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Why Do So Many Men Let Themselves Go Over Here?


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Depends if you feel "looking" good is important or not..... even in Thailand.

Main point is to keep cool for me which often means baggy clothes.

The world has become a bit obsessed by"look"

I bet you like to look at sexy girls... or do you want the old ones with all the wrinkles. Looks are important and some nice clothes help a lot.

Rather have an ugly wrinkled reliable thing than a pwetty young fool,

Hey beauty is only skin deep and looks fade with age.

... but they get better with beer cheesy.gif

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I wear shorts and a t-shirt to work, I wear shorts and a t-shirt on weekends, I wear shorts and a t-shirt around the house...

Why would I wear something different on vacation?

I really think this must be a Brit thing, but in America (outside maybe NYC), casual dress is the standard. If I put on a jacket and slacks I get weird looks, but a pair of shorts and flip-flops and I blend in. If I'm going to show up to a board meeting I might put on shoes and jeans, but t-shirt is still standard wear.

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i must admit when in england i used to enjoy putting a shirt and tie on when we all went out on a saturday nite, i think it can make you feel good and confident if the truth be known,

here i must admit when im on the farm its shorts for me, but when we go out i make the effort, even when we go shoping,

the wife even says, you look sexy in jeans and sport shoes and a nice shirt bless her,


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Its because we are here on holiday, temporary or for lifetime.

When i came i had simple shorts & t-shirts and didnt give a rats arse,

truth is i still dont but last couple of gf's does give a shit

and bought & persuaded me to wear shirts

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of course i wear long trousers (jeans) when travelling abroad. but if the destination is tropical i prefer my t-shirt over a shirt with a collar. and it gives me great pleasure to embarass a flight attendant when boarding by keeping the boarding pass in a back pocket. then when told "sorry Sir, this way please" i answer grinning "OOPS, i had no idea that you switched business and first with cattle class." tongue.png

You must live a sad life to get pleasure from such childish actions.

life is not too sad. i get my amusement from comments like yours tongue.png

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the only time I wore long pants/jeans/trackie daks in Australia was when I was going to a funeral/wedding(trousers) or when it was cold. Here it is never cold so I wear shorts, t/v-neck shirts and crocs all the time apart from weddings etc. If going out shopping or whatever I wear clean, pressed ones(great wife, even though I tell her not to worry about it) but around the house and while working/fishing it is just work gear(she tries to iron those as well but I take them off her). To be honest at the weddings I have been to I have stood out not as the token farang but as one of the best dressed(trousers, dress shoes & shirt), all the locals wear jeans etc, I get a lot of ladies smiling at me and trying to start conversations and wanting to shake/hold my hand. My motto is you dress to be comfortable but try to look good when you leave the house and always smile at everyone, this is also an important thing to wear.

Dennis thumbsup.gif

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maybe not a case of giving up, possibly they have always been slobs and the reasons their first western wives left them and they had to come to Thailand to get a sh*g...just a thought

I think nail... head

We do get here some of the worst guys, complete failures ect.

Then again when i go fishing or in and around the house i don't really care how i look. When going out to shop i do change and make myself presentable. So if you meet me around the house you might think im a total slob too.

Can't be "complete failures" if they're living the dream over here as opposed to home country, wherever that might be.

As some else said, to each his own.

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maybe not a case of giving up, possibly they have always been slobs and the reasons their first western wives left them and they had to come to Thailand to get a sh*g...just a thought

I think nail... head

We do get here some of the worst guys, complete failures ect.

Then again when i go fishing or in and around the house i don't really care how i look. When going out to shop i do change and make myself presentable. So if you meet me around the house you might think im a total slob too.

Can't be "complete failures" if they're living the dream over here as opposed to home country, wherever that might be.

As some else said, to each his own.

If i were to go into a bar in my country, there would be a lot of good looking guys (not into guys but just saying). Now if you take the average guy from my country who lives or holidays in Thailand, they would not hold a candle to the guys that you would find in bars in my country.

Good looking younger guys go to Spain to party, older guys come here to party. Also of course difference in how much money is available ect.

Anyway i just dressed up to go out, nice pair of jeans, some dr martin shoes, bodyglove t-shirt. Nothing fancy just a bit above the average stuff i wear.

When im in and around the house i just wear a pair of fisherman pants and an old t shirt.

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I don't know how many of you are Americans but we have a very relaxed dress code. I work all over the world and normally feel underdressed compared to people in most other countries. I'm tall, in shape and have the means to dress better but I feel the pressure not to look too nice as my mates will comment about it as I'm trying too hard to impress.

BTW, I'm invited to a dinner and they said "Casual Smart UK." Anybody know what that means?

Morning suit...hat...cane....handkerchief.

Grow a moustache as well by preference.

No drinks other than gin before 3pm.

Bowler hat, of course.

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Certainly being able to dress casually is one of the pluses of living here, and my shirts and shorts are always ironed, but I haven't worn a pair of dress shoes or a tie in 4 years, and can't see me wearing either in the forseeable future. I remember seeing a T Shirt in Pattaya that said "This is as dressed up as I get".

A yob on the forum eh. laugh.png

Does wearing an ironed shirt and shorts make me a yob? Beg pardon, I'll get the Saville Row bag of fruit out of mothballs.

Edited by giddyup
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I think it boils down to respect.

At home, I'm happy in shorts/fisherman's pants and a T-shirt or (better 'cos its cooler) a sleeveless, baggy top - regardless of how scruffy I look. (And some of my 'home' clothes are in a terrible state as they've been worn to death 'cos they're so cool and comfortable!)

Going out to the shops or whatever, I think its 'polite' to look reasonable i.e. not scruffy shorts and a singlet.

Nothing wrong with shorts and a T-shirt in most places, as long as they're clean.

My pet hate are those who (despite having a body that needs a T-shirt) thinking it acceptable to go out with scruffy shorts, nothing on top and a beer-belly than overhangs the shorts sick.gif...

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I think it boils down to respect.

At home, I'm happy in shorts/fisherman's pants and a T-shirt or (better 'cos its cooler) a sleeveless, baggy top - regardless of how scruffy I look. (And some of my 'home' clothes are in a terrible state as they've been worn to death 'cos they're so cool and comfortable!)

Going out to the shops or whatever, I think its 'polite' to look reasonable i.e. not scruffy shorts and a singlet.

Nothing wrong with shorts and a T-shirt in most places, as long as they're clean.

My pet hate are those who (despite having a body that needs a T-shirt) thinking it acceptable to go out with scruffy shorts, nothing on top and a beer-belly than overhangs the shorts sick.gif...

Like this guy?


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I'm a slob looking guy even in when at home in Australia but I guess Australia hasn't the rep for being the smartest dress country in the world (probably the slobbiest of the developed countries). It's not that I don't know how to dress well and I can for work, weddings etc, I just don't have it ingrained in me to do so when I'm on my own time. I exercise daily and eat healthy but when it comes to clothing and dress sense I just don't have the wiring in me to care enough to do something about it.

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I'm a slob looking guy even in when at home in Australia but I guess Australia hasn't the rep for being the smartest dress country in the world (probably the slobbiest of the developed countries). It's not that I don't know how to dress well and I can for work, weddings etc, I just don't have it ingrained in me to do so when I'm on my own time. I exercise daily and eat healthy but when it comes to clothing and dress sense I just don't have the wiring in me to care enough to do something about it.

I guess it depends on where in Australia you come from, Oodnadatta wouldn't be the height of sartorial elegance, but Melbournites and Sydneysiders are certainly pretty well dressed.

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Does wearing an ironed shirt and shorts make me a yob? Beg pardon, I'll get the Saville Row bag of fruit out of mothballs.

Awfully sorry, but the ironed shirt and shorts style is not always appreciated and may sometime cause civil unrest.


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I think it boils down to respect.

At home, I'm happy in shorts/fisherman's pants and a T-shirt or (better 'cos its cooler) a sleeveless, baggy top - regardless of how scruffy I look. (And some of my 'home' clothes are in a terrible state as they've been worn to death 'cos they're so cool and comfortable!)

Going out to the shops or whatever, I think its 'polite' to look reasonable i.e. not scruffy shorts and a singlet.

Nothing wrong with shorts and a T-shirt in most places, as long as they're clean.

My pet hate are those who (despite having a body that needs a T-shirt) thinking it acceptable to go out with scruffy shorts, nothing on top and a beer-belly than overhangs the shorts sick.gif...

OK wise guy, what exactly would you do with the beer belly!
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I think it boils down to respect.

At home, I'm happy in shorts/fisherman's pants and a T-shirt or (better 'cos its cooler) a sleeveless, baggy top - regardless of how scruffy I look. (And some of my 'home' clothes are in a terrible state as they've been worn to death 'cos they're so cool and comfortable!)

Going out to the shops or whatever, I think its 'polite' to look reasonable i.e. not scruffy shorts and a singlet.

Nothing wrong with shorts and a T-shirt in most places, as long as they're clean.

My pet hate are those who (despite having a body that needs a T-shirt) thinking it acceptable to go out with scruffy shorts, nothing on top and a beer-belly than overhangs the shorts sick.gif...

OK wise guy, what exactly would you do with the beer belly!

Diet and exercise

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect App

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maybe not a case of giving up, possibly they have always been slobs and the reasons their first western wives left them and they had to come to Thailand to get a sh*g...just a thought

I think nail... head

We do get here some of the worst guys, complete failures ect.

Then again when i go fishing or in and around the house i don't really care how i look. When going out to shop i do change and make myself presentable. So if you meet me around the house you might think im a total slob too.

Can't be "complete failures" if they're living the dream over here as opposed to home country, wherever that might be.

As some else said, to each his own.

If i were to go into a bar in my country, there would be a lot of good looking guys (not into guys but just saying). Now if you take the average guy from my country who lives or holidays in Thailand, they would not hold a candle to the guys that you would find in bars in my country.

Good looking younger guys go to Spain to party, older guys come here to party. Also of course difference in how much money is available ect.

Anyway i just dressed up to go out, nice pair of jeans, some dr martin shoes, bodyglove t-shirt. Nothing fancy just a bit above the average stuff i wear.

When im in and around the house i just wear a pair of fisherman pants and an old t shirt.

I just wear my pink fluffy doll nighty

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Let yourself go? Quite inexcusable!

Normally, in my village, I like to wear a cream silk shirt with a pastel blue cravat. For the nether garments, a pair of well pressed linen trousers and white silk socks and two-tone leather shoes. I like to set this pleasant dress off with a jaunty cap or fedora, the latter enhanced with a colourful hat band. I find an ebony cane, (silver tipped), seldom fails to impress and a long cigarette holder, with a nice Balkan blend tobacco smoke nicely completes the picture of elegant affluence that I like to present and which. I believe, the local rice farmers and the poorer folk recognise and appreciate.

It gives them an example.......something to admire and aspire to, don't you think?

I supply all my staff with their own T shirts when I had them building my house, I like them to rise above the other locals,


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I supply all my staff with their own T shirts when I had them building my house, I like them to rise above the other locals,

My staff evidently doesn't know either what's written on their T-shirts.


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The monthly outing to Lotus is always good to see how all the ex-pats are attired. We have an old Brit who wears one of those safari suits, that Roger Moore's - James Bond used to wear in warmer climes. - Brilliant!

Now that's a look that's so hard to achieve in it's perfect form. The nonchalant and understated style of the man who doesn't have to try too hard. The man who instinctively knows the right kind of aftershave. So many do it badly and only a few do it well
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Let yourself go? Quite inexcusable!

Normally, in my village, I like to wear a cream silk shirt with a pastel blue cravat. For the nether garments, a pair of well pressed linen trousers and white silk socks and two-tone leather shoes. I like to set this pleasant dress off with a jaunty cap or fedora, the latter enhanced with a colourful hat band. I find an ebony cane, (silver tipped), seldom fails to impress and a long cigarette holder, with a nice Balkan blend tobacco smoke nicely completes the picture of elegant affluence that I like to present and which. I believe, the local rice farmers and the poorer folk recognise and appreciate.

It gives them an example.......something to admire and aspire to, don't you think?

I supply all my staff with their own T shirts when I had them building my house, I like them to rise above the other locals,

This, of course, is a laudable sentiment and one with which we should all agree. I applaud you for supplying your staff with uniforms. I assume that he's your foreman?

How did your house finish up?

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Let yourself go? Quite inexcusable!

Normally, in my village, I like to wear a cream silk shirt with a pastel blue cravat. For the nether garments, a pair of well pressed linen trousers and white silk socks and two-tone leather shoes. I like to set this pleasant dress off with a jaunty cap or fedora, the latter enhanced with a colourful hat band. I find an ebony cane, (silver tipped), seldom fails to impress and a long cigarette holder, with a nice Balkan blend tobacco smoke nicely completes the picture of elegant affluence that I like to present and which. I believe, the local rice farmers and the poorer folk recognise and appreciate.

It gives them an example.......something to admire and aspire to, don't you think?

I supply all my staff with their own T shirts when I had them building my house, I like them to rise above the other locals,

This, of course, is a laudable sentiment and one with which we should all agree. I applaud you for supplying your staff with uniforms. I assume that he's your foreman?

How did your house finish up?

Not finished yet. The staff are still selling their ''T shirts'' outside. huh.png ...............laugh.png Edited by transam
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