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Speeding charge to be pressed on Mercedes Benz driver in fatal crash


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yes the maths does seem off, but we do not know the exact time/ distance from one incident to the other.

but at 200kmh he would have covered 50 ish kilometres in 15 minutes, if in fact it was 25 minutes, i dont see how a conviction for speeding could be obtained

Remember that would be the average speed over the distance not the speed at impact. The skid marks would define that

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He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

After the re-enactment the test-driver had to come back, didn't he. 124.8 x 2 = 249.6

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Am I missing something here. Traveling at 100km/h it would take 30 minutes to cover a 50km distance.

He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

If you divide 60 minutes by 25 that comes to 2.4. Multiply that by 52.1 km and you get 125.04 kph and not the 217 to 257 kph.

That's if there is no traffic to slow him down.

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It's really all irreverent ... They will screw up the maths and the evidence and probably he was never cautioned etc...

No RTP heads will roll

Aren't police trained to know the law?... "They didn't know..." BS...

Why do authoities here believe that everyone is so stupid...???!!

Why are Thais so forgiving and apathetic...

Why do they just accept all that is wrong ...

I never before considered that there might be a "corruption is OK" gene..

I'mbloody Sure there is a "stupid" gene....

Edited by Robm579
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Typical Thailand. It's taken how long to figure out he was excessively speeding.

Me doing 100 kph = speeding

HiSo doing 225 kph = OK

HiSo doing 250 kph and kills people = let's think about this for a couple of weeks

So, this tells me he'll get off with a fine from speeding. Hand slap. Don't do it again.

Edited by connda
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The relatives of the dead should sue his ass in a civil court for tens of millions of baht, that will hurt him a

hell of a lot more than a speeding and reckless driving charges which carry fines and no jail time....

HiSo family will toss 100K at the family who will fold. America may me litigious, but sometimes that's a good thing, like now. I'd give the lawyer 90% of a multi-million baht settlement and not blink. Heck, I'd give him 100% if he won. It's the principle. But...Thais don't understand the concept of 'principle'. It's all about the ฿฿฿ baht.

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The relatives of the dead should sue his ass in a civil court for tens of millions of baht, that will hurt him a

hell of a lot more than a speeding and reckless driving charges which carry fines and no jail time....

laugh.png Banana boat disgorged you just yesterday?

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I don't get the cynicism from many posters here sometimes. The Benz driver is on toast for this, MB have certified the speed from the car's onboard CPU, the crash itself (fatal collision and toll booth) are on video and in the public domain, the driver has a known history of speeding and high speed crashes.

The chance for any brown envelopes has gone now, this guy isn't hiso enough to call the shots here anymore (social media is testament to that). The whole dog and pony show is the cops scrambling to try and make THEM look good, you can bet that they are not fussed about this guy going down now as the chance for fat payouts has gone with the social media storm that followed. It is a hot potato at best, and they know there are plenty more rich pickings soon enough with the obligatory songkrann crackdowns.

The Benz driver will go down the MooHam route; convicted to 10 years or so, given half for cooperation (whatever that means), then bail out at sentencing to appeal (with restrictions like no driving, merit making etc). Then the appeal court will uphold the original conviction, but water the sentence down as he will have followed the restrictions like a good law abiding citizen). He'll then appeal again, and finally, the supreme court will throw the appeal out and send him to jail for a few months. After that he'll be free to do as he wishes.

If anyone here thinks he'll walk, they're deluded as he is not important enough and has nowhere near powerful enough connections to do a bunk like mr red bull did.

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my 2 cents on speed: if he was swerving over 3 lanes continually that would increase the distance traveled during that time, so ups the speed. I doubt if he could drive a straight line which most calculations are based on. Have a nice day.

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I had that exact thing happen (the toll gate) when I used to work at the Golden Gate Bridge. I was working on the computer in one of the toll booths, and had a very similar gate closed to block traffic. A lady driving a very expensive car smashed thru the gate, and then stopped at the toll window. I asked her what was she thinking when she smashed thru the gate. Her response: "but this lane is always open at this time of the morning"

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Am I missing something here. Traveling at 100km/h it would take 30 minutes to cover a 50km distance.

He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

A Thai hour have 120 minutes. Don't they teach you anything where you come from?

Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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Am I missing something here. Traveling at 100km/h it would take 30 minutes to cover a 50km distance.

He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

Probably his point of impact speed!

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yes the maths does seem off, but we do not know the exact time/ distance from one incident to the other.

but at 200kmh he would have covered 50 ish kilometres in 15 minutes, if in fact it was 25 minutes, i dont see how a conviction for speeding could be obtained

Just look at the dash cam video immediately before the impact and tell us that he was not speeding..................crazy !

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So they are looking into charging him for speeding... Which can be beat in court if they do the math and see their average speed is ridiculous.... So! What about the deaths of those 2 bright young kids? Will or can he still be charged for his actions resulting in their deaths? Or will he escape punishment for the most serious of all?

Possibly a lot will depend on whether the families are wealthy or poor . That's how justice seems to work in Thailand.

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Am I missing something here. Traveling at 100km/h it would take 30 minutes to cover a 50km distance.

He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

If you divide 60 minutes by 25 that comes to 2.4. Multiply that by 52.1 km and you get 125.04 kph and not the 217 to 257 kph.

That's if there is no traffic to slow him down.

For goodness sake ! forget about the bloody 52 klms. It was the last 40 to 50 meters that count for the impact speed.

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Am I missing something here. Traveling at 100km/h it would take 30 minutes to cover a 50km distance.

He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

A Thai hour have 120 minutes. Don't they teach you anything where you come from?


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He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

After the re-enactment the test-driver had to come back, didn't he. 124.8 x 2 = 249.6

He could have stopped for a few minutes we dont know that. What we do know is that the skid marks indicated a speed of over 200 kph

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The new law is that if you refuse the sobriety test, you are considered DUI. So you should be charged. Why hasn't he been charged with DUI!?!?

The fact that the "officers" at the scene "didn't know" about the new law is irrelevant!

New Law???? Balls. It is the law in every country in the world where breathalyser tests are held. I am sure Thailand can't be the only one that doesn't have it. If it does why have a breathalyser test at all????

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