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Somyot says personal revenge is motive to deadly bombing

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That guy doesn't seem an Uighur to mee, Uighurs usually have east Asian kind of eyes. Also, the story says "Uighurs, a Turkish Muslim minority group" but that is wrong. They are not Turkish, they are Turkic, and those are different.

Search Google images, you will find plenty who don't fit your description.

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This kind of People they can do fake visa . Not si good for air port and border but good enough To live in bkk rent room as this Guy seem To be .

More as a caretaker of dayly chores than à Master mind. Thèse room must have had somme utilité in 6 month.


This kind of People they can do fake visa . Not si good for air port and border but good enough To live in bkk rent room as this Guy seem To be .

More as a caretaker of dayly chores than à Master mind. Thèse room must have had somme utilité in 6 month.

That seems right to me. Good enough to function in Thailand. Not good enough for borders.


This kind of People they can do fake visa . Not si good for air port and border but good enough To live in bkk rent room as this Guy seem To be .

More as a caretaker of dayly chores than à Master mind. Thèse room must have had somme utilité in 6 month.

That seems right to me. Good enough to function in Thailand. Not good enough for borders.

Which proves totally that all this rigmarole to report to immigration, serves no purpose.


Oh Boy. This Thai police in charge says that the motive was "personal revenge against Thailand." Not international terrorism. So if he has an axe to grind for policies relating to political issues, Thais call it "personal revenge." When would Thais call it international terrorism like everyone else?


Sending those Uighers back seems to be a wise move after all. Who knows how many more trained bomb makers might have been among that crowd.

A: Sending refugees back to face torture and persecution is never a good move especially when another country has offered to take them in.

B: this guy is not a Uighur.

C: if this guy is the bomber lock him up and throw away the key.

What refugees? China and Thailand have no common borders.

Why are you babbling about common borders?

The 1951 Refugee Convention spells out that a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."

When they escaped China into Burma, Laos or Vietnam, you may call them refugees, escaping from persecution.

When they entered into Thailand, they may be called illegal immigrants. They did not suffer any persecution in the latter 3 countries.


more idiotic rubbish from thailands finest "that best that money can buy" ... most people i know don’t have stacks of fake passports lying around their apts, then get pis-_ed at someone so blow up a tourist attraction???? ...then have another totally unconnected person supposedly drop a bag of the same kind of device into a waterway next to another tourist location?...oh that was originally reported to have been thrown from the overhead road (eye witness reported seeing the person throw it and run away with CCTV footage)...it all stinks as usual here, but hey it will be enough to fool the fools into thinking this place is safe!!!!!

If they have busted a cell (remember they have said he was a memeber or a group ...NOT THE BOMBER) ..they better be on maximum alert as another cell will just step up and take over ..bottom line this is far from over so be on your guard....i have NO confidence in their corrupt sytem or substandard personel.

A: Sending refugees back to face torture and persecution is never a good move especially when another country has offered to take them in.

B: this guy is not a Uighur.

C: if this guy is the bomber lock him up and throw away the key.

What refugees? China and Thailand have no common borders.

Why are you babbling about common borders?

The 1951 Refugee Convention spells out that a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."

When they escaped China into Burma, Laos or Vietnam, you may call them refugees, escaping from persecution.

When they entered into Thailand, they may be called illegal immigrants. They did not suffer any persecution in the latter 3 countries.

Think you will find none of the countries you mention protect Uighur refugees, all would process them illegal migrants


Well, he rented the apartment last year, the ugers were deported this year. He has obviously been planning long before the ugers issue ever came up.

Maybe they should dig a little deeper into his brain.

With a pick axe.


Well, he rented the apartment last year, the ugers were deported this year. He has obviously been planning long before the ugers issue ever came up.

Maybe they should dig a little deeper into his brain.

With a pick axe.

Whoooa there Hoss! Did you notice who we are talking about here. From the blatant Koh Tao farce, to putting one of the chief suspects chums as lead investigator in the Chuwong murder and coverup, to becoming a billionaire on a policeman meager salary, it is our Somyot again. I suggest every word coming out of his mouth be taken with a large pinch of salt. The truth of the matters more likely lie in the polar opposite of what he claims. Sad to think like this, but then I have observed very closely a case that Somyot had a large hand in, and you don't need to have a bloodhound's nose to tell that it sticks to high heaven.


he doesn't understand "personal" revenge does he.

No one did anything directly to him, and he attacked innocent 3rd parties. The very antithesis of personal.

Tru Dat:

And he also set up a terror- like cell to exact his personal revenge.

I know when I get revenge, I like to prepare with false passports and pipe bomb making materials, yer know, just in case

$H!T gets real.

What happened to yellow t shirt guy?

Another point, its easy enough to travel into Thailand - with the bomb stuff as a backpacker through a land border, avoiding check points, why stay in Bangkok?, should be based in another country.

Once again BIB Head Guy and the talking with the foot in the mouth is unhinging the believing in the words.

Shut up for once.


more idiotic rubbish from thailands finest "that best that money can buy" ... most people i know don’t have stacks of fake passports lying around their apts, then get pis-_ed at someone so blow up a tourist attraction???? ...then have another totally unconnected person supposedly drop a bag of the same kind of device into a waterway next to another tourist location?...oh that was originally reported to have been thrown from the overhead road (eye witness reported seeing the person throw it and run away with CCTV footage)...it all stinks as usual here, but hey it will be enough to fool the fools into thinking this place is safe!!!!!

If they have busted a cell (remember they have said he was a memeber or a group ...NOT THE BOMBER) ..they better be on maximum alert as another cell will just step up and take over ..bottom line this is far from over so be on your guard....i have NO confidence in their corrupt sytem or substandard personel.

Like I said on the other useless thread - police got a tip off that led them to this guy, he rented out 4 other rooms in the building, I'm sure the police are asking him why and asking others staying there who was using the other rooms.

It will take a few days for the police to dig deeper into this, there are many questions need answers and those answers will take time.

I agree that as usual the police have foot in mouth and are making statements that don't/never add up which is a huge failing of Thai authorities, this guy was very obviously not acting alone, it is worrying that there may already be some assembled devices ready to deploy in the hands of his associates, the police would be better telling the truth than trying to make this very serious (deleted) not seem so serious

It is now of the utmost priority to find these other people and apprehend them before they can carry out another attack - so enough with the PR and fkg get on with it

Tell the truth and put a warning out to the public to be extra vigilent - simple as that


So in the space of 2-3 months since his friends were deported back to Turkey, he and his colleagues locates a source for explosives, source materials and the know how/knowledge and begins assembling "complicated special devices", and recce and plan target locations and finally initiates one at the Erawan shrine? and he's only doing this as his motive is personal ? he's not really an International Terrorist? That level of planning isn't done by someone pissed off, that's done by people in the know.

I have to agree, in another post I said that the more I think I understand Thai politics the more I realise I know <deleted>, its all wheels within wheels within wheels. If he is the guy and he sourced things locally..people would talk..it is the Thai way. I am trying to stay open minded but when Mr. Plod knows nothing and suddenly it all comes together in perfect synchronicity.... call me an old cycnic but now the narrative we are expected to believe is a personal motive.


Sending those Uighers back seems to be a wise move after all. Who knows how many more trained bomb makers might have been among that crowd.

A: Sending refugees back to face torture and persecution is never a good move especially when another country has offered to take them in.

B: this guy is not a Uighur.

C: if this guy is the bomber lock him up and throw away the key.

What refugees? China and Thailand have no common borders.




a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

"tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes"

synonyms: émigré, fugitive, exile, displaced person, asylum seeker; boat people


the sooner this (deleted) retires the better

Next month and we should watch what he turns his hand to next given one of the issues he has dodged recently.

Of course he may be happy to sit at home glued the business channels and tending his stock portfolio.


Sending those Uighers back seems to be a wise move after all. Who knows how many more trained bomb makers might have been among that crowd.

A: Sending refugees back to face torture and persecution is never a good move especially when another country has offered to take them in.

B: this guy is not a Uighur.

C: if this guy is the bomber lock him up and throw away the key.

What refugees? China and Thailand have no common borders.

Why are you babbling about common borders?

The 1951 Refugee Convention spells out that a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."

When they escaped China into Burma, Laos or Vietnam, you may call them refugees, escaping from persecution.

When they entered into Thailand, they may be called illegal immigrants. They did not suffer any persecution in the latter 3 countries.



the sooner this (deleted) retires the better

Next month and we should watch what he turns his hand to next given one of the issues he has dodged recently.

Of course he may be happy to sit at home glued to the business channels and tending his stock portfolio.


This shows the Thai juntas foreign policies is as disastrous as many already predicted. This present government do not have their hand on the stick.

Agree with the first part of your statement.

However I firmly believe the present junta have their hands on their sticks on an hourly basis as they are a bunch of wank--s!


Well, he rented the apartment last year, the ugers were deported this year. He has obviously been planning long before the ugers issue ever came up.

Maybe they should dig a little deeper into his brain.

With a pick axe.

Good point.

I would think if he is of moderate intelligence he would easily outsmart all of the people who would question him.!


yeah , that's not political, its just his friends. How stupid do they think people are.It was a bombing based on a decision made by the Junta to appease China


"There was no suicide bomber's vest."

Anyone saying there was will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

Neither was a nuclear warhead. Anyone repeating the police claim there was a nuclear warhead will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

It was not a group of 10 people. Anyone repeating the police claim there were 10 people will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

It was not international terrorists but it was not a Thai. Anyone repeating the police claim it was international terrorism or a Thai bomber will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.


"There was no suicide bomber's vest."

Anyone saying there was will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

Neither was a nuclear warhead. Anyone repeating the police claim there was a nuclear warhead will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

It was not a group of 10 people. Anyone repeating the police claim there were 10 people will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

It was not international terrorists but it was not a Thai. Anyone repeating the police claim it was international terrorism or a Thai bomber will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

Do as I say not as I do....seems apt with the present jokers in charge and a very useful tool for the good people in charge of your run of the mill third world military junta...


I think when the police get their hands on a big event, the main objective is to capitalize on it for political gain. Even with this case which basically cracked itself in their very lap. They ask us to suspend our senses and to just believe whatever they say.

Renting 5 rooms somewhat filled with bomb tools and passports, and involving at least one other person in a double bombing, including a very clear political target, is now simply the result of a man with anger issues.

It is definitely not any form of terrorism. blink.png


I think the reason he is still in Thailand is that he rented the room since last year , so he was actually living in Thailand , probably got money sent to him, then he met up with his friends and planned the operation. So he would have had time to buy the bomb materials . So there was no need for him to escape the kingdom like the others , he just hoped that nobody would recognize him .

Al Queda, IS and other terrorist organisations have these so called sleeping cells all around the world, just waiting to be waked up when neccessary.


So in the space of 2-3 months since his friends were deported back to Turkey, he and his colleagues locates a source for explosives, source materials and the know how/knowledge and begins assembling "complicated special devices", and recce and plan target locations and finally initiates one at the Erawan shrine? and he's only doing this as his motive is personal ? he's not really an International Terrorist? That level of planning isn't done by someone pissed off, that's done by people in the know.

so agree...

but we are not the RTP, so we are not "in the know" so to speak


or some group used the facilities of this migrant trafic operation to prepare the bombing and they left by now

interogation of the suspect will lead to them; but they will need international cooperation for the tracking

a question could these passeport trafic have some police or immigration connection ?

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