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Retirment? Just One Year? Why?

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i am confused about the retirement visa, why its just for one year ? doesn't retirement mean u which to stay off work for good and stay in a place to live for the rest of your life if u wish in most countries ,,, then how come in Thailand U get just one year visa to stay as a foreigner ?:unsure:

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Yeah but when to old to walk by yourself or when peeing in bed, do you still qualify?

sent from tapatalk :-)

If you have the money (800k THB in Bank account, or 65k THB a month) to support yourself and you are over 50, you still qualify, it has nothing to do with how "fit" you are.

Edit : // Added Some words

Edited by MJCM
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quick question. with the qualifying amount being 65k my pension will be 50k so can it just be topped up by me ?

You can use a combination of money in the bank and your pension.

12 x 50 k = 600.000 THB Pension, so you have to put something like 200.000 Baht in to a Bank Account

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quick question. with the qualifying amount being 65k my pension will be 50k so can it just be topped up by me ?

You can use a combination of money in the bank and your pension.

12 x 50 k = 600.000 THB Pension, so you have to put something like 200.000 Baht in to a Bank Account

cheers :)

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Yeah but when to old to walk by yourself or when peeing in bed, do you still qualify?

sent from tapatalk :-)

Yes, provided you meet the financial requirements. The local immigration officials can be quite helpful to someone who has been in the country a long time on annual extensions to retirement visas. I've heard stories of them even visiting elderly housebound expats. Also, if you're so old that you require medical care, the medical facility can do the "legwork" involved in 90 day reports and annual extensions.

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It is for one year because those are the rules. There are a number of retirement visa programs in other countries that offer a clear, doable path for more permanent, lifetime residency for those who start with a kind of retirement visa.


Those policies are obviously more humane and reasonable to people who actually HAVE become permanent residents. Don't expect Thailand to ever offer such a program for retirees. Here, retirees are treated status-wise more like long term tourists. The message is -- don't get too comfortable. If you can't handle that, don't retire in Thailand.

Edited by Jingthing
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And many countries do not allow foreigners to retire in their country at all!

"doesn't retirement mean u which to stay off work for good and stay in a place to live for the rest of your life if u wish in most countries"

No, it doesn't!

I know a lot of people, myself included, who have retired and then, after a time (years in some cases)

Go back to work; and/or

Move to a new place or even a new country - more than once in some cases.

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And many countries do not allow foreigners to retire in their country at all!

Most countries actually. But that isn't the point. For the countries that do, if retirement residence STABILITY and a chance to improve residency STATUS over time is an important goal, look away from Thailand.

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say if you are independant and live in your own and sadly you die.what happens to the 800,000 bht ??

You can detail that account in a Thai will. If not, relatives can make a play at it in the Thai courts. I recall a report here of a close relative getting it directly from the bank without a court action or will, but I wouldn't count on it being that easy. With a will, my understanding is that still needs to be enforced via a Thai court.

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i am confused about the retirement visa, why its just for one year ? doesn't retirement mean u which to stay off work for good and stay in a place to live for the rest of your life if u wish in most countries ,,, then how come in Thailand U get just one year visa to stay as a foreigner ?

What gives you the right to simply choose to live in Thailand, and then be able to do so with an indefinite visa, made available immediately?

Have you got some sort of birthright to live here, simply because you want to?

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After 3 years of "retirement visa", one can try to qualify for "permanent residence permit" if this is worth 200.000 baht to you!

All else has been answered..

Can you? My understanding was that Thai PR always required (amongst lots and lots of other things) at least 3 years extension of stay AND paying income tax on a salary of at least "x" thousand baht per month. You cant work on a retirement visa, so always though PR was likely to be out of reach. I don't live / work in the kingdom now so I am out of date. What did i miss?

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After 3 years of "retirement visa", one can try to qualify for "permanent residence permit" if this is worth 200.000 baht to you!

All else has been answered..

Generally, those on retirement extensions would not be qualified so I would consider what you just posted misinformation. There may be exceptions for foreigners who have worked and paid taxes to Thailand for previous years, but that would be based on their PAST, not their retirement visa/extension status.
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After 3 years of "retirement visa", one can try to qualify for "permanent residence permit" if this is worth 200.000 baht to you!

All else has been answered..

Actually you can not as those on retirement are not eligible for PR.

say if you are independant and live in your own and sadly you die.what happens to the 800,000 bht ??

There is no 800k deposit for retirement - it would be a normal savings account and could be used at any time and would be treated as any other bank account. It is not a deposit with the government; as is the case in some countries.

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i am confused about the retirement visa, why its just for one year ? doesn't retirement mean u which to stay off work for good and stay in a place to live for the rest of your life if u wish in most countries ,,, then how come in Thailand U get just one year visa to stay as a foreigner ?

What gives you the right to simply choose to live in Thailand, and then be able to do so with an indefinite visa, made available immediately?

Have you got some sort of birthright to live here, simply because you want to?

I don't think he said he has a right. It would be nice to have the privilege, but alas, it isn't so.

I think the OP is wrong that most countries offer secure retirement residency to foreigners though. Some do with qualifications and going through a process. Not Thailand.

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Anyway, people using the 800K baht account method to qualify for retirement extensions often have that much in their savings account but yes of course can be spent down during each year.

so do you still have to show the 800k thb in your bank every time you apply for retirement extension ?

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Anyway, people using the 800K baht account method to qualify for retirement extensions often have that much in their savings account but yes of course can be spent down during each year.

so do you still have to show the 800k thb in your bank every time you apply for retirement extension ?

Yes, and not one baht below for three months before application date (two months the first time) IF using the 800K baht bank account qualification method.

The other methods are income based (65K baht per month) or the combo method, income plus Thai bank account money totaling 800K.

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i am confused about the retirement visa, why its just for one year ? doesn't retirement mean u which to stay off work for good and stay in a place to live for the rest of your life if u wish in most countries ,,, then how come in Thailand U get just one year visa to stay as a foreigner ?

What gives you the right to simply choose to live in Thailand, and then be able to do so with an indefinite visa, made available immediately?

Have you got some sort of birthright to live here, simply because you want to?

Mr.Angry :rolleyes:.

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1322904065[/url]' post='4888501']

Anyway, people using the 800K baht account method to qualify for retirement extensions often have that much in their savings account but yes of course can be spent down during each year.

Careful! You didn't add but must be put back 3 months before the visa is due again

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1322904065[/url]' post='4888501']

Anyway, people using the 800K baht account method to qualify for retirement extensions often have that much in their savings account but yes of course can be spent down during each year.

Careful! You didn't add but must be put back 3 months before the visa is due again

Post 24.

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