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Republican campaign rhetoric has Muslim-Americans on edge


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Republican campaign rhetoric has Muslim-Americans on edge

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Muslim-Americans who sued the New York Police Department over a surveillance program launched after 9/11 say calls from the Republican presidential campaign to put them under more scrutiny are recklessly seizing on public fears and distressing Muslims in the U.S.

As national security has become a focus in the 2016 race after the Paris attacks, Donald Trump has declared "we're being foolish, we're kidding ourselves" if law enforcement doesn't keep close surveillance on mosques, and he expressed support for the idea of a database for tracking Muslims in the United States. Another GOP contender, Ben Carson, said mosques, schools, supermarkets, car repair shops and "any place where radicalization is going on" should be monitored.

Such rhetoric is "reckless and ignorant," said attorney Baher Azmy, who is representing Muslim-Americans who sued the NYPD.

"I think it has a deeper scar, a psychological scar, on the Muslim community, which is a consequence of these types of surveillance programs," said Azmy, of the Center for Constitutional Rights. "It's dangerous because we've been down this road before and ugly rhetoric matched with political power can really harm actual people, real lives."

The Associated Press revealed in 2011 how New York police, in a since-disbanded demographics unit, infiltrated Muslim student groups, put informants in mosques and otherwise spied on Muslims as part of a broad effort to prevent terrorist attacks. A federal appeals court last month reinstated the lawsuit challenging the surveillance, comparing the spying to other instances of heightened scrutiny of religious and ethnic groups, including Japanese-Americans during World War II.

A lower-court last year had concluded the police could not keep watch "on Muslim terrorist activities without monitoring the Muslim community itself." That came after New York City argued that any harm suffered by Muslims was "self-imposed, based on subjective fears" that may have dissuaded them from gathering with other Muslims after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The city called the intelligence-gathering an appropriate and legal anti-terrorism tactic and said it never spied on people or businesses solely because they were Muslim.

Wahy-ud Deen Shareef, president of the Council of Imams in New Jersey, said news of the demographics unit made some reluctant to gather at places that had been under surveillance, including mosques and businesses. He said it also hurt the trust that Muslims had developed with law enforcement after 9/11, something they're still working to rebuild.

Now, he said, comments in the 2016 campaign are playing on people's ignorance both of Islam and of what Muslim communities have done to cooperate with law enforcement.

"When you trample upon the rights that are entitled to all just because you have suspicions of a group, then you are trampling on the rights of all of the citizens," Shareef said.

In addition to pushing for monitoring and a registry, Trump has alleged that "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in Jersey City across the river from Manhattan celebrated from rooftops in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, a scene at odds with the recollections of local officials and for which he has offered no proof. Carson made a similar allegation, then retracted it.

More broadly, Republican presidential contenders expressed support for freezing the program to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees, with several saying Syrian Christians should be given preference over others. But Trump's rivals have disavowed the idea of making Muslims register in a database.

In New York, the current New York police commissioner, William Bratton, disbanded the surveillance unit last year. Officials said a review concluded the same information could be better collected through direct contact with community groups.

A senior NYPD official testified in 2012 that the unit never generated leads or triggered a terrorism investigation, but former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials have said the surveillance helped the nation's largest police department identify and thwart terrorist plots. Those who are suing over the program want the NYPD banned from targeting people based on religion. They are seeking compensatory damages for those who suffered economic harm and want all records from unlawful spying expunged.

Linda Sarsour, director of the Arab American Association of New York, said Muslims in the city remain worried about surveillance even with the unit shut down, and what's happening in the campaign deepens their fear.

"The rhetoric from people like Donald Trump reinforces this program and it creates even more support for the general public to engage in unwarranted surveillance based on people's faith," she said. "The rhetoric just continues to isolate and marginalize Muslim communities. People are not feeling welcome in this country."

"People are afraid," she said. "People are hoping this is another stage and we're going to get through it again."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-25

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Blacks don't like you, Hispanics don't like you, Muslims don't like you. Good luck with winning the elections. Republicans are acting stupid, if they had a more moderate stance they'd have a much bigger chance of winning the upcoming elections. Muslims and Republicans actually share a common ground which is the importance of conservative family values. It's really stupid to label all muslims as potential terrorists while only less than 2-3% of them are radical.

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"The rhetoric just continues to isolate and marginalize Muslim communities. People are not feeling welcome in this country."

Feel free to leave. Nobody will miss you.

Why is it that when bigots and imbeciles, i.e. the Trump demographic, spew their hate around, they are surprised when sane people push back on them?

In their desperate attempt to get noticed, these candidates race to the bottom. They forget that Muslim Americans vote too. They forget that Latinos vote, African Americans vote, LGBT people vote. On top of that, the majority of white, christian, straight people who are not living their lives in fear and who respect diversity and are centred and balanced in their personal lives and their sexual identity will not vote for candidates who preach division, hate and maintenance of privilege.

Let all see this first, abhorrent response to the OP and recognise it for the evil that it represents.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

You will find lots of it when you learn to use google as a search function. Latest being the malaysian pm getting into them.

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Trump's rhetoric is not helpful.

American Muslims are generally much better integrated than Muslims in Europe.

Islamic Jihadist terrorism is a real problem and it's not going away in any of our lifetimes.

But framing this problem as a war against Islam or a war against all Muslim people is a huge mistake.

Edited by Jingthing
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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

Every single major Muslim group in the United States has been outspoken in their condemnation of terrorism and the murder of innocent people in the name of Islam. And yet the media ignores it.

Go ahead. Google it.

Repeating this "why don't they speak out" crap just keeps this nonsense going.

I know you don't want to believe this but it's true. What else you got?

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

I fear gun-toting, illogical, right wing cowards. This refugee xenophobia has them all riled up. No telling what they're going to do next.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

Edited by Linky
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What I think is the most pathetic side to this is that Trump and Co. are just trying to rally the rabble. The Mosques and the Muslim community has been monitored for a long time. It is done covertly as it should be and not shouted from the rooftops and conducted like a witch hunt. Staggering how stupid these wannabe politicians can be. You would think for a country that is made up of immigrants from everywhere else the Americans would see how racist bigotry is just condemning their own ancestry.

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I have been trying to follow this so-called Republican hate against Muslims debacle closely...

The Republicans and many Democrats are calling for a close examination of the vetting process for refugees coming from "Syria" as IS has already said thank you for taking Syrians as we will infiltrate these masses with our soldiers...ask France about having open borders and a lax vetting system...

The "database" Trump was referring to would be to track "new" immigrants from the ME...do you think the Thais do not track "YOUR" every movement in Thailand with their farang database...where is the indignation from the foreign community over every movement being tracked?

Mosques have been proven to be a safe haven for Muslims bent on mischief in America and elsewhere...not all...but some...and countries need intelligence information from these unfriendly areas in an attempt to thwart new attempts to destroy peace in American and elsewhere...

A new threat has become apparent as our closest neighbor has the welcome mat open to ME refugees without thoroughly vetting them...America's borders with Canada are almost non-existent...this is a new concern for the mad, ignorant, militant, gun-toting, racist bigots attempting to protect Americans...

Every decision Republicans make is not race or color related...although lefties would have one believe so...

The Pres. is wrong about this issue...and has been wrong on most issues concerning foreign policy...as he possesses a distorted worldview...ultimately harmful for America's future...IMHO

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

All they do is make the odd token gesture. there are always a few rotten apples in a barrel in any race, religion or profession.

But where Muslims are concerned, it is more than just a few, a lot more.

Why were so many Bin Laden lookalikes dancing in the streets in Pattaya on the night of Sept 11th?

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I have been trying to follow this so-called Republican hate against Muslims debacle closely...

The Republicans and many Democrats are calling for a close examination of the vetting process for refugees coming from "Syria" as IS has already said thank you for taking Syrians as we will infiltrate these masses with our soldiers...ask France about having open borders and a lax vetting system...

The "database" Trump was referring to would be to track "new" immigrants from the ME...do you think the Thais do not track "YOUR" every movement in Thailand with their farang database...where is the indignation from the foreign community over every movement being tracked?

Mosques have been proven to be a safe haven for Muslims bent on mischief in America and elsewhere...not all...but some...and countries need intelligence information from these unfriendly areas in an attempt to thwart new attempts to destroy peace in American and elsewhere...

A new threat has become apparent as our closest neighbor has the welcome mat open to ME refugees without thoroughly vetting them...America's borders with Canada are almost non-existent...this is a new concern for the mad, ignorant, militant, gun-toting, racist bigots attempting to protect Americans...

Every decision Republicans make is not race or color related...although lefties would have one believe so...

The Pres. is wrong about this issue...and has been wrong on most issues concerning foreign policy...as he possesses a distorted worldview...ultimately harmful for America's future...IMHO

Thank Buddha for president Obama. I haven't heard one single Republican come out with a rational, humanitarian position on anything. Remember when little Marco came out with that semi-realistic immigration plan but then had to change the whole thing because it was unacceptable to the cowardly base.

That was pretty much it.

Now it's degenerated into this fear mongering, xenophobic hysteria.

What cowards.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

Why do peace loving christians stay christian?

Why do peace loving jew stay jewish?

Why do the amish were those funny clothes? Why don't they integrate better into the western country they live in?

All of these questions are just as stupid as the ones above.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

I shouldn't have to search on Google. I should be able to see it on TV, Newspaper front pages and in person. coffee1.gif

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

I shouldn't have to search on Google. I should be able to see it on TV, Newspaper front pages and in person. coffee1.gif

Maybe you need to ask why it is not in the mainstream media.
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I have been trying to follow this so-called Republican hate against Muslims debacle closely...

The Republicans and many Democrats are calling for a close examination of the vetting process for refugees coming from "Syria" as IS has already said thank you for taking Syrians as we will infiltrate these masses with our soldiers...ask France about having open borders and a lax vetting system...

The "database" Trump was referring to would be to track "new" immigrants from the ME...do you think the Thais do not track "YOUR" every movement in Thailand with their farang database...where is the indignation from the foreign community over every movement being tracked?

Mosques have been proven to be a safe haven for Muslims bent on mischief in America and elsewhere...not all...but some...and countries need intelligence information from these unfriendly areas in an attempt to thwart new attempts to destroy peace in American and elsewhere...

A new threat has become apparent as our closest neighbor has the welcome mat open to ME refugees without thoroughly vetting them...America's borders with Canada are almost non-existent...this is a new concern for the mad, ignorant, militant, gun-toting, racist bigots attempting to protect Americans...

Every decision Republicans make is not race or color related...although lefties would have one believe so...

The Pres. is wrong about this issue...and has been wrong on most issues concerning foreign policy...as he possesses a distorted worldview...ultimately harmful for America's future...IMHO

Thank Buddha for president Obama. I haven't heard one single Republican come out with a rational, humanitarian position on anything. Remember when little Marco came out with that semi-realistic immigration plan but then had to change the whole thing because it was unacceptable to the cowardly base.

That was pretty much it.

Now it's degenerated into this fear mongering, xenophobic hysteria.

What cowards.

It seems to me that the cowards start at the top of the Democratic party and work down thru the ranks...

Obama would welcome all immigrants from anywhere...so Republicans could cry foul...and the Pres. and his henchmen can gain political fodder to feed liberal presses...and Dems could pad their registry with non-productive free-loaders...

The overwhelming number of Americans...not out of fear...but out of interest in self-preservation of themselves...their way of life...and their country...do not want to let Obama open the flood gates to immigrants...and "let's see what happens"...look to France and many other EU countries to see what happens when Muslims setup house keeping in a friendly Western nation...they try to take over...

Can you find anyone that can articulate the Obama administrations foreign policy? Of course not, there is none...

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I have been trying to follow this so-called Republican hate against Muslims debacle closely...

The Republicans and many Democrats are calling for a close examination of the vetting process for refugees coming from "Syria" as IS has already said thank you for taking Syrians as we will infiltrate these masses with our soldiers...ask France about having open borders and a lax vetting system...

The "database" Trump was referring to would be to track "new" immigrants from the ME...do you think the Thais do not track "YOUR" every movement in Thailand with their farang database...where is the indignation from the foreign community over every movement being tracked?

Mosques have been proven to be a safe haven for Muslims bent on mischief in America and elsewhere...not all...but some...and countries need intelligence information from these unfriendly areas in an attempt to thwart new attempts to destroy peace in American and elsewhere...

A new threat has become apparent as our closest neighbor has the welcome mat open to ME refugees without thoroughly vetting them...America's borders with Canada are almost non-existent...this is a new concern for the mad, ignorant, militant, gun-toting, racist bigots attempting to protect Americans...

Every decision Republicans make is not race or color related...although lefties would have one believe so...

The Pres. is wrong about this issue...and has been wrong on most issues concerning foreign policy...as he possesses a distorted worldview...ultimately harmful for America's future...IMHO

Thank Buddha for president Obama. I haven't heard one single Republican come out with a rational, humanitarian position on anything. Remember when little Marco came out with that semi-realistic immigration plan but then had to change the whole thing because it was unacceptable to the cowardly base.

That was pretty much it.

Now it's degenerated into this fear mongering, xenophobic hysteria.

What cowards.

It seems to me that the cowards start at the top of the Democratic party and work down thru the ranks...

Obama would welcome all immigrants from anywhere...so Republicans could cry foul...and the Pres. and his henchmen can gain political fodder to feed liberal presses...and Dems could pad their registry with non-productive free-loaders...

The overwhelming number of Americans...not out of fear...but out of interest in self-preservation of themselves...their way of life...and their country...do not want to let Obama open the flood gates to immigrants...and "let's see what happens"...look to France and many other EU countries to see what happens when Muslims setup house keeping in a friendly Western nation...they try to take over...

Can you find anyone that can articulate the Obama administrations foreign policy? Of course not, there is none...

The Pres and his henchmen...

His henchmen?

The wingnuttia community think they are the overwhelming number of Americans. They confuse people who watch Fox News and everyone else. cheesy.gif

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

All they do is make the odd token gesture. there are always a few rotten apples in a barrel in any race, religion or profession.

But where Muslims are concerned, it is more than just a few, a lot more.

Why were so many Bin Laden lookalikes dancing in the streets in Pattaya on the night of Sept 11th?

and another thing Linky, why should I have to go to google to look at condemnations from "peaceloving" Muslims about their atrocities?

I don't have to go to google to hear condemnations from decent peaceloving non Muslim people who have sympathies towards victims of Muslim terrorism.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

I shouldn't have to search on Google. I should be able to see it on TV, Newspaper front pages and in person. coffee1.gif

Excellent post, I have just posted something similar before I read this.

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