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cut throat razors are not technically a weopon.

I teach self defence to smithy, can see many people ideas on this thread are going to lead to them getting blindsided.

And he still needs pepper spray and a stun gun thumbsup.gif

And he needs to attack before the other makes a move, seems like he wants to fight. Did not think that was reason behind self defense. The only guys that i used to know where those kick boxing idiots that needed to show off and start fights.

He means also,are you all this naive or do you honestly believe that if you don't upset the nasty attacker you will come out of a confrontation ok?

Wake up and smell the coffee,for God's sake!

There are many ways to pre-empt an attack,it's about personal space.If someone enters your personal space,say an arm's length away from you and you don't know them,you ARE being attacked!If it's a dark alleyway and someone is following you,you are going to be attacked,it's not rocket science,<deleted>!

Bad vibes are not just bad vibes,it's your sixth sense letting you know an attack is imminent.Anyone who's trained in any discipline knows this and is therefore much better prepared than the jokers on here,saying it's better to be frogmarched to the ATM and shaking hands with the guy afterwards for not killing you!

You couldn't make it up!rolleyes.gif

Edited by The Smithy
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cut throat razors are not technically a weopon.

I teach self defence to smithy, can see many people ideas on this thread are going to lead to them getting blindsided.

And he still needs pepper spray and a stun gun thumbsup.gif

And he needs to attack before the other makes a move, seems like he wants to fight. Did not think that was reason behind self defense. The only guys that i used to know where those kick boxing idiots that needed to show off and start fights.

He means also,are you all this naive or do you honestly believe that if you don't upset the nasty attacker you will come out of a confrontation ok?

Wake up and smell the coffee,for God's sake!

There are many ways to pre-empt an attack,it's about personal space.If someone enters your personal space,say an arm's length away from you and you don't know them,you ARE being attacked!If it's a dark alleyway and someone is following you,you are going to be attacked,it's not rocket science,<deleted>!

Bad vibes are not just bad vibes,it's your sixth sense letting you know an attack is imminent.Anyone who's trained in any discipline knows this and is therefore much better prepared than the jokers on here,saying it's better to be frogmarched to the ATM and shaking hands with the guy afterwards for not killing you!

You couldn't make it up!rolleyes.gif

Sorry to say but pre-empt attacks are not selfdefense.

Just somebody who is scared to get attacked and doesn't want to walk away or somebody who doesn't trust his martial arts skills will do that.

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Well if this kind of attitude is needed for survival in P-town I am so glad I don't live there.

Fourteen years in Bangkok, many years spent walking the back sois and slums looking for fresh quiff well past midnight and never once did I ever feel threatened.

Just last week around 3am near the local slum I walked through a group of glue-sniffing wairoon who started to strut around me, I just had a friendly chat with them and then said good night and walked on.

I do honestly think that people that walk around with The Smithy's attitude are attracting the violence they experience into their lives.

And growing up in NYC - mugged thrice before I was twelve - every cop I ever talked to always advised "just hand over what they want don't make a fuss it's not worth your life".

I stand by MHO that's good advice, paranoid jits notwithstanding.

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Carrying any kind of weapon is really counterproductive and much more likely for any incident to spiral way out of control.

You pull out your knife or baton and your assailant pulls out a machete or a gun and where are you then?

Follow the usual rules when it comes to personal safety and hope that you are never the victim of an unprovoked attack which happens but it is still not that common.

Further in any unprovoked attack it is highly unlikely that you will see it coming or have the time to use any weapon you might have.

Unprovoked attacks are usually by their nature a complete surprise to the victim.

You're missing the whole point,if you pull out a knife or baton you don't wait for your assailant to pull out whatever he has,you use it and make your escape,end of!

You CAN see an attack coming if you know what to look for,if you are looking around you and anticipating trouble.Chances are your would-be assailants will see you as a more difficult target and not bother,they will look for the victim type,looking down at the floor and seemingly scared of an attack!

It's funny that so many people on here with no self-defence or Martial Arts training comment on how the best defence is to NOT carry any weapon and talk your way out of a bad situation.Utterly ridiculous,it's NOT going to happen!

If you are attacked your life will be on the line!If you want to take your chances that your witty repartee will see you right carry on,IT WON'T.You need to react in the same way as if you're swimming in the sea and a Great White Shark is coming towards you.it's LIFE OR DEATH!

Hold on there Rambo, how many people did you have to kill so far to stay alive ? I can't believe the state of some people expecting a fight at every point. Ready to shoot or stab others before they stab you. You might stab the wrong one who is innocent and just asking for a light.

You are talking about striking first, the American thing just look how many times that went wrong.

I wouldn't waste your time Robblok, some of these people are so sad and delusional they really do believe some of the crap they spout out and they live in their own make believe world, thankfully reality is usually somewhat different and in a way it is Darwinism at work when they do try to enact their fantasies

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Police forces around the world always advise not to resist during a street robbery. Reading news reports of robberies in Pattaya, victims are only injured when resisting a street robbery. My wife was robbed in a street attack in Malaysia, did not resist and wasn't injured. The local police stated tourists are sometimes severely injured when resisting and she was correct not to resist.

What is so different in Thailand that posters are saying arm yourself and fight back?

Well mankind has been arming themselves ever since we first fashioned tools to protect against attackers so I don't see now being any different.

Also in the USA and other sensible places they do say you should fight back with all your might and not cower down like a dog. smile.png

Stereotypes are sometimes spot on who would have thought most of you talking of fights to the death and quick draw holsters would be from the US of A....spooky that!

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And he still needs pepper spray and a stun gun thumbsup.gif

And he needs to attack before the other makes a move, seems like he wants to fight. Did not think that was reason behind self defense. The only guys that i used to know where those kick boxing idiots that needed to show off and start fights.

He means also,are you all this naive or do you honestly believe that if you don't upset the nasty attacker you will come out of a confrontation ok?

Wake up and smell the coffee,for God's sake!

There are many ways to pre-empt an attack,it's about personal space.If someone enters your personal space,say an arm's length away from you and you don't know them,you ARE being attacked!If it's a dark alleyway and someone is following you,you are going to be attacked,it's not rocket science,<deleted>!

Bad vibes are not just bad vibes,it's your sixth sense letting you know an attack is imminent.Anyone who's trained in any discipline knows this and is therefore much better prepared than the jokers on here,saying it's better to be frogmarched to the ATM and shaking hands with the guy afterwards for not killing you!

You couldn't make it up!rolleyes.gif

Sorry to say but pre-empt attacks are not selfdefense.

Just somebody who is scared to get attacked and doesn't want to walk away or somebody who doesn't trust his martial arts skills will do that.

Most Martial Arts are about EXACTLY that,pre-empting an attack!Knowing what strike is coming where and countering it,same as in MMA,UFC,boxing and any other contact sport!

If you have no opportunity to walk away,what then?Ah yes,the lie down,roll over and show your belly routine,amazing!rolleyes.gif

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Carrying any kind of weapon is really counterproductive and much more likely for any incident to spiral way out of control.

You pull out your knife or baton and your assailant pulls out a machete or a gun and where are you then?

Follow the usual rules when it comes to personal safety and hope that you are never the victim of an unprovoked attack which happens but it is still not that common.

Further in any unprovoked attack it is highly unlikely that you will see it coming or have the time to use any weapon you might have.

Unprovoked attacks are usually by their nature a complete surprise to the victim.

You're missing the whole point,if you pull out a knife or baton you don't wait for your assailant to pull out whatever he has,you use it and make your escape,end of!

You CAN see an attack coming if you know what to look for,if you are looking around you and anticipating trouble.Chances are your would-be assailants will see you as a more difficult target and not bother,they will look for the victim type,looking down at the floor and seemingly scared of an attack!

It's funny that so many people on here with no self-defence or Martial Arts training comment on how the best defence is to NOT carry any weapon and talk your way out of a bad situation.Utterly ridiculous,it's NOT going to happen!

If you are attacked your life will be on the line!If you want to take your chances that your witty repartee will see you right carry on,IT WON'T.You need to react in the same way as if you're swimming in the sea and a Great White Shark is coming towards you.it's LIFE OR DEATH!

Hold on there Rambo, how many people did you have to kill so far to stay alive ? I can't believe the state of some people expecting a fight at every point. Ready to shoot or stab others before they stab you. You might stab the wrong one who is innocent and just asking for a light.

You are talking about striking first, the American thing just look how many times that went wrong.

I wouldn't waste your time Robblok, some of these people are so sad and delusional they really do believe some of the crap they spout out and they live in their own make believe world, thankfully reality is usually somewhat different and in a way it is Darwinism at work when they do try to enact their fantasies

No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

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The Smithy

You are a Ninja arnt you? I knew you where ....I bet you are nails....do you watch a lot of WWF? On a serious note I believe you could possibly be a future contender for the Darwin award, I hope I am wrong but nature will always find a way and all that!

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

A good martial arts teacher would ban you from the sport because you are using a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes

Edited by FritsSikkink
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The Smithy

You are a Ninja arnt you? I knew you where ....I bet you are nails....do you watch a lot of WWF? On a serious note I believe you could possibly be a future contender for the Darwin award, I hope I am wrong but nature will always find a way and all that!

I think you're a favourite for the reverse Darwin award...man turning back into chimps!whistling.gif

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

Are you trying to say the Martial Art you train in doesn't teach you to get out of the way of a strike then?If someone tries to strike you with an iron bar and you don't see that attack coming,it doesn't matter how many Martial Arts disciplines you know,you are going to end up with broken bones!w00t.gif

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Stereotypes are sometimes spot on who would have thought most of you talking of fights to the death and quick draw holsters would be from the US of A....spooky that!

Well so's the Quaker pacifist here. . .

Sorry about that Big Johnny that is the other problem with stereotypes.......thumbsup.gif

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Well so's the Quaker pacifist here. . .

Sorry about that Big Johnny that is the other problem with stereotypes.......thumbsup.gif

No offense taken at all, I haven't identified internally as an American for decades now.

I never met any people back home that went out looking for fights as part of their evening's entertainment, but I sure have met a lot of Brits and Aussies that do.

I do think the day will come that citizens will need their guns to defend their rights against the government though, and enjoy playing with them, but just paper targets. See I've got a whole land of contrasts just between my ears 8-)

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Paranoid twits or actually enjoy violence as a sport? You decide. . .

this is not so clear, are you saying paranoid people enjoy violent sports, was not written clearly.

I compete in the ring, I may be paranoid I want to check. lol.

My point is that some people (like yourself) enjoy violence as a sport.

Personally I avoid it like the plague, would never live in a place where that was a high risk, don't engage in activities nor frequent places where violence occurs, nor do I associate with people that engage in it.

Others that may not actually participate in high-risk activities still somehow manage to focus on it, actively fear it and take steps to prepare for it - that's the other group I'm characterizing as paranoid. Which in my opinion are also increasing the odds of it occurring, attracting it into their lives by their fear and mental focus on it.

Is that more clear?

i dont engage in violence, sport is not violent when 2 willing adults consent to perform.

competition is fine.

self defence is fighting

fighting is not, fighting is for fools.

you are confusing the 3

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I'm sure that people that invest a lot of time in being well-prepared to fight, end up getting involved in such situations more frequently than the rest of us. Not to mention living lifestyles and in such locations where they are likely to occur.

For myself, I haven't had any direct experience of any violence at all outside my home since I was twelve.

Having a psycho bitch screaming and waving a knife around in the kitchen, well that's another topic, but even that was settled calmly in the end.

fighting for many years in the ring, trained for 32 years, now teach, very few fight in the street, thats 2 statements you have made now that are BS, because most of my friends in the bussiness are the same.

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Paranoid twits or actually enjoy violence as a sport? You decide. . .

this is not so clear, are you saying paranoid people enjoy violent sports, was not written clearly.

I compete in the ring, I may be paranoid I want to check. lol.

My point is that some people (like yourself) enjoy violence as a sport.

Personally I avoid it like the plague, would never live in a place where that was a high risk, don't engage in activities nor frequent places where violence occurs, nor do I associate with people that engage in it.

Others that may not actually participate in high-risk activities still somehow manage to focus on it, actively fear it and take steps to prepare for it - that's the other group I'm characterizing as paranoid. Which in my opinion are also increasing the odds of it occurring, attracting it into their lives by their fear and mental focus on it.

Is that more clear?

i dont engage in violence, sport is not violent when 2 willing adults consent to perform.

competition is fine.

self defence is fighting

fighting is not, fighting is for fools.

you are confusing the 3

You got me here, i have no idea what you try to say.

Line 2 and line 3 seem to be the same

So i see 2 options competition or fighting.. and then your talking about confusing the 3

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

A good martial arts teacher would ban you from the sport because you are using a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes

im retired from fighting but i teach military and police, if you dont strike first you may not get a chance to strike at all.

martial arts does not make your chin like iron, mister miyagi bs dont work

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

A good martial arts teacher would ban you from the sport because you are using a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes

im retired from fighting but i teach military and police, if you dont strike first you may not get a chance to strike at all.

martial arts does not make your chin like iron, mister miyagi bs dont work

Good attitude.. that all we need an other "shoot strike in this case" then ask questions kinda guy. Oh boy.

For police and military i can understand it as they are allowed to use violence, not normal people they can defend (not strike first) but not more them that.

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

A good martial arts teacher would ban you from the sport because you are using a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes

im retired from fighting but i teach military and police, if you dont strike first you may not get a chance to strike at all.

martial arts does not make your chin like iron, mister miyagi bs dont work

If you agree with your pupil to use a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes then you didn't study the psychology part of martial arts.

I don't know mister miyagi.

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

A good martial arts teacher would ban you from the sport because you are using a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes

im retired from fighting but i teach military and police, if you dont strike first you may not get a chance to strike at all.

martial arts does not make your chin like iron, mister miyagi bs dont work

If you agree with your pupil to use a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes then you didn't study the psychology part of martial arts.

I don't know mister miyagi.

no, i'm refering to when a man is absolutly about to hit you you, you dont wait for it,

to robblock competition is in the ring, self defence is when you must defend yourself from an attacker, a fight is when 2 fools fight because they are 2 foolish to resolve an issue verbally.

i dont teach police, military and civilians the same way, different for every job.

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No,some of us are trained in Martial Arts disciplines and have been trained in fighting techniques,therefore giving us an edge.Which part of this are you not understanding?

Why not go down to your local gym and sign up,learn some,then come back and pass judgements,with some knowledge of the subject you are speaking about?rolleyes.gif

I have done martial arts for 11 years. In a contact sport you try to strike first.

In real life you don't have to strike first. Only insecure aggressive people do so.

If somebody tries to strike you, your martial arts will protect you from that.

A good martial arts teacher would ban you from the sport because you are using a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes

im retired from fighting but i teach military and police, if you dont strike first you may not get a chance to strike at all.

martial arts does not make your chin like iron, mister miyagi bs dont work

If you agree with your pupil to use a stun gun to do pre-emptive strikes then you didn't study the psychology part of martial arts.

I don't know mister miyagi.

the psycholigy of martial arts, thats funny, you ever seen real assaults, ever seen the reality of a knife attack, psychology is bs, you do what you must do to get through the situation.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm thinking of some self defense now. Two nights ago, at 9pm I was riding a 125 bike in a dimly lit Bangkok back soi, I slowed up to look for a toilet. I had on a helmet which has no visor. When a Thai bloke (about 45 years old) cruised up beside me on a similar bike. He spoke to me in Thai (haven't the faintest idea of what he said), then threw a large handful of chilli pepper straight into my eyes. At first I had thought it was dirt or sand. Next, he grabbed hold of my bike's front basket. I gunned the bike and tried to get out of there. The bloke let go and didn't follow. Luckily the chilli powder didn't start to take affect until after about 400 meters. A further 600 meters on, the chilli was making my eyes sting and I couldn't keep them open, so I stopped at a mom and pop shop. I didn't want to stop, cause I didn't know that I wasn't still being chased by this madman. I pulled up and shouted out, 'chuay duay' and washed my eyes out with a bottle of water. Would like to keep a meat cleaver somewhere handy on the bike - pipe dreams no doubt.

I still remember him staring staring at my black leather bag, which was held in place by a bungee cord, in my bike's basket.

Guess it was an attempted robbery or a racial attack.

Edited by somchaismith
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the only weapon you need is a rolled up magazine use it in a stabbing motion not a swinging style believe me it really hurts ,nobody realises its a weapon including the mugger ,when in a safe place you can always read it .roll one up and and punch it into your chest it feels like a lump of wood ..in the eyes of the police its not a weapon ,so while walking round at night you see people with magazines you know theyve been reading thai visa (*_*)

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Does anyone carry collapsable Batons or some kind of self protection while on their bike late at night?

I don't, but I'm living in CM. However if I (not in this life) would stay in the places you mentioned, I would probably carry something.

That's fine, but a note to that: if you do, you had best spend considerable time learning how to effectively use it, and hanging on to it.

You also need to decide, firmly, way in advance, what you are willing to do. Where you draw the line.

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