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Why do so many girlfriends want to go to Norway? Anyone elses gf spoken of this?

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I have had 3 girls tell me that they might go to Norway as they have a "cousin" living there or a friend working as a maid or something.

The first girl that told me this, said her cousin had married an old man and he has a friend apparently available to marry. Her mother was pushing her to go and marry this guy who she never met but she said she didn't want too.

Second girl seems to have no confidence, desires or aspirations to go anywhere or be anything but one day randomly blurts out to me that if she doesn't go to Australia (where i'm from) that she will probably go to Norway. I know she doesn't know a lot of westerners and fairly certain nobody from Norway. She cannot speak a word of English.

Third girl (a Nurse) told me last night that her friend is a maid in Norway and she is thinking of going over there as well... she says this knowing I would like her to go to Australia and have already sent her the forms to fill out???

This is only 3 girls over the course of 5 years but I get a strong sense of bulls__t when they are telling me and it makes me wonder how they are all on the same page with this Norway rubbish. Are they all reading the same book?

Wondering if anyone else has heard this before?

Maybe after meeting you they decided to give up on Australia & Thailand ????????

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hey ok..

so I don't now how long you have been I Thailand BUT..

everyone here is <deleted> increadible liers..

for one to be a nurse in Norway you must speak the native language fluently to a very high level...

actually to work just about any job that you could do to get a visa to go there.. doctor.. engineer ect ect.

so most thai ladies are on holiday visas slinging their <deleted> for a few korn there.. "thai style" hehe as you say..

or they marry old guys and such and go there..

they don't know if Norway is good to live or not buy you know many Norwegian guys don't like Norwegian women .. don't know why I found them ok..

but I guess .. like Sweden they find they whole feminist thing had made some cultural rift in the country ....and so many ook to marry women form another country very frequently now..

but thai people don't know shit about Norway they only know its like all western countries has money..... and is not Thailand...

so there is many silly guys from Scandinavia getting suckered by philipino and thai women all the time..

there is also lots of Australians getting duped as well..

thai people don't care if they know a person form Norway or Australia or some place they will just try to find one and hook them selves to it.

their morals their brains ect don't work like ours.. I mean there is some people who do but most.... as in the words of a friend of mine.. "<deleted> monkeys.."

if you so decide you like rice instead of mutton .. and want your self a little brown <deleted> machine..

there is many many very attractive wealthy girls in bkk who would love to get a "Farang" guy and they dont need to go to your country to get money... they have it already... they can pay for their own visa and have rich parents.. find a girl like that there is lots of them .. so many and they are not hard to pick up...

you don't need to make visas for anyone..

ill compare cultures I lived in Russia and Kazakhstan for several years I never had women ask me to come to my country never had women ask anything in fact.. and in rural villages people were poor not by thailands standards but still poor.. but they didn't think like that.. they whole Russia bride thing is bullshit.

if women wanted marriage they were careful about who it would be unless you were some oligarch gangster or something .

you might get a friend jokingly say his daughter isn't married yet.. implying you may marry here but that's all just humour....

the wmeni did seriously talk to said the only thing they found attractive about westeners was that there was a general opinion we were less violent, didn't drink do criminal shit ect and were monogamous when married (bull shit buy hey :D) they were not thinking first about money but first about a stable marriage..

in Thailand there is a fantasy to escape this country and also get money from nothing and marrying a westerner or another rich thai can suddenly do that..

don't be bringing anyone to Australia..

if you want to marry marry them in Thailand and live and work there and know them first and if they decide then to come to Australia years later they can aise the money for their visa..

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I'm Norwegian , we have a mix of nationalities living there due to immigration laws are not so strict compared to other EU countries.

But I think the main reason is they hear stories from friends and relatives that they earn good money , it doesn't matter if it's Norway , Sweden or Australia. As long as they can find gold in the other end of the tunnel , they want to go there.

yes money is good but isnt cost of living and taxes high?

One of the highest in the world, but it doesnt matter as long as they can send money back to Thailand every month, I know a few that married to Isaan girls , about half of them divorced after a few years and then they remarried or could continue to live in the country and work or they could apply for financial wellfare support in Norway, especially if they brought the kids over. Then the rest of the relatives will try to do the same. When you look at it from the outside it feels like a game to some of them. Having said that you'll find many successfull relationships as well.

hey it IS a game for them...

you just got to play it pack with them.. every girl I meet who ask for money or has a bullshit story or wants to marry or some shit I always told them yep sure thing what every you say and play with them too.. till they find another guy :D..

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Like a BM mentioned above there is a substantial Thai community working in Svalbard (aka Spitsbergen). Salaries there are very high. But it seems like you have to be part of the Thai extended "family" already working there to get a job.



Quote : The total population of the main settlement Longyearbyen is only about 1,800, of whom 70 are Thais. Most of them are female cleaners and chambermaids in Longyearbyen's hotels and restaurants.

The links date from 2007 and 2009

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If I had a choice between Thailand, Australia and Norway; I would chose Norway. And I am Australian (with a Thai family).

haha yeah Norway loked more fun that Australia...and you can have and shoot full autos.. Australia is just for work.. Norway tax and income combined such cock big time..

but if I was in the millions id stay in Thailand..

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Most Thai people think that if a currency is worth more than the baht it's a rich country. They don't get the fact that if you make 2000 euros and a can of Coke is fi. 2 euros, simple restaurant meal 25 euros, rent for small place 400 euros, you are not rich. Most of them really think it is possible to earn European wages and spend thai style. Best of both worlds, but a total fantasy of course!

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If I had a choice between Thailand, Australia and Norway; I would chose Norway. And I am Australian (with a Thai family).

I do agree with you I am Australian as well with Thai family and add to this i just read some thing in the news

Norway is the richest country in the world just can't find the link to the news

Edited by White Christmas13
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Most Thai people think that if a currency is worth more than the baht it's a rich country. They don't get the fact that if you make 2000 euros and a can of Coke is fi. 2 euros, simple restaurant meal 25 euros, rent for small place 400 euros, you are not rich. Most of them really think it is possible to earn European wages and spend thai style. Best of both worlds, but a total fantasy of course!

It isn't about the expense of a meal in Norway,

It's about how much money they can send back to Thailand.

Norway is very expensive, so everyone in Norway is paid a lot, so they can send a large amount of Baht home.

A cleaner in Norway can probably send more money to Thailand than a doctor in the UK.

And when they retire to Thailand, their pension from Norway will be 5x the amount of a pension from the UK.

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Norway IS the most beautifull country in the world.

No, I am not Norwegian.

Ever since I was 18 I travelled to Norway every year.

Ever since I moved to Thailand, every year I travel to Norway with my wife as part of our Europe tour.

My wife and I love the beautiful Norwegian spring / summer..... all 4 weeks of it....... after that they have an 11 month horror winter.....

As for money: super high wages & super high cost of living, not a place where you can save money!

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Most Thai people think that if a currency is worth more than the baht it's a rich country. They don't get the fact that if you make 2000 euros and a can of Coke is fi. 2 euros, simple restaurant meal 25 euros, rent for small place 400 euros, you are not rich. Most of them really think it is possible to earn European wages and spend thai style. Best of both worlds, but a total fantasy of course!

It isn't about the expense of a meal in Norway,

It's about how much money they can send back to Thailand.

Norway is very expensive, so everyone in Norway is paid a lot, so they can send a large amount of Baht home.

A cleaner in Norway can probably send more money to Thailand than a doctor in the UK.

And when they retire to Thailand, their pension from Norway will be 5x the amount of a pension from the UK.

When it's very expensive it will be difficult to save money to send home, won't it? Or do they not have any expenses there? They eat 25 baht meals and rent a room for 2000 baht in Norway? Edited by Mr Somtam
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Most Thai people think that if a currency is worth more than the baht it's a rich country. They don't get the fact that if you make 2000 euros and a can of Coke is fi. 2 euros, simple restaurant meal 25 euros, rent for small place 400 euros, you are not rich. Most of them really think it is possible to earn European wages and spend thai style. Best of both worlds, but a total fantasy of course!

It isn't about the expense of a meal in Norway,

It's about how much money they can send back to Thailand.

Norway is very expensive, so everyone in Norway is paid a lot, so they can send a large amount of Baht home.

A cleaner in Norway can probably send more money to Thailand than a doctor in the UK.

And when they retire to Thailand, their pension from Norway will be 5x the amount of a pension from the UK.

When it's very expensive it will be difficult to save money to send home, won't it? Or do they not have any expenses there? They eat 25 baht meals and rent a room for 2000 baht in Norway?

Most Thais I know are able to live a very low level existence surviving on 5K or less a month.

Most foreigners posting on this forum seem to consider 50k a month as a minimum spend for happiness.

So if we start by assuming a Thai is prepared to exist on 1/10 the spending of a foreigner (or less).

Then Norway becomes a very favourable country for a Thai to earn.

But we aren't really talking about Thai nationals in Norway living and working alone, are we ..........

One should consider a situation where the foreigner husband pays for everything in Norway, and the Thai wife saves her entire wage.

A situation that is known to be fairly common in Thai/foreigner relationships.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Could be but if they like to eat Thai food while in Norway I think they will spend big time! But if the husband buys all that and she can send all her money home it's a different story of course.

I saw something on TV about the Thai berry pickers in Norway, they made really good money and had low expenses because of housing and food were arranged for them but they were ripped of by the Thai agency so in the end made nothing...

Edited by Mr Somtam
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I'm not suggesting anything, but how plausible does this sound:

>>> Old Viking marries young Thai girl

>>> Old Viking takes care of young Thai girl, pays all expenses in super expensive country

>>> Young Thai girl finds extremely well paid shitty job

>>> (what is mine, is ours, what is yours is yours)

>>> Young Thai girl sends heaps of money to her family

>>> Everybody is happy

>>> More young Thai girls become interested

>>> Now click on REPLAY

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I have had 3 girls tell me that they might go to Norway as they have a "cousin" living there or a friend working as a maid or something.

The first girl that told me this, said her cousin had married an old man and he has a friend apparently available to marry. Her mother was pushing her to go and marry this guy who she never met but she said she didn't want too.

Second girl seems to have no confidence, desires or aspirations to go anywhere or be anything but one day randomly blurts out to me that if she doesn't go to Australia (where i'm from) that she will probably go to Norway. I know she doesn't know a lot of westerners and fairly certain nobody from Norway. She cannot speak a word of English.

Third girl (a Nurse) told me last night that her friend is a maid in Norway and she is thinking of going over there as well... she says this knowing I would like her to go to Australia and have already sent her the forms to fill out???

This is only 3 girls over the course of 5 years but I get a strong sense of bulls__t when they are telling me and it makes me wonder how they are all on the same page with this Norway rubbish. Are they all reading the same book?

Wondering if anyone else has heard this before?

One thing you have to lean about thai woman they love to talk bullsh?t ok that is how it works here gas bags you no what I mean full of it , not sure how long you have been coming to thailand but you will lean if stay on TV it has a lot of very good sh?t on it cheers mate have a good day

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There's a substantial Thai community in Svalbard of all places. Last place you'd expect to find them.

I think that is because for some reason the area is visa free and doesn't require work permits. Probably puts Norway on the map for certain people.

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They will go anywhere to get out of Thailand ?....could be the main reason.

Yes, the poor, desperate, unattractive ones from dysfunctional families will go anywhere to find hope. Strangely, these are the sort of Thai women who always end up with farangs.

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I seem to recall Norway has very slack rules on when a married person can become a full resident of Norway with all the benefits, something like only 3 years?

Basically, a working girl can marry a Norweigan and divorce within 3 years and have full benefits, etc and be a national? Something like that, I am sure

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Some people get a bit confused between Switzerland, Sweden and Swaziland.

And, no, i do not speak Swiss.

There is no Swiss language it is either German French or Italian

You forget Romanche, spoken by 60000 people; there are 4 national languages in this small ( and very rich ) country ; there is also a fifth language, yéniche, but not used in official texts

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To become a Norwegian citizen it will take min. 7 years. But you're right that a married person will get benefits within a short time. But if there is a divorce, things will get more complicated for the Thai person , she could end up losing the benefits so maybe thats why they try remarrying in Norway.

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