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I'd never before heard of or paid any attention to this supposed trend, before the Thai Culture Ministry folks came along to highlight it.

But now, thanks to their guidance, I'm becoming quite well acquainted with the practice... Thanks Culture Ministry!!!

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"Thairath Online also interviewed Roongtawan Chaiha, an Internet idol who rose to her fame by posting her own sexy photos on her Munkaw Chaos Girl Facebook fan page, said she has no plan to catch the underboob seflies trend. So far, her page has received over 470,000 likes mostly from men."

Odd, the only "Munkaw Chaos Girl" Facebook page I can see only has 1,276 likes. Er, make that 1,277.


Got to keep things in perspective too - this is the same Culture Ministry that was going to use this poster to promote Songkran not long ago:



<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

its not porn if nipples are covered, so no its not illegal.

mind your own business....

they (who ever "they" are) take this thai culture thing way to seriously

in everyday life I see next to no thai culture that "they" deem so important coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

It was not more than 100 years ago when many thais were running around topless in their villages. Plus Thais are one of the most promiscuous people on the planet account for far more than their share of marital infidelity.

That's bull. Thais are no more promiscuous than another other group of people, on this planet. Thais are just more open, and more (ahem) honest about sex, as opposed to the more constipated westerners; particularly those from El Norterolleyes.gif .


Can they just not ban selfies and tourists (well Koreans and Chinesex..) with selfie sticks in public ..not that would helpful ..


Cannot see what the big issue is. It is only an upside down cleavage shot. Next will be no cleavae showing. All girls must wear turtle neck sweaters? Why doesnt Thiland enforce similar dress to the burqa? It is the 21st century. Find serious issues to deal with.


We need more underboob if anything. Good to see the conservative old aged prudes keeping Thailand in the 30's.

In the early 1900's it was common for Thai women to wear an outfit that was completely topless. Then European's and Americans shamed them into wearing western clothes and it stopped. Now the culture ministry must be PC or it would not be the culture ministry. But media hype often backfires on do good cultural ministry endeavors!


"Thairath Online also interviewed Roongtawan Chaiha, an Internet idol who rose to her fame by posting her own sexy photos on her Munkaw Chaos Girl Facebook fan page, said she has no plan to catch the underboob seflies trend. So far, her page has received over 470,000 likes mostly from men."

Odd, the only "Munkaw Chaos Girl" Facebook page I can see only has 1,276 likes. Er, make that 1,277.


Got to keep things in perspective too - this is the same Culture Ministry that was going to use this poster to promote Songkran not long ago:


Excellent clap2.gif Thanks for sharing.


Oh common This is really ridiculous. In the 17th century woman walked about topless.

These must be men on the Culture Ministry who want to further suppress woman. There is nothing indecent about this

If you let woman sell their bodies in Pat Pong then this is tame by comparison So sad .


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Perfectly right. Do a google/images search for underboob and you'll see what I mean. There are several million images, although only a couple of hundred are seen on an iPad (a limit, for some reason). They're all disgusting. Every single one of them. You shouldn't look.

I wish they were categorized like 50 shade type etc. so I dot waste my time looking at all of themwhistling.gif


Looks like the Culture Watch Office of the Culture Ministry is the new hub of “mammophobia” at the hub of ping pong shows.

Don’t worry guys it’s curable after scientists found the trigger point. It is simply a childhood trauma caused when you were breastfed by some like these:

Btw is any of the TV members aware of the date and location for the public crucifixion of the Nations's editor who is responsible for this:



my man boobs are bigger than 98% of the Thai women I know.

I fail to believe that most would can do an underboob selfie as there aint nothing there

anyway what constitutes porn when I can go down the road and see naked pole dancers


Perfectly right. Do a google/images search for underboob and you'll see what I mean. There are several million images, although only a couple of hundred are seen on an iPad (a limit, for some reason). They're all disgusting. Every single one of them. You shouldn't look.

Whatever you do don't do an image search for Thai Underboob

There are things there you'll never un-see!!


instituting an education system that trains the mind how to think would help society and progress would be linear rather than circular.

banning yet another social issue or creating another law that society largely ignores is futile.


Looks like the Culture Watch Office of the Culture Ministry is the new hub of “mammophobia” at the hub of ping pong shows.

Don’t worry guys it’s curable after scientists found the trigger point. It is simply a childhood trauma caused when you were breastfed by some like these:

Btw is any of the TV members aware of the date and location for the public crucifixion of the Nations's editor who is responsible for this:


Wow, that ole girl @ the top, has enought to share with every PRC or ROK lady on the planet, and still have enough to fill a 40D cup-size remaining.


Reminds me of the old Dick Bentley crack on an ancient episode of the UK hit radio comedy Take It From Here. Bentley tells a seductive siren (Joy Nichols?}: "You thought you could deceive me with your sweet perfume and low-cut evening gown. But we of MI5 are taught to look down on such things."

Lovely stuff.

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