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I'm Jewish and had many relatives killed in the holocaust and think anybody who says basically it's ok because they are not also a Jew must be either a racist, ignorant or both!

How do you feel about the actions of Unit 731?

Not sure exactly what this has to do with it but no I didn't until Goggling it after your mentioning it.

Thank you. You made my point for me. You knew nothing about Unit 731 in the same way that many Thais know nothing about the Nazis. To them the clothes that they wear are simply clothes. A T Shirt with a picture of Hitler on is the same as a T shirt with fark you on as far as they're concerned. They don't understand the implications because they have no knowledge of the Nazis.

Edited by sustento
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There are many parodies of Hitler and the Nazis, even campy Jewish ones. Check Mel Brooks.

Remembering Nazism and the Holocaust are central in much of Western education. Fascists have, of course, abounded in history in one way or other. And so have genocides. The more recent ones, like Rwanda, are barely mentioned. And then there have been the appalling "nation-building" and social engineering of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pat that were equally horrifying as well as even more deadly that the European Holocaust. And then there are the religious zealots from the Christian crusaders to the massive killing now endemic in the Central African Republic. You won't find much about them in Western general education curricula. Why should one be particularly critical of Thai general education?

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We're talking about Hitler yet again? Oh well, might as well find some humor in this. There's tons of parodies off of this movie clip. This was one of my favorites:

I wonder how many people have actually seen the movie from which this clip is taken?

It's excellent, although you'll obviously need English subs if you don't speak German.

I have. It's called 'Downfall' (Der Untergang)

But many people mistake it for Inglourious Basterds, which wasn't as good. (Save for some very memorable scenes)

I watched the movie, Inglourious Basterds and gave it a 10 out 10, but if not for all it`s bad language, explicite sex scenes and unnecessary violence, then I doubt I would have enjoyed it.

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I just don't get the fuss over past atrocities and how they continue to dictate opinion. These were events in history that all had evil hated figureheads.

Yes,Germany had Hitler, Iraq had Hussein, Libya had Gadaffi, AlQuida had Bin Laden, then there were the atrocities of the Japanese thro the wars, the Polpots in Cambodia, idiot Amin in Africa, the Romans, the Vikings, the Huns, then Bush from the states and Blair from the 51st state.

England had its fair share throughout history having conquered 90% of the world at some point.....but all forgotten I think......except Jimmy Saville.

All these people created shame against humanity in some way shape or form.

It happened,its over now, move on, and most will be forgotten in the next generation.

My opinion,apologies to anyone who is currently directly affected by past atrocities of the aforementioned.

Only forgotten by English people. Nothing and no one to forgive. So I don't know why people continue on about historical figures.

Who was Cromwell ?

To English people, he is the name on some pubs


To New Zealanders, he is the name of a City


To Irish people, he is what Hitler was to the Jews


But that's all in the past, things like this are only used by the self righteous who love to find offense at memorabilia of the past.

People should build a bridge and get over it.

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Good topic today... as today is 'Yom Hashoah,' also known as Holocaust Memorial Day 2014

I guess most western adults are aware that to wear Nazi uniforms, swastikas, use a Nazi salute in public anywhere in Germany is grounds for arrest these days.
The world will NOT forget what Hitler did, not just to 6,000,000 Jews, but to 11,000,000 people that he executed, rather more than Pol Pot, Idi Amin, or most of the other dictators put together. One doesn't need to be Jewish, or German, or have relatives who died in the Camps to find the ignorance displayed in Thailand rather sad. As said, most Thais under the age of 40 have no idea who Hitler was, or CSN&Y for that matter. Ignorance is just that... ignorant.

Some say ignorance is bliss! There's some truth in that because some people are so concerned about Global warming, save the whale, help the poor, racism, animal rights, corporate greed and god knows what else that they spend their lives being serious, angry or miserable.

Plenty of Thais don't worry about such issues, much like most people pre-sixties in the west, maybe because they're too concerned with either getting by and paying the bills, or because they don't like to think about serious topics and are too busy enjoying life. Their ignorance may offend some, but generally no offence is intended.

Hog wash. They have schools that can teach about the Germans. It doesn't take a long time to give them the basics.

Here in Chiang Mai we actually had a school put on a parade dressed in German uniforms and goose steeping. They thought it was a good idea. One hour in the class room would have allowed them to know what they were representing.

What should they teach about the English ? What about England's Genocides. Or do you believe the Thais should be kept in the dark about that and only educate them on what you believe to be correct ?

A challenge to any English teachers out there, who is in favour of educating Thais in History. Start with this Poem and after teaching it and explaining it to your Thai pupils, then move on to other aspects of history.

Lady Jane Wilde (1821 - 1896)


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Hog wash. They have schools that can teach about the Germans. It doesn't take a long time to give them the basics.

Here in Chiang Mai we actually had a school put on a parade dressed in German uniforms and goose steeping. They thought it was a good idea. One hour in the class room would have allowed them to know what they were representing.

What should they teach about the English ? What about England's Genocides. Or do you believe the Thais should be kept in the dark about that and only educate them on what you believe to be correct ?

A challenge to any English teachers out there, who is in favour of educating Thais in History. Start with this Poem and after teaching it and explaining it to your Thai pupils, then move on to other aspects of history.

Lady Jane Wilde (1821 - 1896)


I think Thai history would be a better first step. I went to The American embassy today walked past a mural in which was painted Thai/USA 180 years of friendship. I wanted to write under that, "Except for the three years when the US and UK bombed the crap out of Bangkok. I believe the UK started bombing even before Thailand declared against the UK and USA."

Edited by thailiketoo
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Downfall is a great movie. The Thais are intrigued by Hitler, and I think they also dislike the Jews. I don't think they have made the connection between Hitler and the Holocaust, though. Heck, I don't think many of them know that Thailand surrendered to Japan almost as fast as Norway surrendered to Germany.

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Downfall is a great movie. The Thais are intrigued by Hitler, and I think they also dislike the Jews. I don't think they have made the connection between Hitler and the Holocaust, though. Heck, I don't think many of them know that Thailand surrendered to Japan almost as fast as Norway surrendered to Germany.

Nobody knows that. Thailand didn't surrender to Japan. They were Japans only voluntary ally during WWII.

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Thais put on nazi uniforms for one reason only: The Third Reich won the fashion war. It was Hugo Boss himself who designed the uniforms for various Nazi organizations.

Edited by quidnunc
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I'm Jewish and had many relatives killed in the holocaust and think anybody who says basically it's ok because they are not also a Jew must be either a racist, ignorant or both!

More than happy to answer, I am neither ignorant nor a racist.


What pisses me off are the Nazi Fascists telling me what I should and should not think or wear.

Been there before havent we?

If the OP is so offended, maybe for his next holiday he should visit the "occupied territories.

Be careful the past may come back to haunt him.

No mention of the pinko commie shirts openly worn by Thai and farang alike, how many did the commies kill?

Edited by rgs2001uk
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I'm Jewish and had many relatives killed in the holocaust and think anybody who says basically it's ok because they are not also a Jew must be either a racist, ignorant or both!

More than happy to answer, I am neither ignorant nor a racist.


What pisses me off are the Nazi Fascists telling me what I should and should not think or wear.

Been there before havent we?

If the OP is so offended, maybe for his next holiday he should visit the "occupied territories.

Be careful the past may come back to haunt him.

No mention of the pinko commie shirts openly worn by Thai and farang alike, how many did the commies kill?

Wow I've heard the fashion police called many things but never Nazi Fascists. Are we going to see new Nuremberg trials for Crimes Against Fashion?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm Jewish and had many relatives killed in the holocaust and think anybody who says basically it's ok because they are not also a Jew must be either a racist, ignorant or both!

How do you feel about the actions of Unit 731?
Not sure exactly what this has to do with it but no I didn't until Goggling it after your mentioning it. Many bad people have done terrible things and we can learn from them all.

For the other poster that I responded indirectly to in my first post I've quoted above who has again implied that ignorance is an admirable trait I would like to quote "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them. They weren't even in the ball park's parking lot with there atrocities. Also they were not specifically picking out one ethnic group to needlessly gas after putting them through physical inhumanities.

I had a boss once who had been in the Pacific in the WW2 and he said that there was some pretty gruesome things done by the American forces there. From what I could gather the atrocities of Unit 731 were nothing compared to what the Koreans had done in building the death railroad to Burma for the Japanese in WW2. There are lots of places to point fingers but the one at the Nazi treatment of the Jewish people is head and tails higher than any other done to one specific group. Even Stalin was not that picky. His were not just slaughtered they were condemned to Siberia or jailed. He had no gas ovens to just march them into.

Sorry to carry on but I feel strongly Iran and other Muslim countries are denying it ever happened. Even in Canada we had a school teacher teaching that it never happened.

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There is a popular punk style T-shirt in Chiang Mai that says "f... you nazi w@&kers". I've seen it worn by sweet 12 year old girls holding their mother's hand. Quite the opposite meaning to the hitler tyre cover , but much the same In that they are probably both unaware of it's meaning. Since they're not intending to offend then there is no need to be offended, especially if it's on someone else's behalf, ie if you're not a Jew or a nazi w@#nker. I'm not Jewish or a Nazi. The third option, depending on it's context, is a matter of opinion.

a few weeks ago in Mae Rim Plaza i saw a young girl perhaps 11 or 12 years old, walking with her mother, wearing a black t-shirt that said in capital letters "All I want to do is party and F...". i couldn't believe it.

as far as the Nazi issue is concerned, about 6 months ago a Fortuner SUV pulled up next to me and a very well-dressed Thai man who appeared to be in his 40's got out. When I backed up to leave the parking spot i was shocked to see a swastika on the wheel cover on the back. what's wrong with people?

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

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Atrocity in the history should be taught to the younger generations, so they'll remember.

I don't know what they teach in the Thai schools. Do they even have world history classes in high school?

I was taught world history in my primary and secondary schools though I don't remember most of them. But, I know the Japanese wrote things different from the facts and feeding to the newer generations. Is that right?

Yes, people should know, including the Thai!

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

You are correct. The Thais wearing the regalia are not familiar with the out rite killing of Jews by the Nazi's. The whole Thai education system is a joke. I doubt very much they know their own part in the war.

I how ever doubt if you know about the atrocities committed by the Nazi's to the Jewish people. You could compare water melons to T Bone steaks easier than comparing Unit 731 to the Nazi death camps.

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

You are correct. The Thais wearing the regalia are not familiar with the out rite killing of Jews by the Nazi's. The whole Thai education system is a joke. I doubt very much they know their own part in the war.

I how ever doubt if you know about the atrocities committed by the Nazi's to the Jewish people. You could compare water melons to T Bone steaks easier than comparing Unit 731 to the Nazi death camps.

Dear Lord. I wasn't comparing Unit 731 to the atrocities of the Nazis. I was using it as an example to demonstrate that lack of knowledge about specific incidents in history is a phenomenon shared by many, a fact which you've just demonstrated.

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

You are correct. The Thais wearing the regalia are not familiar with the out rite killing of Jews by the Nazi's. The whole Thai education system is a joke. I doubt very much they know their own part in the war.

I how ever doubt if you know about the atrocities committed by the Nazi's to the Jewish people. You could compare water melons to T Bone steaks easier than comparing Unit 731 to the Nazi death camps.

Dear Lord. I wasn't comparing Unit 731 to the atrocities of the Nazis. I was using it as an example to demonstrate that lack of knowledge about specific incidents in history is a phenomenon shared by many, a fact which you've just demonstrated.

Sorry I misunderstood you.

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Nazi era films screened in Berlin

29 April 2014 Last updated at 07:25 BST

Eighty years after Nazi propaganda films were made and given to Hitler as a gift, they are again being screened in Berlin.

The audience must attend a lecture and a debate before the screening - a move that some say is patronising.

Steve Evans reports.


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It's called freedom of speech. Everyone has a right to be an idiot. Sometimes people are offended but it is still better than persecuting or prosecuting people for their words and not their actions.

Unfortunately, they are not doing it to exercise their free speech. They are doing it because they are ignorant of history.

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It's called freedom of speech. Everyone has a right to be an idiot. Sometimes people are offended but it is still better than persecuting or prosecuting people for their words and not their actions.

Unfortunately, they are not doing it to exercise their free speech. They are doing it because they are ignorant of history.

Maybe we should the "they". Some Western countries have skimmed over aspects of history education that do not currently sit well with political or trade considerations. As others have pointed out Japan has yet to come clean on many aspects and Japanese leaders continue to offend Korea and China over visits to a particular shrine that contains the remains of war criminals.

On a more local front we had several posts deleted on the CM forum after a prolific poster posted a grossly offensive Aryan race hate video barely three days ago. It's his free speech to post and my free speech (and others) to condemn......

People can and should be prosecuted for their words if they incite hatred....Free speech is not and never has been an absolute. You cannot as they say go into a crowded cinema and yell 'Fire".

Put the history aside some people are basically ignorant. Now if that is through a lack of access or opportunity for education I forgive this whole heatedly. One cannot blame your average Thai for a failing in the education policies (access or content). Choosing to be offensive with full or partial knowledge of the facts so as to deliberately offend or cause fear or hatred ......is not the same as ignorance

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I'm Jewish and had many relatives killed in the holocaust and think anybody who says basically it's ok because they are not also a Jew must be either a racist, ignorant or both!

More than happy to answer, I am neither ignorant nor a racist.

But then again, you all say that, don't you.

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

Never mind Unit 731, how many people in the West even get educated about the Cambodia Killing Fields, for example.

Therefore, "The Western Education System Is A Joke!" rolleyes.gif

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

Never mind Unit 731, how many people in the West even get educated about the Cambodia Killing Fields, for example.

Therefore, "The Western Education System Is A Joke!" rolleyes.gif

Are you assuming that peoples' understanding is only learned in school? Do people in Thailand ever read books, watch documentaries, educational television, watch movies, etc? There's just no excuse for being so ignorant of modern history, especially the atrocities.

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I also had never heard of Unit 731 so I goggled them.

You're another one that's proved my point but you don't seem to realise it. Most of the Thais who are wearing Nazi regalia and clothing have never heard of Hitler in the same way that you had never heard of Unit 731 until you Googled it. They know as little about Hitler as you know about Unit 731.

Never mind Unit 731, how many people in the West even get educated about the Cambodia Killing Fields, for example.

Therefore, "The Western Education System Is A Joke!" rolleyes.gif

That was after I was out of school and I heard about it in the West.

How many here in Thailand know about it. After all Thailand gave Pol Pot a place to live with out having to face his crimes?

But you are rite in saying that World History in the west does not say much about eastern History. For instance when London had 50,000 resident's Angkor Wat had 1,000,000. They skim over Genghis Khan who killed an estimated 1/4 of the population and his army was ready to invade Europe when he died. There by saving Europe. Yet in China they have statues of the man representing him as a hero for uniting China.

How ever Thailand took part in the second World war and should know of the evil in it. They are probably clueless as to how many of their own citizens died in building the death railroad to Burma.

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There is a popular punk style T-shirt in Chiang Mai that says "f... you nazi w@&kers". I've seen it worn by sweet 12 year old girls holding their mother's hand. Quite the opposite meaning to the hitler tyre cover , but much the same In that they are probably both unaware of it's meaning. Since they're not intending to offend then there is no need to be offended, especially if it's on someone else's behalf, ie if you're not a Jew or a nazi w@#nker. I'm not Jewish or a Nazi. The third option, depending on it's context, is a matter of opinion.

I want one--what a charming T-Shirt.

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