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Slovakia 'to refuse Muslim migrants'


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Migrants crisis: Slovakia 'will only accept Christians'

(BBC) Slovakia says it will only accept Christians when it takes in Syrian refugees under a EU relocation scheme.

The country is due to receive 200 people from camps in Turkey, Italy and Greece under the EU plan to resettle 40,000 new arrivals.

Interior ministry spokesman Ivan Metik said Muslims would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.

The UN's refugee agency (UNHCR) called on countries to take an "inclusive approach" to relocation.

But Mr Metik denied the move was discriminatory and said it was intended to ensure community cohesion.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33986738

-- BBC 2015-08-20

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You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

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would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.

Has a way with words, doesn't he?

These guys are still fighting the Crusades.

Not fighting the crusades, just trying to protect their culture and society from a religious sect known for not integrating well with other cultures and causing problems in every country they inhabit... Slovakia has done what many other countries in the EU are contemplating... The only question is how long before other countries follow suit...

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Islam demands the same rights as Kuffar while doctrinally not subscribing to concepts of equality (unless you submit and become a submitter / Muslim of course). Once in the west, it could even be argued that this shows itself not only in demanding the same rights as Kuffar, but seeking 'unique' treatment. Silent when Kuffar have to line up like cattle at airport security and may be given a thorough exam - Outraged and writing victim laced articles for the Guardian and Huffington Post when security may do similar to one of them ("it is coz I is not white and wear hijab, innit. As a Muslim Woman, the Kuffar ignorance and bigotry is stifling. I should not have to be stopped at an airport - others? Well, who cares).

I suggest - Renounce Islam and join the Kuffar club.

Don't want?

Cease demanding that we in Kuffar land adapts to you, then.

Slovakia, keenly aware that moves such as 'expulsion' of existing migrants would have Guardian-esque newspapers tearing their hair out, has decided that if you can't get Islam out, you can at least seal off further inflow.

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A number of countries are prioritising Syrian Christians for asylum / resettlement.

Sometimes it's forgotten the Alawite's kicked off the truly evil civil war by killing peaceful Arab Spring demonstrators. Over the years Alawites have tortured and killed thousands held in detention who oppose their dictatorship. Syrian Christians have for years supported the unbelievably cruel Alawite dictatorship, Syrian Christians are members of Assad's armed forces & government. One hopes that any Christian Syrians, along with their Muslim counterparts, are subject to vigorous vetting.

Edited by simple1
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Rubbish to all of you (except bendejo)....(and Simple1)

New Zealand is a case in point. I lived there since before 9/11 and up till 2 years ago. Auckland has a significant Muslim population, including a Muslim school and many mosques. There has never been any problems at all, and it's because of the NZ culture: Welcoming to all, but you're laughed out of the place if you try anything non-secular or expect special treatment. The key is the culture of laughing things off, not fighting or forcing.. "You want what???" "Hehe, sorry mate, we don't do that here.":...and guess what, the Muslims accept it completely and live in harmony.

Fiji is another place with a big mix of Christian and Muslim (and Hindu).

All this talk about khuffar and dhimmi is tripe. Maybe in Saudi et al, but most Muslims in the West are moderate and do not take the Haddith literally.

Obviously Slovakia is just as non-secular as the non-secular Muslim countries.

Edited by Seastallion
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Rubbish to all of you (except bendejo)....(and Simple1)

New Zealand is a case in point. I lived there since before 9/11 and up till 2 years ago. Auckland has a significant Muslim population, including a Muslim school and many mosques. There has never been any problems at all, and it's because of the NZ culture: Welcoming to all, but you're laughed out of the place if you try anything non-secular or expect special treatment. The key is the culture of laughing things off, not fighting or forcing.. "You want what???" "Hehe, sorry mate, we don't do that here.":...and guess what, the Muslims accept it completely and live in harmony.

Fiji is another place with a big mix of Christian and Muslim (and Hindu).

All this talk about khuffar and dhimmi is tripe. Maybe in Saudi et al, but most Muslims in the West are moderate and do not take the Haddith literally.

Obviously Slovakia is just as non-secular as the non-secular Muslim countries.

It is typically a minority of followers of islam that cause the problems in other cultures when they fail to integrate and then act out on their disapproval of the culture in their adopted countries... It is unfortunate that all are painted with the same brush, but that's the way it is...

Here is one example where a minority of muslims have tainted the entire sect because of their religious beliefs...

French women furious after 'Muslim girl-gang' attacks 'immoral' sunbather for wearing a bikini in a public park


The logic here would dictate that if you cannot accept the culture and societal norms of a country you want to live in, you should probably not move there... This applies to anyone, of any faith, wanting to relocate to a country whose fundamental belief system is diametrically opposed to that of your homeland...

Edited by Loptr
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In Qatar - foreigners can live but not own land.

In Saudi Arabia - no Jews are allowed.

In Japan - no Muslim is allowed to buy own accommodation.

Add to this Slovakia - I commend their courage to stand up to Political Correctness.

This is only a beginning of a process long overdue. The pendulum starts swinging back.

Time for Muslims and Politically Correct politicians to pack.

Before the history gets ugly again.

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would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.

Has a way with words, doesn't he?

These guys are still fighting the Crusades.

Yep coarse they wont feel at home cos they wont be made to feel at home. The ignorance and.intollarance shown toward

minorities in some, in fact most of these ex eastern block countries shows them to be rather ignorant stupid biggots when actually when you sit down and run things through with them, they aint, just they 'buy into' the bullshit thats fed them far to easily aka putins st petersburg full time trolls.


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A typical case of 'too little, too late'.

Imagine, say Scandinavia has decided to follow the same path... or Europe...

What are they going to do with those already in?

send them back to their own Muslim countries, simple as that

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Here is one example where a minority of muslims have tainted the entire sect because of their religious beliefs...

French women furious after 'Muslim girl-gang' attacks 'immoral' sunbather for wearing a bikini in a public park


Try another example as the incident you refer to has been proved, as is often the case, to be a false claim

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Rubbish to all of you (except bendejo)....(and Simple1)

New Zealand is a case in point. I lived there since before 9/11 and up till 2 years ago. Auckland has a significant Muslim population, including a Muslim school and many mosques. There has never been any problems at all, and it's because of the NZ culture: Welcoming to all, but you're laughed out of the place if you try anything non-secular or expect special treatment. The key is the culture of laughing things off, not fighting or forcing.. "You want what???" "Hehe, sorry mate, we don't do that here.":...and guess what, the Muslims accept it completely and live in harmony.

Fiji is another place with a big mix of Christian and Muslim (and Hindu).

All this talk about khuffar and dhimmi is tripe. Maybe in Saudi et al, but most Muslims in the West are moderate and do not take the Haddith literally.

Obviously Slovakia is just as non-secular as the non-secular Muslim countries.

Typical Muslims behavior..Everybody is wrong if not agree with me..No any discussion is needed. And.. Don't forget in case of getting some angry responses for calling a opinion of some posters a "rubbish" to name them a Islamophobe..

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would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.

Has a way with words, doesn't he?

These guys are still fighting the Crusades.

It's their country, their decision and their business.

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You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

Thanks for being honest, we are enemies.

My father fought for Nazi Germany, my mother was a refugee from the Nazis, and I refused all Nazi heritage in the 1960's. If a NATO officer would put a gun into my hands, I would shoot him.

My heart is with Asians, no matter what religion. But in case of a successful religious division (which is obviously intended by Slovakian government) I would fight the "Christians"

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A stable country is nothing more than a big family with things in common. Would you want strangers coming to live in your house?

Guess you mean foreigners.

YES, foreigners were always welcome to my house. I always wanted a multicultural family. We have much more in common than I ever had in common with European mainstream folks.

Edited by micmichd
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All this talk about khuffar and dhimmi is tripe. (snip)

Meaning, you dismiss the Quran, the life of Muhammad and his 'way' as tripe.

Because to try and ommit this 'talk' from Islam, is 'not' submitting.

Great easy going men and women are out there. You and me both have experience of them, but that's because their predispositions have overriden the dictates which they 'know' are antagonistic, elitist, inflexible, etc.

Once you overide the dictates, what are you?

You are free, far more easy going on yourself and non members.

However, experience with a cult myself knows that once it has become part of your routine and identity for years, dropping it wholesale ain't easy. What happens is an attempt to distance yourself from the crimes of the founder or other members (past, or continuing) and retreat into focusing on the rewarding aspects of the cult (any cult worth its salt has a single or set of practices / routines which act as a highly adictive opiate or stimulant) and accusing detractors of attacking 'you' and what makes 'you' feel good.

Detractors are viewed as ignorant, as commenting from the periphery. Been there, done that. We then try to salvage from the wreckage and whitewash.

Now the whitewashed salvaged aspects are promoted.

All well and good, except the original doctrine and history remains.

Unless you sever the roots which remain, the risk is that they can always be rediscovered, watered and grow back amongst the new patch of set aside land.

Quran, Hadith and Sira are both War 'and' Peace, simultaneously.

Severing the roots is highly difficult for this reason.

It would be best just to call it a failed / archaic project and start fresh.

Slovakia appears to have done its homework.

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Falling back to crusade attitudes is certainly no progress at all.

Making Europe a fortress against Islam is more archaic than anything else. Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

Europeans cried for cheap labour in the 1960's, and many Muslims came to work there. Right now, some European countries are dying (no children) - and Slovakia is trying to make Europe a fortress again. Who do they think they are?

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