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Pink Floyd alum Roger Waters slams Trump, Mexican president


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Pink Floyd alum Roger Waters slams Trump, Mexican president


MEXICO CITY (AP) — Former Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters lashed out at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the first of three concerts in Mexico City.


A message projected on the stage behind Waters called Trump an offensive name in Spanish.


Trump has proposed building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Waters told the crowd at a concert Wednesday night that "we don't want a wall that separates us from our sister, our mother earth, or from each other."


Waters also criticized Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, blaming his administration for many of the thousands of people who have gone missing since Mexico's drug war began in 2006.


Waters said: "Mr. President ... Where are they? What happened to them?"

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-30
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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Roger Waters


A trashy human being, vocal advocate of the vile BDS group, a has been that like to meddle and stick his head into business he has no  business talking about, and any man who perches and paddle hate for any ' good cause '  should look at himself first.

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38 minutes ago, Yoram said:


A trashy human being, vocal advocate of the vile BDS group, a has been that

like to meddle and stick his head into business he has no business talking about, and any man who perches and paddle hate for any

' good cause '  should look at himself first.


Should he consult with you prior to making any pronouncement so that you can decide upon whether it is his business or not to comment? Should I do the same (admittedly I don't have anything like the same platform - only TV and my partner's long suffering ears).

What if, like me, he feels that the objectives of BDS are wholly honourable, justified and should be furthered around the world (although BDS is grossly off topic)?

What about TV, the online home of people sticking their heads into business they have no business talking about - should it be closed down immediately, or do you only object to points of view that don't mirror your own?

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47 minutes ago, Yoram said:


A trashy human being, vocal advocate of the vile BDS group, a has been that

like to meddle and stick his head into business he has no business talking about, and any man who perches and paddle hate for any

' good cause '  should look at himself first.


All true, but you have to give some credit for some decent tunes, way back when.

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2 hours ago, Yoram said:


A trashy human being, vocal advocate of the vile BDS group, a has been that

like to meddle and stick his head into business he has no business talking about, and any man who perches and paddle hate for any

' good cause '  should look at himself first.


Of course if he was a Trump supporter, you'd feel totally different. 

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Go on Roger stick it to them. A musician with political views and why not? The last i heard musicians were human beings too or would his detractors prefer he just stuck to bubblegum music?

And now Donald is going to try to claim the marital moral high ground with Hillary regarding Bill's infidelities. 555 The weasel is such he can't come out direct, it has to be-'  You want to know the truth? I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family, and I said to myself: I can't do it. I just can't do it,'-

Well if you can't do it  just shut your prevaricating mouth.

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6 hours ago, Yoram said:


A trashy human being, vocal advocate of the vile BDS group, a has been that like to meddle and stick his head into business he has no  business talking about, and any man who perches and paddle hate for any ' good cause '  should look at himself first.

The Brink in the Wall, fell on his melon.

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Pink Floyd are rock gods!  Roger Waters lives not far from me and is a legend!  Should he have given an opinion?  Well all of us give ours on here every day so if he shouldn't then we shouldn't either.  The difference is that we don't have thousands of people who care about our opinions whereas he does. 

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Agree with him on trump and Nieto.

Disagree with him on Israel and BDS.

I also agree with his right to express his political opinion and his right to use his celebrity to amplify that, even when I disagree with his political opinion.

Does his political opinion matter more because he's an amazing musician? I don't really think so, but some might. 

He may want to boycott Israel but I don't want to boycott his music. 

That wasn't rocket science, was it?


Next! ... 

Edited by Jingthing
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14 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Should he consult with you prior to making any pronouncement so that you can decide upon whether it is his business or not to comment? Should I do the same (admittedly I don't have anything like the same platform - only TV and my partner's long suffering ears).

What if, like me, he feels that the objectives of BDS are wholly honourable, justified and should be furthered around the world (although BDS is grossly off topic)?

What about TV, the online home of people sticking their heads into business they have no business talking about - should it be closed down immediately, or do you only object to points of view that don't mirror your own?

BDS is part deluded SJW and part cymical Jew baiters. I'll believe their sincerity when they address inequality and injustice in the Mosley and Arab World including that  corrupt nest of vipers in the Gaza. Israel is a Pargon of virtue compared to the mediaeval, moral bankrupt, backward Arab States. Arabs are treated better in Israel than Saudi or Libya .. or most Arab countries. When will the BDS rent a mob tackle the caste system in India or the destruction of Christianity in Pakistan? NEVER! Because it doea not fit in with their pathological  hate of Jews and jealousy of Israel. The BDS should understand such actions work  other ways.  A boycott of all Muslim businesses in  the UK. A serious tax reviews covering the last 50 years of Muslim business accounts. A clampdown on the the whole 'Islamaphobic' nonesense. An exposure of the Role of Islam and the slave trade. The education of our kids as to the true role of political Islam since it was created. Jews were burnt out of their homes and shops in the MENA. BDD is the same Muslim hate mentality supported by lackeys and dupes from the west. And Waters is c*** anyway.

Edited by alofthailand
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I imagine famous people actually believe that their opinions will sway many followers. 

If I weighed all the ones I like, and then the ones I don't like, would it change my mind? 
I highly doubt it would change anyone's? 

I love many of the songs Roger has written, and highly respect him for his songwriting. 
But much prefer his music over his political views.

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Whether I agree with MexiWall or not, this is all quite ironic coming from the guy that penned most of The Wall, which, brilliant though it is -- as Dave Gilmour succinctly put it -- is 'all a bit of a whinge'. And, yes, although off-topic, Water's was/is a bit of a C U Next Tuesday. Just as Mr Mason.

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"We don't want a wall that separates us from our sister, our mother earth, or from each other."


Interesting that he mentioned "...our mother earth,...."


He's smart enough to realize if Trump's Wall were built, it would also adversely impact on fauna in that region.  Animals which need to roam free would not be able to.  Good call, Waters.


On a personal level, I don't build walls or fences even tho I've secured several properties totaling about 20 rai in northern Thailand.  My neighbors build fences and invariably string them with barbed wire.  In their groupthink mentality, they can't even perceive of a fence strung with anything other than barbed wire.  Walk down any suburban road in Thailand, and you're walking between walls and barbed wire fences.  Ok granted, the OP is about Mexico/US border, but the same paranoid/fearful mentality prevails there and everywhere people congregate.  Well, at least Antarctica is relatively unsullied by humans. 

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9 hours ago, alofthailand said:

BDS is part deluded SJW and part cymical Jew baiters. I'll believe their sincerity when they address inequality and injustice in the Mosley and Arab World including that  corrupt nest of vipers in the Gaza. Israel is a Pargon of virtue compared to the mediaeval, moral bankrupt, backward Arab States. Arabs are treated better in Israel than Saudi or Libya .. or most Arab countries. When will the BDS rent a mob tackle the caste system in India or the destruction of Christianity in Pakistan? NEVER! Because it doea not fit in with their pathological  hate of Jews and jealousy of Israel. The BDS should understand such actions work  other ways.  A boycott of all Muslim businesses in  the UK. A serious tax reviews covering the last 50 years of Muslim business accounts. A clampdown on the the whole 'Islamaphobic' nonesense. An exposure of the Role of Islam and the slave trade. The education of our kids as to the true role of political Islam since it was created. Jews were burnt out of their homes and shops in the MENA. BDD is the same Muslim hate mentality supported by lackeys and dupes from the west. And Waters is c*** anyway.


Why are you bringing religion into this? Jews? Muslims? Where did I mention them? I mentioned that BDS is an honourable, non-violent response to an oppressive, immoral regime. I did not mention religion. Some here have issues with some of the people fronting BDS - that is merely a distraction. It is very easy to separate the personalities from the aims of the movement; supporting those aims does not endorse any of the people who share the same perspective for BDS.


As for your utterly ridiculous suggestion that BDS is somehow unworthy because it is not tackling myriad other problems, should cancer specialists be criticised because they are not working to find cures for autism?


Finally, if I were to suggest a serious tax review of all the Jewish financial institutions around the world (why not open up the secretive lives of those most favourite of Israeli donors, the Rothschilds, to public scrutiny - let's see how they have been scamming the whole world and sponsoring wars for the last 200 years?) simply because they were Jewish, I would, quite rightly, be shot down in a second, especially by those who have liked your post. Irony or Hypocrisy? Both, I think.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

BDS is s hateful, anti Semitic movement and Waters comes off as a screwball for supporting it. Stick to the music.




What utter nonsense of a write-up, you linked to. The very first complaint is this:


"BDS is a global campaign against Israel and only Israel.  It seeks to foment sufficient emotional anger with Israel, and with only Israel, so that people around the world will want to punish Israel, and only Israel."


BDS is hardly likely to go after Peru or Bosnia for their shameful persecution of Palestinians, is it? It is a single-issue platform, much like many other single-issue campaigns around the world.

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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:




"BDS is a global campaign against Israel and only Israel.  It seeks to foment sufficient emotional anger with Israel, and with only Israel, so that people around the world will want to punish Israel, and only Israel."


BDS is hardly likely to go after Peru or Bosnia for their shameful persecution of Palestinians, is it? 


No, because they are anti-Semitic hypocrites and Roger Waters is one too.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Any music concert should be exactly that, music,  NOT bring politics along. Folk from all 'camps' go to watch and listen to music not some bloke spouting his views on political stuff, there are many media outlets to do the politics thing the 'famous' can navigate....

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17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


No, because they are anti-Semitic hypocrites and Roger Waters is one too.


You write as if BDS is an entire way of life that is directed from their leadership, and that every nuance of the leaderships' views are strictly adhered to by those who share the same BDS beliefs. I am sure that you don't believe that, but it is a handy smear for you to paint - if you try to avoid spending your money on Israeli companies or institutions because of the Israeli government's policies, you must be anti-semitic.


For the record, I do all I can to avoid contributing to the Israeli exchequer and I encourage others to do the same, but my feeling towards Jews is the same as my feeling towards Muslims, Christians and any other religion - feel free to believe what you want, just don't shove your pamphlets through my door.

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