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Should we worry about bombs in Pattaya ?

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The bombers might have tried to bomb Pattaya, but the bomb didn't go off. Now it's too late to bomb Pattaya because the security will have been increased and they might get caught.


With all the CCTVs the government will soon find out who is behind the bombs. The Fugitive will announce that he was on a shopping trip at the time and so could not be involved.

50 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

Today 4 people died in bomb explosions in Thailand. Tragic. I fell sorry for their relatives as well as their  friends.  Also the 20 or so injured.


Many posters have referred to risks on the road. Depending on the source, if today is an average day, between 65 and 80 people will die on the roads of Thailand (I haven't bothered to go into numbers of injured on the roads).  Yet the roads of Thailand are packed whereas the streets of Hua Hin are deserted.


Of course location is a factor, but we do not need to bring panic to the streets of Pattaya (yet).  A sense of perspective needs to be maintained.


Be alert, but get on with life.



"Yet the roads of Thailand are packed" . They most certainly are not, except in the cities.

Go on any highway between the cities, except at holiday times, and the traffic is mostly very light.

28 minutes ago, joepattaya1961 said:

For now the only impact that Pattaya's suffering from are the thousands of Bangkokians that usually go to HH, but now to Pattaya. 


As for bombings....it can happen.


But it won't. Why???

2 hours ago, onemorechang said:


it just wouldn't make good enough  news.

Other places give better news results.

maybe that's why.


But the doomsday preppers on the pattaya forum will tell you other wise.





Why do you say it doesn't make good news? One suicide bomber with a backpack walking into a crowded bar or disco or WS in the high season would cause serious carnage. That, unfortunately would make the news. 

19 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

More ideas for the terrorists.


If they have to get their ideas from Thai Visa, I'm not too concerned. 

1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

"Yet the roads of Thailand are packed" . They most certainly are not, except in the cities.

Go on any highway between the cities, except at holiday times, and the traffic is mostly very light.

Erm. What do you define as "light"? I have driven on many of Thailand's roads and most are fairly full to packed with traffic at any time of day or night . Of course, rural roads are not "packed" except for certain times of day, but that is normal anywhere in the world.

4 minutes ago, renaissanc said:

The bombers might have tried to bomb Pattaya, but the bomb didn't go off. Now it's too late to bomb Pattaya because the security will have been increased and they might get caught.


With all the CCTVs the government will soon find out who is behind the bombs. The Fugitive will announce that he was on a shopping trip at the time and so could not be involved.


Meh. I bet security isn't anywhere near as on guard as we think it is, or should be. After all, this is the Thai police and military we're talking about. The military can't curb daily bombings down south, so protecting the entire nation is a pipe dream. However, to be fair, such events are hard to predict or stop by anyone. 


I'm sure the people walking through BKK at the moment through the scanners will see that those guys have no idea what to look for as everyone sets it off all day long. The MRT and BTS would be a very easy targets if one were so inclined.


Nope , should not be worried .


if it's the work of Islamist , they will not be harming their favourite playground , where else would they find so many ladyboys who they love so much.


if it's work of political rivalry , again should not worry, because Pattaya is fairly neutral , almost like another planet .


if they were to hit Pattaya , they would have already done it


With the numbers of robbers, and other thugs in Pattaya running around on a dailyr basis, i think that you are far more likely to have orblems with them than with "terrorists".


26 minutes ago, happy pattaya man said:

I grew up in Coventry during the mid 70's, everybody should be aware of what's around them at all times, these nut jobs have no conscience whatsoever.



I was in London when the tube bombers struck. I was certainly aware of the potential for bombers, but apparently the authorities didn't give a toss as never saw a copper a couple of weeks after the incidents. The only way to prevent incidents is to have lots of cops on the beat, and there aren't any.


I put this question to the Thai wife and her answer, The places were targeted because of political leanings and a high yes vote. So Pattaya is maybe a little safer. Udon Thani more so. 

3 hours ago, onemorechang said:


Oh well

My post was not directed at you,   its just the way it is,  when multiple people post

at the same time.

But ok.

This is why,  you have nothing to fear.

Pattaya,     No one will care if it goes down here.

People from Thailand and the rest of the world look down there noses at pattaya.

it just don't make good news,   does it.

Other places give better news results. 


BTW  Nice to see the same posters as last time

on a thread like this ,     telling  you all to hide under the covers.

What happened last time,    big nothing in Pattaya.

so you were all wrong






I think Pattaya would be an obvious target. I am here now and the Hotel receptionist told me to be careful and avoid busy areas tonight. So what happened in Hua Hin can certainly happen here, and if something like that did happen in Walking Street or areas of Beach Road were people congregate it would be a disaster. And it would certainly make the international news.


I think everybody who is out and about in the main tourist haunts of Pattaya should be extra vigilant. 





1 minute ago, AlexRich said:


I think Pattaya would be an obvious target. I am here now and the Hotel receptionist told me to be careful and avoid busy areas tonight. So what happened in Hua Hin can certainly happen here, and if something like that did happen in Walking Street or areas of Beach Road were people congregate it would be a disaster. And it would certainly make the international news.


I think everybody who is out and about in the main tourist haunts of Pattaya should be extra vigilant. 





If hotel reception told you then it must be true. After all reception in hotel are well connected and know what goes on



Thailand - there's a coup ! Tanks in the streets ! It's the end of the World !

Pattaya - Huh ? 



Thailand - there's a coup ! Tanks in the streets ! The gutters will run red with blood !

Pattaya - Huh ?


2015 (New Years Eve)

Thailand - There are credible threats of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas on New Years Eve.

Pattaya - hic ! Huh ? (burp)



Thailand - bombs have gone off in many cities - lock your doors ! Hide under the covers !

Pattaya - Huh ?



Thailand - bars closed and no liquor to be sold on (insert 1 day holiday here).

Pattaya - WHAT ! :o  HOW DARE THEY !  :realangry: Close the bars !?!?!? :angry2: NO liquor sales ?!?! For ONE whole day !??!  :crying: 

What are they trying to do, crash the whole economy ??@? :redcard1: Don't they KNOW this will cause tourism to drop and all the expats are going to move to Cambodia ?!?!? :facepalm:


2 minutes ago, volka said:

If hotel reception told you then it must be true. After all reception in hotel are well connected and know what goes on


I think you've missed the point. A Thai is telling me to take extra care in Pattaya ... it's not a matter of something being true or false, it's a matter of risk ... and the belief on her part that the risk is higher here in the light of what happened in Hua Hin. 




No place is immune from what happened. if politically motivated- the places chosen were picked for a reason as well as the day picked. The agenda of the anti government movement is well known and that is why this day and the location chosen. In addition, the area chosen is a stronghold for the junta and their opponents want to show they can strike anytime they want.  In my mind Pattaya holds no real interest to them- it is actually a city based solely on making money anyway it can and houses a huge Issan population trying to eke out a living.

I would not stay out of any place in Thailand because of what happened today but I always am aware of my surroundings and keep an eye out for things that look unusual or just don't fit  the norm.

2 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Are you not in charge of your faculties that you can avoid them ?


You cannot avoid a hidden device that is going to catch you unawares

You are missing the point, people should stop flapping, you have more chance of being run over or involved in a vehicle accident in Thailand

1 hour ago, DipStick said:

I think a lot of the nochalent posters may not be of the age where they can remember bombing atrocities in Belfast, Omagh, Londonderry, Newry, London, Brighton and Manchester to name a few, so the actual realization of the consequences cannot sink in. I bet the residents of Paris have a different attitude these days and nonchalence is certainly not a word  in their vocabulary any more.

could Pattaya be a potential target ? I think that's a given, will an incident occur there ? Who knows, but let's take a closer look at facts.

today is a special day in the Thai calendar, all of these explosions took place in a 12 hour time frame, the explosions were relatively small, but had the desired effect to maim and create fear.

up until now, no more explosions have taken place, and let's hope it stays that way, however if they should start up again, then I would be extremely aware if I was in Pattaya


Remember...I was there,  one 2 year tour and 3 six monthers.  


"Should we worry about bombs in Pattaya ?"   NO!!


Worry about them ANYWHERE, the RTP and Military have no idea who's doing what  :whistling:


Tracking SIM for Thai peoples phones? Hardly likely that tourists are blowing up bombs? 

2 hours ago, Global Guy said:


In speaking to someone who knows about this issue, and target selection in particular, they said that yes, Pattaya is always a potential target.


As others have indicated, Walking Street would be the first location they would look at. It has a high concentration of tourists, convoluted movement of people, many nooks and crannies to hide explosives, difficult to police and limited effectiveness of CCTV sight lines with all the disorganized and close proximity foot traffic, numerous escape routes and ease of access to major roads very close by.


Beach Road has fewer of the above listed traits so it is less likely a target but still a potential one anyway.


It is not true that an attack in Pattaya would not make news. It has nothing to do with the any potential stigma (looking down their nose, as you wrote). That's irrelevant. It has to do with damage, body count, and nationalities of the people who were attacked.


I would avoid Walking Street for a bit. Soi Bokhao is a potential target as well, although much less likely than Walking Street.


It's not paranoid to be cautious. There are other options besides hiding indoors. Like maybe avoid WS for a bit. You can find whores anywhere in Pattaya so you won't have to sacrifice your beloved whoring activities by being cautious and skipping WS. Besides, you're rolling the dice with your life on WS with the girls anyway. But that's a different post.



40 + years says your wrong.

Look at the panic by the Tv posters last time !!!!

What happened in Pattaya,    a big nothing.


How many bombs ,  how many dead people ?

How many accidents on the roads today,   how many dead people ?


Go and  enjoy your day.

the sky will not fall in.   :coffee1:







3 hours ago, dcnx said:


I'm surprised no one has walked into the center of Nana Plaza in BKK and wiped it off the map yet.


Far more effective (and likely) to target shopping malls or more mainstream tourist locations.

37 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


I think you've missed the point. A Thai is telling me to take extra care in Pattaya ... it's not a matter of something being true or false, it's a matter of risk ... and the belief on her part that the risk is higher here in the light of what happened in Hua Hin. 




AR he hasn't missed the point he cannot understand the point, his head is imbedded so deeply in the sand that he can't even see his rear end let alone a potential threat. Best ignore and don't care a damn what he answers, I am in China so any possible bombing in Pattaya won't affect me one iota . People who know best always come a cropper 

40 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


I think you've missed the point. A Thai is telling me to take extra care in Pattaya ... it's not a matter of something being true or false, it's a matter of risk ... and the belief on her part that the risk is higher here in the light of what happened in Hua Hin. 



Totally agree with you , a Thai is usually well read and has a good and clear understanding 

27 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

"Should we worry about bombs in Pattaya ?"   NO!!


Worry about them ANYWHERE, the RTP and Military have no idea who's doing what  :whistling:


Tracking SIM for Thai peoples phones? Hardly likely that tourists are blowing up bombs? 


Not if you don't live there


Have not waded through all the posts, but my assessment is this ......


1) Pattaya is Red shirt territory already so if the bombers are motivated by referendum results they might stay away from here.  

2) Pattaya and Cholburi generally are Army dominated so if it is Muslim seperatists they might opt for easier targets.


Just my very personal view but I know as little as anyone about the realities behind recent events.


If you think about the likely source of the attacks, and then you think about which part of the country supports that kind of action, and then you think about the people who work in Pattaya and where they come from, Pattaya becomes as safe as houses.

1 hour ago, renaissanc said:

The bombers might have tried to bomb Pattaya, but the bomb didn't go off. Now it's too late to bomb Pattaya because the security will have been increased and they might get caught.


With all the CCTVs the government will soon find out who is behind the bombs. The Fugitive will announce that he was on a shopping trip at the time and so could not be involved.


Oh no

You better check under the bed !!!!!!!!!!!!




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