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Plans to ruin Jomtien Beach?


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Hope they do a better job than they did with Pattaya Beach Road. Bad lighting, bad trash handling, bad pedestrian control, bad landscaping, bad retaining walls, no seating, etc. The one thing that should have been the top priority, improving the sidewalks on the shop side, was not addressed at all. What a lost opportunity to eliminate parking from Festival Mall to Walking Street and create grand sidewalks on both sides of the road--with the shop side maybe having a sun/rain awning with festive lighting in the evening. Would be so pleasant to walk from Festival Mall down to Royal Garden, walking in and out of shops, and then on to Walking Street--people watching and enjoying the ocean views. Instead it is so unpleasant walking single file and sometimes having to walk out in the traffic. Just no imagination whatsoever at work here.

Jomtien Beach Road needs all sidewalks repaired--why not use concrete this time? The pavers don't hold up at all and need constant maintenance--which never happens. Parking needs to be eliminated on the narrow stretch of Beach Road at the southern end--the road is barely wide enough for 2 cars even without being blocked by cars parked. Either that or widen the road. Hopefully the city will do a better job with trash collection--lidded bins are needed on the beach at frequent intervals. Restroom/shower facility would be nice, too. Permanent seating and some public gathering areas with shade, make it welcoming.

....and then you woke up and realised no Thai officials give a damn, you wrote all that for nothing.
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I visited Jomtien Beach for the first time earlier this year. I was appalled (as was my Thai wife) by the disgusting mess of a beach and the vile noise from the pick-ups with booming sh*te "music".

Will never again come near this circle of Hell. Staying a week in Chernobyl would be a better holiday bet.

...and that, my friend, is why i moved away from Jomtien 2 years ago. Only go there now to do my 'extension of stay, based on retirement' ( thought i would put the correct wording, to save people wearing their little fingers out on the keyboard by telling me off!!)
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Well, you never know Ghostnigel. I complained several times on the Forum about a large stretch of Jomtien Second Road not having working street lights for the last 2 years. And, guess what? Someone came and worked on them and they are now working. Coincidence? Probably. But, maybe some of our suggestions find their way to City Hall.

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Don't laugh, but if you don't want to see all the big old shade trees cut down then why not call Pattaya City Hall's complaints line on 1337 and politely explain that both farangs and Thais like the protection from the sun offered by these trees and that small palms are no replacement. If enough people complain they MAY have a rethink.

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Don't laugh, but if you don't want to see all the big old shade trees cut down then why not call Pattaya City Hall's complaints line on 1337 and politely explain that both farangs and Thais like the protection from the sun offered by these trees and that small palms are no replacement. If enough people complain they MAY have a rethink.

I'd bet they already presold the wood.

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Many of us understand the the city officials and engineers really care about making Pattaya look more attractive to tourists and to Thais. The sad part is that they do not seem to have an awareness or an education in environmental ed, importance of budgeting for maintenance for city make-overs; or the advantage of hiring top construction companies that will proudly advertise their name on a billboard announcing they are doing the city project with taxpayer's baht... mmmmmm-though a qualified engineer is supervising the underground by-pass on Sukumvit, will he sub-contract the work to reliable companies or will part of the money be pocketed by various construction companies and they will hire untrained employees to work on the tunnel? mmmmmmm

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This is why you don't buy property in Thailand............what you moved there for may not be there down the road - Jomtien case in point - was and still am considering moving there - or was until I read this - already destroyed the trees on my early am walk path. Hotel I stayed in had a bar open across the street so no sleeping anymore so stopped going.

Some real estate agents are now trying to promote the sale of Jomtien condo's overseas to unsuspecting buyers and in the introduction written by one they described Jomtien as being " exotic " giggle.gif

Edited by Asiantravel
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Ummmm........this is not about making anything better, more improved, more user friendly, or to encourage more usage of the area to retain/attract tourists.

This expenditure, the same as any other unnecessary expenditure, is merely about getting the money spent in large amounts on something visible and tangible so that the obligatory 30% can be skimmed off the top by the officials and their cronies.

The more that is spent, the more destructive constructive and visible the project is, the more can be skimmed.

Thai Economics 101 coffee1.gif

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All part of the concept of the TAT to attract "High Quality Tourists and Expats".

So far, it's a true success story for the TAT. Since the "High-Rollers" from Western Europe / US are getting fewer and fewer, they have been successfully replaced by "High-Rollers" from Russia and China.

Their buying-power, their affluence turns my face green with envy. Rumor has it, that since this (Replacement)-Concept has worked so well, the TAT is contemplating to make a major effort to attract "High-Rollers" from Bangladesh and Zimbabwe. Success breeds success !


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Forget Jomtien beach. It was ruined in 1978...it was all mangrove swamp and a Swiss man I met went bathing there naked with a girl he met in Pattaya in a bar near where they herded buffalos that is now called walking street.

If you want to know what is really happeing to Jomtien beach you have to head 5 km south to the Poo Pen restaurant. You will see the Chinese future. 7 mega high rise units on top of a shopping mall the size of Greenland. The billboard screens are already up in Chinese writing only ?

China is out to wreck the planet. A Hong Kong clown wants to make a new canal in central America and totally wreck the eco system. The Chinese gov want to build a rail way from Brazil to Peru so they can get all the minerals and wood. They just bailed out the wrecked Brazilian national oil company coz the Brassos bosses stole all the money. They want to build a canal through southern Thailand again killing everything that is holy.

The Thai's and Burmese have signed up plans to build a railway to China that millions of slave labourers could not do 70 years ago but this time they have heavy plant that will blow away mountains and forests.

Jomtien Beach....you think that's bad...think again folks...we are doomed....The BIG BIG Oriental brother is taking over near a filthy little beach very near you.......!!!!

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All part of the concept of the TAT to attract "High Quality Tourists and Expats".

So far, it's a true success story for the TAT. Since the "High-Rollers" from Western Europe / US are getting fewer and fewer, they have been successfully replaced by "High-Rollers" from Russia and China.

Their buying-power, their affluence turns my face green with envy. Rumor has it, that since this (Replacement)-Concept has worked so well, the TAT is contemplating to make a major effort to attract "High-Rollers" from Bangladesh and Zimbabwe. Success breeds success !


They may not be hanging out at the same dives as you but maybe you better read this:


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The City may be starting the project now. Today, I saw red spray paint on the sidewalk near the police station, in a large circular shape, very much like the design on the poster near the police station. They appear to be marking the parameters of an area where a new building will be built. I also saw the City removing a few fixed signs up and down the beach. I wonder when the chainsaws and digging machines will come out.

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How long has the Jomtien Beach walk been there ? Because it has a nice atmosphere the way Pattaya Beach was before they ruined it. So now they are going to tear it up, cut trees and put in another glorifies road that will start washing away. Why ???

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They already ruined the walk by cutting down all the big trees from Soi Wat Bun down towards Na Jomtien, now they want to desertify the remaining stretch. I just hope they leave Dongtan Beach alone, though on the northern end once you get past the Rabbit Resort they cut down the shade trees a while back so it's excessively hot and sunny walking along there now. Stupid idiots!

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They already ruined the walk by cutting down all the big trees from Soi Wat Bun down towards Na Jomtien, now they want to desertify the remaining stretch. I just hope they leave Dongtan Beach alone, though on the northern end once you get past the Rabbit Resort they cut down the shade trees a while back so it's excessively hot and sunny walking along there now. Stupid idiots!

It was promoted as tree trimming in that area but the reality was the palms were properly trimmed but the fir trees were butchered by the contractor and their wood sold. Some trees were chopped to ground level with only the stump remaining. I called 1337 and complained but that was a waste of time.

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It can't get any worse than it is now , so I'm optimistic about the project But who's gonna take care of the trash ? The beachs are getting dirtier and nobody seem to care much about it . Thanks to the locals it's trash everywhere.

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Frankly Thailand Beaches are not exactly the best South East Asia has to offer,in terms of what the world has to offer,wading through garbage is not a pleasant holiday experience!

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The ones involved are clueless in how to improve a beach. Seriously, worldly beach resort cities would first make sure the city's sewage water was treated first in order to have an aqua blue sea instead of one that is a slurpy greenish-grey color with garbage that was dumped out at see from washing in. Setting up a treatment plant cannot be any more expensive that tearing up the beach area, putting in a new walk-way and all the contractors having their money in the pot. (Of course, the city can use "photo-shop" to make Pattaya Bay and Jomtien Beach look acqua blue and white beaches. whistling.gif

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