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Trump national security adviser Flynn resigns in controversy over Russian contacts


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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

"….inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information." :cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy:




Flynn was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow in late 2015 celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government.

After the Nov. 8 election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the Interfax news agency that the Russian government was in touch with members of Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and knew most of his entourage.


Flynn held five phone calls with Russia's ambassador to Washington on the day the United States retaliated for Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election,

Sean Spicer said that Flynn had contacted the Russia’s ambassador on Dec. 25 to wish him a Merry Christmas. Spicer also mentioned another contact on Dec. 28, which was the day before the sanctions were announced. He said that on Dec. 28, Flynn texted and called Kislyak to discuss the logistics of setting up a phone call between the president-elect and Russian President Vladimir Putin after Inauguration.


Trump praised "very smart" Putin on sanctions response , President Trump said he ignored all of the public information available about the Flynn/Russia connection : "“I don’t know about that. I haven’t seen it. What report is that? I haven’t seen that. I’ll look into that,”  ( also, Trump called a dossier that contains salacious claims about him in Russia "fake news" and "phony stuff.")


“We have already said there have not been any such talks,” insisted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, when asked whether Flynn and envoy Sergey Kislyak talked about rolling back tough sanctions imposed by President Obama, once President Trump had assumed office, TASS reported."


Vice President Mike Pence did not know that Flynn may have discussed sanctions in the December conversation and believes "it's a problem."


..so is it that  Russian Amabassador was inadvertently given unwanted informations among with Xmas Greetings ?



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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Trump didnt know nuffin'


It was very disingenuous and slimy of obama to levy those sanctions in his last few days in office when it was clear he wasn't going to be around to account for them.


It was just done in a desperate bid to scuttle any rapprochement with russia…..the idea was to make trump look like he was doing a special favour to putin if he reviewed the sanctions. And of course to make Mr Trump look bad.


Trump should immediately demand the evidence that obama used to make up his mind…and go from there.

So you are saying it was OK for Russia to hack US computers?  And put the info on the internet with the potential intent of having an impact on the elections?  Really?


How can Trump make an intelligent decision?  If you remember, he refused to meet with the various security agencies.  Which is where Obama got the evidence from.  Probably because they'd show the election results were effected and maybe, just maybe, he would have lost.  It's very hard to defend somebody like Trump.

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10 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Trump didnt know nuffin'


It was very disingenuous and slimy of obama to levy those sanctions in his last few days in office when it was clear he wasn't going to be around to account for them.


It was just done in a desperate bid to scuttle any rapprochement with russia…..the idea was to make trump look like he was doing a special favour to putin if he reviewed the sanctions. And of course to make Mr Trump look bad.


Trump should immediately demand the evidence that obama used to make up his mind…and go from there.

Actually, he's already been shown the evidence. And according to his various spokespeople, he accepts it.  Which, given that it's Trump we're talking about, has a predictive power of roughly 0.

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2 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:

In like Flynn? Booted out, rather.


Sean Spicer's next. A White house full of incompetent buffoons.


The wheel's are coming off the Trump presidency already.

American democracy voted him in and it's my 'guess' that he will run again in 2020 and then it will be easier. Not because he's wonderful but rather the opposition has been totally decimated, they have no one that could even consider winning, especially that clown who was Hillary's running mate, what an embarrassment. The president will just ride out the first 6 months meeting heads of state, eating caviar and doing what he plans to do with the country, after that all will be easy. Oh I forgot The Oscars, I wonder if Me Me me Meryl will speak again?


American's voted him in (through THEIR wonderful system) deal with it.

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Of course Trump fired her...



Sally Yates warned Trump that Flynn was compromised by Russia, officials say


The acting attorney general informed the Trump White House late last month that she believed Michael Flynn had misled senior administration officials about the nature of his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States, and warned that the national security adviser was potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail, current and former U.S. officials said.


The message, delivered by Sally Q. Yates and a senior career national security official to the White House counsel, was prompted by concerns that Flynn, when asked about his calls and texts with the Russian diplomat, had told Vice President-elect Mike Pence and others that he had not discussed the Obama administration sanctions on Russia for its interference in the 2016 election, the officials said. It is unclear what the White House counsel, Donald McGahn, did with the information.



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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Nothing to be alarmed about….he did wrong and now he's gone. Wish you could say the same about certain other presidential also-rans.

Yes, but also gone is the AG who warned the White House that this guy was at the least disingenuous in his statements when questioned about what had and hadn't been discussed with the Russian ambassador.


1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

A senior Trump administration official said that the White House was aware of the matter, adding that “we’ve been working on this for weeks.”

...all this talk of 'draining the swamp' and they still can't get the bloody pump started.


2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

"….inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information." :cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy:


...or were they simply more of Conway's alternative facts?

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The man slated to take over for ousted National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was one of his right-hand men.

Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg served as the National Security Council chief of staff under Flynn and was tasked with overhauling the Defense Department under President Trump's transition team.

Right who is going to be the first to throw mud at Kellog?

It's a fun game these American elections, I suppose I would feel sour if the UK elected Corbyn or Abbott


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unfortunately, there are still a truckload of loons still working in or with the Trump administration.


Thanks for the link. Prior to quick reading the link I really had a challenge in trying to comprehend what on earth is going on with the alt right, now some of the fog has cleared. Just amazing how US strategic thinking has been polluted  by loons at the highest levels of influence within the current Administration.


The people who have put their names to the Team B report and the full document at:



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5 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Let's be clear.  He didn't resign because he did something wrong.  He resigned because he got caught - thanks to the "dishonest" media.


What do you think are the chances that Congress investigates the matter?  Try not to laugh.

The chances are quite good congress will investigate the matter.  Even Republicans are starting to abandon Trump. LOL

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The only consistent feature of this administration, call it policy if you will, is Lie, lie and more lies. Trump saying "I haven't seen that" (or heard, or read, etc) hardly lets him off the hook: what do you do, other than tweet about Hamilton or SNL? Hey mook, being president has some real responsibility. It is scary how disconnected from slightest inkling of what job entails he has

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Read this account from Politico, and for anybody who didn't already know it, clear evidence that Trump's in way over his head and flailing about.






Being president is harder than Donald Trump thought, according to aides and allies who say that he’s growing increasingly frustrated with the challenges of running the massive federal bureaucracy.


In interviews, nearly two dozen people who’ve spent time with Trump in the three weeks since his inauguration said that his mood has careened between surprise and anger as he’s faced the predictable realities of governing, from congressional delays over his Cabinet nominations and legal fights holding up his aggressive initiatives to staff infighting and leaks.


The administration’s rocky opening days have been a setback for a president who, as a billionaire businessman, sold himself to voters as being uniquely qualified to fix what ailed the nation. Yet it has become apparent, say those close to the president, most of whom requested anonymity to describe the inner workings of the White House, that the transition from overseeing a family business to running the country has been tough on him.



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Conway spoke to the media, and told them Trump has full confidence in Flynt. AN HOUR LATER spicer announced Flynt was resigning, and Conway did not have her info straight. Amateur hour continues. 


Is this the fastest major resignation in US history? Trump went on and on about how careless Clinton was on foreign policy, which she was. But, is this guy up to the task? Who will be next? Spicer? Conway? What impact does this have on our Russian relationship? There is a pattern of bad judgment here. Flynt never should have been selected to begin with. They were warned about his relations with Russia. Often high ranking soldiers do not make great spymasters. In this case, what can one say? 


And the most worrisome part of all of this is that Trump fired a very experienced Joint Chief of Staff from his inner circle, and his national security council, and replaced him with Lord Bannon. I mean is this reckless behavior, or am I missing something here?

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I thought between the election and now it has been said plenty times that sanctions will be reduced or rearranged. No secrets that POTUS thinks he can deal with Putin; Flynn is a dummy for not telling the truth. Everyone knows everything is up for renegotiating these days.

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Not a chance that others in the administration didn't already know this before Trump was sworn in. It is disheartening  to know that being true to form, the administration had no intention of cutting this guy loose after they were warned by the Justice Department that he was a potential black mail risk. It wasn't until the news outlets were fed the information that they finally dumped him.  

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Trump didnt know nuffin'


It was very disingenuous and slimy of obama to levy those sanctions in his last few days in office when it was clear he wasn't going to be around to account for them.


It was just done in a desperate bid to scuttle any rapprochement with russia…..the idea was to make trump look like he was doing a special favour to putin if he reviewed the sanctions. And of course to make Mr Trump look bad.


Trump should immediately demand the evidence that obama used to make up his mind…and go from there.

Um, Trump has the evidence.  He's the president.

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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

I doubt Pence was aware. In fact, Flynn had mislead Pence, so if anyone should be angry it is Pence. This is the 2nd time he has embarrassed Trump publicly. The first was when he and his son offered malicious lies accusing Mrs. Clinton of being implicated in a pedophile ring. 


President Obama terminated Flynn on the recommendation of  senior intelligence and military officials.  Trump gave this ill disciplined nut a second chance and he let his boss down. There was a crisis of confidence at the NSA and his departure  is the first step in fixing the problem.


Rather than seeing this as a negative, I see it as a positive: They got rid of a  dangerous dud fast. Time to move on. It's a  warning to any other people in the administration: Screw up and you are gone, fast.

I hate to say it but I agree with you.  He was areal conspiracy theorist with way out ideas, shared with his loony son.  Ps I hate to agree with you but only because I hate trump and Hillary almost equally an therefore do not like to endorse anything that benefits either of them.

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8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Isn't Trump guilty of exactly the same by telling the British Govt that Ferange should be their ambassador while he too had yet to take post?


as well as his "push to stop a United Nations resolution criticizing Israel directly aimed at decisions still being made by his predecessor in his final days in office.(a rare effort by a new president to shape international events even before taking office)"



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I doubt trump will last four years, unless he figures out a way to settle down. if he continues his battle with the dems, the rest of the planet, and all foes seen or unforseen, he will not last. resignation, impeachment or an aneurysm. he will have to get some hypnosis, and figure out a way to get outside of that very conflicted head of his. he is a dark spirit. yep. Alot of conflicts in his mind. I see him as a man with very, very low self esteem, that stems from knowing he has screwed 1,000's of little guys out of large sums of cash, over a period of almost 40 years. He uses his bluster to cover up the lack of self esteem. He is very hateful, and has no control over his emotions. Unless someone on his staff gets him under control I guarantee we will witness a historic meltdown of this administration.

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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I doubt trump will last four years, unless he figures out a way to settle down. if he continues his battle with the dems, the rest of the planet, and all foes seen or unforseen, he will not last. resignation, impeachment or an aneurysm. he will have to get some hypnosis, and figure out a way to get outside of that very conflicted head of his. he is a dark spirit. yep. Alot of conflicts in his mind. I see him as a man with very, very low self esteem, that stems from knowing he has screwed 1,000's of little guys out of large sums of cash, over a period of almost 40 years. He uses his bluster to cover up the lack of self esteem. He is very hateful, and has no control over his emotions. Unless someone on his staff gets him under control I guarantee we will witness a historic meltdown of this administration.


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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I doubt trump will last four years, unless he figures out a way to settle down. if he continues his battle with the dems, the rest of the planet, and all foes seen or unforseen, he will not last. resignation, impeachment or an aneurysm. he will have to get some hypnosis, and figure out a way to get outside of that very conflicted head of his. he is a dark spirit. yep. Alot of conflicts in his mind. I see him as a man with very, very low self esteem, that stems from knowing he has screwed 1,000's of little guys out of large sums of cash, over a period of almost 40 years. He uses his bluster to cover up the lack of self esteem. He is very hateful, and has no control over his emotions. Unless someone on his staff gets him under control I guarantee we will witness a historic meltdown of this administration.

Good post, just have a look at this.



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Here's a written version of that same report.


I'm sure seeing these reports on the news, including CNN, is going to drive him even more BONKERS than he already is!




And a link to the original letter as published in the NYTimes:





Dr. Dodes is a retired assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Schachter is a former chairman of the Committee on Research Proposals, International Psychoanalytic Association. The letter was also signed by 35 other psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.


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