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Phuket Taxi Cartel Grants US Military Safe Passage


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Phuket taxi cartel grants US Military safe passage


US Military personnel queue to board a charter bus at Phuket's Deep Sea Port.


The USS Boxer amphibious assault vessel anchored in the rain at Ao Makham.

PHUKET: -- More than 4,000 United States Military personnel arrived at Phuket’s Deep Sea Port yesterday with no reports of transport problems as they made their way to destinations around the island.

The USS Boxer amphibious-ready group consisting of three ships – the USS Boxer amphibious assault ship, the USS Green Bay amphibious transport dock ship and the USS Comstock amphibious dock landing ship – are here on a “goodwill” visit that will see its crew participate in community service projects.

Several times in the recent past, taxi drivers at Ao Makham blockaded the Deep Sea Port, preventing passengers from cruise ships and US Military vessels from venturing into Phuket. The drivers protested the fact that local tour companies provided transport for the passengers who disembark at the port, leaving them with no work or income.

Taxi drivers and tour operators on August 16 signed an agreement to end the blockades. Under the terms of the agreement, the taxi operators and tour agencies serving the port are to have "equal access" to arriving passengers, with no more than a “10 per cent difference in share”.

The tour companies also agreed to inform the taxi cartel one day in advance when tours were scheduled to arrive in Phuket and how many passengers were expected – so that sufficient taxis would be available.

Wichit sub-district Deputy Mayor Chairat Kumban said yesterday that “There have been no more problems between taxi drivers and tour companies following the signing of the MoU. Everything is fine. The companies have been informing the taxi drivers about the situation.”

Many of the men and women of the amphibious-ready group booked tours in Patong and were transported by a pre-booked company. Cars were available for high-ranking officers and vans and buses for others.

“The ships informed us that they had their own transport, so we didn’t have any problems with that,” Mr Chairat said.

Also arriving in Ao Makham yesterday was a Star Cruise ship.

“There are many people arriving today, so taxis from other areas had to come in because there are only 190 registered taxis, transport vans and tuk-tuks in Ao Makham,” Mr Chairat said.

As the US sailors and Marines boarded the buses and vans waiting for them, tour company representatives tried selling them tour packages by showing pictures and providing brochures.

Many of the men and women of the USS Boxer group – about 1,500 sailors and 2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit – volunteered to paint a fence and wall at Muang Phuket School today and Wednesday. The ships are scheduled to depart Phuket on Thursday morning.

They sailors also plan to relax in Phuket.

“We are very much looking forward to enjoying the beaches, people and culture. I want to thank the Kingdom of Thailand and all its people for this opportunity to visit,” USS Boxer Commanding Officer Capt Kevin P. Flanagan told the Phuket Gazette during a visit to the Third Naval Area Command in Phuket yesterday.

“I haven’t heard of any taxi blockades at the pier. We are not afraid of Phuket and are very happy to be here as we have a lot of friendships here,” Capt Flanagan said.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/archives/articles/2011/article10859.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-08-23

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Many of the men and women of the USS Boxer group – about 1,500 sailors and 2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit – volunteered to paint a fence and wall at Muang Phuket School today and Wednesday.

All of them with regular work permit?? :whistling:

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The Headline reads - "Phuket taxi cartel grants US Military safe passage"

I thought to myself - wow - thats very nice of them - what a nice gesture to 'grant' them a safe passage.

These are US servicemen from just about the most powerful nation on earth, and the Phuket Taxi 'Cartel' was gracious enough to grant them a safe passage

we bow down before you - oh great tuk tuk drivers!

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The Headline reads - "Phuket taxi cartel grants US Military safe passage"

I thought to myself - wow - thats very nice of them - what a nice gesture to 'grant' them a safe passage.

These are US servicemen from just about the most powerful nation on earth, and the Phuket Taxi 'Cartel' was gracious enough to grant them a safe passage

we bow down before you - oh great tuk tuk drivers!

I think they didn't have much choice because I don't think it would take a company of marines much time to have the "Cartel" on their butts! Or worse. Just another example of friendly Amazing Thailand.

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Many of the men and women of the USS Boxer group – about 1,500 sailors and 2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit – volunteered to paint a fence and wall at Muang Phuket School today and Wednesday.

All of them with regular work permit?? :whistling:

I was wondering the exact same thing but we residents cannot be allowed to offer our help on a voluntary basis without so much red tape.

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Many of the men and women of the USS Boxer group – about 1,500 sailors and 2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit – volunteered to paint a fence and wall at Muang Phuket School today and Wednesday.

All of them with regular work permit?? :whistling:

I was wondering the exact same thing but we residents cannot be allowed to offer our help on a voluntary basis without so much red tape.

I think we're all wondering the same thing. I was also wondering how long and high this wall is. If it takes 4,000 people 2 days to paint the wall it must be "The Great Wall of Phuket". :)

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The Headline reads - "Phuket taxi cartel grants US Military safe passage"

I thought to myself - wow - thats very nice of them - what a nice gesture to 'grant' them a safe passage.

These are US servicemen from just about the most powerful nation on earth, and the Phuket Taxi 'Cartel' was gracious enough to grant them a safe passage

we bow down before you - oh great tuk tuk drivers!

I think they didn't have much choice because I don't think it would take a company of marines much time to have the "Cartel" on their butts! Or worse. Just another example of friendly Amazing Thailand.

The cartel realized their butts where whipped before the battle would ever begin. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. whistling.gif

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2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit had a fist to face discussion with the Phuket Taxi Cartel and Tuk-Tuk Mafia today, in an effort to bring about an attitude adjustment and better sense of understanding. The "adjustment" lasted about 5 minutes, and when it was completed, those of the Taxi Cartel and Mafia who managed to escape a trip to the hospital by fleeing for their lives, agreed that perhaps they have not been quite fair in the past in their dealings with tourists and military personnel who come to the island for vacation. However, they wondered how they would replace their tuk-tuks, as all of them had been either smashed or torn apart by the Marines in the 5 minute flurry of excitement. One Marine was heard to say; "Hell, this is almost as much fun as shooting Taliban!"

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Based on their last experience, they should have gone somewhere else for the port of call...and given another nation their money. Too bad.

The fact that they're back proves that they obviously don't agree with you. Why would you be happier if they didn't come here?

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Based on their last experience, they should have gone somewhere else for the port of call...and given another nation their money. Too bad.

What other "nation" in the area has what Thailand has to offer? It's the perfect place for R&R, either Phuket or Pattaya, relatively safe and plenty to keep the guys occupied. What 20 year old guy wouldn't love it? :)

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I await the first jet ski story.

:cheesy: :cheesy:

Would not worry anyway: the GREAT Tuk-tuk Cartel has already tamed the 3 US Warships and their 4000 troops.......

They wait in line before been "GRANTED" the right to use the incomparable service of the Great Tuk-tuk drivers of the Great Cartel....

:crazy: :crazy:

Hope Obama booked his Tuk-tuk as well rofl..


Amazing as it could be, news from Phuket Deep-Sea port are the most entertaining ever....

Maybe US army and other nation should recruit the Tuk-Tuk Cartel as elite fast action blockaders.... Could have set blockade on Tripoli and get Kadafi to sign whatever within 12 hours: they do it regularly with US troops :)

Edited by CantSpell
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2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit had a fist to face discussion with the Phuket Taxi Cartel and Tuk-Tuk Mafia today, in an effort to bring about an attitude adjustment and better sense of understanding. The "adjustment" lasted about 5 minutes, and when it was completed, those of the Taxi Cartel and Mafia who managed to escape a trip to the hospital by fleeing for their lives, agreed that perhaps they have not been quite fair in the past in their dealings with tourists and military personnel who come to the island for vacation. However, they wondered how they would replace their tuk-tuks, as all of them had been either smashed or torn apart by the Marines in the 5 minute flurry of excitement. One Marine was heard to say; "Hell, this is almost as much fun as shooting Taliban!"

I hope the jet ski group and tuk tuks try and start something, i'm sure the marines will finish them up like stepping on an ant!!!:annoyed:

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I hope the jet ski group and tuk tuks try and start something, i'm sure the marines will finish them up like stepping on an ant!!!:annoyed:

Sure ... then face the consequences when they get back on ship. You know the US service people are under strict orders not to get into trouble on shore leave.

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Missing from the discussion is the potential wrath which would be wrought on the tuk-tuk drivers by the tens of thousands of "entertainment hostesses" and their "managers" and the countless bar and restaurant owners. The loss of income from 4000 sailors and marines with pockets full of cash might create a bit of hard feelings among the local "people and culture" that the US military enjoys so very much on their shore leaves.

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I thought I was going to read SATIRE in red letters and was looking forward to a humorous article. Odd. A gang of tuk tuk drivers granting passage? Are they the new Thai militia? It's been a while since travelling to Phuket. What are they armed with, colorful language and a roll of baht coins? jap.gif

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Based on their last experience, they should have gone somewhere else for the port of call...and given another nation their money. Too bad.

What other "nation" in the area has what Thailand has to offer? It's the perfect place for R&R, either Phuket or Pattaya, relatively safe and plenty to keep the guys occupied. What 20 year old guy wouldn't love it? :)


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Based on their last experience, they should have gone somewhere else for the port of call...and given another nation their money. Too bad.

What other "nation" in the area has what Thailand has to offer? It's the perfect place for R&R, either Phuket or Pattaya, relatively safe and plenty to keep the guys occupied. What 20 year old guy wouldn't love it? :)


Where is the Phuket of vitnam?

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Based on their last experience, they should have gone somewhere else for the port of call...and given another nation their money. Too bad.

What other "nation" in the area has what Thailand has to offer? It's the perfect place for R&R, either Phuket or Pattaya, relatively safe and plenty to keep the guys occupied. What 20 year old guy wouldn't love it? :)

yes exactly my friend I did the same thing in hong kong in 1971 when on r&r from vietnam

and what a rest and recreation it was wow ,wow,wow I wish I could still find her

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They may not have a Vietnamese version of Puket, and don't want one, but I've got a few friends, late 20's & early 30's, who went to DaNang recently and said "<deleted> Thailand!" Gorgeous beaches, which I've seen myself in the past, and while they don't have the blatant, in your face nightlife, they said that finding female companionship, of a much higher class and caliber that what they've experienced in the past in both Phuket and Pattaya, was not a problem. No rip offs of any kind, and overall, a whole lot cheaper.

What's so great about Phuket? Dirty beaches that are overrun with food and junk carts, water that can be hazardous to your health to swim in, overpriced hotels, in your face porn, hookers and lady boys, grossly inflated prices for tuk-tuks, whose drives might decide to beat the hell out of you just for looking at them the wrong way while the BiB stand by and act like they don't see anything, and who are as corrupt and crooked as a dog's hind leg, jet ski scams, and the list goes on and on.

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The Headline reads - "Phuket taxi cartel grants US Military safe passage"

I thought to myself - wow - thats very nice of them - what a nice gesture to 'grant' them a safe passage.

These are US servicemen from just about the most powerful nation on earth, and the Phuket Taxi 'Cartel' was gracious enough to grant them a safe passage

we bow down before you - oh great tuk tuk drivers!

And Phuket would possibly face the loss (or is that loss of face?) of the U.S. Navy even pulling into port there....

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