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Neighbour going for 5.30am walk everyday wakes everyone up


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I live in a thai village / housing estate where all the houses look the same and are close together. We like our house but now think it was a mistake to rent here due to all the barking dogs.

Every morning, irrespective of the weather, a resident (thai lady) takes her dog for a walk at 5.30am. As a result of this, every single dog starts barking. Her dog stops at our gate and stalks our canine who growls a bit. Ive taught him not to bark. At that time of the morning the barking dogs are extremely loud and I cant imagine anyone sleeping through it. Suffice to say that I use ear plugs but cant sleep through the chorus of barking which lasts 10min.

I don't want to generalise by saying that all thais are illogical but some surely are. Perhaps they are selfish or really stupid.... they don't seem to care or acknowledge that their actions are affecting other people.

I cant exactly apply my nanny state thoughts and go and speak to the women at that hour of the morning. Its a free country and she can do what she wants. I think the only solution is that we will have to find a new house to rent

Or do you think it would be ok to get several of the neighbours together to approach her and ask her to walk at a more reasonable time i.e 6.30am. Or maybe I should grow a pair and approach her myself. I was always taught in life 'no balls no babies'.

Let me know your thoughts.

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What you need to know to understand a lot of what goes on in Thailand is:-

Thais are the most tolerant people in the world......they are also one of the most inconsiderate, too.

Thai are tolerant because the reaction to a legitimate complaint can be off the charts. Double that if a farang dare to voice opinion.

Asking the neighbor to keep quiet can ruin your life.

I asked my landlord to speak with a noisy neighbor and he said, "I have a wife and kids to worry about"

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You also mentioned that you have trained your dog not to bark... But seems all of the other dogs that she passes have not been trained as well?

Should she be responsible for the low level of training by other dog owners in your moo Baan?

Maybe you should share your training methods with the other dog owners and then none will bark... Problem solved

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Not much you can do about it so I will suggest as others, go early to bed.

If necessary take an afternoon nap, I do that sometimes since we have to wake up at 0600 on weekdays to prepare getting our boy to school.

Another option is to go out party all night long and come home 0530 and you can say a cheerful good morning to her and stagger off to bed.

Edited by guzzi850m2
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Think yourselves lucky, my neighbour has fighting cocks, yeah, the two legged kind, contrary to popular belief, they don't start crowing at sunrise, these bastards start around 1:30am.

My way there is an hour or two between the dogs packing it in, and the cocks starting.

But you are lucky you don't have a temple, in Bhuddist lent. Can be LOUD chanting ON THE P.A. from 4.30 -

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