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Thailand has a new popular sensation - Hitler

Lite Beer

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I'm beginning to form a hypothesis that this may be a case of "let's jerk the farangs around just for grins [smiles?]" and a lot of us have fallen for it.

Maybe it's time for farangs to go chic with the jet-setting monk with the aviator sunglasses and high cash flow. Any volunteers for a shaved head, orange robes with aviator sunglasses and sandals with diamonds on their soles (optional)?

Edited by MaxYakov
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I'm beginning to conclude that this is a case of "let's jerk the farangs around just for grins [smiles?]" and a lot of us have fallen for it.

That might be some of it and now I expect this to become a bigger part of it.

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It's written by a Jew also. you can easily download the book in a minute.


So it's more special because a Jew wrote it? Interesting. Do people imagine Jews are a big blob of sameness or something?
If this forum is to be used a reference, then it can easily be assumed that people have far more imagination than intelligence.

Intelligent people don't assume.

Just curious how you could have any insight into what intelligent people do?

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If you are going to run articles from the Christian Scientist Monitor, then we will get more of this inflammatory nonsense.

It's actually one of the most respected newspapers in the USA and has been for many decades. The name may confuse some people. It's a totally legit newspaper.

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Hitler was not really a white supremacist. He was a German nationalist.

Anyways, I don't think Thais expect foreigners to see this sort of stuff. I'm sure they don' mean to offend Jews or anybody else the Nazis killed. To them he's some kind of cool superhero farang dictator.

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Wow - 5 pages with only a handful of relevant or sensible replies. What a pity that the moderators of ThaiVisa don't have the power to say: "This correspondence is now terminated." If they do have that authority, please exercise it NOW.

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Hitler was not really a white supremacist. He was a German nationalist.


He was a German Aryan supremacist.

Some Neo Nazis have expanded that to include other ethnicities of whites.

Also he classified some ethnicities (which he saw as races) as subhumans, most extremely Jews and Roma people.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ummmmmmm.... yes and didn't one of Britian's Royal Family recently dress up as a nazi?

Wasn't it prince harry I think?

And wasn't prince Phillip born in Germany and deducated in a Nazi-doctrinated school?

And is to this day a strong supporter of Eugenics principles?

In fact, two of his sisters were married to high ranking Nazi officers and he had attended a Nazi funeral during or around the war years, correct?

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I have an elderly Japanese as a friend who I met in HK some years ago.

We were walking through a park in Central one day and a gentleman was promoting a book related to his experiences as a Japanese POW. She had seen some Japanese characters on the book so intrigued she went over to talk with the guy. After some minutes she returned to me asking if the Japanese had really done such terrible things, she had no idea!

Their propaganda machine will have made her feel that all the evil was on the other side, just as our propaganda machines tell us that the evil is all on the part of our own enemies. And largely it seems that it is believed by all.

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If you are going to run articles from the Christian Scientist Monitor, then we will get more of this inflammatory nonsense.

It's actually one of the most respected newspapers in the USA and has been for many decades. The name may confuse some people. It's a totally legit newspaper.

Legitimate it may be, but the article is pure tabloid.

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I think the most relevant thing about this article is the origin itself

Read More: http://www.csmonitor...ensation-Hitler

--The Christian Science Monitor 2013-07-13

CSM is by no means some no named source.

This line of stories may be getting press on more major carriers.

At some point, it will reach critical mass,

and may affect Thai Tourism.

That`s it.

Something will only be done when this starts affecting tour companies and other businesses in their pockets.


Agreed BJ

CSMs article was picked up by Yahoo

Link - Yahoo picks up CSMs thailand-popular-sensation-hitler article

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I think this is a lack of teaching history in the schools.

A lack of brain cells may also have something to do with it.

No...........They have the brain cells but not taught how to use them. We are so lucky to have had the good education we had.. Dont take it for granted.

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Stop this ludicrous and dangerous trend now. We cannot accept sensationalism of what this evil man did to fellow human beings, no matter how long ago.

Why can we not accept it? And how may I ask would you stop it anyway?

It's bringing the matter into the public eye, and more and more people here will understand the history as it comes out. Awareness is the beginning of understanding, and I'm presuming that you would have them understand, rather than simply deciding that you should be Thailand's censor of what they should be allowed to know or how they should be allowed to express themselves.

All any of us here *knows* is what we have read and what we have been told. It is undoubtedly only part of the truth.

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.


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Hitler wanted to make certain people no longer exist. Cut it any way you like, he is clearly the most horrible person to ever have the oppurtunity to abuse power.

Hitler is definitely in the top 10 villains of all time, but there were some other crazy murderous bastards rulers throughout the recorded history.

The main point of learning about such horrible regimes, is to understand what people are capable, and be very careful not to let it happen again.

Tens of millions of people would have not died in WW2, had anyone been brave enough and lucky enough to kill hitler before 1939 (I know some have tried and failed).

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Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

Yes, I am from the Jewish race living in Thailand. I get overt discrimination from police, and literally almost every Thai person who has a white Farang "master" standing behind them, hands on hips, ordering them to attack me while they stand back and sneer. Thais get paid to do this, the objective is money and the Thais I am referring to want to be a Nazi satellites/slaves for the future of their investments and prosperity. It all boils down to money. Which country in the EU controls much of the money? Germany. The Nazi trend is a type of advertisement to wealthier investors from the EU (many are Nazi, not just from Germany), saying "we are here for you, will do your bidding just give us your money" and that's all it's really about. Stop making excuses about how Thais are stupid or lack education. Anyone saying that is making excuses for the reality, and whoever says something like that is trying to cover up the truth, they are probably in favor of Nazi colonizing Thailand and little slaves serving them.

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Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

Yes, I am from the Jewish race living in Thailand. I get overt discrimination from police, and literally almost every Thai person who has a white Farang "master" standing behind them, hands on hips, ordering them to attack me while they stand back and sneer. Thais get paid to do this, the objective is money and the Thais I am referring to want to be a Nazi satellites/slaves for the future of their investments and prosperity. It all boils down to money. Which country in the EU controls much of the money? Germany. The Nazi trend is a type of advertisement to wealthier investors from the EU (many are Nazi, not just from Germany), saying "we are here for you, will do your bidding just give us your money" and that's all it's really about. Stop making excuses about how Thais are stupid or lack education. Anyone saying that is making excuses for the reality, and whoever says something like that is trying to cover up the truth, they are probably in favor of Nazi colonizing Thailand and little slaves serving them.

That's a pretty bizarre post but it reminds me of what Robert Amsterdam, the famous Canadian Jewish lawyer who worked for Thaksin PR, said about the deep seated anti-semitism of the Thai elite.

Of course I am no fan of either Thaksin or Mr. Amsterdam but trust me he wasn't talking about comical Hitler McDonald's t-shirts.

His experience MAY be a clue as to the roots of why the Thai cultural elite has failed to put any emphasis on educating the Thai public about Hitler and Nazis.

While I understand why many in Thailand launched political attacks against Amsterdam, it does say something (if true) that the content of those attacks was so poisoned with anti-semitism.


I have encountered more anti-Semitism in Thailand than in Russia, which is amazing.


In Thailand, I have totally unexpectedly encountered this massive wave of anti-Semitism – very public, very weird references that you would have seen in a German paper in the 1930s, but really out there in the modern press. It is really quite shocking.

Edited by Jingthing
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Russians were Hitler's biggest victims. His plan was to murder 50-60% of them and subject the others to enslavement and deportation to Siberia (google Generalplan Ost).


Yes it is very ironic that neo-Nazis have become so strong in Russia considering what Hitler did to Russia. But the point was about NEO-NAZIS and I wanted to connect the topic of Hitler and Nazis to ASIANS (thus Thais), and what's happening in Russia does that.

For any ignorant Thais who think Nazism and the worship of Hitler has nothing to do with Asians and Thais, well, they are wrong. It was a WHITE SUPREMACIST movement. Thais are not white people.

What would have happened if Germany and Japan had won the war?

Japanese are not white.

A programme on Discovery about a Japanese Diplomat who helped Jews escape to Asia and on to Chile I think it was. At 1st he was reluctant until A Jew said to him. "There can only be 1 master race".

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