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Pheu Thai Party Offers Tablets To Thai Students


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You are absolutely right. Living in a small village in Isaan, I have noticed in Internet

Shops, all the school kids play video games and listen to Thai music.

The poor children not interested in Internet , play cards and other games for money with the parents .

No interest at all to study any books or newspapers.

I have been teaching English to the village children during school time.

Only 3 or 4 students out of the 15 have any interest.

My step daughter and her cousin both studying in an University in Bangkok for BA in English cannot speak or write English very well .

Do you think they would browse Bangkok Post to read the news and learn English?

No. They both want to have parties and listen to music etc.

How would they get a job in any field?

I speak as someone who ran a computer company for many years and one that believes there are many benefits from useing computers in the classroom. But I have to say that now I am a teacher I am coming to the idea that the downside may well outway the benefits. Sure you need to know how to use them. But this should be restricted to basic skills unless you are going to major in computing and even then a good grounding in English and math is still going to be more valuable in the long run. A a well educated kid can pick these things up fast when they go into further education. The fact is computing is seen as the silver bullet that will give our kids a great education - but actually for many it cements them into a 2nd world where they play games and listen to music. many High School students do badly in exams simply because they can't understand the questions and they don'y have the litteracy skills to write a coherent answer. The IT industry is driven by entertainment - not the desire to really educate. When we are desperate for funds for maintaing schools and paying teachers what is the wisdom of rolling out millions of dollars worth of computers that will need to be replaced in three to four years anyway. In addition to this it is hard to see how all these machines are going to be technically supported. One poorly paid technician (if a school even has one at all) can hardly support 600+ machines with a vast array of printers, networks and software.

A group of wise people under a tree can make better decisions than "IT educated" politicians can in a billion dollar parliament house.

Kids playing cards and other games with their parents for money? I guess I live a sheltered life here. 16 years in Thailand and have never met any parents that gamble (which includes drinking) with their kids. Is this more Thai bashing?

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How many students are there in Thailand? I'm wondering how much this would all cost, and where the money would come from; certainly not from Thaksin himself, even though he could afford it. It could add up to around 50B THB.

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16 years in Thailand and have never met any parents that gamble (which includes drinking) with their kids.

During a visa run I saw children with their parents gambling in a casino at the Pong Nam Ron border a month ago. I can't remember whether the parents were drinking or smoking but other players at the table and other tables were. The children themselves were playing, as were their parents.

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They could always contact APPLE, as they do have an educational program that is very affordable.

I am sure APPLE would be interested in talking to them, seeing as the THB 3000/6000 versions of tablets are for the most part knock off copies of their product....:whistling:

Interesting headline "Thai goverment get sued by APPLE "

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Old tactics used by Taksin to try to buy the vote of Thailand's disenfranchised. What good will tablets do for the students? They are computers and students will use them for games.

I am a teacher and our Gifted students ( 13 year olds ) are allowed to use their own laptops in class.

Do they use them to study ? Of course not!! They are only used for games or chat.

After many months of protests from me the school has agreed to limit the use in the classroom.

Computers will only be used if the teacher agrees they are necessary to the lesson.

It is hard enough controlling students with mobile phone games.

Yes in theory it sounds great for the students to gain knowledge from the Internet BUT in practice they are still children who prefer to play games.

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Political pandering at it's best!! I agree with almost all of the posts here. A tablet won't change the life of these kids, and I was just saying to my Thai gf "what happened to the free computers that were promised?" No answer. Maybe a new law before the election that forbids pandering of unrealistic goals, or report just how it will be financed and help the country, although those it's targeted audience will not be able to understand, it would still be a start.

And maybe they could get the funding by not buying used submarines.....

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New phrase,, forget pork barreling, now its tech barreling.

What a huge joke, but hopefully when the government that offers the most bribes gets in, and they don't deliver, maybe the people will grow some eyes and see through the crap that is now the lead up to the Thai general elections.

I don't have a lot of faith that they will do that.

He trotted this out before in 2006 with his One Student, One Laptop scam.

Thankfully, that shenanigan got canked, but a section of the populace didn't apparently "grow some eyes and see it" because they've kept up their support. Furthermore, as soon as his trots this updated 2011 version out as One Student, One I-Pad scam, they'll take to it again.

I do hope that they don't and I also hope they grow some eyes... but I'm realistic to have a number of doubts, as well.

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You are absolutely right. Living in a small village in Isaan, I have noticed in Internet

Shops, all the school kids play video games and listen to Thai music.

The poor children not interested in Internet , play cards and other games for money with the parents .

No interest at all to study any books or newspapers.

I have been teaching English to the village children during school time.

Only 3 or 4 students out of the 15 have any interest.

My step daughter and her cousin both studying in an University in Bangkok for BA in English cannot speak or write English very well .

Do you think they would browse Bangkok Post to read the news and learn English?

No. They both want to have parties and listen to music etc.

How would they get a job in any field?

I speak as someone who ran a computer company for many years and one that believes there are many benefits from useing computers in the classroom. But I have to say that now I am a teacher I am coming to the idea that the downside may well outway the benefits. Sure you need to know how to use them. But this should be restricted to basic skills unless you are going to major in computing and even then a good grounding in English and math is still going to be more valuable in the long run. A a well educated kid can pick these things up fast when they go into further education. The fact is computing is seen as the silver bullet that will give our kids a great education - but actually for many it cements them into a 2nd world where they play games and listen to music. many High School students do badly in exams simply because they can't understand the questions and they don'y have the litteracy skills to write a coherent answer. The IT industry is driven by entertainment - not the desire to really educate. When we are desperate for funds for maintaing schools and paying teachers what is the wisdom of rolling out millions of dollars worth of computers that will need to be replaced in three to four years anyway. In addition to this it is hard to see how all these machines are going to be technically supported. One poorly paid technician (if a school even has one at all) can hardly support 600+ machines with a vast array of printers, networks and software.

A group of wise people under a tree can make better decisions than "IT educated" politicians can in a billion dollar parliament house.

Kids playing cards and other games with their parents for money? I guess I live a sheltered life here. 16 years in Thailand and have never met any parents that gamble (which includes drinking) with their kids. Is this more Thai bashing?

NO this is NOT " Thai Bashing" !!

YES you must have led a sheltered life here in Thailand.

In my ex wife's Isaan village I have seen kids playing cards and gambling for money WITH their parents many times.

This is quite common during a funeral party ( wake )

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My first thought was Yabaa, to control those future voters,

but second was cheap knock off computers.

No doubt it will be portable windoze and just glorified calculators,

and maybe word processors but no WiFi printer in the classroom to print them out on. Most likely increased gaming time, and naught else.

So who is going to teach the teacher who can hardly teach now, how to run IT networks and set up all these tablets to talk in class... 50-70 tablets all trying to access one WiFi node and one printer. Sorry kids don't print till I point at you.

And yes, to the whole project being a good earner for someone who has computer company connections.... a real 'kick in the shin' for the education budget...

ya this is a good perspective from the IT point of view.

teachers would definitely have to regulate the usage.

one extra point - where the heck do u plug them all in?

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they got 2 in 1 go...

1.to boost up the IT sales sector,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, one of 'em maybe own an IT enterprise ....

2.favor them(only a promise.).. bribing.....

these uni. students have no idea how to use them in productive style.......

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I'd doubt that Pheu Thai actually did any feasibility study when coming up with this idea. It sounds like it was quickly thought up just days ago (after Thaksin's speech on 23 April 2011) and now announced. It's Thaksin trying to be Santa Claus to win the hearts of the poor. A one-time gift to the people is easier and cheaper than ongoing or life-long welfare programs. I wish that poor families realize what Thaksin is doing.

Several of Thaksin's previous scams had that "I thought it up last night" aurora around them.

Indeed, he just recently announced a litany of programs in his speech, but didn't mention this one.

An apparent lets-sweeten-the-pot-further gesture.

It also follows the other news today :

Thaksin yesterday told party candidates to spread his recently announced policy platform to the electorate, but also asked them "not to speak beyond the script"


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It's not negativity about the quality of teaching or anything about education. It's that a politician would make such a promise that will surely never come to pass. In that case, it's an outlandish proposal. Think of the practicalities and logistical issues involved, for starters, the money for these things, where will the money come from; when and where? Then the distribution and training, the students need to know how to operate them for the tablets are any help to them. This would mean the teachers themselves would need to know how to operate them, that the teachers would all need them, too. That's more training and curriculum development. What about service, defective units, etc.? Let's not forget the black market for stolen units, both from the import warehouse and by students themselves. It's just a ridiculous and irresponsible thing to say. angry.gif

Yes, it would be great to have these things. Are there any other countries in the world that have done such a thing? How did it go?

Don't be so negative, everyone.

With the standard of teaching in most Thai schools being under the zero line, it will enable the few kids who want to, to learn. The rest can play computer games, look up their local yaa-baa dealer or contribute to ThaiVisa.

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When we are desperate for funds for maintaing schools and paying teachers what is the wisdom of rolling out millions of dollars worth of computers that will need to be replaced in three to four years anyway. In addition to this it is hard to see how all these machines are going to be technically supported. One poorly paid technician (if a school even has one at all) can hardly support 600+ machines with a vast array of printers, networks and software.

Good points. At the government school I used to volunteer, it would mean 4,000 I-Pads.

What's the tech support going to be for that?

Add in the infrastructure for 4,000 simultaneous Net connections.

That's one school.

Add in 8 million or so more students around the country.

Formation of Shin ISP Services and Shinapple Thailand, Ltd. are no doubt already in the works.


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what is the use ? tablet computer for what other purpose than to try to buy votes ???

it's a cellphone with a big screen...

how come the prices are so increadible low ??? e-book reader + wifi connection for only 3 - 6000 baht ? where can I buy and export to my home country...

and discount prices for bulk...

I might become extreme rich if I can find a source and an exporter...

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what is the use ? tablet computer for what other purpose than to try to buy votes ???

it's a cellphone with a big screen...

how come the prices are so increadible low ??? e-book reader + wifi connection for only 3 - 6000 baht ? where can I buy and export to my home country...

and discount prices for bulk...

I might become extreme rich if I can find a source and an exporter...

Clones from China of course.

Might even work for the full school year in some cases.

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Some Thais don't need to lift a finger in their life to become multi-millionaries. Just look at Thaksin's mongrels ;)

For the sake of accuracy, they are all individual billionaires.


Here they are voting in the last election

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If this fantasy ever comes to pass, how would they pay for it? Raise the excise tax on fuel/sugar/milk? Tax the very people who put you in office the highest percentage per income?

Oh no - money's free in this country to make whatever promise you want to win office. :bah:

A program like this would cost around 50,000,000,0000B to impliment. (5mil students x 10,000B a pop including infrastructure).

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How many students are there in Thailand? I'm wondering how much this would all cost, and where the money would come from; certainly not from Thaksin himself, even though he could afford it. It could add up to around 50B THB.

Higher, if they give one to every Thai student.... and that doesn't include infrastructure and support, which would significantly increase it further.

He could recoup his previously confiscated assets in one program.


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He'd be better off giving them a cheap mobile phone each.

Thais are obsessed with mobile phones they can't get enough of them. I know one girl who has 2 Iphone 4's and 3 BB's!!!!

and very likely 5 farang boyfriends who bought them for her........

I forgot to mention she has an Ipad, 2 Mac laptops.

It's amazing how you guys have a one track mind and class all girls as being like that.

No, she is a friend of my wife. She is a multimillionaire and happily married. She just hasn't a clue how to use the phones.

A bribe is a Bribe is a Bribe... hmm... it is not the computers that will bring Thai students up-to-date it is FACE to FACE with a qualified teacher... T and the party what original idea will they think up next... His son is in on the deal as well.. GIGO

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I have donated new computers to a government high school in Isaan that serves several villages. Despite all the high profile Education Ministry computer procurement schemes over, the headmaster told me these were the first new computers they had ever received. In fact they have never received any computers from the ministry at all. They only had decrepit old machines bought second hand with donations from villagers, two thirds of which could no longer be repaired.

Thaksin's pledge is just another of his PR stunt gimmicks. The vast majority of kids would never receive a tablet and for those that did they would not be suitable learning tools anyway but Thaksin and his cronies would pocket a huge pile of dosh.

The real solution is to clean up the Education Ministry and put a dozen senior scumbags behind bars for theft but no party is willing to do this. The Education Ministry is one of the jewels in the crown to be dished out to corrupt politicians in a coalition carve up. In addition, all parties have a common vested interest in keeping poor Thais uneducated and stupid in order to maintain the status quo.

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they got 2 in 1 go...

1.to boost up the IT sales sector,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, one of 'em maybe own an IT enterprise ....

2.favor them(only a promise.).. bribing.....

these uni. students have no idea how to use them in productive style.......

Quite right. At my uni, if you look at the computers being used in the library at any one time you'll see FB, Youtube, and games.

You will not see students using them for research, projects and so forth.

Anyway, the Thais simply copy/paste for reports and cannot even present them because they didn't even read/understand the material which they present.

Uni students are not expected to be productive since the grading is done on the curve, and thankfully for the students... everyone is pretty much as lazy/uninterested in learning as the next... so it's easy to pass, and just use the library as any other air-conditioned internet cafe.

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what is the use ? tablet computer for what other purpose than to try to buy votes ???

it's a cellphone with a big screen...

how come the prices are so increadible low ??? e-book reader + wifi connection for only 3 - 6000 baht ? where can I buy and export to my home country...

and discount prices for bulk...

I might become extreme rich if I can find a source and an exporter...

Bump those figures up...

Apple Store (Thailand)

Prices displayed are inclusive of all taxes and duties but exclusive of delivery charges (unless otherwise indicated).

iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G


Ships: Within 24hrs

฿ 16,900.00

3G service sold separately


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If this fantasy ever comes to pass, how would they pay for it? Raise the excise tax on fuel/sugar/milk? Tax the very people who put you in office the highest percentage per income?

Oh no - money's free in this country to make whatever promise you want to win office. :bah:

A program like this would cost around 50,000,000,0000B to impliment. (5mil students x 10,000B a pop including infrastructure).

8mil x 16,900 + infrastructure + support =


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