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UK in 2030: older, more unequal and blighted by Brexit, report predicts


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15 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

Brexit needs to be stopped...for the good of the nation and the world.....and this is how it should, nay will start


"It would be good if the majority of members of parliament could recall and act upon Edmund Burke’s 1774 address to the electors of Bristol: they should summon up the courage to act as representatives, not delegates of constituencies " W. Keegan.


15 hours ago, billd766 said:


Over 17 MILLION people in the UK disagreed with you yet you still believe that your opinions are better than theirs and far more important too.


Bad news for you. They are not.



The referendum result equates to 5.2  out 10 who voted chose leave.

3,7  out of 10 of eligible voters chose leave

I think Whiskas once claimed 8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas , 

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17 hours ago, billd766 said:


Over 17 MILLION people in the UK disagreed with you yet you still believe that your opinions are better than theirs and far more important too.


Bad news for you. They are not.



Even that is nowhere near a majority.

However if every single person in the UK voted that the world was flat, would that make it so?

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Black Swan, yeah you're gonna predict what the world is gonna be like in 2030. Somebody needs to give these guys a reality check. I'll tell you what the world will be like in 2030 - we'll have made alien contact, we'll be recovering from a zombie apocalypse, and there'll be a very big asteroid heading directly towards us. Give me a break.

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9 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Oh Deer (Pun intended) someone just joins TV or more likely an old remoaner banging the same rhetoric on this thread and probably others. It is time that you A Deer woke up, start supporting the will of the people and stop complaining about a democratic process. If you start at the beginning of this thread you will see that even the hardline remoaners have now started to finally accept Brexit and are moving on, although slightly. Going over the same argument is futile and quite frankly tedious.

The old argument of having a second referendum has dwindled to letting parliament decide, from the remainers perspective. If you are unhappy with the referendum then you have a democratic choice at the next election. Good luck


I had a look at Cumgranosalum's profile. He hasn't been active since last November, when he received a couple of visits from moderaters. Looks to me like he got a long suspension :wink:.

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9 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I had a look at Cumgranosalum's profile. He hasn't been active since last November, when he received a couple of visits from moderaters. Looks to me like he got a long suspension :wink:.

Wow that's a long stint in the naughty corner. I disagree with him but welcome him back so to speak.

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Aside from the Brexit effects, the rest of the predictions are no news flash.  Are the populations aging in all developed countries ... of course just look at the population statistics and mathematically project forward.  Will immigrant groups constitute a greater percent of the population in the future in most countries ... of course just need to project net immigration and birth statistics.  Will investment rates of return decline and remain low for the next 10 years ... certainly if you subscribe to the projection that there will be global deflation.  Will income distribution continue to make the rich richer and the poor and middle class poorer ... sure, that has been the trend for the past 20 years and it's accelerating everywhere.  Is the UK pension plan underfunded?  Is the Pope Catholic?  I can't say if Brexit will be a good or bad thing.  It just seems very odd to be placing the blame for trends that have been happening for some time and are happening in most of the developed countries on Brexit.  This is a shocking biased and lightweight report.

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UK ,   Ambassador to EU quits ,

and warns  staff , over muddled  thinking.

    Prime Minister May is  on track for Brexit  ,  so  we  are  told . 


Edited by elliss
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