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Trump slams recount push as 'a scam,' says election is over


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7 hours ago, scorecard said:

Three weeks ago Trump proclaimed loudly many times that voting was rigged and he would refuse to accept the result is hc won.


Now he claims demands for recount as a scam and voting is over.


This is the clown who is going to run the USA for the next 4 years with enormous impact on the world and his 'policies' are all over the shop and frightening.


God save us. 

I think you will be Suprised.  I believe  he will do a great job. four years yes...maybe eight years.

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7 hours ago, scorecard said:

Three weeks ago Trump proclaimed loudly many times that voting was rigged and he would refuse to accept the result is hc won.


Now he claims demands for recount as a scam and voting is over.


This is the clown who is going to run the USA for the next 4 years with enormous impact on the world and his 'policies' are all over the shop and frightening.


God save us. 

Trump s right!

Politics in the U.S. is a scam!

It is documented that both political parties lie, cheat, and steal votes.

And there is no popular vote in the U.S., so it is not a true democracy, it is a republic.

Accusations by Clinton's camp that she won the popular vote are not backed up with facts, just accusations.

A country where people vote based on a candidate's skin color, sex, ethnic origin, welfare benefits; instead of a candidates qualifications is simply a joke!

All the time the hypocritical U.S. Gov't. goes around the world demanding that governments of other countries establish democracies in exchange for USAID and other U$ hand outs.

The U.S. Gov't has way too many faces to take seriously!!

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3 hours ago, Strange said:


I hope the snowflakes don't want it to come to that but I'm ready. 

I always laugh when I see comments like this, because generally the people who make them haven't the slightest clue what it is like to be in a war, and would likely wet their pants when the rounds start flying.

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8 hours ago, scorecard said:

Three weeks ago Trump proclaimed loudly many times that voting was rigged and he would refuse to accept the result is hc won.


Now he claims demands for recount as a scam and voting is over.


This is the clown who is going to run the USA for the next 4 years with enormous impact on the world and his 'policies' are all over the shop and frightening.


God save us. 

 And do you know why he claimed that? Because his private polling was telling him he was going to win, and every other single poll in the US establishment was telling him he was going to lose. So if he believed his own very accurate polls, something was up, either with the result or with the polls. As it turned out, it was the polls that were rigged.

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  "No mention either of illegal immigrants and the deceased voting."  There is no case of illegals or dead people voting. There was a recorded instance of a fascist voter voting twice during this farce of an election. Voter fraud is a lie, a right wing lie that non-thinking people believe. There is wide spread voter suppression by the right wing teabagging Republican Party that has bragged about it. That more than likely did swing results into the fascist camp. In fact they bragged about it in N. Carolina.


Hey right wingers that are ready for war, If I return to the states I'm as ready as you, my guns are all in the hands of my friends, mostly USMC Vets waiting for me. I'm not on your side I'm against every racist, biggoted, misogynist, fascist there is and I along with a lot of other left winger, no not panty waiste "liberals", can and will fight. I haven't met a redneck yet that knew diddle squat about how to really use a weapon, hunt, or fight a war/battle. I guided the "great readneck hunters" for many years, scary with a gun, would never want one covering my 6.


I doubt seriously that the results of a through count will drastically change the outcome, but there needs to be a better accounting of votes. No, Jill Stein is NOT trying to help Clinton. She is doing the right thing and what John Kerrry's handlers wouldn't let him do in '04. There are too many problems. Voting needs to return to hand count paper ballots, without "hanging chads" so the un-Supreme Court "gang of 5" can't give another election away to the right wing.

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54 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

I always laugh when I see comments like this, because generally the people who make them haven't the slightest clue what it is like to be in a war, and would likely wet their pants when the rounds start flying.

If the rounds did start flying, I reckon a good majority of protesters would wet their pants and run to Canada.  Mexico is far too dangerous. 

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9 hours ago, coma said:

This Jill Stein and her Green party are just stirring the pot, trying to drum up a bit of free advertisement, at the taxpayer's expense. Hoping it will get her a little more than 1% of the vote in four years time.

I liken her effort to the lowly individuals that initiate a fight, get their butts kick, have nothing left in defeat except one last parting spit in the opponents face. Even Hillary and the democrats concede that they "Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,"  we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves," said Mr Elias, the Clinton lawyer.



Jill Stein has received $5 million to finance the recounts.  I think it is more likely that the financers are pushing for something to stop Trump and Jill happily carries the banner for that.


After Trump continually screamed that the election was rigged it is only right that the system is tested to make sure it was fair and just.

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2 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

 And do you know why he claimed that? Because his private polling was telling him he was going to win, and every other single poll in the US establishment was telling him he was going to lose. So if he believed his own very accurate polls, something was up, either with the result or with the polls. As it turned out, it was the polls that were rigged.


Or simply that polling is fundamentally flawed and people who were going to vote for Trump were too embarrassed to admit it?



Edited by Chicog
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Once again Trump exhibits his inability to lead , and  confirms my opinion of him.

If Trump is confident that a recount will not change the results, then he should be all for it since it will only confirm the results and help to remove any lingering doubts some might have.

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What a farce.  Stein may have started this recount nonsense but I understand that Clinton has now decided to back her. When Trump claimed that the system was rigged, he was of course referring to the way in which the media portrayed him in a totally biased way, whilst tending to ignore all of Clinton's transgressions and the manner in which she gathered her support from big business. He was not suggesting that the counting of the votes was fixed.

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9 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

What a farce.  Stein may have started this recount nonsense but I understand that Clinton has now decided to back her. When Trump claimed that the system was rigged, he was of course referring to the way in which the media portrayed him in a totally biased way, whilst tending to ignore all of Clinton's transgressions and the manner in which she gathered her support from big business. He was not suggesting that the counting of the votes was fixed.

You understand wrong

The Clinton campaign has not "decided to back her" they have decided to participate to the extend that they will send attorneys to monitor that the recount is done legally. I am sure if this recount goes forward Trump will do the same. 

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8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


She's crazy enough to pull a stunt like that….if that happens, it's war.

So lets get this straight , you are bitchin and moaning about the current protests against Trump some of which have been violent, yet if a recount is done and it is found that Clinton actually  legally won the 3 states concerned you would be happy to advocate war. America deserves you.

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If the rounds did start flying, I reckon a good majority of protesters would wet their pants and run to Canada.  Mexico is far too dangerous.  Want to bet on that? For me :partytime2:


For those that can't handle the truth about voter fraud, a little information:   http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/opinion/voter-id-is-the-real-fraud.html?_r=0

Edited by sgtsabai
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Somebody has been snorting the right wingnut powder. Jill Stein has nothing to gain and she isn't a sell out to the Clintons, where's the proof, where is any evidence? Get a grip on reality, oh wait, I forgot right wing teabagging Republican fascist supporter. They live in an alternative universe, what's it's name, oh yea alt-right, the code name for racist.


American elections are screwed and have been since at least the un-Supreme Court gave the presidency to what was the worst president ever, although if the fascist manages to survive the Republican coup he will soon take that dishonor.

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Are you high?


You do enjoy living in your own fantasy world…why on earth would they do that? He's the one who got them where they are now…to jettison him would  make them hugely unpopular with their voter base. It is probably more astute to work with him since he won such a convincing victory. 

He did not win such a convincing victory. In fact he lost the popular vote by a significant number.

To simply state it, more Americans voted against him, than voted for him. 

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13 minutes ago, sirineou said:

He did not win such a convincing victory. In fact he lost the popular vote by a significant number.

To simply state it, more Americans voted against him, than voted for him. 


i don't know what you're babbling about….The American system neither recognises nor rewards the popular vote….who cares….he won by the rules.


If you didn't like the rules you should've had them changed before the elections took place….but you thought your candidate was going to win by a landslide.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


i don't know what you're babbling about….The American system neither recognises nor rewards the popular vote….who cares….he won by the rules.


If you didn't like the rules you should've had them changed before the elections took place….but you thought your candidate was going to win by a landslide.

You need read thing more carefully before you pull the trigger.

Nowhere did I say that he did not win, I simply challenged your assertion of a "convincing victory"

I did not have a horse in this race so no candidate for me, I simply wanted a horse to win and not an ass.

As to who cares  , I would say the majority of americans who voted against him do!!


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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

What a farce.  Stein may have started this recount nonsense but I understand that Clinton has now decided to back her. When Trump claimed that the system was rigged, he was of course referring to the way in which the media portrayed him in a totally biased way, whilst tending to ignore all of Clinton's transgressions and the manner in which she gathered her support from big business. He was not suggesting that the counting of the votes was fixed.

Wrong.  The Trump campaign - and Trump himself - was calling for "observers" to man polling stations in "those areas" throughout the country to ensure voting integrity, going so far as to bring court actions to allow non-residents to perform those duties in several locations in Pennsylvania. Yup, nothing guarantees voting integrity as much as a yahoo with an AR-15 strapped on his back at polling stations in the central areas of Philadelphia.

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44 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

Somebody has been snorting the right wingnut powder. Jill Stein has nothing to gain and she isn't a sell out to the Clintons, where's the proof, where is any evidence? Get a grip on reality, oh wait, I forgot right wing teabagging Republican fascist supporter. They live in an alternative universe, what's it's name, oh yea alt-right, the code name for racist.


American elections are screwed and have been since at least the un-Supreme Court gave the presidency to what was the worst president ever, although if the fascist manages to survive the Republican coup he will soon take that dishonor.


How did you feel about Jill Stein before the election? 


How do you feel about Jill Stein now that she has pushed for a recount? 

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:


who cares…he won…suck it up (through a straw if necessary)

Boy, you are a glutton for punishment!

again , read more carefully. I believe I answered the who care question in my previous reply.

talk about beating a dead horse,

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If D. Trump loses, the election is rigged. If he wins, do not recount. To read about the NYT, the story of Trump's lies in Scotland when building the so-called biggest golf in the world with several hotels and thousands of jobs at the key in a natural reserve. The result is less than 100 jobs, 20 rooms, a wall built at the expense of neighbors and the feeling of being fooled from start to end. http://goo.gl/1d036c

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