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Somyot says personal revenge is motive to deadly bombing

Lite Beer

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The police are now being quoted as saying the personal motive has to do with "the smashing of a fake passport gang", a revenge based on that..

My bet is on a Turkish gang smuggling Chinese Uirghers by way of Thailand to Turkey. The 5 rented rooms are effectively a safe house whilst in transit. They use the fake Turkish passports for onward travel. Then it all went pear shaped weeks ago when the Thais sent the Uirghers back to China and possible persecution. It is entirely believable that the Erawan bombing was revenge for the deportations. To think it was in response to the taking down of a fake passport ring beggars belief.

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The police are now being quoted as saying the personal motive has to do with "the smashing of a fake passport gang", a revenge based on that..

My bet is on a Turkish gang smuggling Chinese Uirghers by way of Thailand to Turkey. The 5 rented rooms are effectively a safe house whilst in transit. They use the fake Turkish passports for onward travel. Then it all went pear shaped weeks ago when the Thais sent the Uirghers back to China and possible persecution. It is entirely believable that the Erawan bombing was revenge for the deportations. To think it was in response to the taking down of a fake passport ring beggars belief.

And the response is to blow up the Erawan shrine. Next they are going to blame foreigners for forcing Thailand to stop people trafficking.

What prey tell would a gang involved in people trafficking get out of blowing up the Erawan. I would presume they did it in revenge for returning Uighur to China.

Funny how the Thai police see a commercial as opposed to a faith or mor reason to be angry.

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The police are now being quoted as saying the personal motive has to do with "the smashing of a fake passport gang", a revenge based on that..

ah I get it... blow up a Hindu shrine because of fake passports... "it's all the Hindu's fault" (makes a change from Thaksin)

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It's entirely possible that no Thai's were involved in the explosives. Most investigations into such events these days seem to identify the explosives involved, in this case nothing definitive has been announced, except to say it may be TNT. I am not prepared to start googling bomb making stuff for obvious reasons but I am pretty sure TNT is a fairly generic term. Also as the police mentioned "a plastic tank with chemicals, box of sodium carbonate" that would seem to indicate this guy was making his own explosives.

I have to laugh at people saying it must have taken months to organise. As long as you know what you are doing regarding making a bomb, just a few weeks is surely enough. None of the parts are uncommon and the chemicals required to make some explosives are also very common items, like fertilisers. As for the rest, 5 minutes googling tourist sites would have thrown up plenty of targets; 1 or 2 visits to see the situation; Spend a couple of evenings looking at escape routes, what's so hard? I do think it is probable Thai's are involved somewhere along the line but equally it could be a handful of foreigners, some of which know Thailand well. None of it is rocket science, the hardest bit is having a bomb making expert.

It's going to be interesting to see if they can find out who he really is.

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The police are now being quoted as saying the personal motive has to do with "the smashing of a fake passport gang", a revenge based on that..

On the other hand, the military said the guy is being uncooperative in interrogation, and said he was not involved in the bombing.

This is what I like about Thailand... just wait a few minutes, and your pet theory, whatever it may be, will be validated by someone in charge. wink.png

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The police are now being quoted as saying the personal motive has to do with "the smashing of a fake passport gang", a revenge based on that..

On the other hand, the military said the guy is being uncooperative in interrogation, and said he was not involved in the bombing.

This is what I like about Thailand... just wait a few minutes, and your pet theory, whatever it may be, will be validated by someone in charge. wink.png

Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day......

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It's entirely possible that no Thai's were involved in the explosives. Most investigations into such events these days seem to identify the explosives involved, in this case nothing definitive has been announced, except to say it may be TNT. I am not prepared to start googling bomb making stuff for obvious reasons but I am pretty sure TNT is a fairly generic term. Also as the police mentioned "a plastic tank with chemicals, box of sodium carbonate" that would seem to indicate this guy was making his own explosives.

I have to laugh at people saying it must have taken months to organise. As long as you know what you are doing regarding making a bomb, just a few weeks is surely enough. None of the parts are uncommon and the chemicals required to make some explosives are also very common items, like fertilisers. As for the rest, 5 minutes googling tourist sites would have thrown up plenty of targets; 1 or 2 visits to see the situation; Spend a couple of evenings looking at escape routes, what's so hard? I do think it is probable Thai's are involved somewhere along the line but equally it could be a handful of foreigners, some of which know Thailand well. None of it is rocket science, the hardest bit is having a bomb making expert.

It's going to be interesting to see if they can find out who he really is.

Agreed. Even then the level of "expertise" required to construct this type of crude device is very low. And whoever designed it was no expert in choosing the type of explosive (if it indeed was TNT) used in this kind of bomb. Also notice the BiB do not even have the ability to detect the type of explosive used, yet they've stated that "explosive residue" was found in the arrested mans apartment... (Maybe they found a wrapper from a block of TNT?)

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It's entirely possible that no Thai's were involved in the explosives. Most investigations into such events these days seem to identify the explosives involved, in this case nothing definitive has been announced, except to say it may be TNT. I am not prepared to start googling bomb making stuff for obvious reasons but I am pretty sure TNT is a fairly generic term. Also as the police mentioned "a plastic tank with chemicals, box of sodium carbonate" that would seem to indicate this guy was making his own explosives.

I have to laugh at people saying it must have taken months to organise. As long as you know what you are doing regarding making a bomb, just a few weeks is surely enough. None of the parts are uncommon and the chemicals required to make some explosives are also very common items, like fertilisers. As for the rest, 5 minutes googling tourist sites would have thrown up plenty of targets; 1 or 2 visits to see the situation; Spend a couple of evenings looking at escape routes, what's so hard? I do think it is probable Thai's are involved somewhere along the line but equally it could be a handful of foreigners, some of which know Thailand well. None of it is rocket science, the hardest bit is having a bomb making expert.

It's going to be interesting to see if they can find out who he really is.

As long as you know what you are doing regarding making a bomb

normal people who get pissed off because friends have been deported, and want to seek "revenge" generally don't know jack shit about making bombs. Terrorists who have track records do.

None of the parts are uncommon and the chemicals required to make some explosives are also very common items, like fertilisers.

That's not what the RTP stated within hours of the blast, in fact they stated the very opposite, that it was a very complex device that left very little evidence.. again, not something your average guy out seeking for revenge could construct..Terrorist with proven skills can do this.

If this guy was also cooking his own stuff in that apartment, the smell alone should have alerted the neighbours.. Fertilizers have to have a certain % of ammonia nitrate for it to be cooked and added to Fuel Oil commonly known as ANFO...again, this isn't something a pissed of bloke, out for revenge would know.... An expert in the construction of such devices, like say oh, a terrorist would know this.

As for the rest, 5 minutes googling tourist sites would have thrown up plenty of targets; 1 or 2 visits to see the situation; Spend a couple of evenings looking at escape routes, what's so hard?

A pissed off guy out for revenge for his mates would seek the nearest target of opportunity and not look at the significance of the shrine, I mean, why this one? It has to have meant something to him, what was wrong with walking to Kohsan road, and casually dropping off a back full of nasty shit, and striking at the tourist there? ... nope, again, bot something a man hell bent on revenge would consider.. routes in, routes out, traffic, contingency plans, police presence, atmospherics, several dry runs, the testing of the devices to make sure they worked? ... nothing hard about it at all Allan, IF you're a dedicated terrorist, with the ability to have a set of TTP's.. but if you're just out for revenge.. too many variables to consider when you're angry and upset.. that's when mistakes happen.

This guy was caught with enough stuff to be a very significant person of interest, but please, all this nonsense about this guy was doing it all for personal revenge is nonsensical... if he wanted to hit back in revenge to those responsible, he'd have targeted those responsible.

Have you forgotten the idiotic statements about the aim of the bombing was to discredit the Junta, and hurt their economy, and that some sections within the Junta were looking towards the reds being responsible, well they might have been correct about being discredited, but personal revenge ? Somyot needs to wash his mouth out with carbolic soap and stop talking shit.!!

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Who just happened to know where to get 3KG's of explosive?

Or 6kg, if you include the second bomb

Or the expertise to make a pro-device.

Not a "pro-device" and no "expertise" needed. It seems very important for the authorities and to the public alike to keep the illusion that blowing things up is somehow a complex undertaking. It is not, as the number of bombings around the world shows.

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Renting 4 apts since jan, but the incidents happened in July..

Since Jan Last year

According to police he was part of a human trafficking gang. So the apartments may have been used as "way stations" to move people through Thailand for the last 20 months. Having all the units on the same floor is good security.

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The idea that the bombing is an act of revenge and not terrorism is fanciful.

Both acts are retalitory in nature. BUT ...

If it was revenge, it would have been directed against the Thai military and/or government personnel and/or facilities, and/or their familiies. Not even close in the case of the Shrine attack.

An act of revenge might even solicit sympathy from the public for the victims who were just doing their jobs for the security of the nation. Hardly the kind of result intended in the Shrine attack.

An act of terrorism is intended against a nationality, a society, a culture, a religion, etc. that represents an ideology opposed by the perpetrator. That fits the Shrine attack.

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"He said from the questioning of the foreign bomb suspect, the motive of the bombing was to take revenge for his friends and relatives who were deported by Thai authorities recently."

Wouldn't that make it political and not personal?

The motivation of the Thai authorities not to call an obvious terror event terrorism is VERY political and economic. Who do they think they're fooling?

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"He said from the questioning of the foreign bomb suspect, the motive of the bombing was to take revenge for his friends and relatives who were deported by Thai authorities recently."

Wouldn't that make it political and not personal?

The motivation of the Thai authorities not to call an obvious terror event terrorism is VERY political and economic. Who do they think they're fooling?

That this was an act of terrorism is beyond dispute, but what the OP is saying is that it was not (according to them) and act of international terrorism, as in an act from a foreign organization meant to affect policy or send a message. There was no message, no threats, no statements; just murderous violence.

In view of that I don't see why revenge, from one person or a few conspirators should be summarily dismissed, specially in view of recent events.

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Unless the work of a complete nutter, it seems to me (given the lack of a claim of responsibility) that this was aimed at destabilization, with no other specific objective. A terrorist attack in retaliation for something, or to demand something, requires the group's cause to be identified. In most cases, complete nutters leave evidence behind, typically in letters or social media, of their fury and intended actions. Maybe, when they have real names,it will be possible to prove it really was just the work of an unbalanced mind, but right now I am still looking for a rational motive.

To me, the fact that the target chosen was close to where a number of other (fortunately much less serious) bomb incidents have occurred in recent years is suspicious. Certainly, that could be a coincidence. However, it is a logical target for a group aiming to discredit the current junta's justification for remaining in power.

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Terrorism and revenge are frequently the same thing. But revenge sounds less scary and less likely to change peoples vacation plans.

Clearly they interrupted a criminal cell and they say the bomber is still out there. So to say this was a personal vendetta is incorrect.

The fact that they did not claim the bombing is a bit confusing, but we can see that they were still operating their cell with supplies for more bombs, so perhaps they were keeping a low profile in order to carry out more attacks.

Without a doubt this is related to Uighur deportations. Many people assumed that on day one. As also the assumption about the world view of those involved.

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"He said from the questioning of the foreign bomb suspect, the motive of the bombing was to take revenge for his friends and relatives who were deported by Thai authorities recently."

Wouldn't that make it political and not personal?

Which would be fine, apart from the fact the suspect hasn't said a thing, and is being uncooperative according to Somyot in another thread, in other words Somyot is spreading false rumours and lies, which if I'm not mistaken was deemed a severe crime in the past couple of weeks!!!

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Personal revenge, I guess that still rules Thaksin in. Wether this guy is involved in the bombing or not is still in doubt as bomb factories aren't unknown in Bangkok, and I doubt they discriminate over who uses their service

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Who just happened to know where to get 3KG's of explosive?

Or 6kg, if you include the second bomb

Or the expertise to make a pro-device.

That's not so hard to come by. Back in the '60s there was a book widely available, still popular with American militia and survivalist types, called "The Anarchist's Cookbook." Gives instructions with diagrams and sometimes even (blurry, dark) photographs. Anybody who really wants to can learn how to do it as long as they have a room temperature IQ and only one thumb on each hand. I haven't looked (don't want to attract the NSA) but I understand there's much better instructional material on the internet now. Even instructions how to make your own explosives if you can't buy dynamite, TNT, C4, or Semtex.

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