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Would You Leave Thailand ?

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6 hours ago, villagefarang said:

This Farang is not going anywhere.:biggrin:

I'm not going anywhere either, but I'm disgusted by the treatment of the Thai government towards us expats, jumping through unnecessary hoops, risking lives on visa runs, making it harder for us by tightening up more rules as the years go on, of course I could go back to the UK and leave my beautiful wife, and get blown about by hurricane this and then hurricane that, and having to find ways to avoid paying as much of these unfair taxes

as possible.:sad: Yes after all I have said, in Thailand the good still outweighs the bad. :biggrin:

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6 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

appreciate that. I guess my background is more ''complicated''. We are a western couple, moved around a lot in the past 45 years - this being our 3rd country of choice to live in. We have rental properties and we have always wanted to own the land we live on, just like the previous countries. there are just some other than forms, things which tip the balance in favour of upping stakes and moving to where we are not treated as second class citizens. It would be useful if anyone else replying discloses whether they married a Thai lady/man ? thanks for your time and the Best, for 2017, everyone.

"We are a western couple". Talking about western couples and going a bit off topic, what's happened to Soi Biker? 

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7 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Have spent the last year setting up exactly this.. From a few years ago buying 5 rai for the grand villa and maybe a bunch of rental homes around a pool (estimated 30 mil inward) to dropping off extensions back to a ME visa, going and setting up a fall back home in the west, starting a biz back there, and the full lifeboat option to be on a plane in a day or two without any real interruption to my life just in case.. 


What I discovered this summer was

1) the UK is probably cheaper, for the life I lead and the things I consume these days than Thailand is

2) theres sooo much to do that I had forgotten I loved (track days, racing calendar, flight lessons, music festivals, bands, etc).. 

3) making money is so easy back there that not only is it not costing me anything, its set to me making me multi 100k doing it. 


I am younger than some at 43, been 'retired' here since I was 28.. Allowed myself to become brainwashed by every expats complaints of trips home, the self validation of 'how great it was to be back' or holiday makers gushing over how lucky it is to be here.. Sure it may be fine at 60 to wind down and live slow in a semi decent climate but this last year has me enthused with the action of being back in europe, my only problems involve the wife / travel / our dog / etc.. 


Of course its cold and dark in the UK now.. So I am here.. Counting the days until the winter is over to get back. I am really wondering if I wouldnt do far better having a villa in portugal for the winter rather than here. The biz I have started can easily pay for that cost without touching any of my nestegg. 



Sorry. If you retired at 28 I don't think you are typical of the people here and are therefore in entirely different circumstances to most. The views of those who are just getting by and would have to weigh up their options very carefully and without 'grand villas' are more relevant.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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6 minutes ago, simon43 said:




I don't want to take this topic off-course.  But the 30+30+30 lease has never been legal in any shape or form.  Legal opinion is that if it were challenged in Court, then the initial 30 years of that 'fake' lease would also be declared false and non-enforceable.


I suggest you go and talk with a lawyer, preferably not the one that 'sold' you the idea of a 30+30+30 year lease.



It was, as they say, accepted and endorsed by local land offices as 'legal' at that time.. 


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This comes up every once in a while. Despite the current gov and forever spiralling prices (plus high bahts vs crashing Western currencies) etc, I don't think anything major is going to happen, such as 'get out of here' or BIG visa changes. However, it is quite fickle, and, IMO, you never know and no matter how set you are (I like it here and like being around Thais), one should probably have some sort of plan B. But, yes, defo a very different place to 10-15 years ago.

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6 hours ago, mstevens said:

I can't answer the question of whether I would leave Thailand or not - as I do not live there - but I can explain why I choose not to live there year round.  Over the past few years I have spent several months each year in Thailand.  I enjoy it as a base to visit other parts of the region.


This past year I spent almost 9 months in Thailand.  Last year it was less than 4 months.  The year before it was maybe 8 months.  Unlike many, I fly back Down Under every few months and don't stay in Thailand for any more than 4 months at a time.  I like Thailand, but I like my own country too!


I am under 50 and semi-retired (I have passive income but do not work) so if I wanted to stay in Thailand I guess my visa options would be to use multiple-entry tourist visas or buy the the Elite card.  If I was going to spend most of my time for the next 5 years in Thailand I would get the Elite card.  However, I find after a few months I need to get away from Thailand for a couple of months and find the place all gets a bit much for me.  At times it is just too hot and at other times I get annoyed with the people - that is the foreign residents.


Thailand has a lot going for it but living year round is too much for me.  I enjoy the variety of moving backwards and forwards between Australia and Thailand and find that splitting my time between the two countries keeps me happy and I bore of neither.



I feel the same as you going and coming to Australia, just come home Australia after 4 months in thailand and am so much happy here .

just everything is just so much better then thailand it is like black and white , Australia being white, like had ex ray to day after a  accident in thailand some months ago cost me not dollar.

the shopping at home in Melbourne just so good and prices not far away from thai prices.

My thai loves Australia just say how lucky we are to have a great county like Australia.

Not care but not understand how someone can give up a great county like Australia and move to thailand full time , but up to them .

I could never ever live full time in the land of so called smiles, of what I see not a lot of smiles.


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4 minutes ago, laislica said:

We spend 5 months in Thailand so my wife can spend time with her family.

6 months plus in Spain where the cost of living is similar to Thailand, if you are able to remove the cost of housing.

My Thai wife has a Spanish Foreigners ID, good for 5 years and can come and go without further paperwork or costs.

No TM 30 or 90 day reports for her.

She part owns property in Spain.

She has Spanish NHS cover.

The weather is semi tropical, it feels safe, the language is easy to learn, we have Thai friends.


We are currently beginning to talk about not visiting Thailand for winter 2017/8.

Air fares saved could be spent bringing a couple of family members to Spain for a holiday.....

I am almost 75 and she almost 55 and I hate/am allergic to mozzies!!!! Which is my biggest bitch about Thailand.

I dread "after dark"when the mozzies are most active and so I miss going out for walks etc.


Soon after Songkran we will return to Spain and I will breath a sigh of relief.

We have a car in Spain but not in Thailand because of the crazy driving here....

We would also like to spend time traveling in Europe to visit some of the many friends we have there.

Oh, and see some snow LOL


We just had a holiday with friends to the Bridge over the River Kwai and then on to Hua Hin where the attractions seem to focus on bar girls and the like and sleazy places.

Places that are of no interest to me or my wife.....




So in a nutshell, you don't live in Thailand so why  bother replying ?

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1 hour ago, laislica said:

We spend 5 months in Thailand so my wife can spend time with her family.

6 months plus in Spain where the cost of living is similar to Thailand, if you are able to remove the cost of housing.

My Thai wife has a Spanish Foreigners ID, good for 5 years and can come and go without further paperwork or costs.

No TM 30 or 90 day reports for her.

She part owns property in Spain.

She has Spanish NHS cover.

The weather is semi tropical, it feels safe, the language is easy to learn, we have Thai friends.


We are currently beginning to talk about not visiting Thailand for winter 2017/8.

Air fares saved could be spent bringing a couple of family members to Spain for a holiday.....

I am almost 75 and she almost 55 and I hate/am allergic to mozzies!!!! Which is my biggest bitch about Thailand.

I dread "after dark"when the mozzies are most active and so I miss going out for walks etc.


Soon after Songkran we will return to Spain and I will breath a sigh of relief.

We have a car in Spain but not in Thailand because of the crazy driving here....

We would also like to spend time traveling in Europe to visit some of the many friends we have there.

Oh, and see some snow LOL


We just had a holiday with friends to the Bridge over the River Kwai and then on to Hua Hin where the attractions seem to focus on bar girls and the like and sleazy places.

Places that are of no interest to me or my wife.....



Seems like your losing a month every year :sad:

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I have never been happier in my life than I am today, and I have had far more than most


I have a couple of technical problems like two different cancers, not identified earlier due to possible hospital malpractice


I retired 23 yrs ago, and travelled the world


I screwed up a few times, well lets say no more !


I have so far only been married four times, this time 9 yrs, so far so good, I am married just a day at a time!!


The Russian/ Israeli lady, well actually the bitch not from hell but much worse, wife No3


She took 90% of my world wide assets after 18 mths


I am such a lucky man, I came to Thailand, 10 yrs ago looking to be picked up, I was, I did choose Hua Hin


Because I thought it was a little more upmarket


I suggest those who are not happy look at themselves


God has looked after me so well, he/she is very busy so we have to help, it is not fair to expect it to happen without our help


I posted this yesterday, when UbonJoe said the government site had been closed down


Well what a positive way to protect against hacking, have nothing to hack

On the same basis all vehicles, trucks, busses,  minivans and cars need to be banned, 

Then road deaths over the holiday period would be substantially cut

Happy holidays, I will go next week to immigration in the OX cart !


Gentlemen and Ladies

I consider I am fortunate and grateful to be here in Thailand


I have far too many imperfections, if in doubt ask my wife, Thailand also has imperfections


Lets be happy we are fortunate enough to be living here


So far as I understand no one will stop us returning to our original country


God Bless and Happy New Year

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