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Meet Chompu, 22 yo coyote dancer, degree in English.......................20x20xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.pn

attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gonline relations.jpg

OK, it isn't really Chompu, but it could be.....................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

These internet dating sites have always scared me, source of nightmares, eh?

I mean she's got a beard for goodness sake!

Just Sayin'

Looks like he's been tucking into MK a bit too much

Too many side orders with his BK & KFC as well me thinks.....................biggrin.png

Difference between coke zero and full body...........

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I think Thaifriendly is a great site, in fact I met my current GF on there last year when i was a member.

Their membership fee is lower than some of the other sites, and they let you try it as a free member before you pay, with restricted features. There might be a few professionals on there, but for the most part, the girls I met before I settled down with this one were sincere and serious about a relationship. But just be aware that if a 19 year old girl is interested in you, and you are pushing 60, its probably someone writing her letters for her, or she is a professional.

I had one girl who asked me to take her to an expensive restaurant for the first date to which I said no. We instead met at MK, which still wasnt cheap, but Im glad I didnt spend too much because it didnt work out after the first meeting.

Overall I had a very good experience with Thaifriendly and would recommend it above the other sites.

Southerndrawl, aren't you the poster who wrote, " . . . I have had a few long term relationships with Thai women (1 year or more), and for the most part, sadly, I felt as if they were more financial arrangements rather than the loving type of relationship I had with my farang ex wife . . . " and " . . . My ex gf decided that if I was no longer willing to support her, she was not going to have anything to do with me any more, which evidently meant she was really not my friend to begin with . . . "

Were these comments before your current gf? I hope you have found a better relationship.

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I have heard of a set up where they had 5 girls "employed" to talk to guys, each girl with many identities, and the whole thing was run by a Canadian guy ! Who also offerred from a different website "meet your bride" trips.

Its all a "business" its all about making money, one way ir another.

I am not saying this is what the company you mention does, its just what I have heard can happen.


There are also "independants" Where one older woman, good with English, acts as a kind of agent, she posts the girls details and runs "chats" where you see the actual girl on camera, but its not her thats doing the talking its the agent doing the typing. When things progress and if a relationship develops ths girl pays the agent.

One of the girls that works(ed?) there is an old fling from when I was on my first few trips to Thailand. They work out of the tower across the road from Robinsons Department store on Sukhumvit :) I used to pick her up after work and went in there a few times.. I saw her talking to the guys but was too young and naive to realise what her "job" was.

She told me she would arrange for meetings that would never happen etc to string guys along. There weren't 5 girls from what I could remember, more like 25-30...

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I know one guy that is in a relationship with a girl he met on Thaifriendly. That's the good news - the bad news is that he likes slapping her about.

He's a TV member, incidentally - it's a pity we are not allowed to name and shame.

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Meet Chompu, 22 yo coyote dancer, degree in English.......................sad.png

attachicon.gifonline relations.jpg

OK, it isn't really Chompu, but it could be.....................wink.png

These internet dating sites have always scared me, source of nightmares, eh?

I mean she's got a beard for goodness sake!

Just Sayin'

I will bet "Chompu" 22 Coyote dancer, degree in English...loses "her" keys a lot based on that photo.

Talking about lost keys, did Jeremy find his? blink.png

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I know one guy that is in a relationship with a girl he met on Thaifriendly. That's the good news - the bad news is that he likes slapping her about.

He's a TV member, incidentally - it's a pity we are not allowed to name and shame.

Has he posted on this thread?

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I met my GF on a website Thailandfriends.com many moons ago - well through it. A friend of hers was trying to screw me over, financially, a the "lets meet and get close and cuddly" stage. She was good enough to give me a heads up and we have stuck with each other ever since. Most of the time it is hell, but we both live for the good times together. Her family hate me, but she sticks with me and is fine with me making sure "whats fair is fair" if and when we ever broke up by making arrangements with my lawyer.

Not all stories are bad stories, we love each other :)

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I know one guy that is in a relationship with a girl he met on Thaifriendly. That's the good news - the bad news is that he likes slapping her about.

He's a TV member, incidentally - it's a pity we are not allowed to name and shame.

Has he posted on this thread?

No he hasn't - he posts mainly in the news forum these days. Let me assure you, if I see him on this thread, I'll out him. That's a promise.

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My wife had family members that were basically getting money from farang using dating sites. Multiple different women sitting in front of the computers but only one that could type English well and that lady ran around typing and helping type staying out of camera view. They picked up money transfers often and some of them have gotten married and collected sinsod one of them twice and one of them three times, but the others just once. The entire village goes getting free food and bottles of alcohol they run off with then complain saying they are out of it and everything looks great to the farang.

That said out of this I've seen relationships seem to work. One in particular they been married since New Years Even 2010 (Jan 1, 2011) and she lives in his country 6 months per year, home alone 3.5 moths and him in Thailand 1.5 months. And they are happy. Another is an older lady that had a farang husband for 19 years living village lifestyle without much money and he died. I didn't know her well but she was stressed and collections paid for the funeral. They had no marriage paper and she had no money for funeral. This group managed to find her a guy in 60's from UK whose wife had died a couple years earlier and now he lives with her same style old husband did. A couple both in their 60's that look happy. Most the others I see come in and out, except one more success story (maybe?). The entire ring pretty much fell apart when the lady running it met a super rich farang that bought her a big home, a fortuner and gives her 250,000 baht per month spending allowance. Oddly enough, she seems happy too.

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I have heard of a set up where they had 5 girls "employed" to talk to guys, each girl with many identities, and the whole thing was run by a Canadian guy ! Who also offerred from a different website "meet your bride" trips.

Its all a "business" its all about making money, one way ir another.

I am not saying this is what the company you mention does, its just what I have heard can happen.


There are also "independants" Where one older woman, good with English, acts as a kind of agent, she posts the girls details and runs "chats" where you see the actual girl on camera, but its not her thats doing the talking its the agent doing the typing. When things progress and if a relationship develops ths girl pays the agent.

One of the girls that works(ed?) there is an old fling from when I was on my first few trips to Thailand. They work out of the tower across the road from Robinsons Department store on Sukhumvit smile.png I used to pick her up after work and went in there a few times.. I saw her talking to the guys but was too young and naive to realise what her "job" was.

She told me she would arrange for meetings that would never happen etc to string guys along. There weren't 5 girls from what I could remember, more like 25-30...

Sounds like a boiler room...

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"Even a blind squirrel finds a few nuts"


"There are counterfeits because there is such a thing as true gold"

Would a blind squirrel be able to find Jeremy's keys?

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I was thinking about giving thaifriendly a go. do you think it would work for me?

If you are as good looking as your avatar then I'm sure that there will be a few of our board members that are interested.

Do you like MK or are you a posh bit of stuff?

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I was thinking about giving thaifriendly a go. do you think it would work for me?

Mr Snot, I think you might have all the skills required. Have a chat with The Fat Controller for directions to the nearest MK or Starbucks.

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mrtoad, you are mistaken, not me that went to Starbucks or MK !

Our first meal was at a Thai restaurant.

She has taken me to some great places to eat and to be honest, some of the best food has been in the price-controlled food courts at Siriraj Hospital where she works.

All Thai food food before you start on about KFC franchises etc, although we both enjoy a visit to Swensen's

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Be very careful how you handle Mr. Toad.

At the moment Mr. Toad is representing some very powerful people who are currently in the process of putting in a takeover bid for Thailand (both the industrial and the tourist sector).

One wrong word and you will have to face the wrath of Mr. Toad and his evil super hero sidekicks.

Be warned.

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So in true Thaivisa tradition, 5% say they have done well, 5% didn't do so well and 90% have never tried but know all about the evil golddigging women who use the site.

And before you go on the statistics are accurate as I made them up myself

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I was thinking about giving thaifriendly a go. do you think it would work for me?

Hello snottgoblin,

How do you expect others to be able to assess your situation without providing more information about yourself ?

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mrtoad, you are mistaken, not me that went to Starbucks or MK !

Our first meal was at a Thai restaurant.

She has taken me to some great places to eat and to be honest, some of the best food has been in the price-controlled food courts at Siriraj Hospital where she works.

All Thai food food before you start on about KFC franchises etc, although we both enjoy a visit to Swensen's

Nothing wrong with being a 'licker' at swensens either ;)

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I haven't used Thaifriendly personally but I know other people who have met their wives or girlfriends online. I know a few Thai women who use TLL or similar sites trying to meet a nice guy. A couple are friends or coworkers of my wife and none of them are gold diggers or women stringing along multiple guys to extract money. A couple have been burned or stood up by foreign men, at least one had a guy trying to scam her.

Obviously they are looking for a nice, attractive guy with hopes their life will be better but even in the west, I doubt many women are looking for poor, lazy guys who aren't interested in contributing anything more to the relationship than semen.

That said, there are lots of scammers online, more in poorer countries. I'd guess 10-15% of the women on Thai dating sites are genuine and sincere.

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Finally a post I can contribute!

I'm a rookie here. Been in bkk for a whopping 3 weeks. Back in Chicago, 99% of my dates came from POF (Plenty of Fish) and OkCupid. Both are free and both have TONS of chicks. Got laid on 80% of the dates. I'm maybe slightly better than average looking. Athletic. 45 yrs old.

So... before I came out here, I took a look at Thai Friendly. Costs money? No go. I don't pay for that. Too many free sites. Then I changed the location on POF and OkCupid and low and behold... a gold mine of single ladies and since their profiles are in English, no language barrier. Now... granted, I assumed I wouldn't need this once arriving to bkk, but I gotta tell ya, the bargirls IMO are bargirls because ya gotta be drunk to take one of them home. Great bodies... just .... naw. I know they're out there and I haven't been to a lot of the bars and even though 1500 baht is cheap... but to me, there's a cheaper way to get better quality women. ONLINE.

So I check out the sites and I just write to a bunch of the hot ladies and I'll get about half writing back. Back and forth a few times and let's just say that in the 3 weeks I've been here, I've been on 5 dates. ALL 1st dates were at a coffee shop. 100-200 baht? Just let them see that I'm not a creeper or that I at least look like my photos. All very nice looking women, some with better English than others, but I'm telling you... definitely better than bar girls. AGAIN... just my opinion.

Out of 5... there was only 1 that would only have sex AFTER marriage. So she was out. The rest I took out on a second date. A cheap meal or a movie. 200-300 baht? Banged 3 out of the 5 on date 2 and the 4th one took a 3rd date (300 baht meal). Takes a little while longer, but the quality to me (again, I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm sure there's many other ways of finding quality) was pretty damn good and I didn't pay 1500 baht. Plus... sex for me is better after knowing a girl after 1 or 2 dates, but that's just me.

So I suggest sticking with the free sites and post a really good profile. Photo of you alone. Photo with friends. Photo of you doing a sport. Photo of you with your dog, cat or whatever pet or animal and they will write you.

On Thursday I'm off to Phnom Pen and I've already found some cuties on OkCupid and haven't even looked on POF.

If you gotta pay, walk away.

Edited by Noradonis
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Finally a post I can contribute!

I'm a rookie here. Been in bkk for a whopping 3 weeks. Back in Chicago, 99% of my dates came from POF (Plenty of Fish) and OkCupid. Both are free and both have TONS of chicks. Got laid on 80% of the dates. I'm maybe slightly better than average looking. Athletic. 45 yrs old.

So... before I came out here, I took a look at Thai Friendly. Costs money? No go. I don't pay for that. Too many free sites. Then I changed the location on POF and OkCupid and low and behold... a gold mine of single ladies and since their profiles are in English, no language barrier. Now... granted, I assumed I wouldn't need this once arriving to bkk, but I gotta tell ya, the bargirls IMO are bargirls because ya gotta be drunk to take one of them home. Great bodies... just .... naw. I know they're out there and I haven't been to a lot of the bars and even though 1500 baht is cheap... but to me, there's a cheaper way to get better quality women. ONLINE.

So I check out the sites and I just write to a bunch of the hot ladies and I'll get about half writing back. Back and forth a few times and let's just say that in the 3 weeks I've been here, I've been on 5 dates. ALL 1st dates were at a coffee shop. 100-200 baht? Just let them see that I'm not a creeper or that I at least look like my photos. All very nice looking women, some with better English than others, but I'm telling you... definitely better than bar girls. AGAIN... just my opinion.

Out of 5... there was only 1 that would only have sex AFTER marriage. So she was out. The rest I took out on a second date. A cheap meal or a movie. 200-300 baht? Banged 4 out of the 5 on date 2 and just one of them took a 3rd date (300 baht meal). Takes a little while longer, but the quality to me (again, I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm sure there's many other ways of finding quality) was pretty damn good and I didn't pay 1500 baht. Plus... sex for me is better after knowing a girl after 1 or 2 dates, but that's just me.

So I suggest sticking with the free sites and post a really good profile. Photo of you alone. Photo with friends. Photo of you doing a sport. Photo of you with your dog, cat or whatever pet or animal and they will write you.

On Thursday I'm off to Phnom Pen and I've already found some cuties on OkCupid and haven't even looked on POF.

If you gotta pay, walk away.

Welcome oh great one. I am sure you have made a significant impression on the ladies in SE Asia. You have a way with words, almost misogynistic - and that has nothing to do with mystical.

Which particular bridge do you like for going on dates?

This is my favourite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama_VIII_Bridge

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Finally a post I can contribute!

I'm a rookie here. Been in bkk for a whopping 3 weeks. Back in Chicago, 99% of my dates came from POF (Plenty of Fish) and OkCupid. Both are free and both have TONS of chicks. Got laid on 80% of the dates. I'm maybe slightly better than average looking. Athletic. 45 yrs old.

So... before I came out here, I took a look at Thai Friendly. Costs money? No go. I don't pay for that. Too many free sites. Then I changed the location on POF and OkCupid and low and behold... a gold mine of single ladies and since their profiles are in English, no language barrier. Now... granted, I assumed I wouldn't need this once arriving to bkk, but I gotta tell ya, the bargirls IMO are bargirls because ya gotta be drunk to take one of them home. Great bodies... just .... naw. I know they're out there and I haven't been to a lot of the bars and even though 1500 baht is cheap... but to me, there's a cheaper way to get better quality women. ONLINE.

So I check out the sites and I just write to a bunch of the hot ladies and I'll get about half writing back. Back and forth a few times and let's just say that in the 3 weeks I've been here, I've been on 5 dates. ALL 1st dates were at a coffee shop. 100-200 baht? Just let them see that I'm not a creeper or that I at least look like my photos. All very nice looking women, some with better English than others, but I'm telling you... definitely better than bar girls. AGAIN... just my opinion.

Out of 5... there was only 1 that would only have sex AFTER marriage. So she was out. The rest I took out on a second date. A cheap meal or a movie. 200-300 baht? Banged 4 out of the 5 on date 2 and just one of them took a 3rd date (300 baht meal). Takes a little while longer, but the quality to me (again, I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm sure there's many other ways of finding quality) was pretty damn good and I didn't pay 1500 baht. Plus... sex for me is better after knowing a girl after 1 or 2 dates, but that's just me.

So I suggest sticking with the free sites and post a really good profile. Photo of you alone. Photo with friends. Photo of you doing a sport. Photo of you with your dog, cat or whatever pet or animal and they will write you.

On Thursday I'm off to Phnom Pen and I've already found some cuties on OkCupid and haven't even looked on POF.

If you gotta pay, walk away.

Welcome oh great one. I am sure you have made a significant impression on the ladies in SE Asia. You have a way with words, almost misogynistic - and that has nothing to do with mystical.

Which particular bridge do you like for going on dates?

This is my favourite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama_VIII_Bridge

Looking at the photo dear Noradonis has provided inhis details, I think he is referring to ladies of the third gender in his post...and one suspects they are typically not too choosey and that's the reason he is not paying...rolleyes.gif

I think Noradonis is a reincarnation of "whereustay" AKA ScottBkk

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HA! Trust me, I don't confuse misogynist with mystical. Although I fail to see how I'm being misogynist by taking women out on dates rather than slapping down a 400 baht bar fee and 1500 baht to get them to have sex with me, but who am I to say? I'm a noobie, maybe you're right about me and that clearly I'm doing the devil's work surrounded by such chivalrous men in Bangkok.

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Finally a post I can contribute!

I'm a rookie here. Been in bkk for a whopping 3 weeks. Back in Chicago, 99% of my dates came from POF (Plenty of Fish) and OkCupid. Both are free and both have TONS of chicks. Got laid on 80% of the dates. I'm maybe slightly better than average looking. Athletic. 45 yrs old.

So... before I came out here, I took a look at Thai Friendly. Costs money? No go. I don't pay for that. Too many free sites. Then I changed the location on POF and OkCupid and low and behold... a gold mine of single ladies and since their profiles are in English, no language barrier. Now... granted, I assumed I wouldn't need this once arriving to bkk, but I gotta tell ya, the bargirls IMO are bargirls because ya gotta be drunk to take one of them home. Great bodies... just .... naw. I know they're out there and I haven't been to a lot of the bars and even though 1500 baht is cheap... but to me, there's a cheaper way to get better quality women. ONLINE.

So I check out the sites and I just write to a bunch of the hot ladies and I'll get about half writing back. Back and forth a few times and let's just say that in the 3 weeks I've been here, I've been on 5 dates. ALL 1st dates were at a coffee shop. 100-200 baht? Just let them see that I'm not a creeper or that I at least look like my photos. All very nice looking women, some with better English than others, but I'm telling you... definitely better than bar girls. AGAIN... just my opinion.

Out of 5... there was only 1 that would only have sex AFTER marriage. So she was out. The rest I took out on a second date. A cheap meal or a movie. 200-300 baht? Banged 4 out of the 5 on date 2 and just one of them took a 3rd date (300 baht meal). Takes a little while longer, but the quality to me (again, I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm sure there's many other ways of finding quality) was pretty damn good and I didn't pay 1500 baht. Plus... sex for me is better after knowing a girl after 1 or 2 dates, but that's just me.

So I suggest sticking with the free sites and post a really good profile. Photo of you alone. Photo with friends. Photo of you doing a sport. Photo of you with your dog, cat or whatever pet or animal and they will write you.

On Thursday I'm off to Phnom Pen and I've already found some cuties on OkCupid and haven't even looked on POF.

If you gotta pay, walk away.

Welcome oh great one. I am sure you have made a significant impression on the ladies in SE Asia. You have a way with words, almost misogynistic - and that has nothing to do with mystical.

Which particular bridge do you like for going on dates?

This is my favourite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama_VIII_Bridge

Looking at the photo dear Noradonis has provided inhis details, I think he is referring to ladies of the third gender in his post...and one suspects they are typically not too choosey and that's the reason he is not paying...rolleyes.gif

I think Noradonis is a reincarnation of "whereustay" AKA ScottBkk

No... it was a funny pic. I posted it. Simple. Damn, this crowd is rough. Not too choosey (sic)? Ummm... yeah, sure.

And no, I'm not ScotttBkk.

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