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Jealous Thai man takes it out on his son not his wife


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Jealous Thai man takes it out on his son not his wife


Image: Sanook

SONGKHLA: A jealous Thai man arguing with his wife over a relationship grabbed his own ten year old son and attacked him. After hitting him he picked up the helpless boy and threw him into a cement wall fracturing his skull.

Neighbors rushed to help as Sayan Kaewprasit continued a drunken rampage in the Sadao area of Songkhla. The boy was taken to Sadao Hospital but due to the severe nature of his injuries was transferred later to Hat Yai Hospital. Doctors said he had a fractured skull and blood on the brain as well as bruising to his body.

Neighbors and Sayan's wife Suphaporn (or Ran) reported the matter to Sadao police who arrested Sayan. He had been drinking heavily before arguing with his wife over an alleged affair he said she was having with another man. He grabbed his son in a rage and attacked him before hurling him into a wall knocking him unconscious.

Sayan was detained and awaits prosecution for the attack.

Source: Sanook

-- 2016-07-09

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Sayan was detained, the b....rd should have been given the same treatment he gave the boy.

What a sick twisted sod, attacking a poor defenceless boy.

Again another case of lao kao over use.

Hope the poor boy recovers ok.

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These guys clearly demonstrate what stupid is. Lock him up for life, charge attempted murder of a minor.

They can do this to a child but if confronted by a man it takes a dozen of them to show how tough they are.

Edited by gandalf12
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Alcohol is the number ONE killer amogst "drugs"..Alcohol and cigaretts should be banned..And to those who use alcohol as an excuse for doing bad things..what kind of humans are they..

Drinking alcohol responsibly does very little damage.

In moderation alcohol doesn't kill anyone, drunks do.

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These guys clearly demonstrate what stupid is. Lock him up for life, charge attempted murder of a minor.

They can do this to a child but if confronted by a man it takes a dozen of them to show how tough they are.

could not agree more, most are a bunch of vile sewer rats.

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How low can he be?

Why we not see the face of this animal?

They mostly only show the face when it is a foreigner. If they did it for Thai's the Thai would lose face

He has already lost face, he has lost his right to be called a man and lost the right to be free in society.

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...I certainly wouldn't doubt that what is being alleged here might have happened as described, but what ever happened to the concept of 'innocent until proven guilty'?

Here we have a report attributed only to 'Sanook' with no direct quotes, just a shocking narrative presented as fact with no direct quotes from anyone, let alone the name of the person who actually wrote (or, more likely, translated it) for our consumption and subsequent outrage...

If what the accused is alleged to have done can be proven in a real court then I will agree with the outrage, but I'll wait for more confirmation before joining the social media lynch mob.

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