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Bank security guard threatens Australian man with gun in Pattaya


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He has been parking at a non-parking zone on a daily basis....ha free parking.

Been doing much more than that. Everyday the Australian parked there he was thumbing his nose at the guard. Daily the Australian let the guard know that he was nothing in the eyes of the Australian. Everyday the Australian stole a little bit of the guards dignity. Why did the Australian act that way towards a Thai ? Racism comes to mind, because the Australian was much bigger and could do as he wanted? The mistke the guard made was in not pulling the trigger and serving his two months. Thailand and the expat community don't need Australians like that swaggering around Thailand giving us all a bad name by thinking that might makes right. No wonder they gang up on farang, they have to.

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He has been parking at a non-parking zone on a daily basis....ha free parking.

Been doing much more than that. Everyday the Australian parked there he was thumbing his nose at the guard. Daily the Australian let the guard know that he was nothing in the eyes of the Australian. Everyday the Australian stole a little bit of the guards dignity. Why did the Australian act that way towards a Thai ? Racism comes to mind, because the Australian was much bigger and could do as he wanted? The mistke the guard made was in not pulling the trigger and serving his two months. Thailand and the expat community don't need Australians like that swaggering around Thailand giving us all a bad name by thinking that might makes right. No wonder they gang up on farang, they have to.

Well you certainly know how to spell Australian ... facepalm.gif ... You just practised it enough here...cheesy.gif ...... coffee1.gif

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He has been parking at a non-parking zone on a daily basis....ha free parking.

Been doing much more than that. Everyday the Australian parked there he was thumbing his nose at the guard. Daily the Australian let the guard know that he was nothing in the eyes of the Australian. Everyday the Australian stole a little bit of the guards dignity. Why did the Australian act that way towards a Thai ? Racism comes to mind, because the Australian was much bigger and could do as he wanted? The mistke the guard made was in not pulling the trigger and serving his two months. Thailand and the expat community don't need Australians like that swaggering around Thailand giving us all a bad name by thinking that might makes right. No wonder they gang up on farang, they have to.

What nationality did you say the bike-rider was again?

Think l missed it, lol!

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I know the guard was in the wrong, but better to be careful where you park. I was at a restaurant one night and a group of foreigners parked their car in the restaurant parking area and proceeded to walk to another establishment. The security guard watched them leave, waited around twenty minutes; he then took a meat cleaver from the kitchen and scraped a long line into EVERY panel of the car. And he didn't just run over them with the edge of the blade, he laid it down like you would shave. Needless to say there were very wide long places where it was down to bare metal. I told my wife if we ever came here again to make sure that security guy sees we came to this restaurant!

Same with parking on the street in front of businesses, it's city property but the owners consider it as theirs. Most are alright but some get pretty nasty about it. Forewarned is forearmed.

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Many of those "security guards" are loose cannons... Complete idiots who think they are above the law only because they're wearing a uniform. As far as I know there is no psychological evaluation before employment or anything that would enable the companies to divide the wheat from the chaff. 24 years ago one of my guests was attacked and beaten senseless by a security guard in the resort he resided just because he arrived in a drunk state and forgot his key in his room and asked the guard to please help him access the room. As far as I can see, those "security guards" in majority always were rotten apples and still are today. Instead of always cracking down on foreigners here in Thailand, authorities should make sure they clean up their own backyard first by implementing tighter rules for those wannabe security guard Rambos. I'm of course aware that this particular case might be one of those "takes two to tango" incidents...

How many loose cannons have you met? Which banks?

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Why do farang believe theyre entitled to do whatever they want in foreign countries?

Maybe the guard should have towed away the bike but he was dealing with an obvious bully who repeatedly parked where he was repeatedly told not to.

My guess is that if a Thai/Asian person did the same in US/UK/AUS, they would likely not only have their bike taken away but taken a beating or even shot(in US) with little provocation.

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I'm sure that this guard has gone thru days and hours of vigorous training and learning how and when

to use the gun to insure that the gun is in safe hands... Or NOT... this is the kind of stuff that people

get killed from, the abundance of guns in this country mostly in the wrong hands, be it legal hand or not.....

It is getting like the US here.

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The parking laws do not allow you to park on Private property which extends to the curb of the street. If he parked on the street then he is allowed to. Just because Thais cannot provide enough parking areas it doesn't mean they can tell you to leave if your parked legally. Just another idiot with an over inflated ego who thinks "I have a gun I can do anything I want now."

Private property does not extend to the curb.

that is public property te footpath. It is not a parking space bu it is not private property.

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It appears many here, have not bothered to read the UPDATE:

"On Monday Night the Australian involved in the case contacted Pattaya One to offer his side of the story."

"He claimed that he did not park his motorbike in a way described by the Security Guard and claims to have video evidence of previous encounters with the Guard which he intends to use as part of future legal action he is considering to take against the Guard."

"He also stated the guard is well-known for tampering with parked motorbikes outside of the Bank which infuriates him and other bank customers."

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G4S Apologizes to Australian Threatened by Guard
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen
Staff Reporter

A Pattaya police officer holds the .38 handgun allegedly used Monday by G4S security guard Natthapong Konchanthet to threaten a man for parking his motorcycle on bank property.

PATTAYA — A multinational security services corporation has apologized to an Australian man after one of its security guards threatened him with a gun Monday, Pattaya police said.

British-based G4S, one of the world’s largest security firms, reportedly apologized after a guard stationed at a Bank of Ayudhya branch confessed to brandishing his firearm to scare Andrew Zahlan, 34, because he was parking in a bank area.

The guard, Natthapong Konchanthet, 40, has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm and threatening another individual.

“He is currently being detained at Pattaya Provincial Court,” Lt. Kewaleesiri Phasukthanaphaisal of Pattaya police said today. “His company has already contacted us to apologize to the Australian man.”

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1452581079

-- Khaosod English 2016-01-12

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If the Aussie did indeed consistently park in a restricted and private area, and consistently ignored requests not to do so, something was bound to give. In true Thai style, the 'give' went over the top.

But I wonder what sort of protection the guard is expected to offer in the event of a threat to the safety of staff or customers, and what authority the bank has to hand out a gun to its security guard?

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No need for a gun. Simple solution is to let air out of the tires while the cycle owner is away. He'll soon get the message.

Not that the gun threat was justified, but I have to wonder if the Aussie insulted the guard when he was confronted.

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If the Aussie did indeed consistently park in a restricted and private area, and consistently ignored requests not to do so, something was bound to give. In true Thai style, the 'give' went over the top.

But I wonder what sort of protection the guard is expected to offer in the event of a threat to the safety of staff or customers, and what authority the bank has to hand out a gun to its security guard?

Why did he not do what other Thai's do when you park illegally ...or not, in a place they not want you to park?

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Stupid behaviour in response to frustration caused by someone repeatedly ignoring instructions not to park in a prohibited area.

It reminds me of the bloke on Soi Khuo Noi, about three years ago. He parked his car in front of a motorbike taxi rank. They, naturally, were not happy. His answer to them was to walk on to the street carrying a pistol. He was British. It isn't just Thais doing stupid things.

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So the banks are issuing hand guns to there security guards now....

I have never seen a guard with a gun.

Not sure what the criteria for a guard being armed is but I have been to several banks where one has been armed. I should add that it does not appear the norm.

At all the banks i visited there's a man waiting at the door to help customers to get a ticket but he sure doesn't look like a guard or strong. They never had any weapon and also can't speak english.

Maybe in Phuket or Pattaya it's different, no idea.

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So what! Just another nutter with a gun in Pattaya, but is Bank of Ayudhya giving 2.10% on term deposits?

Also just another DUMB FARANG asking for trouble because he thinks that he is immune to local rules or he is just an arrigant axxhole.The next time may be the guard has a couple of the locals explain thinks to him.

Gee guys, I was just making a bit of a joke to say that the possible 2.10% interest rate excites me more than the incident. I'm not defending or taking anybody's side here.

I guess as long as the bank has legal right to the curb parking spot that caused the incident, the guard should have got the police to lock (chain) the guy's bike and pay the fine. I think most people are very surprised and concerned to learn that a security guard is even issued a gun (and bullets? -- remember Barney Fife?).

Anyway, I'll stick to my claim that he's just another nutter -- uniform or not. 5555

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