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Am i in the wrong?

BKK Blues Brother

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Yesterday i had a verbal altercation with a middle aged Thai man sat at a bus stop.

I was pushing a double buggy with my two babies in, with my t-shirt removed as it was hot and i was sweating buckets.

We where passing the bus stop near a temple not far from the khoasan road.

When a middle age fat Thai man sat there starts mouthing off at me for not wearing a shirt.

I replied in Thai that i would like to see him (bung boy) push a buggy with kids in this heat and told him to go away(by loy).

The aggression and venom of which i dispatched my reply has me on reflection feeling a tag guilty for my outburst.

Don't know why i'm posting this, just wanted to get it off my chest.

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Yes it is gross and IMO a bit disrespectful to walk around somewhere out "in public" with your shirt off, unless you're resident in a neighborhood (as I have been) where the males do this routinely, usually wearing just a sarong.


Being in Pattaya to me is no excuse, unless you're literally on the beach.

But taking offense from his remarks and dishing it back was IMO much worse, stooping to his level, when you could have just made a light-hearted snappy comeback and left both of you feeling a little better rather than antagonistic and guilty.

But in the end not a huge deal, live and learn and you'll live longer.

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I feel for the Thai guy.

It is a very unsettling experience to observe one's culture being undermined - especially by hordes of insensitive foreigners.

Fortunately, Thai culture is largely ambivalent, although that fact should not be taken advantage of by foreigners. Education is the key - by the foreigner in this case.

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If you have been here long enough to actually communicate in the language, you should have known better. First of all, I would have told you to put your shirt back on also if you were walking past my family. Then you were extremely rude to the older man who was suggesting you follow Thai laws and customs. However, I too have done as you did and let my temper go in the wrong situation. Just chalk it up to a lesson and move on.

If you are not a tourist here, then don't act like one.

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Probably a self-appointed guardian of one of the myriad of temples around there who also has a sideline in selling gems and overpriced taxi rides to newbies. He may have been drunk too. Ordinary Thai joe would have said nothing but not liked your lack of shirt. Your reaction was probably too aggressive. Not concerned about sunburn?

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If you have been here long enough to actually communicate in the language, you should have known better. First of all, I would have told you to put your shirt back on also if you were walking past my family. Then you were extremely rude to the older man who was suggesting you follow Thai laws and customs. However, I too have done as you did and let my temper go in the wrong situation. Just chalk it up to a lesson and move on.

If you are not a tourist here, then don't act like one.

Read the OP, he has been here quite a while, and the conversation was in Thai.

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You are in the wrong by a long way. What is wrong with a teashirt? There are few things worse than appearing bare chested in public, it is absoluely disgusting, apart from on the beach, in the gym, taking part in some sports, or sunbathing in the park. I will take cover now as the flak is sure to come.

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I wear T-shirts only in "cold" weather.

I use regular shirts over the trousers with loose fit and never feel the need to go without a shirt in public.

Topless ends at my gate (even in the Isan village).

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I'm a bit surprised that a person who has been here for some time would even comment (yes, the last line in the OP is noted; "Don't know why i'm posting this, just wanted to get it off my chest") on something like this as you must know that you were in the wrong, and that your reaction to the criticism was even worse.

Without going into the 'would you do this in your own capital city?' comments, how many locals did you see topless in that area, and what sort of people were they? This would be what the fat guy on the bench would reference to in his mind. Although, as someone mentioned earlier it is unusual for a Thai to criticize a falang like that in public unless he was trying to impress his posse.

Just a hint, you know before you leave your home it is going to be hot out there, put on a light, loose shirt instead of a tight fitting t-shirt, it works a lot better. IMHO, I would put the incident down to experience, and the next time you see the fat guy, give him a nod and a smile when passing.

Edit: Oh, answer to the OP, yes you were in the wrong......................wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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and its not even remotely hot out.

From your transliteration of the language one can only imagine how he must have been impressed by your gutter thai. <deleted> is "bung boy"

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If you have been here long enough to actually communicate in the language, you should have known better. First of all, I would have told you to put your shirt back on also if you were walking past my family. Then you were extremely rude to the older man who was suggesting you follow Thai laws and customs. However, I too have done as you did and let my temper go in the wrong situation. Just chalk it up to a lesson and move on.

If you are not a tourist here, then don't act like one.

Go away is not (by loy) in thai

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I see plenty of Thais in this gated community going without a shirt, but never really in the city center. Unless of course homeless vagrants. I personally keep my shirt on as its only good to take it off on the beach.

but then again one can well understand why the locals get upset, after all have seen the state of fat smelly farangs wondering around Thailand, both long term tourist and tourist a like, i mean the sight of a big lilly white beer gut hanging over their shorts, man boobies and hairy like a baboon would put anyone off their Som tam...rolleyes.gif

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