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British Tourist Stabbed By Illegal Tourist Bus Worker


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Losing your wallet AND passport would have been a major PITA for this tourist. You would expect that he would have been at least generous in a reward for their recovery. Instead, the accused lad allegedly tries to bluff out a theft, and then commits a much more serious crime. Not smart.

Off topic but - I recently discovered I had left my oz bank visa card in an ATM, 19 days after the event. I contacted the bank (SCB) and they went out of their way to recover it and return it to me. They literally had to look through hundreds of cards - but all you have to do is ask.

I wonder how many would react much different than the kid did if not guilty of the theft with what sounds like a truly rational victim. How many honest people would have stiffed it with the opportunity and be stupid enough to hang on to the evidence.....................On second thought I forgot where we are.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories


The City of Chicago, IL alone only had 4 kids killed last weekend in a "normal" weekend of violence and death.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

You will be sorely missed and of course that will mean one less person in the queue at Immigration.

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Surely the "illegal tourist bus worker" wasn't a Thai? Must be one of those nasty illegals.

Farang maybe and without work permit clap2.gif

With all respect. What an idiotic post! Can't believe that people got the time to actually write such nonsense.

Edited by sirchai
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Even if it was someone else as you said stabbing is not an acceptable course of action.

you are right , but i mean what they can do if the guy is 30 cm taller than them and looks like he wants to break his skull in 2 ?

again im talking general , in this case we dont know the details , i just wanted to say that i think we gonna see more farangs/thai conflicts in the future on the news , but in my opinion in some cases the attitude of the farangs could have lead to it.

( sorry for my english its not my mother language )

Perhaps run away from the farang just as they did immediately after the stabbing? Certainly that's what we would say the farang should do if he were to be expecting a fight, right? Let's say the situation was reversed. Let's say the farang was trying to do a good deed for some Thai and for whatever reason the Thai was getting more and more pissed off. Then it suddenly hits the farang: "This guy is going to try to break my head."

Now what would your advice to the farang be? Would you say to stand his ground, try to find a broken piece of glas to cut the Thai's face, or would you tell him to leave as fast as possible, that getting into a possibly deadly confrontation would be insane? So in answer to your question as to what the Thai in the news story should have done when a larger farang semed that he might want to get physical is "Get the heck out of there before things get ugly." Or amissing something?

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No way to justify the stabbing but there is the problem (not saying it's the case here) that some farangs tend to treat locals, especially those they perceive to be of a "lower-class", like shit. And you know how mad Thais can get when they lose face - you and I are not going to change this so best factor it in when dealing with people.

Now, if it were the case that the bus workers who brough it back for the gentleman to check were not involved in stealing his stuff (likely, otherwise they would have simply caused the wallet to disappear), they would understandably take badly to being berated.

Anyway, the take-home I think is not to lose one's cool under any circumstance: if you're calm and polite you have a 50-50 chance of solving whatever problem it is, if you're not it's zero.

It’s not just the how you called it “lower class” in Thailand. Not forgetting that farlang here are mostly just on a sometimes longer holiday, without holding a Thai passport and the same rights.

The ability to communicate in Thai is most of the time Nonexistent.

Would anybody with a common sense try that in another country, where violence is more intensive?

What would happen if a Thai male would lose his temper in South London, Bronx, New York, Caracas, Venezuela, East Berlin, Germany, or anywhere else in this world?

Now it’s not about a forgotten wallet, or lost money. It’s about staying calm, even if you don’t want to.

Here’s the answer: They would beat the shit out of this guy(s). wai.gif

Sent via Chin. Tablet Sucker. ( Sorry for any mistakes,was the "thing.")

Edited by sirchai
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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

People like to read Agatha Christie whodunnits on holiday but come to Thailand and you could be in the real thing.

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I haven't read all the threads here, but how in the heck do you know if it's an illegal tourist bus or not.. do they print a sign to put on the bus windshleld, "Illegal Tourist Bus".

Edited by metisdead
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Do the Nation or whoever supplies these news bits ever follow up on the outcomes. Sometimes we hear 1 year later but mostly no feedback. Is it that the reporters are gagged--or they have not the time to look back history incidents ?? or do we tend to ask too many questions ?? the problem is mostly we are baited to bite at juicy news bits then left in the lurch re outcomes.

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This is why I only take buses from the bus terminals not from tour operators. Buses from the terminals are regulated where as the tour operators do it with cheap buses and labor and all untrained and behind the regulators backs. This kind of stuff has been going on for years by tour operators. TAT and the tourist police should regulate this just as it does tour guides.

Be warned,


Absolutely right Randy, BUT the whole transportation system with busses is a SCAM and **SNIP!** rediculous... in developed

countries they are using TRAINS...ever heard of it Thai-Authorities? RAILWAY!!! .... Its a system where a huge steelhorse

riding on tracks....it is fast, safe and if properly used much more accurate as a plane....

BUT it will never happend in LOS because the knights of the wheels having too much power and making too much money with THEIR transport systems...

Edited by metisdead
: Disguised profanity removed.
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Does anyone have RELIABLE comparative statistics for incidence of robberies and violent attacks for USA and Thailand ?

yeah, USA 10: Thailand 1 however, the USA is a bit larger...and their favorate weapons are guns....distance...you know? (:

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What threads like this really bring to the surface is that there are quite a few farang's on here who've passed their sell by date.

It's clear that many should have left the Kingdom years ago. They've become jaded and cynical. It's important to know when to move on but i doubt most of them will do anything of the sort. They'd rather live in the seediest, mafia run cesspits in the country and then moan about the crime statistics. Meanwhile most of Thailand is still a lovely place to live.

Terrific commentary by a 10 post wonder....... Gee I wonder why the long term expats here are " jaded and cynical" . Maybe because of an endless stream of stories like this one.. Ya think ??

Also love your characterization of what I assume to be the three main tourist areas of Thailand, Bangkok , Pattaya, and Phuket as " seedy mafia run cesspits". Can I assume you live an idyllic life upcountry in a two story cement house in a village somewhere?? I have lived here a long time and love it here. So people like myself who comment on what they think is wrong simply wish Thailand could correct some of the things that are giving Thailand a black eye. And being a tourist on a bus and ending up being stabbed by a bus employee is wrong in my eyes........

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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To leave your wallet on a public bus, and for the bus to even return, and to get it back at all, then to accuse someone that you really have no clear proof, ...

I've left a few cell phones in my time in Bnk taxis,

Sometimes I may have got one back, others I did not, but I never accused the driver of stealing even though they probably did, because it was essentially my dumb asss that left it.

I presume there was escalation of this incident to the point a stabbing occurred, the usually out come as TIT.


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... a huge omission in your comparison, WALSHYBFC, is that the cost of being a victim of violence in Thailand is immeasurably greater in Thailand that in many, many other nations ... when a foreigner gets into trouble in Thailand, it quickly turns Thai ugly ... a foreign crime victim here is on their own and might expect no protection from the celebrated Royal Thai Police, or Royal Thai Ministry of Thailand, or Royal Thai [fill in the blank].

... when it happens, the consequences of being a crime victim in Thailand is nothing different than Third World Sub-Saharan African ... that is the great deception Thai officialdom is desperately trying to conceal.

I cannot understand how can you compare here with some African countries where life is extremely cheap and just for being white you are terribly exposed. I don't think here is any worse than for instance the US where there are a lot of guns (legal and ilegal) and you can be shot so easily. Yeah, probably the police will catch the killer, but why I should care if I am already killed.

Also, it is extremely easy to avoid any problem here, you just need to know you cannot express big anger and if someone handling a knife asks for your money, you should give it to him. I think it's very easy to avoid troubles here.

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Does anyone have RELIABLE comparative statistics for incidence of robberies and violent attacks for USA and Thailand ?


in light of the often young tourists dying all of a sudden of "heart attack" or "chronic illness" these statistics appear ridiculous...

or the farangs, quite a few many, which died of "fall at home"...

they had a head injury?

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Does anyone have RELIABLE comparative statistics for incidence of robberies and violent attacks for USA and Thailand ?


in light of the often young tourists dying all of a sudden of "heart attack" or "chronic illness" these statistics appear ridiculous...

There are statistics and then dam_ned statistics. You have to consider the number of crimes in Thailand which go unreported, or if reported, are never logged by the BiB. Go with your gut feeling, as will I when it comes to personal safety in Thailand, or anywhere for that matter. My personal feeling is that Thailand is much less safe than it was 10 years ago, but that's my own gut feeling.

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Slightly worrying the fact that a 16yr old Bus Boy is carrying a knife in the first place,legal bus or not.

If a 16yr old is armed surely this is advise is coming from the older boys and on all routes and buses. Armed for the same reason as in Phuket case,used to cut straps and bags..... And look what happened there,as pointed out previously he is lucky in more ways than one,that is close to the heart.

I hear story after story of a particular bus company heading to koh phangan that continue to rob people,to many for the company not to be involved.This is the bags underneath,bags inside,even robbed while asleep with money well hidden.

Seriously to many stories to mention but also have to state that i have never been told of any violence during such thefts. However most that have told their stories it's been a case of to late noticing what is missing.

I think for those of us who have been here long time and have experienced bus travel in Thailand,kind of know it really has to be the worst way to get around safely.And please do not even think of bothering me of comments that you have never etc had a bad journey and that their safe. ( I will not reply)

What happened last night?? Two crashed multiple injured 30+ no reported dead and that's the way it stays as only counted dead at scene.

I wish you a speedy recovery Mr Banks,i can only speculate on your events,if you provoked the situation in any way..... Welcome to Thailand... But where were the other 10??????wink.png

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"The police are searching for the bus" - cheesy.gif

Ehhhhhhh right you are then........ Why not check the CCTV at the gas station for the number plate or the name of the bus company...Shhhhhhhhhhhhh the case will be cracked in no time at all then.....

But sad to see this "ANOTHER" stabbing here in LOS, hope the British guy will be ok. But you do know it was his fault!! whistling.gifwhistling.gif

It was his fault!!! What the f*** - so that makes it acceptable to expect to be stabbed if someone is not keen on what you are saying. Methinks the stabber would not have attacked the stabee if he was completely innocent IMHO.

"The police are searching for the bus" - cheesy.gif

Ehhhhhhh right you are then........ Why not check the CCTV at the gas station for the number plate or the name of the bus company...Shhhhhhhhhhhhh the case will be cracked in no time at all then.....

But sad to see this "ANOTHER" stabbing here in LOS, hope the British guy will be ok. But you do know it was his fault!! whistling.gifwhistling.gif

It was his fault!!! What the f*** - so that makes it acceptable to expect to be stabbed if someone is not keen on what you are saying. Methinks the stabber would not have attacked the stabee if he was completely innocent IMHO.

Dude Chill!! Do you not read the stories of ex-pats throwing themselves of balconies and such likes....What I am saying is, no matter the crime here, it is ALWAYS OUR fault, hence the whistling.gif ......... wai.gif

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I have a friend who has the most cynical attitude of all. He is not a basher nor does he have rose colored glasses. He LOVES when bad things happen here. When I asked him why one day, he said bad things drive away tourists , making the girls cheaper and easy to book hotels......

Hi @EyesWideOpen

Where did we meet us? whistling.gif

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First sorry for the British tourist mishap.. luck of the draw.. I have done that before, but luckily, all was returned in tack... and the bus and bus nongs came looking for me in the terminal.

I would love to hear and read the spin the Tourist Authority of Thailand puts on this one..

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Bin Dere, Dun Dat. Left my day pack un-attended, on a Bus from Sianoukville to Phnom Phen for 20 min. Someone nicked my brand new $500 Nikon Digital Camera. Didn't notice until after we de-bused in PP. Stupid. Normally I carried it in my pocket, but I had my wallet & Passport in those pockets. Shudda, wudda, cudda .... live & learn. Not worth getting stabbed for. That is why one needs travel insurance.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

i dont blame you i thought about starting a venture there with my thai wife we live in the uk she said you have to be joking if you like to live peaceful life stay the uk its to dangerouse to be in business there with all the coruption and mafia type people

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