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What next for Bangkok's soapy massage parlours? Raid on Nataree to lead to bigger crackdown?

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A knock on effect - bars in soi 6 were visited by BIB & told no boom-boom upstairs. You had to take the girl across the road to a short-time 'hotel'. So I've heard. Don't know how long this effect will last.

Previous crackdowns in soi 6 have never usually lasted for long.

Soi six where, Pattaya I assume.

I recall it happening at Eden's over a decade ago when there was talk of a clamp down.

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Authorities should focus resources on fighting violent crime and robbery, not on restricting activities that make people happy.

You think this is a crime without violence?

Competing upstarts not put out of business? disgruntled employees not have so called accidents? local officials get a good spanking?


Can anyone explain the document on the left? Some dates are repeated, others missed, and the (money?) figures range from 5,000 to 76,000.

The page on the left has the names, dates, and amounts paid to the RTP

Lots of Burmese workers rounded up in this raid.


so what about silom, soi nana, soi cowboy, pattaya, and others thousands place selling sex? Or are they just after Mr K.?

That's assuming they skipped payments

Can anyone explain the document on the left? Some dates are repeated, others missed, and the (money?) figures range from 5,000 to 76,000.

The page on the left has the names, dates, and amounts paid to the RTP

Lots of Burmese workers rounded up in this raid.

I'm sure "whore" falls under protected work in the thai work rules


Can anyone explain the document on the left? Some dates are repeated, others missed, and the (money?) figures range from 5,000 to 76,000.

The page on the left has the names, dates, and amounts paid to the RTP

Lots of Burmese workers rounded up in this raid.

I'm sure "whore" falls under protected work in the thai work rules

The one and only MAIN brothel where I live, officially a karaoke and massage joint, only has Shan girls and Sipsongpanna girls. Not 1 single Thai girl works there. 2 hour "session" is 1500thb. many sessions end prematurely though giggle.gif


Nvader wikipedia


Say no more!

Case solved.

The caricature of thai prostitution in the western media is unfortunately marked by ignorance and stereotypes.

This gooders sometimes do not even know what they cause of harm in their zeal.

And from all massage places, this place probably has the least chance of any human trafficking.

The working conditions for the girls were safe and clean. And now?

The raid does not alter the situation for the girls that they must earn money for their boozing fathers, card gambling mothers or for the family debs.

So now the girls are forced into filthy, dark street work without any safety.

One of the top 5 massage parlors in Thailand busted for human trafficking, clap your hands, a round of applause. Tomacht8 you are so right when you suggest that this will force the sex industry to go underground. No book keeping, no working standards, nothing but criminal Mafioso run businesses with girls locked in dungeon like conditions. Remember the war on drugs in the U.S during the Regan administration, same bs is going on here. Glory today, but misery in the near distant future. Why not legalize prostitution in Thailand, it's no secret to anyone, any more. Give working girls rights, sex worker's are doing a job, a hazardous job. The government can regulate their work and conditions. The workers can contribute to the economy by paying tax like everyone else. But no, no, this won't happen because the wives of politicians are to high up in their ivory towers to ever concider this idea and mock their husbands that would ever dream of such a scheme.

Can only agree with you 100%.

And to regulat it, has nothing to do with loss of face.

Every country in the world has its form of prostitution.

All Prohibitions in the oldest profession in the world, promote only shadow economy, extortion, corruption and criminal structures.

This is what we can see here.

Pay for the exception.

Come in this exclusion zone then emerge all dark figures.

The other way to legalize the inevitable bustle and the government control it necessarily, is the better way.

Not to make the prostitutes as victims of extortion.

And exactly that takes place here.


There is a big difference between the "normal" amount of prostitution that exists everywhere and those countries that are top sex tourism destinations like Thailand. It is ridiculously hypocritical to have the Thai tourism industry, that is 30% of the economy, making money off the backs of these girls while pretending it does not exist or is a small part of the reason many tourists come to the Kingdom. The biggest exploiters of the girls are not the Johns but the Thai leaders that do not acknowledge the girls and provide testing and other support for the sex-work


But remember, all this is part of ridding Thailand of the influence of rotten Western decadence (as in Someone who recently told the nation they should only watch Thai movies).


There is a big difference between the "normal" amount of prostitution that exists everywhere and those countries that are top sex tourism destinations like Thailand. It is ridiculously hypocritical to have the Thai tourism industry, that is 30% of the economy, making money off the backs of these girls while pretending it does not exist or is a small part of the reason many tourists come to the Kingdom. The biggest exploiters of the girls are not the Johns but the Thai leaders that do not acknowledge the girls and provide testing and other support for the sex-work

Who's pretending it does not exist? Pattaya and the areas in Bangkok are allowed to do their "thing" as long as they do it within the rules.


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).

I disagree, a sign post near me say's Kap Choeng although written with the ก and it is pronounced by Thais with the hard G, the same with my village, it is translated as Kantuad although written with ก and is also spoken with a hard G. กด (to press) for example is also pronounced god not kod. I taught myself to read Thai from many text books and one written by a Thai professor lamented that ก was mistranslated as K, it's become a question of belief but all words beginning with ก are pronounced with a hard G and not a soft or hard K. I don't want to start an argument with this as it is getting off topic.


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).

I disagree, a sign post near me say's Kap Choeng although written with the ก and it is pronounced by Thais with the hard G, the same with my village, it is translated as Kantuad although written with ก and is also spoken with a hard G. กด (to press) for example is also pronounced god not kod. I taught myself to read Thai from many text books and one written by a Thai professor lamented that ก was mistranslated as K, it's become a question of belief but all words beginning with ก are pronounced with a hard G and not a soft or hard K. I don't want to start an argument with this as it is getting off topic.

You are making the mistaken assumption that transliteration is solely for English speaking people.... but if we were solely focused on english the hard G sound in English is actually a little more/stronger guttural than the ก. I am not saying that the K transliteration is the English K sound, it likely is a transliteration chosen from the IPA alphabet. The IPA is International (i.e. not solely english). I actually prefer the IPA transliteration since it seems to be the only consistent one out there. The rest tend to differ from school to school.


Is Sia L/Mr K's political persuasion possibly a certain colour not being yellow and beginning with R?

Everyone who reads the news or followed the coup a tiny bit will know him. I highly doubt his full name will show up here.

so it's a vendetta against one man under the pretense of a moral crusade instigated by kiki's then blink.png

pissing contest, correct


In Subic Philippines there was a us naval base Olongopo which is very close became full of bars and girls when the naval base was closed down the girls went home bars closed down still a few bars now us navy is back and the girls are co.ing back. If Thailand doesn't want a sex industry arrest all its customers in raids sex industry will die a natural death. No punters, no hookers. Thailand has a reputation if you say I went for holiday in Thailand everyone assumes it was for the girls. Personally I have never been in a girly bar I have absolutely no desire to pay for sex however beautiful the girl is but I have had plenty of girls in my life so I am not a prude. Horses for courses.


that has offices in New Zealand and SE Asia. It's stated aim is to "set people free" from sex trafficking.

Why does that not surprise me!

NZ has HUGE problems with gangs, domestic violence and a simmering racial discontent. The police have a meagre 10% clearance rate on burgularies.

Yet these people feel the need to stick their beaks into the soapy massage trade in another country instead of sorting out the problems in their own country bah.gif .

This is very typical behavior on the part of NGO's. They are essentially a worldwide scourge. They do very, very little in the way of positive work. Their executives make enormous amounts of money, and live in gilded mansions. People who I have spoken with who work for these organizations say most of the jobs are very cushy, and pay very well. Most have a "moral high ground" sort of agenda, and push into countries and impose this moralist agenda, regardless of the local culture or local details. There is very, very little trafficking going on within the soapies. Very little. Rather than go after the traffickers, and the higher ups who are making millions on trafficking, they take a "band aid" approach, and use these fake raids, to make it look like they are actually doing something, in order to improve their standing on the human trafficking charts. To call these raids phony and disingenuous, would be generous.

They are somewhat typical of what this government does. They always go after the little guy. Never the big fish. Leave the big fish alone. Let's pretend. Some will buy it.


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).

Should you not be posting in the Thai Language Forum ,

But Prey Tell ,

Why do the Thais call places "G" clubs and not "K" clubs.

Please explain with your extensive knowledge of Thai in this particular section of TV and relevant to the OP.


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).

Should you not be posting in the Thai Language Forum ,

But Prey Tell ,

Why do the Thais call places "G" clubs and not "K" clubs.

Please explain with your extensive knowledge of Thai in this particular section of TV and relevant to the OP.

What's a 'G club' and why so aggressive ?


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).

Should you not be posting in the Thai Language Forum ,

But Prey Tell ,

Why do the Thais call places "G" clubs and not "K" clubs.

Please explain with your extensive knowledge of Thai in this particular section of TV and relevant to the OP.

What's a 'G club' and why so aggressive ?

Well if you dont know you should go at least once , but be sure to go to the atm first though .

And aggresive , no not really just his post is in no way relevenat to the OP and would be more suited to the relevant forum , but then again some people just cant help themselves when they have a grasp of Thai and choose to post at every opportunity they can to impart their knowledge to us mere mortals that may or may not be up to speed on the local dialect.


And aggresive , no not really just his post is in no way relevenat to the OP and would be more suited to the relevant forum , but then again some people just cant help themselves when they have a grasp of Thai and choose to post at every opportunity they can to impart their knowledge to us mere mortals that may or may not be up to speed on the local dialect.

My post was in response to someone basically inferring the OP post article writer was an idiot and I was explaining that as far as transliteration goes, the OP post was actually more correct. Transliteration is a character translation into another script. As far as the Royal Institute is concerned K is the official transliteration of ก. I do actually think the Royal Institute has more standing than anyone here inferring the OP article writer was an idiot for using official transliteration.

Can anyone explain the document on the left? Some dates are repeated, others missed, and the (money?) figures range from 5,000 to 76,000.

the number is 7,600 not 76,000.

It looks like 76,000 to me (a comma with 3 zeros).

It looks like a simple journal of payments, date of payment (some days multiple payments, other days no one has requested payment) - description of transaction which can be an individual or organization - and the amount paid.


Curse on NGOS especially Christian ones

Quite right too. Most of the so called Christians emoting on the sex industry of LOS seem not to know that Jesus associated with prostitutes and did not condemn them, though the Bible does not inform us as to whether he had a happy ending with them, or not.


First letter in the thia alphanet is in a transliterated form is gorgai.

Who wrote this cap.

"G" is NOT the transliteration of the first letter of the Thai alphabet.... K is actually more correct.

Both the Royal Thai General System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA used in most advanced Western dictionaries; and is preferred by most linguists) use "K". The letters that follow are typically "Kh" (Royal Thai) or "Kh" (IPA). The K by itself is the sound without the aspiration (Kh) is an aspirated K. The English G while close in sound (though not exact) -- is used by some other transliteration systems which are aimed at the general (potentially "uneducated) masses who may take Thai as a second language (although often here it is aimed at those that don't even go to class).

Should you not be posting in the Thai Language Forum ,

But Prey Tell ,

Why do the Thais call places "G" clubs and not "K" clubs.

Please explain with your extensive knowledge of Thai in this particular section of TV and relevant to the OP.

What's a 'G club' and why so aggressive ?

Gentlemen Club - has nothing to do with the alphabet gigglem.gif

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