than I'd intended...)


Edit: NB, have you ever thought about living in a tent?

Edited by StreetCowboy
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