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Elephant picks up woman in Ayuthaya in its trunk and tosses her to the ground - she is severely injured


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I am surprised for the low rate of attacks and deaths from "trained" elephants in Thailand.  To be just close to an elephant,  tiger, lion,  bear,  whale, or any big wild animal, is playing with death. Just needs a second of them using its strength to kill anybody .....

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If she was feeding the elephant green bananas then I can understand him getting angry.

We feed the pigs here a lot of plant materials plants as it's natural food for them and it's also a way to keep the cost for feed down, the one thing that they absolutely not want to eat are unripe bananas even thou they basically eats EVERYTHING!

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Imagine having a conversation with a man that has highly trained guard dog at his side. Imagine the result if the dog perceives that his master is upset and you represent a threat.

Would people then say dogs should not be allowed to in close contact with tourists or that the dog had been mistreated?


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9 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Imagine having a conversation with a man that has highly trained guard dog at his side. Imagine the result if the dog perceives that his master is upset and you represent a threat.

Would people then say dogs should not be allowed to in close contact with tourists or that the dog had been mistreated?


A trained guard dog will only take action when told to do so by his handler. So, if it attacks without command, it will be retired or put down because it is dangerous and not suited for the job.
A dog is considered a domesticated animal (similar to amongst others guppy, cat, yak and some varieties of bees; says Wikipedia) and guard dogs are trained for a specific purpose.
Asian Elephants are, again according to Wikipedia, semi-domesticated. (thus semi-wild)

(Sidenote:  I haven't seen a single properly trained dog here yet, except the sniffer dogs at the airport.)

Edited by KKr
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3 hours ago, ukrules said:


I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.

In most countries even. Dog is entitled to a first.


Soyou would put down a 30 year old Elephant with no history. Because of.a situation the women created ?


Maybe you should seek Professional Help.


How violent are you ?

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:

What are you supposed to do - cook them ?


If this dumb ass elephant didn't want to eat them it should have ignored them.


Stupid elephant.


Stupid woman she was told not to feed the elephant and she choose to ignore the advice. As stated the mahoot thought it to be a bad idea. Methinks you give the elephant to much credit. Another example how life can turn ugly real fast. I hope she recovers a bit the wiser for wear. 

Edited by elgordo38
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51 minutes ago, KKr said:

A trained guard dog will only take action when told to do so by his handler. So, if it attacks without command, it will be retired or put down because it is dangerous and not suited for the job.


Unless, perhaps, the owner, or animal,  is attacked, and acts to protect?

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:


I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.

I do not agree. Whether elephants need to 'work' at the ruins should be reconsidered. This particular beast is not suitable, if any are.

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:


I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.

Preferably retire the elephant to where it belongs, in a nature reserve.

If anyone should be put down, I would sooner it be you.

The vast majority of elephants exploited at these entertainment venues are orphans, taken from slaughtered families in the wild, had their 'spirit broken' There is any amount of evidence of this for anyone who dares face up to it.

The elephant is not violent, but your murderous approach to the situation certainly is. It is such attitudes that prevent problems from being solved.

Just for you, great white master: 


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4 hours ago, ukrules said:


I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.


4 hours ago, ukrules said:


I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.


4 hours ago, ukrules said:


I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.

elephants are a particularly intelligent social animal...how do you propose to kill it and then deal with the effect it has on the rest of the herd?

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1 hour ago, sahibji said:

to each his own but some tourists are thrilled at the show put up by the elephants and their trainers.accidents do happen but the elephants do not go about attacking people without any  reason.

Well this one had a reason...it didn't like unripe nanas....so if they are that touchy and are prepared to kill a person over a nana then I keep well away and would recommend everyone else does as well.

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5 hours ago, ukrules said:

What are you supposed to do - cook them ?


If this dumb ass elephant didn't want to eat them it should have ignored them.


Stupid elephant.


The elephant did not want to eat "nam wa" (raw/unripe) bananas, why would it be a dumb animal.

if a stranger forced bananas down your throat how would you react?

It seems some folk on here can be dumber than elephants!

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2 hours ago, KKr said:

A trained guard dog will only take action when told to do so by his handler. So, if it attacks without command, it will be retired or put down because it is dangerous and not suited for the job.
A dog is considered a domesticated animal (similar to amongst others guppy, cat, yak and some varieties of bees; says Wikipedia) and guard dogs are trained for a specific purpose.
Asian Elephants are, again according to Wikipedia, semi-domesticated. (thus semi-wild)

(Sidenote:  I haven't seen a single properly trained dog here yet, except the sniffer dogs at the airport.)

I have some experience here. My dog was a highly trained guard dog. In fact he was used as a demonstration dog for the company that taught us how to train him. Because he was very controllable, from strongly aggressive to docile in a blink and on command. Especially when he was in his guard collar.

Note that I am calling him a guard dog and not a Police dog, there is a difference.

Now if you were to have an argument with me where I appeared to be getting upset with you. I guarantee you, my dog would  shut you down without a word from me (unless I stopped him) and you'd be changing your shorts soon after. But he wouldn't seriously hurt you.

He was a very large German Shepherd.


Very similar to the elephant scenario IMO

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3 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


What do you mean long reproductive cycle..  There are loads of baby elephants at the elephant 'sanctuaries', where do you suppose they come from?  They're born all the time in captivity.    A lot easier than risking your life in a forest somewhere, which would be breaking the law, too.

I was just regurgitating what all other web sites out there dedicated to elephants are saying about the matter, including Wikipedia.

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The systematic torture and abuse of these beautiful wild animals by humans for our pleasure is disgraceful. It's no wonder that sometimes these poor broken creatures suddenly turn on us humans. And as for Thailand, a country which supposedly holds them in such high regard?? People should just not go to elephant shows or go on elephant treks. Elephants should be in the wild or in sanctuaries specifically for them. Simple as. 

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Bananas are NOT a natural part of an elephants diet.  They are only used to sell to tourists to give to the elephant.  Sugar cane is OK for them. You will never see a wild elephant go near a Banana plantation for food.

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17 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I have some experience here. My dog was a highly trained guard dog. In fact he was used as a demonstration dog for the company that taught us how to train him. Because he was very controllable, from strongly aggressive to docile in a blink and on command. Especially when he was in his guard collar.

Note that I am calling him a guard dog and not a Police dog, there is a difference.

Now if you were to have an argument with me where I appeared to be getting upset with you. I guarantee you, my dog would  shut you down without a word from me (unless I stopped him) and you'd be changing your shorts soon after. But he wouldn't seriously hurt you.

He was a very large German Shepherd.


Very similar to the elephant scenario IMO

agree with you on the Elephant scenario. 

(and share your German Shepherd experience, IMO the greatest, hard work loving and most grateful dogs for a disciplined owner).
The previous post was about a highly trained guard dog, what I assumed to be a dog used for professional guard duty. (Police Academy drop-out if you like) Therefore my comment to retire or put down.
The Elephant is likely trained to work in the forest, and to politely accept sweet fruits. I cannot blame him.

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17 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

Bananas are NOT a natural part of an elephants diet.  They are only used to sell to tourists to give to the elephant.  Sugar cane is OK for them. You will never see a wild elephant go near a Banana plantation for food.

Some people that have thought about this at http://www.defenders.org/elephant/basic-facts disagree with you.

Of the two species, African elephants are divided into two subspecies (savannah and forest), while the Asian elephant is divided into four subspecies (Sri Lankan, Indian, Sumatran and Borneo). Asian elephants have been very important to Asian culture for thousands of years – they have been domesticated and are used for religious festivals, transportation and to move heavy objects.


Staples: Grasses, leaves, bamboo, bark, roots. Elephants are also known to eat crops like banana and sugarcane which are grown by farmers. Adult elephants eat 300-400 lbs of food per day.

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:

What are you supposed to do - cook them ?


If this dumb ass elephant didn't want to eat them it should have ignored them.


Stupid elephant.



You are joking?

She provoked this animal...she was told to back off....she didn't heed the warning......she is the dumb animal.



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7 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"The mahout Urai Salangam, 43, told reporters that it was not good to feed elephants raw bananas. He was backed up by the owner of the elephant who said that his employee was an experienced mahout who knew exactly how to handle elephants."


I wonder just how important a person the owner happens to be. I don't blame the elephant, the woman was making a nuisance of herself after being told repeatedly by the mahout to cease feeding bananas to the animal. I hope she recovers from her injuries and realizes how stupid she was.

add. I assume "raw" bananas means green, unripe as opposed to yellow"ripe" bananas? 

funny? if u go to The Hua Hin elephant sanctuary up the hill you can buy bananas to feed the baby elephant............even "junior" though could do you some serious  harm.

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9 hours ago, ukrules said:

What are you supposed to do - cook them ?


If this dumb ass elephant didn't want to eat them it should have ignored them.


Stupid elephant.


Stupid woman.....she was told the elephant didn't like them, told they were unripe, arrogant "phu ying" (don't you know who I am?) insists, elephant settles the argument! :wai:

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Elephants are a truly majestic animal, they are also a lot smarter than they are given credit for.

Maybe the unripe bananas affect the elephants digestive system, the elephant didn't want to eat them the mahout knew this and obviously warned the woman not to feed the elephant, the woman ignored him and the elephant took action. The elephant behaved in a restrained manner as the woman is still alive, if the elephant wanted the woman dead she would be, the elephant just picked the woman up and flung her to the ground as a warning.

In this case it looks to me that the elephant took this woman to be a threat and dealt with her the way it knows best.

I agree with a lot of people who say that elephants shouldn't be in captivity, but what is the answer, is there an area that could be used as a proper elephant conservation area it would have to be huge as elephants in the wild tend to roam looking for food. I just don't think that this would be able to happen due to the amount of people who would be displaced to set up this vast area for an elephant reserve and then there is the money for the land where does it come from?

I love elephants and have to admit that I will feed them pretty much any time I come into contact with them, I don't care for the tricks that they are taught as in my opinion I think it degrading towards the elephant.

To the poster who suggested putting the elephant down, what planet are you on idiot.


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