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Would You Leave Thailand ?

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1 hour ago, Don Mega said:
2 hours ago, laislica said:



Ha ha

The posting police have just woken up he he




Been awake since 4am Thai time, you ?



Well that explains a lot!


Me? Fell out of bed promptly at 08:20 this morning, just after the m/c's rush outa the mooban to go to work.

Now almost 21:00 so soon bed time.

I read that you don't live in Thailand, you work in Thailand LOL


OK, that's a Troll fed for the day.

Time to get back to reading/writing Thai!


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33 minutes ago, al007 said:



So far as I understand no one will stop us returning to our original country


God Bless and Happy New Year



He he, unless it's the UK!

They will not let you return to settle with your 100% legal Thai wife unless.....

You can prove income in excess of about 18,000GBP per annum.

Your Thai wife must pass the Reading/writing/speaking and knowledge of the UK tests before you can settle at home with her.......


Just sayin.....


Glad to hear that you are happy though.


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11 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Have spent the last year setting up exactly this.. From a few years ago buying 5 rai for the grand villa and maybe a bunch of rental homes around a pool (estimated 30 mil inward) to dropping off extensions back to a ME visa, going and setting up a fall back home in the west, starting a biz back there, and the full lifeboat option to be on a plane in a day or two without any real interruption to my life just in case.. 


What I discovered this summer was

1) the UK is probably cheaper, for the life I lead and the things I consume these days than Thailand is

2) theres sooo much to do that I had forgotten I loved (track days, racing calendar, flight lessons, music festivals, bands, etc).. 

3) making money is so easy back there that not only is it not costing me anything, its set to me making me multi 100k doing it. 


I am younger than some at 43, been 'retired' here since I was 28.. Allowed myself to become brainwashed by every expats complaints of trips home, the self validation of 'how great it was to be back' or holiday makers gushing over how lucky it is to be here.. Sure it may be fine at 60 to wind down and live slow in a semi decent climate but this last year has me enthused with the action of being back in europe, my only problems involve the wife / travel / our dog / etc.. 


Of course its cold and dark in the UK now.. So I am here.. Counting the days until the winter is over to get back. I am really wondering if I wouldnt do far better having a villa in portugal for the winter rather than here. The biz I have started can easily pay for that cost without touching any of my nestegg. 


Many of us expats only dream about having that much wealth at your age,... well done we are all so proud of you!

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1 hour ago, alfieconn said:


Seems like your losing a month every year :sad:



Whoopee, the maths police are here now!!! LOL

OK, just for you:

6'5 months in Spain and er 12 -6.5=5.5 in Thailand....

(Should I count the travel time somewhere or not FF s!)

For my wife to be a resident of Spain, she needs to stay there for more than 180 days per year.

Got it?


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11 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Have spent the last year setting up exactly this.. From a few years ago buying 5 rai for the grand villa and maybe a bunch of rental homes around a pool (estimated 30 mil inward) to dropping off extensions back to a ME visa, going and setting up a fall back home in the west, starting a biz back there, and the full lifeboat option to be on a plane in a day or two without any real interruption to my life just in case.. 


What I discovered this summer was

1) the UK is probably cheaper, for the life I lead and the things I consume these days than Thailand is

2) theres sooo much to do that I had forgotten I loved (track days, racing calendar, flight lessons, music festivals, bands, etc).. 

3) making money is so easy back there that not only is it not costing me anything, its set to me making me multi 100k doing it. 


I am younger than some at 43, been 'retired' here since I was 28.. Allowed myself to become brainwashed by every expats complaints of trips home, the self validation of 'how great it was to be back' or holiday makers gushing over how lucky it is to be here.. Sure it may be fine at 60 to wind down and live slow in a semi decent climate but this last year has me enthused with the action of being back in europe, my only problems involve the wife / travel / our dog / etc.. 


Of course its cold and dark in the UK now.. So I am here.. Counting the days until the winter is over to get back. I am really wondering if I wouldnt do far better having a villa in portugal for the winter rather than here. The biz I have started can easily pay for that cost without touching any of my nestegg. 


So what did you do as a living in the West to Retire here at age 28 in a 30 M Villa? Rob Banks?

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26 minutes ago, laislica said:



He he, unless it's the UK!

They will not let you return to settle with your 100% legal Thai wife unless.....

You can prove income in excess of about 18,000GBP per annum.

Your Thai wife must pass the Reading/writing/speaking and knowledge of the UK tests before you can settle at home with her.......


Just sayin.....


Glad to hear that you are happy though.





Do I detect the negative brigade


Does anyone marry a Thai wife who can not read and write English, am I living a blinkered life  !!


Do you not have a Thai wife able to keep you in the manner to which you might like to become accustomed


As for income your figure is but a drop in the ocean, and exceeded many times over !  !  !


Even the Alsatians have chips and passports, I know they may not be allowed to travel First Class ! !!   !!!

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1 hour ago, al007 said:

I have never been happier in my life than I am today, and I have had far more than most


I have a couple of technical problems like two different cancers, not identified earlier due to possible hospital malpractice


I retired 23 yrs ago, and travelled the world


I screwed up a few times, well lets say no more !


I have so far only been married four times, this time 9 yrs, so far so good, I am married just a day at a time!!


The Russian/ Israeli lady, well actually the bitch not from hell but much worse, wife No3


She took 90% of my world wide assets after 18 mths


I am such a lucky man, I came to Thailand, 10 yrs ago looking to be picked up, I was, I did choose Hua Hin


Because I thought it was a little more upmarket


I suggest those who are not happy look at themselves


God has looked after me so well, he/she is very busy so we have to help, it is not fair to expect it to happen without our help


I posted this yesterday, when UbonJoe said the government site had been closed down


Well what a positive way to protect against hacking, have nothing to hack

On the same basis all vehicles, trucks, busses,  minivans and cars need to be banned, 

Then road deaths over the holiday period would be substantially cut

Happy holidays, I will go next week to immigration in the OX cart !


Gentlemen and Ladies

I consider I am fortunate and grateful to be here in Thailand


I have far too many imperfections, if in doubt ask my wife, Thailand also has imperfections


Lets be happy we are fortunate enough to be living here


So far as I understand no one will stop us returning to our original country


God Bless and Happy New Year


Interesting post until you brought god into it.

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10 minutes ago, al007 said:
46 minutes ago, laislica said:



He he, unless it's the UK!

They will not let you return to settle with your 100% legal Thai wife unless.....

You can prove income in excess of about 18,000GBP per annum.

Your Thai wife must pass the Reading/writing/speaking and knowledge of the UK tests before you can settle at home with her.......


Just sayin.....


Glad to hear that you are happy though.





Do I detect the negative brigade


Does anyone marry a Thai wife who can not read and write English, am I living a blinkered life  !!


Do you not have a Thai wife able to keep you in the manner to which you might like to become accustomed


As for income your figure is but a drop in the ocean, and exceeded many times over !  !  !


Even the Alsatians have chips and passports, I know they may not be allowed to travel First Class ! !!   !!!


No dear Boy, just facts!


Perhaps you would go down well on one of the many jokes threads?

If you haven't anything useful to add, just stop trolling and flaming!!!!

It's against TVF rules tha knows!





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11 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Have spent the last year setting up exactly this.. From a few years ago buying 5 rai for the grand villa and maybe a bunch of rental homes around a pool (estimated 30 mil inward) to dropping off extensions back to a ME visa, going and setting up a fall back home in the west, starting a biz back there, and the full lifeboat option to be on a plane in a day or two without any real interruption to my life just in case.. 


What I discovered this summer was

1) the UK is probably cheaper, for the life I lead and the things I consume these days than Thailand is

2) theres sooo much to do that I had forgotten I loved (track days, racing calendar, flight lessons, music festivals, bands, etc).. 

3) making money is so easy back there that not only is it not costing me anything, its set to me making me multi 100k doing it. 


I am younger than some at 43, been 'retired' here since I was 28.. Allowed myself to become brainwashed by every expats complaints of trips home, the self validation of 'how great it was to be back' or holiday makers gushing over how lucky it is to be here.. Sure it may be fine at 60 to wind down and live slow in a semi decent climate but this last year has me enthused with the action of being back in europe, my only problems involve the wife / travel / our dog / etc.. 


Of course its cold and dark in the UK now.. So I am here.. Counting the days until the winter is over to get back. I am really wondering if I wouldnt do far better having a villa in portugal for the winter rather than here. The biz I have started can easily pay for that cost without touching any of my nestegg. 


Very true. Australia is the same.

Yeh back home is more expensive for services, but the quality, range of food and social events (that arent just boozing in a pub... which is fun) makes up for it.


Horses for courses though

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11 hours ago, JackThompson said:


My Thai GF and I have discussed the PI if the retirement options change or my short-term Tourist Visa options are removed (I am not quite 50 yet).  I prefer Thailand by far, but the PI would be a decent 2nd choice, if not for one problem in particular. I have friends there, and none can get decent Internet (even at large businesses) sufficient to have a clear skype-voice call.  Both GF and I would find that to be a big problem.  She could not even do video-chats with her family back here.  So, for now, the PI is not an option. 


As to "where else": She has no interest in Cambodia (can't blame her, given how they view Thais).  Laos has few long-stay options for farangs (and land-border hops to Thailand ever 2 months from Laos are now off the table). 


Marriage has implications with her family that neither of us want to affect our relationship.  So all we can do right now, is cross our fingers.


What implications with her family has marriage?

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11 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

Fair questions and comments. First, please excuse the length of my reply. we moved here, originally, part time in 1992 and thought renting would do for us. 6 months here and 6 months in Vancouver.  We did learn very quickly that we cannot buy land. But, we also learned the next best thing was to enter into a 30+30+30 year lease. That lease was registered at the land Dept., so, one would imagine the regulations would not change. This is probably the biggest worry, I think. The property rules do keep changing and they change retroactively.  My understanding is that all land departments will now refuse to register a lease with extension clauses.

Secondly, The 'personal information mining' is what comes to mind. in the past 12 months, (although it was an old regulation), the TM28/30 has been introduced. I wouldn't mind if it worked. In 2016, I submitted 4 different forms (TM47 and TM30's) which have been lost, or thrown away (registered post and I included the stamped SAE's). This required me to drive to Nakohn Immigration twice and to Phuket Immigration once. 

In 2016, we had the requirement to file personal information forms, which originally asked for personal family details, bank accounts and your computer id. Unfortunately, we were one of the first to file, without being advised that the last bit of info. was voluntary. The last Visa extension (supported by the 800k deposit certficate) was delayed, whilst the senior officer scanned through the 3 month         certified bank statements - ''we need to make sure that you have money coming in to Thailand to live off'' Look, we've been happy living here for 20 years.

A senior bank manager interviewed me, in November, at our village branch, out of the blue - ''where do you live, what are you doing in Thailand, what kind of visa do you have, do you know you can't work anywhere in Thailand, does your country send you money''. This has been my bank for 23 year; my local branch for 12 yrs.  Again

OK - some of this is 'normal', for the third world. But, I cannot say that my wife and I are looking forward us hitting our 80's and dealing with, potentially even more of the ''this is not your country'' attitude which, we all know the education system is still beating in to school children. In summary, we have no desire to up and leave Thailand. I was curious to see what the general population of TV members think, currently, esp. western couples, who do not have Thai family connections.

1.  If you wanted to own land you should have done you homework before you moved here with the intention of owning land.


2.  If you did the 30 + 30 + 30 lease then its not going to change.  Its a legal lease.  If they stop doing them in the future it will not concern what you already have as you already have an extension clause in place.


3. Personal information 'mining'.  What are you talking about here?  They just want basic information.  What's the problem with telling them you name and address and where you like to go? So what if you bank asked you some basic questions that must have took less than 10 minutes of you time to answer.  Can you blame them for wanting some security from immigrants to their country... it would be better if the UK did this!!!


4.  So if you are in your 80s go back to your own country and live in a home for OAPs and be treated by immigrants who are underpaid and overworked and where you will be obliged to give all you life's savings to. 


I am a western couple..... I have no Thai family connections. 


Go back home if that's what you want.  Stay if you want to.  Stop complaining about spending a few minutes to fill in a form... or answering simple questions in a bank once in you entire life!!!!



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Just now, JackThompson said:


Let's just say there is more to it than polite visits at Thanksgiving and Christmas, like where I am from.  I have posted on the general topic in the past, if you look at my history. 

OK, I understand, thank you very much :-)

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14 hours ago, glegolo said:

For me personally, as long as these restrictions doesn´t touch me, I dont care. I have learnt the essentials here in Thailand, and have no problem, in either posting my 90 day report, doing it online, or even going there in person, no big deal at all,, retiremed I am....


Yearly extensions easy, and exactly done the very same way as for 9 years ago, so no change there either.... And on top of that re entry permits, just buy one, and jump on a plane, no big deal....


So I do not personally see any problem, and cant understand all that complaining from many people.... But the biggest complainers are indeed the ones that dont understand the VISA and extension process... They live in the dark, and see it all as problematic..


So if Thailand would knock on my door, and tell me I am not welcome any more, I would of course leave, but not otherwise..


Good luck all..



Your first sentence says it all........Bravo 


Even though I don't live in Thailand full time, hell I don't live anywhere 'full time'  I am a 66 yo vagabond, but no one will ever have to pay my rent for me  (haha)  when I am tired of living in other countries, I am sure I will set me feet firmly in Thailand somewhere.

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9 hours ago, simon43 said:




I don't want to take this topic off-course.  But the 30+30+30 lease has never been legal in any shape or form.  Legal opinion is that if it were challenged in Court, then the initial 30 years of that 'fake' lease would also be declared false and non-enforceable.


I suggest you go and talk with a lawyer, preferably not the one that 'sold' you the idea of a 30+30+30 year lease.

Haven't heard that term in about 35 years, was an urban legend back then as well.  Knew about a dozen American bar 'owners' back in the seventies (I was one of them) who also thought they had a 30 year lease, option for 30 more, then final 30 more.  but we all had lawyers, I still retain the daughter of one of them, and the lawyers all ensure the law was 'real'.  Until the Thai Navy decided everyone on the sea side of Pattaya was encroaching on Thai Navy Property...........I sold out  because we thought they would start tearing down the bars on the sea side of what is now Walking Street  -  bad decision, it never happened.  Story of my life  (hahaha)

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Many people are forced to leave Thailand, whether it be financial reasons, relationship breakdown etc., return home, and tell you moving back was the best thing they have ever done.

Funny how they spend all their free time on here telling us all what a bad place Thailand is !

Personally, I love it.

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48 minutes ago, bodymassagemyfriend said:

Give it a few years. More protectionism everywhere ,Thailand bright days are over.

Regarding software which is my domain of expertise , nothing works in Asia , outsourcing is mainly successfull in east Europa. Indians and Asian dont have the mindset and software requires high quality everytime everywhere. For Rookies , just open a website here , click on 'English' language and see what you get. Half translated stuff with appalling layout and refresh rate. Look at BigC 

horrible website.


Also internet technology is a winner take all environment ( see AirBnb ) so there is no place for second best.


I dont know what will make Thai economy successfull to be honnest. Condos are built i guess from the incredible cash flow from Chinese bailing out from their currency and

fake money printed by central bank. Interest rates start to rise. 


Very tough environment ahead.

Pay tax that is what will help the  thai economy to be successful.

the place is a joke not a lot of people pays tax , you see every we're you go .

food sells pay no tax thai shops pay no tax it go's on and on .


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8 hours ago, Notowork said:

Many of us expats only dream about having that much wealth at your age,... well done we are all so proud of you!


But then the issue is.. Why would you come somewhere in which making more assets is very difficult, versus somewhere its easy to make more wealth.. 


Secondly somewhere which is rapidly developing, appreciating, and getting more expensive... Not just now, but 5 or 10 years out must be on peoples horizons even the elderly ones. 

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4 minutes ago, bandito said:


Firstly, I don't feel treated as a 2nd class citizen, to the contrary I feel privileged by most Thais.

Never a harsh word of them and going out of their way to help me if needed without asking.

I am married to a Thai lady, going on now to 32 years of marriage and we have a son and daughter.

I am not one to want anything to own like land, house and everything is in my wifes name, even the bankbooks except the one I need for Immigration.

I will only leave Thailand at end of life in a puff of smoke while the monks are chanting.

40+ years here and counting.


Happy for you , but you are 1 in a million.

lots have problems in thailand with wife or

gf .

40 years is a very long time to live in thailand you need a  medal I think .

me no way  tried to live there last 4 months and can't stand the place ok to go and  visit the gf family and see some friends that is it .

i think I live in the best country in the world Australia and I think I am the luckys man in the world to live here .

thailand is great for getting woman when you want one but that is it , if not for the thai woman 95% of man would not go and live in thailand , no one go's for the thai  temples do they .

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1 hour ago, Thaiwrath said:

Many people are forced to leave Thailand, whether it be financial reasons, relationship breakdown etc., return home, and tell you moving back was the best thing they have ever done.

Funny how they spend all their free time on here telling us all what a bad place Thailand is !

Personally, I love it.

What you don't spend your free time telling how good thailand is ? . 

The place is a s??? Hole , if you think  otherwise you go round with  blinkers on .

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3 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

What you don't spend your free time telling how good thailand is ? . 


Its called confirmation bias.. We all do it.. 


Those who wish to come, validate that choice by believing its the right choice.. 

Those who are here.. Validate that choice by believing its the right choice..

Those who have left or are leaving.. Validate that choice by believing its the right choice.. 


For me the trick is to remain agile enough to not be trapped by anything anywhere.. And objective enough to detect changes in myself or the place as they happen.. To fight against my own confirmation bias and make objective impressions. This last summer back in Europe gave me a jolt to my previously held beliefs. The last year gave me a nudge that this may have been the case.. 


Where that leads next years, 3 years, 5 years etc... I hope I remain open minded.. Staying loose with all options open is a big winner for me. 

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19 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

appreciate that. I guess my lsackground is more ''cifmplicated''. We are a western couple, moved around a lot in the past 45 years - our 3rd country of choice to live in. We have rental properties and we have always wanted to own the land we live on, just like the previous countries. there are just some other than forms, things which tip the balance in favour of upping stakes and moving to where we are not treated as second class citizens. It would be useful if anyone else replying discloses whether they married a Thai lady/man ? thanks for your time and the Best, for 2017, everyone.


There are a lot of countries In which foreigners are not permitted to buy property, particularly 'landed' property.  It has the effect of pushing up prices for locals, as evidenced In Australia.


I don't have a definitive solution, but I would be very wary of buying property, even If I could, In amny 'developing' country, not even a condo In Thailand, which Is legal, and I certainly wouldn't be part of any dodgey arrangement sych as the nominee setup.


If you can afford to buy, you can afford to rent.

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16 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Happy for you , but you are 1 in a million.

lots have problems in thailand with wife or

gf .

40 years is a very long time to live in thailand you need a  medal I think .

me no way  tried to live there last 4 months and can't stand the place ok to go and  visit the gf family and see some friends that is it .

i think I live in the best country in the world Australia and I think I am the luckys man in the world to live here .

thailand is great for getting woman when you want one but that is it , if not for the thai woman 95% of man would not go and live in thailand , no one go's for the thai  temples do they .


Well, I have to agree with you about Australia it's indeed a beautifull country and worth living there.

Been there lots of times in my working life and liked it there but I ended up in Thailand.

Not everybody likes it here in Thailand which is a normal thing.

How I ended up here is a story in itself.

Wish you a happy life in Australia.


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